


“to say or do again or again and again” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word was used as Iterating in “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram, in the sentence ” Universal Design is the act of considering all audiences, or as many as we can, at the beginning of a project, and iterating upon this consideration until we arrive at a solution that is usable by far more people than if we had not taken such a design tact.”

The author uses this word in order to tell that there is always a repeating idea that keeps on going into their heads so that the projects they are working on can meet with the expectations of the idea that they constantly kept on thinking, also serving as a reminder of their original goal and how far they can accomplish by iterating that goal.

Saturation Studies: Phase 1

My Color Wheel StarterColor Wheel

For the first phase of this project, I ended up searching up for different flowers to fit within their respected colors.  At first, I was unsure on what to use to create my color wheel, after a bit of thought though I had decided on flowers do to its relation to my own name.

Worked on for half an hour.

Field Trip to New Lab


Outside the New Lab

What I learned from the field trip to New lab would be about the how helpful the place is to different companies and be used as a work area and resource, such as with getting materials or the usage of 3D printing for prototype models. On our way there what really became interesting was the entrance, it was eye-catching to see something castle like related in a place where new inventions or future product are being made.

Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 3


For the animation, its 10 seconds long of moving all the parts of the images. At first, this was quite difficult mainly because I want sure how to compose the images. One can be turning, another sliding to the right or left, another becoming bigger, some fading and some not. All of this was playing around with throughout the project. While it was difficult to choose in the end I am satisfied with how it came out along that I picked 1 song for staccato and kept the song for legato, once the songs where in place it becomes more clearer how I would enjoy the pieces to move around and when. Overall hours worked was 5 hours.



nearness in place or time” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

This word was used in the article  “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, in the sentence “It’s always an empirical question, to what extent propinquity matters to people.”

Upon reading the word it confused me along with another and causing a stop at the flowing thoughts on the reading and causing a confusion.  Now looking up the word I now know what it means and its purpose within the sentence and how it makes sense. The article itself was already talking about different characteristics within New York , but not limited to anything in specific, so it can range within the Propinquity, or a ‘near time or place’ and how important it can be to a person.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary-Propinquity



relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory”  -Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

The sentence the word was used in the article  “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, in the sentence “It’s always an empirical question, to what extent propinquity matters to people.”

At first the word sounded as if it was synonym for important. However upon looking up what the word meant it gives a more clearer idea of what the sentence meant.  Which was in questioning about the experience and observation of a person about a certain or nearby time and place for them and seeing how much it mattered to them.

Merriam Webster Dictionary: Empirical



To take this picture I had to leave through the exit near the pearl building. Then taking a left down the block to cross the street. From there we turn right and go towards the park ahead. Across from the park to the right we see this building.

I took a picture of this building because building with these kind of structures are a rare sight to see now a days, where this building feels like its a castle compared to the other building and apartments around the area.  This becomes the juxtaposition of an old style vs new style. Along that this old style due to not being common it feels like it gives a sort of empowerment feeling of importance, which assuming it is, compared to the tall buildings around it.



“a fore-and-aft rigged boat with one mast and a single jib”- Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

The sentence the word is used in is “The man who assumes that there s an essential difference between sloop and the airplane lacks historic perspective.”

For the word ‘Sloop’ I now understand that it’s actually a name for an object, a type of sail boat to be exact, that has the front and back part of the boat with ropes that help support and move the masts. Along that within the sentence it was use in is to show the comparison between the boat and the airplane not being so different.

Merriam-Webster: Sloop

Field Trip

0604, SNOW STORM, 2018

The work I found most compelling was Snow Storm. The reason why I found it most compelling was due to how they were hanging and their color. When I heard the audio I knew the snowballs would be tied up with string to be hanging down from however the size and color was something I imagine differently. Turns out it use a light teal color for the snowballs, that could also be affected by the scent that the snowballs have.

Materials for it: Wool, chimes, ribbon, scent;

0408, Cotodama Lyric Speaker, 2016

The speaker was also an interesting one because it had to do with sound. The screen will show geometric shapes and lyrics of the song being played base on its songs characteristic, whether there’d be a hard or soft sound the lyrics and shapes would go along with it. This was interesting because it would connect with the current project that will be worked on in class.

Materials: galvanized steel, acrylic plate; Courtesy of COTODAMA and Songs, “Number One”; Performed by Portugal. The Man; “Don’t Love Me”; Performed by Janine; “Sticky”; Performed by Ravyn Lenae