
Word: Cartographer (Noun)

Definition: A person engaged in the production of maps.


Encounter: I saw this word on an bus advertisement while I was going to the movies during the week.

Comprehension: This word is basically a simplified for a person that does or produces maps. That person can do different types of maps such as outlined maps, topographic maps, global maps, city maps, and even construction maps.




“to say or do again or again and again” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word was used as Iterating in “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram, in the sentence ” Universal Design is the act of considering all audiences, or as many as we can, at the beginning of a project, and iterating upon this consideration until we arrive at a solution that is usable by far more people than if we had not taken such a design tact.”

The author uses this word in order to tell that there is always a repeating idea that keeps on going into their heads so that the projects they are working on can meet with the expectations of the idea that they constantly kept on thinking, also serving as a reminder of their original goal and how far they can accomplish by iterating that goal.



of or relating to the sense of smell (Merriam-Webster-Dictionary)

The word was encountered in “The Inclusive Museum” By Sina Bahram

The sentence that it was encountered in was “He found exhibits with audio, olfactory, or tactile components”

The author utilizes this word to say that the museum not only had audio, but smell and things that you could touch/feel. This is important to the paragraph in the article because its essentially saying the guide limited the experience of being in a museum because from a earlier lesson with the ways of seeing video, when looking at paintings or objects your interpretation of them can be shaped through the audio that is played along with it. Because this impacted the author so much she decided that museums aren’t doing enough for disabled people, simply acknowledging the disability is not enough.



Class notes: Thesis statements and more

Reading “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram, from The Senses eBook

What is a thesis statement?

  • It’s not a question: it can be the answer to a question
  • it’s the main idea of the piece (essay, article, etc)
  • the claim that it makes or argument it establishes
  • is it an opinion or fact? it’s an opinion supported by facts
  • it’s specific to a topic, but it pushes that topic into something arguable, supportable with evidence
  • comes at the end of your introduction
  • road map of your essay
  • it’s a draft until you’re done!
  • it’s appropriate to the assignment in topic, scope, approach, etc


Although [thing we expect], actually [thing readers don’t necessarily expect].

Although both buildings represent workspace in downtown Brooklyn, they represent diverse approaches to architectural design that developed over the last 150 years.

Although [similarities we expect], actually [difference we come to discover]

Although both the built environment and the natural environment are located in downtown Brooklyn, they represent different materials, designs, and therefore, different experiences for Brooklynites.

Although [difference we expect], actually [similarity we didn’t necessarily expect]

Although the photograph makes these buildings seem like they are next to each other, they are far apart in terms of architectural design, uses, and ???.

Project#3:phase 4

This project was very interesting. My favorite part of this project was painting, it allowed to practice some  different techniques to help improve my painting skills. I also love making collages out of copies of a photograph of myself to create something new. I kearbel alot about broad and narrow value ranges. These ate things I will take into account when creating an image or taking a photo .I also learned how to drag a viwers attention towarst the focul point of an image.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3 


Project#3: phase 3

Narrow Low-key Value Range Painted Collage
Narrow Low-key Value Range
Broad Value Range
Broad Value Range Collage

The first image is my painted  Narrow Low-key collage created with gouache paint. The second image is the original collage  I created and used as reference the create my copied versions of it.  The third image is my Broad Value range digital collage. This image was created on photo shop. The last image was the original broad value range collage I created and  used this image as a reference to create the the third image.

Time: 7 hours




Project#3: Phase 2

Broad range

This is my broad image collage. This is image represents a broad range value because there is almost a neutral light to dark distribution in this image. The focus point in this image is my nose. The way the images is alligned kind of helps lead the viewer to the focus point.As you can there is a strong stable figure/ground relationship.

Narrow Low-Key Value range

This is my Narrow value range. This represents my Narrow low-key value range because there is mostly darkness in this image compared to the light, it also transition from dark to the little bit of light you see near the end of the right side of the image. The focul point in this image is the eyes. I put them in the central of my face and kind of stacked them to draw attention to themselves and kind if help lead the viewers eyes towards the focul point. This image has an unstable Ambiguous figure/ground relationship. There’s a lot going on with the collage in this image that makes it difficult for you to determine what is the figure and what is the ground.


High Key/Light Value range
Low key/ light value range
Broad range

Hours worked: 1 hour

The first image represents a high-key/light value range. This is because there is mostly light in this image and less darkness or shadows in the image. This image also kind of  graduates from dark to light  creating the feeling of success or hope.The second image represents low-key/light value range. This is because there is little to no light in the image, instead there is  mostly darkness and shadows. This image kind of expressea despair, mystery,and creepiness. Lastly, the final image represents broad a broad range image. This is because there a similar amount or equal amount of light and darkness in the image, there’s a neutral clash between light and dark. This image expresses balance.