Research essay Pre-Draft

Sexuality: Can be based on what you like and how you feel

When a mother is pregnant she is able to see the gender of her child when she is four months. We were all born either a boy, girl or twins. We were all born into this world to be who we want and achieve things that we want in life. Naturally when beginning to like someone a girl will like a guy and a guy will like a girl, but that isn’t always true. Some were born to like the same sex and not be approved by society because they are gay. Which, isn’t fair because we should be able to like who we want and should be comfortable in our own skin without being judged?  The point is that gay people should be able to be accepted by society whether they are gay, bisexual, lesbian, or queer.  Society shouldn’t judge or disapprove of what someones likes or wants to be. Everyone was born in the world for a reason and now that there is a lot of LGBTQ people in the world makes it  more comfortable for others to come out and be open without others feeling any type of way towards them.

After revising my question I first stated why are gay people happier than straight people ?  When researching this question I came to a consensus that gay people yes they are happy people not saying that heterosexual aren’t,but researching this topic helped me with the general about gay couples and straight couples. It didn’t help me get to an actual provident of my question. After doing more research I changed my question to something more reasonable and can be debated which is why are gay people more comfortable than heterosexual couples.  Based on an article “ Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths’ Perceptions of Their High School Environments and Comfort in School “ by Diane E.Elze states that students who are gay, lesbian and bisexual were victimize in school because of what they were. Elze states that“ their perceptions of stigmatization, and their social integration with heterosexual peers as openly gay, lesbian, or bisexual people contributed to their feelings of comfort in school” ( Elze, pg. 1 ) .  Therefore in order for them to feel more comfortable and open people will have to accept the fact that there are people who are going to be what they want no matter of what others think.

Although this article was short and not much information details, it had a lot of information based on gay, lesbian  Elze point was to make sure that the students in the high school were being supportive “ The author suggests that interventions should aim at reducing stigmatization and creating supportive peer environments in schools for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. Therefore, she wants LGB students to be protected and get the best supports and advisement from faculty. She was able to state the problem, then gave resolutions on how to solve them in order to make it better and comfortable for LGB students to go to school.

After reading this article I came to the conclusion that, not only is gay people comfortable with one another. There more connected with one each other. Although homosexuals may not  have the most supports from others. Now in society it is very supportive and acceptable, and normal to people from before because not many accepted the fact of being gay, families, schools didn’t accept the fact of blacks and white dating each other. Therefore it’s legal for homosexual couples to get married in the united states and other states as well.  After researching more on my topic I found that most people had different attitude toward a lesbian couple rather than a gay men couple, because not many believed that gay men couples were accurate or real until more start to come out, just as much females came out about their sexuality.

Work Cited:

Elze, Diana E. “Children & Schools.” Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths’ Perceptions of Their High School Environments and Comfort in School. N.p., Nov.-Dec. 2001. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

Herek, Gregory M. “Public Opinion Quarterly.” Gender Gaps in Public Opinion about Lesbians and Gay Men. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

Research Essay Pre- Draft

Far from a happily ever after; analyzing the effects of movies on young girls

As children everyone grew up watching movies. They were movies that taught valuable lessons and have been in peoples lives and memories ever since they were first watched they are the classics. But as impressionable young children how many of the lessons really made a positive impact on peoples lives. unrealistic goals were set for young girls everywhere. That they had to look a certain way and rely only on a prince to save them that it is the only way to achieve a happy ending. This could cause low self-esteem and even relationship issues in the long run. some kids even become anti-social and aggressive. Although everyone grew up on these movies and felt like there was nothing wrong with a prince saving the day in the long run it isn’t that simple.

Many parent don’t realize that the exposure to constantly watching movies and cartoons can cause their children to model the characters behaviors and even change their own personality. “Movies provide children, parents, teachers and daycare workers with a little breathing space. While the children are busy watching these movies, parents and others can complete chores, etc ” (R. Y. Langham, The Psychological Effects of Children’s movies 2013) placing a child in front of a T.V set can buy parents a couple of hours to do what they have to but at what cost ? Children tend to model figures that they admire or are constantly exposed to. So if they exposed to violent and aggressive figures odds are they the child themselves will become as aggressive. Also so much time spent in front of a T.V screen lives no time for the child to develop actual contact with a human causing the child to become antisocial. ” It is this extreme or constant attachment with television and movies that can lend itself well to depression in particular, but other mental health issues” ( R.Y Langham) as Langham states many health issues can come from constant exposure to the T.V. But health issues aren’t the only problem when it comes to movies.

As a young girl growing up to princesses and fairytales one idea is stuck in their head. To be beautiful and to find their prince charming. Movies based on fairytales cause girls to have an unrealistic take on relationships and love. They are indirectly told that the ideal way of life is to be beautiful and rely on a man. When talking about movies like “Sleeping Beauty” Castillo stated ” The problem is: What is between the lines? Aurora is described as an extraordinarily beautiful woman, so young girls will understand, even if they are not directly told, that is how they are supposed to strive to look.” (Paul Castillo, The Negative Effects of Disney on Children). Although most oft eh effects of movies seem to be more negative there is an upside to these movies.

Most of the new programing and movies recently released are extremely different from those that are older. Their messages contradict pervious ideals like striving for beauty and love and place an emphases on independence and self-realization. In movies such as “Brave” and “Frozen” the hero of the movie ended up being the main characters young independent women and not a prince. And on the other hand children seem to learn a lot of valuable skills from T.V shows “these movies can help strengthen children’s communication, language, problem-solving and coping skills. Some Disney movies can even teach children words in foreign languages.” (Langham2013)

Growing up to the classics that impacted lives over the centuries can cause plenty of negative effects on children but it can also help with education. Many of the movies people have learned to love over the years have an outdated ideal of love and beauty but they are the classics and a lot of valuable lessons were learned.



R. Y. Langham.”The Psychological Effects of Children’s movies”, Association for Natural Psychology, September 3,2014. web.November 18,2014.

Paul Castillo. ” The Negative Effects of Disney on Children” The Sundial, December 4, 2006.web. November 16.2014

Class Notes 11/13

First off, let me apologize for my late post. I completely forgot about it and just got reminded by Professor Belli for the second time. Sorry for any inconvenience.

I hope everyone met with Professor Belli for there conference about our research projects. That  was time for us to go to her with any questions, concerns ideas and suggestions that you might have had. If you missed your conference it was considered as an absence!

Continue to focus on your topics. Any texts are accepted once you can raw a reference to your topic and it is supportive.

Make sure to define all terms and parameters in your proposal and paper. Explain any new information you might have mentioned.

Research project must have

-work cited page

-annotated bibliography

-six to eight pages of research

-cover page

(read the research project page under assignments for any further information.



-Always cite

-When you write word for word (w/out credit) use quotations

-summarizing, paraphrase, quotations must all be cited otherwise considered as plagiarism.

To cite a rephrased idea of an author use an in text citation. Ex. (Belli 15)

Language- if you copy the word order it is considered plagiarism.

When in doubt cite. It is better to over cite than to not cite at all.

Due Dates

Tues 11/25 Pre draft of research project. (introduction and first three body paragraphs)

Tues 12/2 Final Draft of Research Proposal and 6 Annotated Sources

Research Project Pre-Draft

The Effects Music Portrays on the Behavior of Teenagers towards Parents


Many people view music as a reliever of stress, a comfort in a time of grief and also a source that helps them isolate one from the world. From yester years unto now people still see music as a key to help exploit different feelings and emotions. Every age group of people has different preferences of music. As babies, parents would play music that’s up beat fun and immature. Immature meaning that it is showing emotional development of someone that is young in age. As the child grows the parent would then begin to play music that is educational and would help the child construct and build learning skills. As the child grows and becomes an adolescent and a teenager they start to listen to music that best fits their personality and culture. Then as that person gets older and enter into adulthood they would then become a bit more sophisticated. At that point they would listen to music that is more mature a refined. One of the most pressuring stages of a person’s life is when they are a teenager. Now a day’s teenager’s behavior is more often based on the music they associate themselves with. As many may say, music is the key to the soul. Sometimes people may not even realize that they are reacting on the music that they listen to. Teenagers are at the age where they are trying to find themselves, and because music is such a great influence they give off a behavior that is portrayed from the music. This essay is mainly based on how music effects teenager’s behaviors, especially towards their parents. It is also about how music preferences can form what kind of person a teenager can be and who they associate themselves with. Parents may not realize it but music may be the cause of their sons or daughters erratic behavior.

When the word ‘music’ is defined it says that it is “vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” (Google Search). Therefore one can say that it is a way to speak but without talking. A way to show and not tell. “You can usually tell how someone’s feeling by the type of music he or she is listening to at the time.”(Mariam S, Smithtown, How Music Affects Teens). The website contained an article written by Mariam S, Smithtown that speaks about different types of music and how it affects teenagers. If a person meets someone and all they are listening to are slow, sad, and depressing music they can more than likely assume that they are in a gloomy state of mind. This is one way an individual can notice how a person is reacting. Sometimes as a teenager it may be difficult to show exactly how they feel. Emotions are sometimes hard to understand and hard to cope with. As a result, teenagers turns to music for help. Music does not do things that people may do so this is why most teens rather listen to music than listen to their parents. Since music is so easy to turn to it then starts to sculpt the pathway of a teen’s life.

This article talks about how certain types of music can define who a person is. The article explains how teens cling more to the people who are more like them. Not because they want to be mean to others but because they like the same type of music as they do. Friends are usually created because the individuals realized that they are alike in certain ways and they can relate to each other.This may also happen because people who have different taste in music may not want to associate with people who have different tastes in music because they will debate about whose music preference is better and why they think the other persons taste in music is weird or not as good as theirs. As the economy becomes more modernized music has become way easier to get a hold of.

It is now way easier for teenagers to get a hold of all kinds of music. This is mainly because 9 out of 10 teens have a cellphone, iPod, CD player, radio, mp3 players etc. It is also easy for teens to access music because there are countless apps and websites that can be used to download music. Some websites and apps contains a fee but many of them are now created free of charge which makes it even easier. Out of all genres of music, rap music is the most explicit one of them all. According to Tara Parker-pope who wrote the article “Under the Influence of…Music?” states that 77% of the most popular rap songs referenced to alcohol and drugs. This shows that most of the music that teens are listening to is rap. A total of 53% speaks of marijuana use, tobacco use, depicted alcohol use and the use of other drug substances. Teenagers listens to an average of almost three hours of music per day. After listening to these sorts of music all the time you may not realize it but it starts to take a toll on ones mind.






Research essay predraft: Misdiagnosis on mental illness

When faced with problems in their lives whether emotional or psychological, individuals turn to their doctors. That comes to no surprise because it’s always been the way things go, a problem regarding your health emerges and the doctor is called. What if doctors aren’t really assisting people into regaining their health? What many people don’t know is that physicians sometimes do more harm than help. Plenty would say how so; but they often misdiagnose individuals therefore pinning them with a mental illness that they do not have. This can cause a variety of issues that just spiral downhill from the moment they are labeled with a sickness that they do not really obtain. If a person who doesn’t have a certain mental illness is taking medication for it, that can be harmful to them just taking the medication itself and that’s not including how many doses a day or how strong the medication is. It can harm a person physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Doctors don’t take the time to sit and explore the mind of their patients, therefore, rushing the process. If they do not know what is really wrong with their client how can they seriously assist them in getting them back to being themselves? Doctors often don’t put their best ability into helping their patients receive the necessary care they need. In the article, “Lives destroyed by happy pills: As our use of antidepressants DOUBLES in a decade, experts say thousands are being given dangerous drugs they don’t need” by Jerome Burne it claims, “one of the reasons misdiagnosis happen is because the official test GP’s use to check if you’re depressed involves two very basic questions: During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? During the past month, have you been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?” (Burne 1) The problem with this method is that people can easily lie or put up an act. Although these questions could help doctors get a sense of what is going on with their patients and their mental status, it shouldn’t be based around it and be the top technique to how to get inside their client’s head.

Besides not taking the time to really hear what their patient is saying, there is also the issue of underlying medical condition, this is a medical condition that is under wraps and less noticeable because it is outshined by a more obvious one, and they can also contribute to the individual’s disease and are considered co-diseases. The underlying medical condition is the cause of the illness and if misdiagnosed can produce a big problem. Since in different cases the issue can be assisted earlier and cured. According to the mental illness policy, it claims that because not many people have a medical issue disguised as a mental illness, doctors often skip the step and don’t look for them at all. Since these are the cause of mental illnesses it produces a huge problem. Although not everyone may have them, because of it’s impact on individuals health it should be looked into. A lot of people may not even notice that they may have an underlying medical condition. In the article, “Confusing medical ailments with mental illness” by Melinda Beck, some examples are shown to prove that anyone can have these and can go unnoticed or unexplained until further diagnosis. An example would be, “A new mother’s exhaustion and disinterest in her baby seem like postpartum depression—but actually signal a postpartum thyroid imbalance that medication can correct.” Any person would simply believe that the exhaustion of being a new mother would stress any individual out and that that’s all it is. If the person visits the doctor they may be told the same thing or that the stress is too much to bear therefore, leading them down a path to depression. This example could further prove the point as to why diagnosis should go more into depth of the person and what exactly they are going through to better service their needs.

               A lot of harm can happen from a person taking medications that they aren’t supposed to be taking. There are side effects such as nausea, headaches, diarrhea, grogginess etc. A person who is mentally healthy shouldn’t be taking the same medication as a person who’s mind is jumbled, racing and can’t deal with day to day situations. The medication is used to get the mentally ill person to relax and be level headed so when a person who isn’t suffering from depression or any illness that would require this medication, uses it they can feel like a zombie and sick. This due to the fact that the individual and the medicine aren’t compatible. Everyone is different which causes dissimilar situations. In “How Misdiagnosis Prevented Me from Moving on to Recovery” by Andy Behrman, he speaks on his experience with his misdiagnosis of depression and his rollercoaster ride of different unneeded medication. He was misdiagnosed by 8 different physicians leading him to believe that he really was undergoing depression when in reality he was battling bipolar disorder. Physicians went as far as putting him through electroconvulsive therapy and completed 19 electroshock sessions. “It was then that my doctor ordered me to continue “maintenance treatment.” I had a total of 19 electroshock treatments, until I realized I had become addicted to the premedication of the procedure and asked my doctor to bring the treatment to a halt” (Behrman 1) Not only did he have to undergo all of these shock treatments but he began to develop an addiction to the procedure further proving the harm that these medications can have on patients. When he was finally correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Behrman went through 37 different prescribed medications to control his illness. The effects all these medicines had on him was outrageous and he claims to have experienced every side effect there is. These treatments and their side effects prevented him from holding down a stable job, home etc. He was incapable of living his life freely.

            To sum it all up, doctors are believed to solve all problems when issues come up with one’s health. Individuals don’t always believe that their physicians can sometimes be producing more harm than assistance. If the time isn’t taken into find the root of the problem and how to solve it, a person may never live their life to its full extent. Misdiagnosis can happen on a number of different occasions because of different complications, but if the person is fully heard and the doctor puts it’s all into finding the solution for the persons mental issues, then a good outcome should come about.


                                                           Works Cited

Behrman, Andy. “How Misdiagnosis Prevented Me from Moving on to Recovery.”Http:// Random House. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Beck, Melinda. “NEWS: When Medical Ailments Mimic Mental Illness.”Http:// Wall Street Journal, 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.


Burne, Jerome. “Lives Destroyed by Happy Pills: As Our Use of Antidepressants DOUBLES in a Decade, Experts Say Thousands Are Being given Dangerous Drugs They Don’t Need.”Http:// Mailonline, 29 June 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Cell phones: Physical effects on teenagers

In society so many teenagers use technology especially cell phones to text, look things up, FaceTime or use it for other video chats, and use it to call as well. Teenagers don’t understand how this could effect them for the future. Using cell phones has so many health effects on teenagers such as sleeping, eating and etc. Since back in the days when the cell phone came out it hadn’t been so big till it had been more and more modernized. Cell phones have become so big because their is so much to look at now besides just calling. For instance, if it has GPS, PDA, MPA capabilities. The cell phone has not only changed our world from being 24/7 but also different than history before us (The History of the Mobile Phone). Cell phones have become a part of everyone’s life and even more with teenagers. Many studies have been done on teenagers to show how cell phones effect teenagers physical health.

Teenagers want to be actively involved with societies new technologies like cell phones without knowing the physical consequences. So many factors lead to the physical effects on teenagers. Teenagers want to be involved with everything going on in the world so they are more prone to wanting to be on their phones. In an article called “Excessive Mobile Phone Use Affects Sleep in Teens” a study was done by Gaby Badre who took twenty-one  healthy subjects from ages 14-20 and different tests were done between two groups. Their was a control group and an experimental group in the control group they saw they made fewer calls and texts rather than the experimental group. Young teens who get to use their phones more are more restless, careless lifestyles, disrupted sleep, more stress and fatigue and etc. As stated in the article, “Addiction to cell phone is becoming common. Youngsters feel a group pressure to remain inter-connected and reachable round the clock. Children start to use mobile phones at an early stage of their life. There seem to be a connection between intensive use of cell phones and health compromising behaviour such as smoking, snuffing and use of alcohol” (Badre 1). You can see this with family members lately kids want tablets and cell phones and are constantly on it. More and more teenagers want cell phones to be like everyone else. Teenagers can have these long lasting affects if they don’t start to cut down on using their cell phones.

Serious physical affects teenagers should become aware of but are not really paying attention to it. Their are beyond so many affects technology like cell phones can cause on a teenagers physical body and they aren’t aware of. Their are problems with sleep being disrupted, wrist and fingers suffering, falling grades and etc. The main cause of cramping in fingers is from texting which teenagers do so much of it. In an article, “Here’s What A Constantly Plugged-In Life Is Doing To Kids’ Bodies” it stated, average teen sends 3,417 texts a month, which is about seven an hour” (3). This is beyond excessive and it only keeps getting worse with the newer generation of kids and the more advanced technology is becoming. Teenagers don’t become aware of how often they text it is really bad as was stated in the article Texting May Be Taking a Toll Hafner stated, “They do it late at night when their parents are asleep. They do it in restaurants and while crossing busy streets. They do it in the classroom with their hands behind their back. They do it so much their thumbs hurt” (1). Not being aware of how much you use your phone has begun to be a huge problem with younger teens. The more advance things are getting the more teenagers will begin to get involved.

Teenagers use on cellphones can only get worse with no adult encouragement. Teenagers are constantly connected to the media and much more through their phones. Constant use on their cellphones with no one to tell them otherwise at all times. Kids younger than thirteen shouldn’t have these big phones right away they could start of with something small to use for just calls. Adults getting their children all these new technological devices at a young age is getting them used to the worse already an possible affects as they get older.

Research essay pre-draft: the negative affects of an incarcerated parent on their children

An incarcerated parent has many negative effects on their children. Such affects can be residential instability, economic and behavioral problems. All of these factors affect the child’s education. Due to the lost of a parent to incarceration the child can be affected physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. These factors contribute to the way a child performs academically. These problems affect the way a child may think and their ability to learn. It is during the years of a normal child’s development. The incarceration of a parent has a negative impact on the well-being of a child’s education.

“In particular, arrest and incarceration have a negative effect on the health and welfare of a child’. (Sack and Seidler, 1978). When a parent is incarcerated, it is as significant and traumatic to a child as when a parent dies. There is a difference between the two. With death the child may gain sympathy from others, giving room for discussions in understanding the role of death. With incarceration comes stigma. There may not be any open discussions to help the child to understand. This creates coping problems for the child. “Moreover, children may become more susceptive to the antisocial of peers’. (Hagman and Dinovitzer,1999).

“One of the most important factors in the development of a child is a strong attachment or bond to a caregiver during infancy”. (The Yale Law Journal, 1978). This guides the child’s engagement in, interpretation of, and interactions with others. The bond helps the child to be able to relate to other people. When the bond is broken it disrupts a child’s emotional development and ultimately causing socialization problems. The child may also develop feelings of shame, anger and rejection. A stigma that can impact their emotional reactions to traumatic life events. During early childhood years (2-6 years), children have not yet developed the skills to understand traumatic events. In the middle childhood years (7-10 years), separation from a parent creates a sense of loss. It is during these years that the children are developing their social skills and independence.

When a parent is incarcerated, it has lasting social, emotional, and developmental impacts that manifests in economic difficulty, socialization, attachment issues, stigmatization and traumatic stress. It is a process that unfolds over time. Providing children with information concerning the arrest and reasons for their parent’s incarceration can be a problematic factor as well. (Ayers, Sandler,West, & Roosa, 1996; Compas 1987) suggests that “uncertainty and lack of information undermines children’s ability to cope, it is not surprising that children who are uniformed about their parents incarceration are more anxious and fearful”. Children are more likely to have negative reactions to the experience when they can’t talk about it. (Sack et al. 1976) reported that “over 50% of the children of incarcerated parents had school problems, such as poor grades or instances of aggression. (Sack et al. 1987) study, “16% exhibited transient school phobias and were unwilling to go to school for a 4-6 week period after their parents incarceration. In another report, (Stanton 1980) found even higher rates of school problems: 70% of 166 children of incarcerated mothers showed poor academic performance and 5% exhibited classroom behavior problems. Another school- based problem is that children are often teased or ostracized by their peers as a result of their parent’s incarceration. (Jose-Kampfner,1991) as children reach adolescence, suspension and dropout rates are even higher.




Research paper: Pre-daft

Many different cultures has their own parenting style. Many would believe that the Chinese way of parenting can be crude, especially to Americans. Chinese parents have high expectations for their children. The expectations of their child getting straight A’s, learning the violin or the piano had many non-Asians defining them as tiger parents. Tiger parents seems to be unloving, strict, and controlling, they do have a connection and relationship with their children. Children doesn’t have to be from the age of five to fourteen, Chinese parents use this term in context of his or her sons and daughter no matter their age. The thirty-five year old Chinese male will still be refer as a child to their parents. Chinese parents expressed love differently then the Americans. Instead of verbally expressing love to their child or with loving gestures like hugs, tiger parents shows their love and communicate by making their favorite dish for dinner, engage in their child’s education progress, and even by what other may see of controlling. These communications and show of love fulfilled the child’s happiness as much as any parenting style would.

Tiger parents do not verbally use the phrase, “I love you” or give out loving gestures like hugs and so as their children. In “Do Asian-American Parents Push Their Kids?”, Kathy Seal expressed, “Westerners who don’t see Asian-American parents hugging and kissing their children or praise them in words may think them cold.” However, it is not that they don’t love them, but they want to the child to know who has authority. It can be compare to an individual won’t be saying phrases like “I love you” to his or her employer. For the child, the show of love and communication is quite similar. Children tend to show their love without the use of words nor using loving gestures. Even though the phrases like “I love you” and loving gestures are not ban from the relationship, however one can say this show of love can happen once in a blue moon.

Instead of the use of words and loving gestures, tiger parents show their love by doing simple tasks that the child loves. One thing the child expect their tiger parents to do is to be “guan” (Seal 1) In other words, Although children would out tiger parents feels that when they are being questioned and told what to do may seems annoying to them, children with tiger parents love the be controlled and demanded from their tiger parents. The children feels and know that the parent care about them. It is what these children is used to and they understand the the meaning of “ guan” as the parents giving them attention. (Seal 1) In a American Television show; Family Guy, an episode shows how westerner see Asian parents; an Asian parents are portray as a not loving towards their child. The Asian dad walks into his son room and ask, “Are you a doctor yet?” and the son replied, “No dad, I’m twelve.” The father then response, “Talk to me when you a doctor.” However the truth behind that is the tiger dad cares about the son and want him to be live up to his potentials.

The tiger parents show of love and communication of controlling and demanding involves with the child success. Many children with non-tiger parents might see the stress that the children of tiger parent has. This is one big purpose of why tiger parents are tiger parents. The want of their children to be successful when they are in their education, jobs, and overall their life. Success to tiger parents on their children would be the child being on the top of his or her class, having gold medals on different academic subjects, and having an full score on the exam. The success of the child doesn’t end there, as for the “children” that are in their adulthood, success involve the child getting married, having kids, being self-sufficient and be able to help out other family members.



work cited

Seal, Kathy. “Asian-American Parents: Pushy or Perfect?” Pacific Standard. N.p., 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.

“Family Guy – Asian Family.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.


Class notes 11/18

Research Proposal Presentations

The goal of today was to get feedback on your proposal.

The key of the presentation was to explain your topic, what specifically will you be studying, what is the relevance of your topic to you and others, show the research you found and answer questions.


Her topic had to do with how certain music can affect teenagers. In her research she found more negative research such as how violent music affects teenagers. She related to her own relationship with music and how much she loves it.

Her topic needs to be narrowed down to the type of music and if she wants to focus on the positive or negative impact music has on teenagers.


Her topic is positive psychology and how people arent assisted in achieving happiness. She talked about how doctors just give their patients pills instead of focusing on how to improve their happiness. She also discusses also how doctors misdiagnosis patients. She also brought up a interesting point of how doctors only ask two questions and tell if you are depressed or not and if you are your are just given medicine. She related her topic to her little cousin and how he deals with the same thing. She discussed a lot of things in one topic but it was able to be narrowed down to “Overuse and mistreatment of medicine by doctors”

Some comments were how doctors may have a different definition of happiness and what it takes to achieve it


Her topic is the affect an incarcerated parent has on the well-being of a child. She wants to focus on how it affects a child’s education. There are negative and positive to the topic but she hopes to focus on finding positive research since parents are incarcerated maybe it will motivate the child.  She also discusses how it affects a child overall, such as mental issues, PTSD, anger issues etc. which can affect their education. A question was brought up about the age group and she decided to choose children in elementary school.


Topic is the positive affects of technology on kids. Research shows it improves the way of thinking and brain development. After doing research she believes technology has a positive affect.

During Greys presentation Professor Belli asked us all to write this down:


Back to Greys presentation she was asked what specific technology she was going to use and the specific age group. She wants to focus on video but needs to narrow it down to the age group.


Topic is how happiness is found more in third world countries then in developed countries. Her research compares things such as freedom and economy. She found a article that shows the Top 10 countries that are the happiest as well. She wants to also compare the lifestyles in different countries such as comparing New York to India. She was given a lot of comments of narrowing down her topic. She needs to narrow down which countries and lifestyles because it sounds as if she wants to research all of it which can be too much. Also to looking at different countries there are other factors such as religion, culture and race. She just needs to narrow down her topic more to specifics.


Topic is if strict parents/Tiger parents have a good impact on a child’s education and success later in life or if its just a stereotype. Strict parents in Chinese culture are known as tiger parents. It was said that he needs to inform his readers abut what the Chinese conception of happiness is. During the questioning Professor Belli brought of the question, What information does my reader have to know? The reader needs to know exactly what your talking about in order to understand it. Jack needs to explain the Chinese culture conception of happiness in order to better understand his topic.


Topic is how the absence of a parent can affect the life of a child. Research showed fathers have a bigger impact on the child. A child’s personality is something that can be affected by the absence of a parent. She knows she wants to focus on the father and on abandonment.


Topic is well-being on children in foster care. These children deal with things such as anxiety, stress and feelings of confusion. There is a lot of negative aspects on foster care. She needs to narrow down what kind of foster care she will be focusing on and the age of the children. She should discuss foster care more and how the system works so the reader can know more about it.

*Become and expert on the big picture of your topic.


Topic is how technology affects your emotions, specifically social networking. She wasn’t sure on the type of technology she was focusing on, first she discussed social networking but then brought up apps. She needs to narrow down her topic to the technology being used and the specific people. She finally said the topic she really wants to focus on which is Why is it so important to feel we need all these forms of technology? 


Meetings with Professor Belli are coming up.

THURSDAY: Peer review on as well as discussing annotations/citations and how to incorporate sources as well as discussing plagiarism. ESSAY #2 IS DUE.

*Key is to make connections among your various points. Biggest grade is how well you are proving your point and the structure.

Openlab is looking for a student blogger. It starts next semester and it is a paid position. Applications are due December 1st.









Second Proposal

After giving it some thought , the proposal of the topic chosen, has definitely made a turn around. Realizing that my source last time listed doesn’t really have to do with what I had stated, I decided to pursue that lead instead. The topic I decided to choose now is happiness in marriages, how to obtain it and how to keep it. There are several factors that make up a marriage, trust, communication, love and desire for one another. How does one achieve happiness in a marriage is the question in play. Many people to keep a marriage happy, you need communication while other say it’s keeping the romance alive. In this research project I intend to research and define what a marriage is, why people get married, how does well-being of people factor into everything. It is interesting to see the different kinds of marriages, for example there are some people who are married to more than one person why could that be? Is one person not enough for them, do they not satisfy them?
This topic interest me because I’ve always said that I would never get married, but after reading in an article that married people are more happier than the single person, I began to question why. In sociology there’s a famous figure that’s always talked about, by the name Emile Durkheim, who wrote a book on suicide, exposing the number of people who committed suicide between two larger groups Protestants and Catholics. He also found that people who were married were less likely to commit suicide, marriage probably kept them from it, so maybe marriage does aid us in our well-being. In this project I plan to use books, articles and even videos. I think it is important to take a closer look at Durkheim’s book, statistics on marriages, articles on how to keep a healthy marriage, and what marriage even really is. I think marriage on its own is a big topic but well-being in marriages is an outlet from it. I think it’s the right topic to choose because some of us are planning to get married in our future that is if we aren’t already. I think it’s important to discuss the benefits of being married and why its good for us to in the future get married. I believe my argument would be that it is beneficial for a person to consider marriage and some day in the future get married.

This video is a speech given by Jenna McCarthy where she speaks about the topic of marriage. In a comedic style she explains the ins and outs of marriage. She also speaks on her own personal experience. She answers the question on why married people are so happy, or at least why they appear to be. She lists some reasons why people seem to be happier, and how a person could prevent a divorce.
This is an article found in psychology today that speaks on the troubles of marriages. Barreca speaks on her own experiences , she’s been married for 23 years. She states that getting married and staying happily married is a sensitive topic. She has her own views on marriage that she feels aren’t recognized as they should be. For example that couples should celebrate their anniversaries and be proud of themselves for staying married, always in big ways. She doesn’t believe in the gifts advertised people should give to each other every 10 or 15 years.
This article is more of a to do list to keep a marriage alive & well. It recognizes flaws that are often seen in troubled marriages, lacking in something like communication, romance, or problems. It offers 11 friendly tips on how to keep a marriage going. Being married for a long time is something to be proud of because it’s a hard thing to do. Many people get divorced but appraisement for the people who decide to stick it out even in the hard times should be made.