Doing the glossary a not difficult to commit also wasn’t very time consuming, so that was good as well. The glossary assignment was very beneficial for me and I’m sure everyone else in my English class. With the Glossary, I was able to do many things. The glossary helped me add a bunch of fresh new words into my personal glossary of words I have mentally stored in my mind. The glossary was very useful in that it allowed people to share words that some may or may not know. It allowed students to view these words, try and comprehend the meaning of these words, and store them in their mental glossary themselves. The glossary was also a major help when it came to looking for more words. The glossary was very useful when we needed to find some words to use, words that fit the team of our glossument project. I’m sure like me, other students in my class had to look for some words that followed the theme of their glossument book. Since the glossary is shared with every student, we had access to words that fit our theme. The Glossary made it feel as though everyone in the class was working together, helping each student complete their project. It felt as though it was a group assignment, fellow students uniting working together as one. That to me was the best thing the project brought to the table. This was very beneficial, it helped each student finish what was probably the most major project given to us this semester, given the fact that it took us all the whole semester and we were basically preparing to complete this project from the start.