Discussion Questions ch. 2&3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the wellbeing  of clients who were in distress.

Back in the middle ages techniques that were used trephining the skull, beating, chaining, starving and bleeding. As time when buy these techniques were improved drastically. scientific therapies and treatments were created and were not at all brutal and harmful to individuals.

2.Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

     The evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society became increasingly modernized. in the middle ages people believed that mental illness were demonic and caused by evil spirits. There weren’t any treatment or medication that would be given. They believed that the only way a person suffering from mental illness would be healed by cutting a whole into their brain releasing the evil spirits.

 3.Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama Care’s mission to make sure every one can afford health care. A lot of less fortunate people were living without so Obama care was created to make sure they have the same opportunity as others.

4.Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Social philosophies were promoted by Individualism, Laissez-faire, and Social Darwinism. Individualism was observed America as the place where anything could happen, once you are willing to do some hard work. Laissez-faire didn’t really promote well-being because the government took little interest in the less fortunate. lastly, Social Darwinism believes that those who are less compatible will not achieve and those who are very compatible will.

5.Describe how the mental health movement promoted the wellbeing of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted well being because back in the middle ages people were treated very brutally. Pioneers such as Dr. Benjamin Rush and Dorothea Dix  fought for this horrible treatments to stop and be raised to a scientific level of study.

6.Describe how the human service movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

The human service movement promoted well being because it created opportunities for many to go into the study of mental health and become metal health workers. For clients this would be very beneficial to them because they would be able to get more help.

7.Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

These three entitlement benefits promote well being by individuals and society being open to more opportunities. Medicaid gives certain states grants that will support them in helping people receive medical and hospital care. Medicare promotes well being for the elderly by providing them with health insurance, and welfare promotes well being because it supports someone’s happiness and health.

8.Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes wellbeing for individuals and society because it help open many federal involvements in human services. It created a passage of a prescription drug act, increased the support of faith-based human services, and health care reform.


1.Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

In the field of technology the trends of technology are attempting to aid a clients well being because it is used to provide more efficient and effective service. It is also attempting because they want to provide access of technology to those who limited. Using technology in the field of human services will help professionals do there job in a more standard way.

2.Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients

it can promote well being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients because it makes the information they receive and the information that they already have more secure. Instead of having a whole bunch of folders and files of a client a human service professional can easier keep track and organize information  by storing it in a computer. professionals can also easily access information about what is going on in the human services field around the world and also can research more ways in which they can increase their knowledge and skill.

3.Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client wellbeing.

Managed care is when methods are created for professionals t follow in order to manage resources and to deliver proper human services to clients. Managed care is mostly promoted to be used in the area of health care and mental health.

4.Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Some  limitations of managed care is when a client is given the least amount of care and giving a client the least amount of treatment as possible. instead of giving an individual the most care as possible, they are given the minimum amount.

5.Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes wellbeing.

Service delivery is when professionals use proper ethics and standards to deal with a client. In order to give good service delivery you have to be well knowledgeable of your client and mainly your job.

6.Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

When a human service professional pay attention to various groups it gives them different views on what is going on around the world. it promotes the well being of specific populations because when you are dealing with these population you already obtained information that will help you deliver proper service.

7.Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

Countries are becoming very over populated and doesn’t contain the service needed. Many suffer from mental illnesses and don’t have the support that is needed to help cure them

8.Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept “teaching a man to fish simply means that a professional should not d all the work for a client but to teach the client how to help themselves. If you do everything for an individual it will not benefit them. When they learn how to care for themselves even after they are put on their own they will be to stand on their own two feet.

9.Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because as a human professional you must always be diverse and always open to different kinds of people. As a human service professional you are not designated to one culture or one race, you are open to everyone.

Chapter 2: A History of Helping and Chapter 3: Human Service Today

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress weren’t anything in comparison to the way they are now. Mental illnesses were believed to be caused by evil spirits. A way of treatment that was used was trephining the skull which is removing a disks of the bone. This was done because they thought that the holes will allow the evil spirits to escape. Another way of treatment was exorcizing. Exorcizing is religious rites done to take out the evil spirits from the body.

  1. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

In the middle ages human well-being services were provided by institutions such as orphanages, the church, the government, hospitals, and the insane asylum. The two major institutions were the hospital and the insane asylum. The hospital provided medical assistance to the ill and also provided food and housing for those in need. Having these institutions showed that the concern of the illness and provided help. Although they tried to provide help the patients didn’t receive effective treatments and the living conditions were poor. Now in present day human service workers have to go through training and acquire knowledge. Going through training and gaining knowledge helps the professional determine the right treatment plan for the client.

  1. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans by providing affordable health insurance. These benefits the well-being of many Americans because now they are able to have health insurance with minimum pay or no pay. This provides help for those that were not able to afford it and reduces the amount of people that are sick and have no help.

  1. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society by individualism, laissez fair, and social Darwinism. Individualism was that poverty was a sign of spiritual weakness and that hard work leads to success. Laissez fair does not focus on individual responsibility but on the government’s responsibility. Social Darwinism is an attempt to help those in need and in return it will facilitate the survival of the “unfit”.

  1. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society because it provided free clinics for mentally ill patients went and were treated and were social services were provided as well. The profession of clinical psychology was created which also helped the well-being because the treatments will be more efficient.

  1. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society by establishing leadership to provide development and training. The mental health treatment shifted from institution to community because there was an increase in clients. This made it possible to provide help to all clients.

  1. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Entitlement benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Welfare promoted the well-being of individuals/society because it provides health insurance to those that are not able to pay for their medical bills or the children’s medical bill. Now more welfare recipients work unlike before which provides well-being because it is helping the person become more self-sufficient with time.

  1. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

The legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society by The Medicare Prescription Drug Act in 2003, this provided help to the patients that need medicine and weren’t able to afford it. It promotes the well-being of individuals and society because they are receiving the help they need.


Chapter 3

  1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology in the field of human services are attempting to aid the client’s well-being by providing more efficient and effective service. Technology is also a good way to service the clients that have limited access. Confidentially is still kept through the use of technology.

  1. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients by providing the professional with easy and fast access to the latest information about different populations, knowledge, and new skills. This will ultimately promote well-being for the client because the professional will the able to assist them better with new skills and knowledge, providing the client with a more effective treatment.

  1. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care is information that is being received or send out and keeping it organized. It is also a way to send information to other organizations or with the workers. This promotes the well-being of the client because the professional will have everything organized and will be able to have everything ready for the client.

  1. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Some of the limitations of managed care are that at times lower level of care is provided. Therefore it is not providing the client with the help and correct treatment the client may need.

  1. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is an interaction between the professional and the client. The professional will talk about and offer the client information, services, or things the client could do to promote its well-being. This will provide well-being because there is interaction between the helper and the client, which provides a more effective treatment and a better relationship with the professional.

  1. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific population by gaining knowledge on different cultures, beliefs, and traditions. This promotes the well-being of a specific population because the professional will be familiar with the culture and traditions that specific population follow. Helping the professional better understand and determine the treatment for the client.

  1. Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

What is happening internationally affects the well-being of US citizens. For example as the population and immigration increase there is going to being more resources needed which will hinder the well-being of US citizens.

  1. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because the professional could only teach the client skills on how to live a better life. The professional can’t just give the client all the answers because then that wouldn’t be really helping the client. Just like “teaching a man to fish” eventually they will learn if they learn the skills. They will never learn if it is always done for them. Once the human service worker gives the client the skills and knowledge then the will be able to do things for themselves and eventually become self-sufficient.

  1. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because the professional will have a better understanding of different cultures. Making the professional able to deal with different type of people and help them in the ways they need help. It will also help the professional better understand the background of the client. Therefore the professional will provide a treatment that fits them.

Chapters 2 & 3

Chapter 2:

1. The techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress are asylums, hospitals and a church. All were used to house and help the people with mental disabilities.

2. The evolution of human well-being services, from the Middle Ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society went from people not being sure as to what exactly ones mental illness was. Until the Middle Ages people believed that mental illness was caused by evil spirits. Then after a while they started to be treated better when they started to better understand it.

3. Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans by Healthy Care reform and signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care.

4. Social philosophies are promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society because individualism is viewed America as the land of opportunity. Laissesz-fair was an economic concept that focused on societal or governmental responsibility. Social Darwinisim, in combination with laissez-faire and the wortk ethic, created a climate for the reform that was to follow.

5.The mental health movement promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society because it aimed to improve mental hospitals, arouse public concern and prevent disease. Providing education on causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, this organization furthered the development of the mental health movement.

6. The human service movement promoted the well-being of happiness by establish greater rapport and credibility with their clients.

7. Entitlement benefits promote the well-being of individuals by, for example, Medicaid gives grants to the states to assist them in helping medically indigent citizens receive medical and hospital care.

Chapter 3

1. Trends of technology in the field of human services are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it is used in the areas of communication, information management, service delivery, and professional development. Also to provide better quality services in a more cost-effective manner.

2. Technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients by making it easier for human service professionals to take advantage of the latest information about population being served as well as the knowledge and skills of emerging best practive.

3. Managed care is a term used to describe a set of tools or methods designed to manage resources, especially in the areas of health care and mental health and it helps both client and human service worker as they work together to plan and provide services.

4. Some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact a well-being is that it influences the delivery of services to clients within the social service network.

5. Service delivery means to be able to bring what the client needs and providing services to the client whenever it is needed and it can be faster and more effieceint.

6. Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of US citizens because of the global population began to increase rapidly in the 20th century.

7. what is happening internationally promotes the international human services continue to be great.

8. The concept of teaching a man to fish promotes well-being

9. cultural competency can promote well-being by having more awareness, understanding and skill about human beings and their diversity.

Chapter 2

  • Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The techniques and solutions that were used in the middle ages were not the best for clients who were in distress. The solutions and techniques used to be chaining, beating, starving, and bleeding. Then, the king used to take care of their land and possessions. It wasn’t until Hippocrates used the scientific approach to explain the distress of clients. Churches were the institutions who were in charged of giving guidance and even helping the poor.

  • Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

The human services provided in the middle ages were very basic and not well developed. The churches who guided the people with problems, had “professionals” who were only working under the beliefs of the church. Not a scientific approach as we do today. In the present day is better to approach clients in a scientific way because its more objective. All individuals have different beliefs, therefore they need to be respected and should not be limited to receive certain services. Hence, society has become more enlightened with different sets of ideas.

  • Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

The mission of Obama- Care is to provide all Americans with accessible health care. Which means that all Americans will be able to afford to receive treatment and care for a low cost. It would be of great help for people who don’t have the resources to have access to health care. However, this would mean to increase taxes, which is why its a very debated topic.

  • Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

A person who believed in individualism, believed that the success in an individual’s life was the complete responsibility of the individual’s characteristics. Therefore, the well being of an individual depended all on them. Laissez-faire was a philosophy that was based on the concept that the government should have little intervention in the economy. Believing in this philosophy meant that the individual had no right to any human service. Social Darwinism was a mix of both of the previous philosophies mentioned. It consisted of survival of the fittest. Individuals who could adapt to whatever the conditions were of the society they will survive.  However, those who couldn’t and would seek help, would not help in the progress of improvement.

Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted well being in clients and society by encouraging improvement of education and treatment. The aim of the mental health movement was to improve the services provided to clients with mental illnesses. Therefore, the Mental Health Association was made for the protection of the client which was one of the biggest encouragements. Furthermore, education on causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment was further developed by the Mental Health association. Which helped the well-being of the clients by providing them with better services.

Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

Many years ago, mental health workers had many responsibilities. As time passed by these responsibilities were being divided into new roles for different and new positions for the field. Since time has passed by, new information has been acquired in the mental health field and therefore it has been implemented.

  • Describe how entitlement benefits(Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the wellbeing of individuals/society.

Medicaid aids citizens by providing states with funds for their health care. Medicare provides health insurance for people over 65 years of age. Welfare helps the poor and unemployed. All of this entitlements promote the wellbeing of individuals and society in their own way.

  • Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

The Medicare Prescription Drug Act and many others were passed in the 21st century and has improved the wellbeing of individuals and society. Moreover, this legislation has provided more diverse services to clients according to their beliefs. Therefore, the wellbeing of individuals has been addressed more carefully throughout time. A big improvement made since the middle ages.


Chapter 3

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it changes the way the profession communicates with their clients in order to meet their needs, medical issue, speaking to a doctor or  looking at their files or transferring them. Its a  better way of communication and more professional in the field .

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can promote well-being in professional development for workers and ultimately clients because technology is used to help  provide better and faster  services to clients  and in society because it allows faster communication and better practice to make decisions and report issues within a client or anything important .

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care promote well-being because human service professionals and their clients work together to  plan and provide a  better and efficient service in order to have a better care and feel protective with the client and the worker.  As well manage care has a lot of different solutions such as strategies which is used to manage resources and deliver better  human services to the client, also it helps them get more benefits and  health care that the employer helps them with .

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Limitations of managed care can impact on the well-being of the client’s as well as the professional because it has certain limits to where the profession have to set a line with the client in order for the client to open up and it causes the human service professional their ability to want to be emotional or provide affection the client, but it has to be professional.

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the relationship between the client’s and the professionals through a computer or program that promotes it promotes good quality service delivery and  provides the client with support.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations because it allow professional to expand their knowledge, getting to know different facilities and work with more diverse group of people in order to help their client more if their solution isn’t working.

7. Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

What is taking place internationally promotes well-being because individuals are becoming more advance and as a result of technology and have better communication skills .The faster communication  is getting more people are getting faster information, traveling , work , jobs which is at a fast pace and is beneficial.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of ” teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because it involves the client and the worker with support  that the client need and improvement to grow. When the client reaches a certain growth spans it allows the clients to be on their own and take control of their own actions and make decisions for themselves.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Human services professionals being culturally competent can promote well-being because this profession will have better communication and gained more diverse skills and knowledge of different cultures.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

1) Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress? the

The techniques and solutions used to the aid of well0being was making sure that clients who were disabled, sick, or couldn’t do things fir them selves they would get the right help they needed and the service they needed.

2) Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by day individuals, professional and society

During the middle ages needy people received aid from human service institutions such as orphanages, and churches and important service was hospitals because people would constantly get sick, but also provide medical assistance to the ill, poor and tired travelers just to help those in need.

3) Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama mission is to aid the well-being of Americans by providing heal care for families or people who dont have health care such as insurance, medicaid, food stamps and support to help them survive for those who dont have any medicaid or health care.

4) Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society

Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society by allowing individuals to things on their own to see if they were independent and can work hard on their own with out assistance. Also to see the oversee the comprehensive of a care of a client.

5) Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of client/society

The mental health promoted the well-being of client/society  by keeping a commitment to helping others and increased the well-being of clients and wanted to provide better service to understand  more of the mental health.

6) Describe the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society

The human service movement promoted well-being of clients/society  because it improved services to make it better for the clients and made sure that everyone was assisted in a better or helpful way in order to make it successful and making sure their needs were met and were supported to their best ability.

7) Describe how entitlement benefits ( Medicare,Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society

The benefits promotes the well-being of individuals because it helps individuals stay on their feet  and  helps them provide of their family, even though they’re  unemployed but is getting income to help them until they can support themselves with out assistance. It helps society also because the government is helping society and its keeping people on their feet and saves money as well.

8) Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society

Legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society because it helps patients who are sick in the hospital with their health and provide them with their prescriptions  to help them get better with their sickness or health issue.

HUS questions: chapters 2 and 3

chapter 2

1. The techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were distressed is very different then now. For example people who were mentally ill were considered to be caused by demons and evil spirits. To get rid of evil spirits holes were cut in the heads of the mentally ill; and the whole was where the evil spirits would be released from.

2. The evolution of the human well beings services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and societ has changed drastically. Before the catholic church was responsible for providing human service care. Religious figuires such as st.thomas aquinas etc were one of the first human service professionals. Now people need to go to school and earn degrees to be considered a human service professional.

3. Obamas cares mission is to aid the well being of americans by providing health care that many people can afford. This will end with less deaths in the future due to people being able to get the health care that they need to get, which is something that they once couldnt getcall nor afford.

4. Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well being of clients and society, for example those who suported socail darwinism called for the repeal of poor laws and insead support the human services.

5. The mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society because those with mental issues would have good health due to everything sent to be delt by the state. Soon a seperation between those with mental issues and those with disablities.

6. The human service movement promoted the well being of clients/societ because a group was formed, which is now known as the mental health association. This group aims for the improvement of mental hospitals, arouse public concern and prevent disease.

7. Entitlement benefits promote the well being of individuals and society, because they make life easier for those who cant make means. Money being a issue in todays society; benefits make a huge difference in a positive way.

8. Legislation promotes the well being on  indivduals and society, for example the medicare prescription drug, improvement, and modernization act was passed to provide out patient prescription drug benefits for people on medicare.

chapter 3

1. The trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a clients well being. Technology is being expanded to help clients directly and indirectly. Being used in the areas of communication, information management, service delivery and professional development.

2. Techonlogy can promote well being in professional development for human  service workers and ultimately clients. Development in techonlogy is dynamic and continued to change in ways that are not normal.

3. Manage care is when information from a variety of sources and places, then organized the data into decision making a planning. This promotes client well being because service costs can be taken cared of. Insuring that the clients most times dont have to pay for the services that they recieve.

4. The limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well being are that setting limtations can mean that the client isnt getting the full extent of service that they should be getting. Therfore the well being of the client can be affected in negative ways since the client is not being given all services that are needed for that client.

5. Service delivery is they way the professional or human service worker will provide all the help and optinions that the client might and will need. This promotes well being because the client is given the best things that the client needs.

6. Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well being of specific populations because it is important as a human service worker to be very diverse. A human service worker should not only be able to work with one type of groups but many.

7. Throughout the world many issues are happening causing people to suffer. Such as terrorism. Something hindering most people becuase of the fear that is put int he hearts of many. Ever since september 9 2001, the day many lives were lost. People fear an event like that might happen again.

8. The concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well being because a human service worker can help a client to a certain extent. Not doing everything for the client and making sure to learn to do things on their own is showing progress. This leads to the client becoming self sufficent and not having to always depend on other people to get things done.

9. Cultural competency can promote well being because it can help the ability to understand, appreciate, and interact with people from cultures andd different beliefs other than one’s own, based on various factors.

Chapter 2 & 3 questions

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The kind of techniques used on clients to help them with their distress was in trephining the skull which would supposedly allow evil spirits to escape because that’s what they thought people had who were sick. Also through religious practice they exorcized the spirits in them. They also chained, beat, and starved the people and etc.

2. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

During the middle ages people received more help from institutions like orphanages and churches. And after a while the needy got more help from hospitals that became more of an aid toward them. And their there was the insane asylums which played a big part in putting people with disabilities in there.

3. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama-care aids the well-being of Americans by giving them access to to affordable health insurance for those people who can’t afford high paid health insurance.

4. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Three philosophies that promoted in the well-being of clients/society was individualism, Laissez-faire and Social Darwinism. Individualism helped clients learn from their failure and how to work hard for things they want. Laissez-faire was to help yourself the less governing the better. Lastly Social Darwinism which was basically everyone for themselves. The stronger and fit would survive but the weak wouldn’t.

5. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

After a man realized the cruelty upon mental institutions and such he sought out to change that. With the Mental Health Association this would improve mental hospitals, bring awareness and prevent diseases. By doing this they provided education on causes, diagnosis and etc.

6. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society. 

The human service movement promotes well-being of clients by trying to make clients speak for themselves and actually try and care for the clients directly. And to create a movement in the 1970’s called National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) which was to have leadership to help disadvantaged persons.

7. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Medicare gives health insurance for those over 65 years old and also those who might have disabilities with kidney failure. Medicaid helps those who can’t afford to pay for medical care. Lastly Welfare is given as public aid to those who might need some assistance and help.

8. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes well-being of individuals/society because different laws were passed. One such as The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) which provided prescription drug benefits for those on medicare. Also the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI) which better helped community organizations to give better service in human services.

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology attempt to aid in the client’s well-being because it’s used for communication, service delivery and professional development. Also used to provide service faster and better efficiently.

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology promotes well-being in professional development by being able to learn about populations being served and how to better access the best practice. Using CDs and DVDs for research is easy to have access quickly to information. Also programs are available that teach various things like problem solving, rehabilitation counseling, decision making etc. Also having audio and video which better helps the professional access. And lastly online educational programs which provide access to higher education in human services and other areas.

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Manage care is used to integrate information from different places and than organize the information in order to be able to facilitate planning, decision making and reporting. This promotes well-being for the client because everything is ready and organized to better help the client efficiently.

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Some limitations on managed care can be the access you might not get on lower level of care. And also of how much you can help the clients enough and whether a viewer might say different so you have to listen to that.

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery means how much the professional gives toward the client. How much good service they give toward the client can be in how much they care through mental health services or technology etc. This promotes the well-being of clients because they understand that they are getting all the help they can get.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations. 

human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations by learning being knowledgeable about the cultures and communities of which they practice. They don’t discriminate they find the best way to help different groups. Doesn’t matter race, gender, religion, ethnicity etc they don’t pay attention to that.

7. Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

Internationally global population is beginning to increase. So with the population growing their is scarce resources such as health care, education, poverty etc. Another big thing is international migration. More are coming due to climate change, natural disasters, political upheaval etc. So it is becoming very hard in the field of human services.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because you are giving a hand to that person. You are teaching them everything you know so he can learn how to fish well. Same thing with clients you teach them how they can better their lives. “Teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because it also shows that you give your time to help that person.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because you learn things that can better help the clients. You will have knowledge and know how to respond and understand better of the client’s needs. Helping different cultural groups can give you a different understanding.



2) Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals, and society.

Back in the days, many thought that mental illness was a result of evil spirits. Until the 1500’s The church aids the people in needs. Institutions for the orphans, the poor, the elderlies, and people with disabilities are formed. During the 19th century, changes were occurring with the increasing of immigration, industrialization, and urbanization. It however led to poverty. Public assistance was needed.

3) Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama-Care also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s mission is to aid the well-being of American by reforming the American health care system.

4) Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well being of clients/society.

Social Philosophies like laissez-faire and social darwinism had impact the aid of well-beings of clients and the society. Laissez-faire is a concept that government will take little responsibility to those in needs. While social darwinism is the belief that the the fittest will survive, but the unfits won’t. These social philosophies negativity impacts the beliefs of human services.

5) Describe how the mental health movement promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement helped the well-being of clients and society with their creation of the National Mental health Act of 1946. The national organization for human services educators form a standard preparation of workers in the human services field.

6)Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients and society.

The human service movement promoted the well-being of clients and society. Since the 1960, the field had grew by the increasing training programs, and mental health services. During the 1970’s organizations of professional human services are introduced to society.

7) Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

The entitlement benefits promotes the well-being of individuals and society. Medicare promotes well-being of the individuals and society by giving health insurance for the people over the age of 65. Medicaid gives funds to states to help them provide citizens with care of hospitals and medical. While Welfare is a government program that helps the poor and the unemployed.

8) Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individual/society.

legislation promotes the well-being of individual and society in the 21st century by passing the The Medicare Prescription Drug Act and many more to provide medication for outpatients for people on Medicare, Part D. Legislation also brought more faith-based humans service organizations and agencies.


Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

Technology has impacted the human service field. Communications with clients are expanded with the use of technology. Organizing paperwork/ documents are easily managed using technology. It is also used in area of professional development.
2) Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human services and ultimately clients.

Technology can promote the well-being in professional development for human services by the use of programs that helps professionals with problem solving, counseling, crisis counseling, etc. Another way tech is use in human service professional development is the use of podcasting. It’s like a subscription of audio or video on human service worker trainings. Eventually these development is used to promote the well-being of clients.

3) Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes clients well-being.

Manage care is a procedure that is made to manage resources, and the service in the health care and mental health areas. It promotes the well-being of clients because clients also plan the services needed for themselves with the professional.

4) Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

However, managed care limits the client’s services to the lowest level of care. The professional might consider hospitalization to improve one’s mental health, but the viewer might ask if the client can be treated at home. If a professional recommended the clients to see a therapist for six weeks, the managed care reviewer would say a month is good enough.

5) Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the delivery of the professional to the clients of services. Sevices promotes the well-bring of the clients. Services can be mental health services, disability services, etc. It’s an important task of the professional to provide the best service delivery that they and the agency can.

6) Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human services pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific population by having an knowledge of their culture and traditions and beliefs to provide and deliver useful services to the clients. Groups doesn’t just mean ethics groups, but religion, sexual orientation, etc.

7) Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinder the well-being of US citizens.

One thing happening internationally is immigration to different countries to improve their own well-being or the families. This led to many people that needed services in the human services field. Another is the increase of population in various developing countries which expanded the services needed for many people. In the US, there are many minorities that needed services provided from the professionals.
8) Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

Being a human service worker is not to help the client. It’s to empower the clients to help themselves. We can’t just give them the fish. We need to teach them to fish themselves. This way the well-being of the client would still be well even after the client got discharged.

9) Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

The cultural competency promote well-being because the knowledge of different cultures is also part of professional development. Working with different minorities can impact the well-being of people that doesn’t get the opportunities like others do. It’s also nice to have knowledge of different culture personally.

HUS Discussion Question: Chapter 2 & 3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

Human Services Workers have a variety of techniques used to service clients.Clients with disabilities were left in the hands of the king. The king was a protector and provided them with their needs in life.

2. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

In the middle ages, People weren’t very educated on mental illnesses they believed individuals were possessed by evil spirits. Early forms of treatment were to remove circular disk from the skull to allow these evil spirits to escape, chaining, beating,and starvation.People feared those with mental illness. A professional by the name of Hippocrates brought fourth a more scientific approach towards educating/ treating mental illness.In more present times Professionals have gained the knowledge of mental illness and treat it. Society i more aware and has a better understanding of those who are different from them.

3. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Obama Care aid’s well-being  in Americans because it helps slow down the rate of diseases etc. Obama care gives people health care that they can’t afford (saves lives).

4. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients/society.

Social Philosophies were promoted to aid well-being of clients/ society by allowing individualism where people worked harder ( hard work was the key to succeed) Individuals were responsible for their own failures in life .

5. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The Mental Health Movement promoted well-being because financial care for the mental illness was declared to be the responsibility of the state proper facilities , hospitals, clinics were provided reassuring that patient with mental illnesses got the proper treatment and care (got what they needed).

6. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-
being of !clients/society

The Human Service Movement Promoted the well-being of client? society because it improved condition and services that were provided to the clients hands on care was provided to every client with a mental illness making sure their needs are met.

7. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Entitlement to medicare, medicaid, and welfare benefits promote the well-being on individual/ society because everyone can’t afford to pay high medical bills, medical insurance, nor the expense of buying food for their homes so there are assistance that can help them.

8. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/ society because helps provide patients with prescriptions drugs to help aid their sickness.

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it changes the way professionals meet their clients needs, source of communication, information management, and professional development

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can promote well-being in professional development for workers and ultimately clients because technology is used to provide services to clients allowing them to practice effectively,using data to make decisions for planning programs, and reporting.

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care promote well-being because human service professionals and their clients work together t plan and provide services. Manage care is a set of tools or strategies used to manage resources and deliver human services to the client, it also controls employer’s health care cost and improve methods used by employers.

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Limitations of managed care can impact on the well-being of the client’s as well as the professional because it has caused the human service professional their ability to provide direct services. Shift in roles and responsibilities case managements responsibilities, demands for documentation, increase use gatekeepers can be a burn out on the professional

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the relationship between the client’s and the professionals it promotes ell-being because good quality service delivery provides the client with satisfaction.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations because it allow professional to expand their knowledge and work with more diverse group of people.

7. Describe how what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of US citizens.

The events taking place internationally promotes well-being because individuals are becoming more closer as a result of technology advances and communication.Advances in communication are keeping people informed information is traveling at a fast pace. Which is beneficial long term.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of ” teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being because it involves the professional providing the client with support and empowerment to grow. Growth allows the clients to take control of their lives and make decisions for themselves.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Human services professionals being culturally competent can promote well-being because these professional will have gained proper skill and knowledge of different cultures.