

•the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.

I found this word in the text of “A professor of sociology at queens college” where it says,“Here, poverty and privilege are neighbors; income gaps are a source of resentment and guilt”.


Idealize (v.)

Merriam Webster: to form ideals.

Source: The Senses eBook “Exhibits following universal design principles can facilitate a powerful feeling of inspiration, awe, wonder, and excitement for all visitors, not just those who meet an idealized persona.

Looking at images, I can see that idealize means something that someone would want to be back isn’t




•make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on

•order or decree (something) officially.

The word ordained is used a lot for sayings like “equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes”. The word also has a definition that supports the previous definition which is to make someone priest or minister.


Facilitate (v.)

Merriam Webster definition: to make easier

Source: The Senses eBook ”Inclusive design facilitates this social inclusion and interaction…”

Using images I can see visual representations of what the word means.


Cover Letter





Hi, Mr. Person

I’m writing this letter to purpose my art to be apart of your gallery. I’m a freshmen attending City Tech and my Major is Graphic Design. I want to learn as much as I can about animation and game creating. The game that got me to on to art in general is Sonic the hedgehog for the Sega genesis. As a kid the graphics and art style blew me away. I always wonder how so many colors can get into a tiny little screen and look so clean. It amazes me.

I really admire the work displayed in your gallery. It reminds me of those times. That type of art really inspired me to have the same amount of quality for my work. Now I want to showcase my art so everyone can see it.




Benevolent (adj.)

Definition: marked by or disposed to doing good ( Merriam Webster)

Source: “When Your Boss is an Algorithm.” First sentence of paragraph 4, “Data and Algorithms are presented as objective, neutral, even benevolent.”

While looking at images of benevolent, I saw a lot of images of people being kind and helping out someone else



Didatic 1

This page in the book has a folded paper and it will require you to open the paper to see the definition and drawing.  The word in the page is expenditure. This word means the act of spending, expending, especially funds. I drew the picture that shows a stack of cash with wings, showing that definition the act of spending will cause the money to be gone quick.

Color Harmony: Phase 3

[Work in progress] Although my cover looks very muted compared to when it was wet paint, the dominant color is supposed to be the purple on the bottom. While the subdominant is the different tints,tones and shades of cream. I will be adding the cream color in the top right corner as sunlight to match the cream in my proportional inventory. The accent color is supposed to be the black tree branches which I will later cover with purple leaves so it really does look like the purple is dominant instead of the trees standing out so much. (After I waited for it to dry I noticed how off it looks so I will go back to correct the colors by tomorrow.)

About a hour

Color Interaction Pairings: Phase 1

I learned that color was never seen as the greatest medium in art when it actually is.  In Josef Albers  Interaction of Color, he emphasizes on not only on seeing color, however also feeling the relationships between colors. According to an article about Josef Alber’s theory on color  The Magic and Logic of Color:

“Practical exercises demonstrate through color deception (illusion) the relativity and instability of color. And experience teaches that in visual perception there is a discrepancy between physical fact and psychic effect.”

Another point that Josef Alber talks about that I agree with and learned a bit from, is that our brains are conditioned to just look at something and point out the obvious, very literal things we see instead of really considering and admiring the richness of seeing. “And when he talked about visual perception, he meant something much more profound than just the way we look at the word – he would stop and look at the world look at the smallest object, smallest event, and see through it in a deep kind of way.”

Juxtaposition photo

For my juxtaposition project I chose to be more meaningful and try to take a photo of something more casual. I just so happened to have taken a picture of two buildings that happen to intersect between each other. One building was roughly rigid, eroded, and looked very old. On the other hand, the other building was more like a common style skyscraper in New York City. The juxtaposition in this picture was the view and perception of what’s considered new and old or ancient and advanced. It’s crazy to think that in a civilization/economy as advanced as New york city is so ancient but also advanced at the same time in the exact same space as each other.