First Year Learning Community

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Urban Artifacts : Phase 3

This phase of the project required lot of focus and attention, because its very different from previous phase. Hand traced is not perfect compare to the digital, thus, I’ll say its little difficult. Overall, I’ve spent about 2 hours on this.

Urban Artifacts : Phase 3

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For this part of the project, it required a  lot of focus and craftsmanship.  This phase  was very tedious and it was very focused on how well you were able to complete the task while being very cautious about the details. This phase relates to the previous one before because, the second phase required focus and your imagination, while being very cautious with your details.

Overall, I spent an hour completing this phase.



Urban Artifacts Phase #4: Deliver

I learned a lot about patience, and also about how to be comfortable with using new things. I also used a lot of imagination and creativity. For my upcoming projects i will keep working harder and harder to make my technique better and better.  I now have experience with the materials, and know how to keep myself from smudging my artwork. In the end i was successful in trying my best to meet all of the projects requirements, showing figure and ground in an ambiguous and stable piece using the artifacts.


Phase 1:



Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

I found project #1 to be pretty difficult in my sense. I didn’t get the power point concept. I was also never on top with taking all the pictures I needed. So with that came that I couldn’t complete the project in all. Next project I will try and understand what is being done more and ask more questions. I found this to be a learning experience in general with all I do. I should be on time with things and prepare for what I have to do ahead of time.




Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

while working in this project,I learn the definitions of ambiguous and stable. In which that they are the opposite of each other. While ambiguous is hard to tell which is the ground and which is the object. On the other hand, stable is when the object stands out. What I can do better is when choosing an artifact because like the gums was a pain when I start to do phase 2. It is difficult to cut out exactly the gums that was on the floor. In this project, I learn that the more time you spend on something, that the outcome will be better. Try to spend more time on the next project.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Urban Artifacts Phase #3: Develop




Rush Hour in NYC

I tried to make this as perfect as i could in my eyes. Honestly is was my first time using these markers and all these materials. It took me about two days to finish both pieces.I made a couple of mistakes at first, which drove me to restart over and over, but this was my final product.

Urban artifacts: phase 3




crossing street?

It was pretty easy when I finish getting the outline of all the parts. But when filling the inside,the marker mark show that there are still some tiny white space in between the black. I went over it the second time, some mark are just showing on top of the other. It doesn’t feel complete with the white spaces.

work time:1 hour

Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

I have learned a lot from this project. It has definitely helped me to better understand better figure/ground relationships in my art and helped me to get a better understanding of how obvious and abstract figure ground relationships look. If there are some things I could have done differently, it would have been to not forget my project the day it was due and plan ahead, like making thumbnails of what i wanted to draw, before nose-diving into making a full sketch of my piece in the drafting part of the project. One thing I would use from this project in my next one would be planning ahead better so I can make something more pleasing to the eye.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

What I learn throughout this project is the meaning of the word ambiguous. Ambiguous means having an unclear or inexact interpretation. What I would have done better is pick different artifacts, I think it would have been more interesting than the original image in phase 1.  In this project, I learn to take time processing a phase, such as phase 2 where I change one of my ambiguous photo and added on to it, which I did in phase 3, and take others advice.

Phase 1: Discover / Phase 2: Define / Phase 3: Develop


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