Urban Artifacts:Phase 2

This took me around 2 hours or a bit more. Within the first image, there are 11 thumbnail sketches choosing three out of them create one ambiguous figure and two stable.  The second shows an ambiguous figure due to the lines reaching towards the edges of the page. Along with having an unstable ground as the white parts of the image can also be a fous point.  The final two picture are stable as it shows clearly what the fous is along with having a larger bakground that supports that image.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

 These are the two inked Compositions I created for Phase 3 of the Urban Artifact project. These images were based on the four refined sketches created for the previous phase of this project.  Out of the four refined sketches, I chose the two images above because even though there simple they also strongly represent the difference between a stable figure/ground relationship and an Ambiguous figure/ground relationship. The first image is a Stable figure/ ground relationship because of how the positive space dominates the negative space. The second image is an Ambiguous figure/ground relationship because of how the positive and negative space almost balances out. This part of the project took 2 hours.

Phase 1


Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

It took me roughly  2-3 hours to complete the thumbnail and refined sketches.

Reminders for ENG 1101, M9/17

Project #1 was due by the end of the day last Wednesday, 9/12. Be sure you submitted it on the FYLC site, choosing “2018 Spevack and Rosen” as your category.

The Project #1 Cover Letter was due by Thursday, 9/13, in my mailbox in N512. I only received a few. Please have these available for me at the start of class.

For Project #2, we got off to a slow start because we didn’t have time to draft in class. Some of you have started drafting on our site, which is great. Take some time to draft on your own, and we will do some in-class drafting on Monday 9/17 as well. Please have spent some time thinking about all parts of the assignment, and have chosen an avatar. When you write about it, it would be good to include a larger version of the image than the thumbnail of you in your avatar, if only for the purposes of analyzing the image.

You will have completed the viewing part of your homework before tomorrow: Watch “Ways of Seeing” Part 1video. However, we have not discussed our blogging guidelines. Please come to class prepared to discuss the video, and we will discuss our blogging guidelines for the semester.

Finally, I asked that everyone be up-to-date with glossary entries. Since tomorrow starts Week 3 for us, that means you should have completed 2 glossary entries so far. We will do some critiques, so it’s essential we have a good supply to work with!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply here or to get in touch with me directly. Thanks to anyone who asked questions because that helps me know what isn’t clear.

See you soon!


Hi, My name is Emmanuel Allan. I am from Haiti,i have been in United States for the last 4 years. I speak Creole, French, English. My passion are soccer, filmmaking, screenwriting, graphic design, photograph. My biggest goal is to be a successful storyteller as a filmmaker, photographer, graphic designer. In 5 years I see myself traveling the world and visiting the best soccer stadium in the world and taking picture and making video of the beauty of earth. Right now my goal is to do my best in college, keep my grades high and learn as much as i can. One of my other goal is to go to the 2034 soccer world cup as a referee, i know it’ s a really long goal, but that’s one of the things that will make me very proud .

My avatar is Steven Splieberg. One of the best filmmaker of all time. he has produced movies like the transformer, jurassic park film series,and all lot more film. I put him as my avatar because he is one of the people i admire. I like the way he works. he was listed as the most influential people in America.

People who don’t know who steven splieberg is might think i put this old man picture of my avatar without meaning behind it, or those who know who he is, might think i don’t know who he is or i am just trying to be fancy. But he is just one of my idol, and watching his works get me to learn filmmaking.


My Avatar

  1. The avatar that I’m using for open lab is my sketch of an anime character because this proves my ability of my type of drawing, an drawing that’s just drawn by pencil with very fine details and showing my potential that I wants to learn and improve more. I’m looking for to be a illustrator artists, therefore, with some time and practice I can create an character from my creative mind without thinking twice.

COMD1100 Reminder for Monday’s Class

Project #1 is DUE

  • Bring finished Inked Compositions on 9×12″ Bristol Board (1 stable, 1 ambiguous) to class for critique.
  • Your Design Process posts Phases 1-3 should be complete and ready to present.
  • If you do not have your work complete, please come to class to participate and support your classmates.

Materials Needed for THIS Monday’s Class:

  • The used book that you are using for your Glossument
  • Materials of your choice: paint, brushes, collage materials, glue stick, X-ACTO knife, scissors, inking pens, etc.
  • We will spend time working on your Glossument in class after the critique.

See you soon!

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2


The first image is a total of 6 thumbnail sketches and it represents an even number of 3 stable figures and 3 ambiguous figures. The time total of the sketch is around 4-5 minutes. The second image represents a ambiguous figure because its detail gives a organic shape that takes most of the ground (negative space) on one side, notice from its nature flow of the line and it’s not a geometric shape. This sketch had taken me in a total of around 3-5 minutes. The final image is consider a stable figure because the figure (positive space) seems to be in a very economy (calm) position therefore there’s not much action going on. This sketch took me in a total of 1-2 minutes (very quick, simple). Some similarities that I can point out between the ambiguous and stable sketch is both are obviously black & white, both have an organic shape and there’s more ground space than figure.

my college experience

Being a new college student can be very hard, but i did not fine my fine week that difficult. i was excited to start college and expected it to be something completely different than how it actually is.

I taught that the classes were going to be harder but i have found them to be really easy. like my math class, i taught i was going to learn some big math formula but all the professor did was fractions and percentages, I have found other class like my foundation drawing class very interesting, i didn’t know how to draw so i am looking forward to learn more from that class.

I also taught the students were going to be more like high school student, but i am happy that everybody has their own life and they don’t feel like they have to be in everybody’s business. how like how civilize all the students are. i like the fact that there is a lot of students, there is student at any time of the day, even in the really late classes. All the students are actually here to work and learn, nobody is here to make fun of the student or professor.

one of my few problems are the elevator, they are either broken or the are too full, sometimes i just take the stairs because it took too long and the line was way too long. Same problem with the I.D card, i had to stand for close to 2 hours to get it, it’s the same with the financial aid, everything is really long and takes time.

so far my college experience has been really good, and very different from what i taught it was going to be. i am looking forward to the rest of the semester and the next 3 years.