

Definition- decayed deteriorated or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse

this is another word that I found in the text of “here, poverty and privilege are neighbors” in the text it says “To the west, Brighton beach is packed with modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated bungalows, and frame houses,”

i see that this word means to be misused and worn out. I say it has a relationship to the word “patina” which means rusty green or orange look.




definition- a count of the population and a property evaluation in early Rome

in the reading of “here, poverty and privilege are neighbors” it says “in the 1990’s the disparity in many neighborhoods became more pronounced, census data show.”

it’s clear to me that the word “Census” is the number of people living in poverty in that neighborhood at that time.



definition- having an abundance of goods or riches, wealthy

in the text of “here, poverty and privilege are neighbors”, it says ” the affluent pushed deeper into neighborhoods they had once shamed.”

I understand now that the word is used to show some type of power over the lower and maybe the middle-class people.






include, comprehend a plan that encompasses a number of aims

to form a circle about: enclose

bring about, accomplish  encompass a task

I encountered this word on the “Here, poverty and privilege are neighbors: income gaps are a source of resentment and guilt” reading, paragraph 9.

in the reading it says”, where one tract encompasses everything from new luxury apartment houses and full floor condominium lofts to small, decaying apartment buildings.”

I now understand what the word means by reading the definition and the sentence it was found in. it means everything is now coming into one. like there could be different last names in one family.


Urban artifacts: phase 4

Doing this project really made me understand what stable and ambiguous really meant, and also that it can be conveyed in many different ways by different people. it could be sown anywhere, from little things on the street to even buildings on your street. it has also taught me the importance of positive and negative space, placement and contrast.


phase 1

phase 2

phase 3

Sound Visualizations: Phase 3


The sparks in the video represent the staccato song while the violin represents the violin in the legato song. The left panel on the bottom slides slowly to the violin while pitch is shown on the other violin panels. I also chose to make the smallest spark panel the one with the most energy to match the staccato beat that has higher frequency.

I worked on this for about 7 hours on the pictures and about 20 minutes to pick a song and a part I would crop.

Avatar and bio final(updated Version)

Part 1: Biography

Hi, my name is Olando Alexis and i’m currently a freshman at City Tech. As a person I feel as if I have the potential to be great and succeed in life. To be honest I haven’t really figured out what i’m passionate about in life yet. The feeling of uncertainty is a huge mystery but in a way also stressful and unpredictable. I want to be productive in the future but not be working a 9-5 job. I like the feeling of having a social life. It’s true that a social life can be formulated through careers but there’s only so much you can talk or relate to people about at work. The social life I want is more of a work-life balance, and also being close to my friends and my loved ones. Knowing the type of person I am, I tend to heed others opinions but I also know what not do do. I feel as if I want to be successful I would have to take risk. I can’t be a regular person, it’s more than just a future for me. Whatever I end up doing, I hope that career pays well and that it makes me satisfied. Everyone knows that an unpredictable life is dangerous and scary, but I somewhat love it and hate it at the same time because the rush is amazing. I just want to be stable and be able to say I succeeded and keep on moving forward through the challenges that were in my way.

Part 2: Avatar and image description

For my avatar i chose a character form an anime known as “Naruto”.  So all in all the character that i picked goes by the name of Shikamaru. So in this anime, Shikamaru is this really intelligent guy that seems to think differently and out of the box from everybody else around him. Although very comprehensive and intelligent, He is most of the time depicted as Easygoing and lazy. He lacks work ethic and tends to find easy ways or does a lazy version of works given to him or works that are mandatory. In this particular anime, characters have great power abilities and and fighting arts. In shikamaru’s case, his powers are powerful but not as powerful as his peers but what really sets him apart and makes him superior to his peers is his ability to outsmart and make his opponents/does look silly. The image itself depicts a my avatar looking forward with his right hand behind his head and he looks very lazy. Also, in the picture the character looks as if he doesn’t really care what’s going on around him or what anybody has to say to him. Also you might notice that he had a ponytail as a hairstyle. That’s significant because that shows that he’s not very stylish and that he just keeps his hair simple and tidy.

The thing that me and my avatar have alike is that we both think things through before making a decision and we also don’t act on impulse most of the time. To be honest I have no type of idea what i’m passionate about but, then again it is what it is. For viewers looking at my avatar they might just see a guy that has a very boring face, but in my opinion his face expression says and means a lot to me. To me it means observant and neutral. People often misinterpret observant people as boring and in some cases quiet. In my head it’s more fictitious than obvious. As a person im more outspoken but i also feel as if my character is very outspoken when he wants his point heard and when he feels as if his voice has to be heard. Another thing that people might notice is my characters body language. While most People see his body language as shameful and shy, i look at im more as a disinterested, and that to me says that my avatar doesn’t do anything that has no interest to him.


Final Part: Conclusion

In short, I feel as if my profile has been completed and that the audience understands my point of view and also my personality. My profile conveys the fact that I’m an observant, Intelligent, and outspoken person but also more easy going and interesting. I expect my profile to give me more motivation into being more of an hard worker. Also I want this profile to allow me to accept myself as I am and try to change all the parts that i consider to be able to get more improved. Lastly, I hope that this character can help me understand that I do have defaults and that it can help me continue through college to get my degree in whatever I get interested in.

Project #3 10/17

  • “Thousands of people pass that storefront every day, each one haunting the streets of his or her own New York, not one of them seeing the same thing.” From the reading“The Way We Live Now: 11-11-01; Lost and Found” by Colson Whitehead.
  • “Upon arriving in New York, he walked from Kennedy Airport to the nearby Crowne Plaza Hotel, a journey more perilous than he expected, because it involved a nightmare traverse of expressways with no curbs.” From the reading “A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles Mcgrath.
  • “If you had known, perhaps you would have stepped behind the counter and shaken everyone’s hand, pulled out the disposable camera and issued posing instructions. But you had no idea. There are unheralded tipping points, a certain number of times that we will unlock the front door of an apartment. At some point you were closer to the last time than you were to the first time, and you didn’t even know it. You didn’t know that each time you passed the threshold you were saying goodbye.” “The Way We Live Now: 11-11-01; Lost and Found” by Colson Whitehead.
  • “To an area along the beach in Brooklyn where West End Avenue appears to be a stark line of demarcation between the serene old-immigrant opulence of Manhattan Beach and the teeming new-immigrant enclave  of Brighton Beach” Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt” by  

These quotes address the different New York experiences because the article Lost and Found by Colson Whitehead focuses on how New Yorkers tend to take everything for granted in “their New York” which is what they experience on a day to day business. But because we have different experiences like that and the city changes every day no one’s New York is the same as another person’s because someone will always encounter a store and remember it for it selling that product, or functioning for this purpose. Then when the store goes away new tenants or people who live in the neighborhood won’t see it like that but the newly renovated cafe, restaurant etc. This relates to my juxtaposition because the new highrise may have been something else such as a store or an abandoned lot at some point. The quote from A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport” by Charles Mcgrath talks about how people may not be used to walking around New York for the first time or underestimating the time it takes to walk. This could connect to my juxtaposition because people have different experiences walking in New York. If you live farther away from Manhattan I would like to believe that the streets are normally less crowded which may be apart of your New York if you chose to live away from commercial areas. The final quote by Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt” by