Avatar [Revised]

My interest in art began this April 2018. This caused me to begin taking art more seriously as a potential profession or something that I would like to work on and improve gradually. My favorite colors are mint and lime. My rule for myself is to be forgiving to others and to believe in the possibility that anyone can change because they have the free will to do so.

My passion for art takes form as both digital and watercolor style. I like to invest my time in backgrounds and pixel art. I draw with colorful pastel colors to saturated colors depending on my mood. Throughout my years of experiencing various video games, I was inspired to aim to become a concept designer. My goal in five to ten years is to have a portfolio with various art pieces that could be used for game design. Throughout college, I hope to achieve a degree of some sort.

My avatar is a white bird and I chose a bird avatar to represent simplicity because generally it is white and round which is easy to draw and people can easily distinguish that it is a bird. The white color represents purity which reflects me as a person because I always have a pure intention when saying things or doing things and I try my best not to harm others. The idea of being harmless is embedded in this image as a cute small bird.

My icon can be misinterpreted as someone who likes birds. One can misinterpret it as someone who wants to be away from society because birds tend to fly away when people come. A majority of people may misinterpret me as a biology major or aiming for an ornithologist career. My aesthetic in art, however, is generally colorful images that utilize pastel colors. This bird is white and light grey and it falls under a tint which I personally find beautiful. My profile picture could possibly guide people towards what I find interesting when they could assume I draw in a cute style or that I like small animals. The way that the bird is perched on a branch and may seem to be watching your every move might cause people to feel a little unsettling represents me, but I tend to watch people so that I don’t end up confused when everyone else is working.

Overall I hoped this bird would convey that I’m friendly and this matters especially when getting to know people because I don’t want people to automatically assume my personality based on the things I may say or my gestures in class. The first impression always matters, but I tend to always look comfortable in class so people may assume that I might be demotivated or tired. Since I do most of my work on Open lab people will see my icon more than they see me in class because I tend to go straight home after class is over. So I’m hoping that when people see the bird they might think that I’m just there kind of like how the bird is framed in the picture standing on a branch. I want my profile picture to be interpreted as a person that comes and goes, watches what’s going on before going to the next assignment, and flying away.

I expect my avatar to develop as I meet new people who maybe share the same interests as me so I can get more specific with my image. As of now, I’m not that comfortable sharing my interest or rather I don’t have anything I’m specifically interested in which caused me to pick an animal I liked. Hopefully with the updated avatar after a few classes, I would be able to successfully convey my skill in the arts by uploading a picture of a piece I’m really proud of or representing a group that I fit in and am apart of.


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