

: lacking in foresight or discernment : narrow in perspective and without concern for broader implications ” Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word was encountered in “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” Lex Berko

The sentence it was used in was “Your commute to work and your walk to the shop don’t have to be so myopic and destination-driven. If you give yourself an extra 10 minutes for a small detour on your journey, it can transform your experience of the city into something altogether more enjoyable”

This word was utilized to try to say that our travels don’t have to be so narrow. It doesn’t have to be from point A to point B and that we should be open to new routes so that you can see new things and experience it. The author says that the longest route is normally the prettiest and that’s probably because you take more detours to look at things you don’t normally see. You’ll see greenery and such at a much quieter neighborhood probably far from the path you normally take which for example, shortcuts could possibly be cutting through commercial and busy areas. It’s up to the person walking to choose between the best route to them whether it be quiet, shortest, beauty or happy.


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