Project 1 phase 4

phase 1 

phase 2

phase 3


this project was really great. i learn the difference between a stable figure relationship and an ambiguous figure relationship.

a stable figure relationship is when  the object is clear different than the background, a ambiguous figure relationship is when the object and the background don’t have a big contrast



“coming or occurring without advance notice UNEXPECTED”– Merriam-Webster dictionary

This word was encountered in the article “The Way We Live Now: 11-11-01; Lost and Found” by COLSON WHITEHEAD

The sentence it was used in is”If you had known, perhaps you would have stepped behind the counter and shaken everyone’s hand, pulled out the disposable camera and issued posing instructions. But you had no idea. There are unheralded tipping points, a certain number of times that we will unlock the front door of an apartment. At some point you were closer to the last time than you were to the first time, and you didn’t even know it. You didn’t know that each time you passed the threshold you were saying goodbye.”

The author was trying to describe how when we don’t pay attention to the environment around us. We take it for granted that the store, monument or item will always be there forever. Everyone has a personal New York city so the things that you pass by the most you never really expected to change but when it does it comes unheralded which means unexpectedly. The author also brings the idea that everyone’s New York is different, so even if the shops around us change we will always remember it as that the first store we saw it as but other tourists, and people moving in won’t see the location the way you do.


Juxtaposition : Project 3

To get to this sculpture, I left the namm building from the main doorway that students come in from on the ground floor. When I got out I made a right, and walked down straight passed the family court and passed the parking garage and stopped in front of the Marriott hotel and crossed the street to myrtle ave. After crossing the street u continue walking straight passed five guys. Now ur walking straight but on your left side ur going to turn and walk a little bit straight like maybe a few inches and your going to see a few red chairs on the left side with trees all around them and the on the right ur going to see the sculpture.


To get to this building,  i exited from the Namm Hall ( main building) and then turned left, walking away in the direction away from the A, C, R trains, while still remaining on Jay St. Once you walked down, you will most lightly wouldn’t be able to catch the light before it changes because its a highway that you have to cross which is called, “Tillary St.” Once you are across the street, you will see a store called, ” Concord Market” and also a food stand where you can get your hot dogs or drinks. On the other side of the street is a park where you see people playing basket ball and kids playground connected to it. The park is called, “McLaughlin Park.” After seeing that, the cathedral should be right there in front of you, you can’t miss it. Your journey there will be slightly challenging if you get out with other college students with already a crowd of people either walking to walk, strolling around where they take their time. Jay street is a busy street so speed walking is recommended. The reason I chose this building because how it looks out of place where the other buildings you see look more sleek, modern, urban, and new in today times. I really like the details on the cathedral and how its old fashion. It has a similar architecture to the ones in Europe. I like buildings who give that field that you aren’t in the city anymore.

Project #3 juxtaposition

The first picture is located right in front of the school. Where the city bike rack is located. When I walked outside there wasn’t a lot of people walking around and there weren’t a lot of people on bikes. The reason I chose this is because of the contrast of people walking and riding bikes were the same, so this line represents the separation of transportation. There were people walking, driving and riding bikes, so that’s what I think the three colors represent.

I say that the paragraph describes the position of the picture because as soon as you walk outside of the building, there is a bike rack that holds blue city bikes literally a foot away from the sidewalk. Then there are plants behind those racks.


I took a picture of an enter and exit sign. I walked about two blocks and I saw a parking lot that included two different things within the same space. One sign says renter and be the other sign says exit. I find that to be juxtaposition because you could do two things exactly opposite things within one space.

Project 3: Juxtaposition

To go to that building, i left from the exit near the pearl building on the second floor of the school. When i got out i made a right, walked to the end of the block of adams street. Then walk across the big crosswalk with a crossing guard there to tillary street. After crossing, cross the street to your right after crossing turn left and there should be a court. Walk down the street of the court and you’ll be between the korean war park and brooklyn memorial park. Then across the street of the other side of the park you’ll see a big building that is under construction.

I chose this building because its under construction currently. I wanna know what kind of building it is and once was. What did it look like before the construction. How long has this building been there. Next to it is also a really tall building that is built.



To take this picture I had to leave through the exit near the pearl building. Then taking a left down the block to cross the street. From there we turn right and go towards the park ahead. Across from the park to the right we see this building.

I took a picture of this building because building with these kind of structures are a rare sight to see now a days, where this building feels like its a castle compared to the other building and apartments around the area.  This becomes the juxtaposition of an old style vs new style. Along that this old style due to not being common it feels like it gives a sort of empowerment feeling of importance, which assuming it is, compared to the tall buildings around it.