
To get to this building,  i exited from the Namm Hall ( main building) and then turned left, walking away in the direction away from the A, C, R trains, while still remaining on Jay St. Once you walked down, you will most lightly wouldn’t be able to catch the light before it changes because its a highway that you have to cross which is called, “Tillary St.” Once you are across the street, you will see a store called, ” Concord Market” and also a food stand where you can get your hot dogs or drinks. On the other side of the street is a park where you see people playing basket ball and kids playground connected to it. The park is called, “McLaughlin Park.” After seeing that, the cathedral should be right there in front of you, you can’t miss it. Your journey there will be slightly challenging if you get out with other college students with already a crowd of people either walking to walk, strolling around where they take their time. Jay street is a busy street so speed walking is recommended. The reason I chose this building because how it looks out of place where the other buildings you see look more sleek, modern, urban, and new in today times. I really like the details on the cathedral and how its old fashion. It has a similar architecture to the ones in Europe. I like buildings who give that field that you aren’t in the city anymore.

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