Color Interaction Parings: Phase 1

Based on the articles presented, it seems that color, which was once thought of as a constant, is in fact, relative.  According to Josef Albers in The Magic and  Logic of Color;

“In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is”

So color is subjective, meaning in one way or another we all see color a little bit differently than the person next to us. from what I was able to gather based on my very small knowledge of color theory, it appears that having your color, lets say a green, beside or surrounded by a darker color, preferably one very different from it, such as a black, can make the color look darker, than if it had a white background, and comparing them, it almost tricks your brain into seeing one darker or lighter than the other.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 3

Step 1 – Color Research Process.

Outgoing/Curious/Relax/Sports/ Hiphop

Step 2 – Color Mockups 

I picked the red color for my partner Olando because to me it resembles energy for sports. In the video it talks about being in a red room makes you talk more so I think red can also represent outgoing. Our shared color is green because our favorite colors are mint/lime and dark green. The green shows relaxation as well.

Step 3 –  Icon Research Process

Olando's icon
Evelyn’s thumbnails

I chose a fox to represent Olando because when I think of curious and active I think of fox’s being a hunter of some sort always moving. Besides that, a fox is generally quick when they move and that reminds me of Olando’s love for sports, the energy you can get from hip-hop, and being outgoing.


This took 2 hours

Didactic four

Here, we can see a woman, loosely resembling the Virgin Mary in a contemporary style, weeping, surrounded by a red halo, and next to a heart, with a yellow bored around it, and thin blue, vaguely gothic archways in its corners. This piece is centered around the word ‘Afflatus’ meaning a divine creative impulse or inspiration, and can be seen above. In a way this piece captures the definition, its Devine inspiration is the Devine.

Marker, pen

Didactic three

This piece, entitled ‘Shunned’ shows 3 figures, one in the background, one in the midground another in the foreground. Directly above the middle figure is the word ‘Shunned’ written in large letters, and it is this man that is trapped between the two blank figures, since he is the one being shunned, combined with the use of a dark heavy marker this artist further tries to fully direct the viewers attention toward the figure, and also way from it.

white gen pen, Marker, Pencil

Didactic two

This piece centers around the definition of ‘Weal’ that which is best for someone or something. The illustration depicts ole figures linking hands and forming a circle around the word, and the original text featured in the book. These figures come together in a supportive circle, much like other illustration featuring of people on earth standing together holding hands.

ink, watercolor

Class Notes: Practice Final Exam

In today’s class, you will be writing a practice final exam. This writing will become the basis for our Final Exam review next week.

You should bring with you your practice Final Exam reading “A Natural Fix for ADHD” by Richard A. Friedman, and make sure it’s as marked up as you need it to be to write the essay.

You were also given a copy of the questions. Bring that page as well. Choose one of the two questions and write your response.

Your writing is your attendance for the day. I need one volunteer to get the envelope from my mailbox (N512) and one volunteer to return the envelope with everyone’s writing.

For the lab, we decided that the best use of time would be to work on Project #4. This can include drafting your didactic panels, drafting or further developing your catalogue entry, or beginning to draft the cover letter. We will address the cover letter in class on Monday, so it would be most productive if everyone had spent some time brainstorming for that aspect of the assignment.

If you have any questions, please ask by leaving here or emailing me directly. If you would like to volunteer to pick up or drop off the envelope, please do so by leaving a comment here. I will be very grateful!

Didactic 4

Didactic 4: sociology

This part is the book is located in the middle part of the book. It represents the idea of societal structure. So for this part, I gave the illustration of houses that happen to look alike and separated by a river. This part of the book also represents one of the main themes in this book which relates to balance and fabrication. 


Didactic 3

Didactic 3: Carousing

This part of the book illustrates a bottle of liqour on a page sourounded by liqour. It also illustrates the idea of alcohol and how its portrayed in society. Also the liquid around the bottle doesn’t represents liquor, it also represents those people who happen to be engaged in drinking or alcoholics. It also shows how people tend to drown in their own problems hence the alcohol drowning them because they involve themselves in alcohol. Liquor only makes things worst not better.


didactic 2

Didactic 2: Fictitious

This part of the book is located towards the end section of the book. I drew a pink panther because it illustrates the theme of fabrication. I also cut up squares to give the illusion of the pink panther walking down the stairs. Its fictitious due to the fact that panthers cant walk like a human because they crawl on the ground. Also the theme of fabrication plays a big role in this book because its shows how creative the book can get when there’s no limits.


didactic 1

Didactic 1: Omnipotent.

This part of the book represents the word Omnipotent. I illustrated an eye. I drew an eye because an eye represents the sight and vision. Omnipotent has to do with the overwhelming dominance. I cut up a box and drew an eye because the eye can see everything that is going on around him. An eye also represents dominance because being a blind leader won’t work because in order to have complete control of every aspect you need to see and have visions of the future. Lastly dominance can put things in order.