Final review of Project #2

How can you organize Project #2?


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Images/media throughout

Do not center the text for all of your answers!


What to include in the introduction? Whose voice are you using when writing it?

Remember, the introduction to the interview is an introduction to the interview! It’s less of a bio than a synthesis of what the interview will reveal about you.

The introduction should include a thesis statement. What is a thesis statement? It’s a sentence (or two) that relates to (but is not the same as)  your … Read More...

Homework due 10/1: Project #2 complete draft

In class on Thursday, 9/26, we agreed that everyone would post a complete draft of Project #2 by the end of the day on Tuesday. You should each:

  • write a post, using the category ENG 1101 Project #2 and the tag complete draft
  • include your complete draft in that post! That means it includes
    • your introductory paragraph (written in the voice of the interviewer)
    • the avatar question and your answer
    • the other 4 questions you’ve chosen and your answers
    • (it’s up to you how to order the 5 questions and answers)
    • images you want to include, in the same kind

Project #2 peer review and assignment clarification

Revising our interviews:

  • find a new partner to work with
  • ask questions and follow-up questions to get them to include details or explain things you don’t understand from their drafts, and TAKE NOTES
  • encourage opportunity-oriented language (eg change “not good at drawing” to “COMD will help me build my drawing skills”
  • about the avatar: use the question to express what it is, how it represents you, and how it the logo of your brand, what impact it has.
  • If you want to write about your ePortfolio avatar instead, do.

Some ideas: do these interviews rather than fake interviews. Have the … Read More...

ENG 1101 Homework: Drafting avatar descriptions

In class we started drafting the paragraph or two that will answer the Project #2 question about avatars. Here’s what the assignment asks you to do:

Choose or create an avatar to represent you on the OpenLab. You might need to reconsider your avatar choice if you’ve already selected and uploaded one. Write one or two paragraphs in which you describe the image well enough that your readers need not look at it to know what it looks like, call attention to specific details in the image, and explain how the image represents you, specifically the you you’re representing in … Read More...

Class Notes : working on Project #2 Drafts

Write one or two paragraphs in which you describe your avatar well enough that your readers need not look at it to know what it looks like, call attention to specific details in the image, and explain how the image represents you, specifically the you you’re representing in the interview.

About your partner’s draft:

what do you understand?

What do you want to know more about?

What would you add? remove?

What would you mod/steal/use for yourself?…

Homework following class on 9/19

As you continue working on the drafts of your interviews, spend time working on the question about your avatar: What is your avatar, and how does it represent you as a first-year design student?

To answer this question, review the three readings about avatars, and our class notes about the readings. Make sure you have an avatar and that it  meets the criteria in the readings and from our discussion and really does represent you.

A few things to keep in mind as you work:

Your avatar does not need to include an image of you!

This is a small …

Class Notes: Reading Avatars

In your group, review the reading about choosing an avatar. What advice can we take from it to develop a list of criteria for choosing an avatar?

Read it on your own, and then come together to mark up the printed copy to highlight the advice you want to share with the class.

Avatar shouldn’t be anything controversial or offensive (The Workplace)

(think about who else is a member, who the audience is, to determine what might be offensive or controversial)

It should relate to you–it should be identifiable as you–and could be your picture, your initials, or something that … Read More...

Homework following class on 9/17: Avatars

For homework, read the three articles/websites about avatars: “Professional protocol when choosing a Skype avatar“; Chad Renando, “An avatar analysis: Choosing your profile picture“; Michelle Venetucci Harvey. “Design avatars that make sense — and be more inclusive in the process.”

Choose an avatar that you want to use on the OpenLab, and add it to your profile. If you need help, you can refer to this page about adding an avatar from the OpenLab Help section.

Reflecting on that avatar, add as a comment to this post your answers to the questions below:

how …

Class Notes 9/17: Writing and revising processes

What is your writing process?

Think about when you write something that you want to share with other people, or that you want to do a good job with. What do you do? What are your methods? How do you start? How do you know when to end? Other thoughts?

What did we write about for Project #2’s first draft? what felt comfortable, and what did we avoid?

In addition to the questions you already answered, try one of these:

  1. what is your motivation in design/to be a design student?
  2. who is your role model in design?
  3. what do you

Class notes for 9/12: Project #2 and the role of the artist

Update about what we’re doing for Project #2: As we draft, you will develop answers to many of the questions we brainstormed. Ultimately, you will produce an interview with an introduction, much like the format of Ksenya Samarskaya’s interview with Nontsikelelo Mutiti, “Nontsikelelo Mutiti on Interrogating the Euro-centric Design Canon.”

Homework due 9/17: Answer 4 questions from our list, trying to think about any kind of theme or awareness-raising your work expresses or you want it to express. Aim to write approximately 150 per question. To submit your homework, add a post with your 4 questions and … Read More...