Happiness Apps

Happiness has been an ongoing topic, constant promotions, tracking individuals happiness. Websites and apps have been created in order to improve/ helps ones happiness and show the ideal path to happiness.

Most of the apps were a bit boring and not interesting at all as i clicked on each one and downloaded i felt as if it was a waste most of the apps only asked a series of questions. In my opinion the app “Happify” is the most efficient app in achieving happiness. After downloading happify it instantly tells you how to find the right track for you, complete track activities and games on the go. It also asks a series of questions to get to know you after you finish, it sets up a track that best fits you, and how it will benefit you. Happify helps with positive thinking , it sets goals and allows you to achieve them. With these games  and activities it can help achieve happiness one day at a time.

I used to believe there was something wrong with tracking individuals happiness but i now see that it can be very beneficial. I thought that completing survey’s weren’t as affective but completely these survey’s honestly can help you towards becoming more happy.i

My happy place in NYC

So after much thought I would have to say My happiest place in New York City is …

the # 2 school . I know that’s a weird name for a school but that’s the name of it . I didnt actually go to the school but my parents , aunts and uncles would take my cousins and I there to play in the playground that was there . Its my happy place because of the memories that I have of the playground . The memories of my family , sometimes I would look at the pictures and see my brother and I sitting on the slides holding hands smiling for the camera . Every time I think about the school it brings all that back in my mind and I cant help but smile because there years I cant ever go back to but their years I will always cherish forever .

hAPPiness Tracking and Promoting

In Flow and GPS 4 The Soul are some interesting apps that has the same purposes. It’s purpose to track happiness and promote it. How does it work(?), one might ask. Does it work(?) or is it all a scam for your money(?) At first I was wasn’t really surprise about all these tracking and promoting happiness apps. There are millions of apps being developed right now as I am writing this blog.  I was however, annoyed when I first downloaded the apps. It’s basically ask me what I am doing and How I am feeling doing it. This is what most of the apps asked me to do. However I came across Happify. It is unlike the other apps. It better and much fun then just asking me questions.

In happily, It looks more developed and more efficient due to it having activities for us to do. One of the game, have us clicking on hot air balloons with positive words to make them go up and if we clicked a negative word, the balloon would go down. It’s quite a learning tool too. I played the game and as the level goes up, the words became outside my vocabulary. I learnt a feel positive words and also some negative words. Happify is free for it user, however for full access, a 15 dollars fee each month is required.

This tracking and promoting happiness reminds me about the first article we read for this class. I remember myself disagree with the fact that the government is trying to track people happiness , but agree that they trying to promote happiness however by picking sides. Since these apps are self-help apps that a user are willing to download it, I am fine with them tracking ones happiness.



Happiness App?!

In today’s world, people have managed to create websites and apps about promoting happiness. Technology is improving so much that it started making apps which can tell a person what he’s doing wrong in his daily life. The sites and apps created clarify the right path to happiness which have a lot of great points about how to reach happiness.

To my experience, I believe that the app Happify is the most accurate to pursue happiness. I’m not the only one that says it, websites and articles say the same about this app. For example, The New York Times article, “Positive Thinking, With a Little Help From Your Phone”, which  quoted, “Happify is perhaps the most sophisticated positive vibes app available now. The idea of this free iOS app is to train you into thinking positively and feeling happy by engaging you in various “tracks” with different goals like improving your confidence or seeing new possibilities”. Through all the apps for happiness I went through, I thought that the “Happify” app was the one that actually could really help with a person’s journey to happiness. It does several things that the other apps about happiness don’t actually do. Even though I’ve used it for only three days, I’ve meditated, which I really enjoy, and I’ve played games which I also enjoy.

This app starts by asking you questions about your life and from there it puts you on a basic track. Each track includes quizzes, games and activities that guide you to seeing more positive aspects of your daily life. The app also makes you see your happiness level to help you make better choices in your daily life to become happy. I also has a page with comments and photos of other people to encourage you in your life and you can do the same.

I find it fascinating how these apps are actually able to help others and monitors their happiness. I think it is a helpful and very successful way to help people and their well-being. Although these happiness apps have great aspects, I believe that people will not be able to reach happiness only through technology. I think that the journey to happiness could only be reached if the person himself puts some efforts into finding a better, positive, and healthy way to reach happiness. Technology can help in some ways but however cannot actually make a person completely happy.

Many of the apps about happiness don’t actually help a person in their journey to happiness but they are more like computers checking for a data to manage. Also, these apps, unlike humans, don’t know about the well being of a person. Therefore, a person shouldn’t actually rely on a app to make them happy but something “real” like themselves.

My Escape

Living in a big city such as New York City there are various areas for me that brings me happiness. The area that stands out the most to me is central park. The environment and just being around nature calms me. Central park is such a beautiful park there’s a large amount of areas where i can just relax not having to worry about being bothered, either sitting on a bench or laying my blanket out on the grass to read a book. If I happen to be having a hard day sitting in the park to clear my mind allows my stress and worries to diminish, its my way of escaping all of the troubles in the world such as my work load for my college courses. I’m a nature person I love to be around nature such as flowers, grass, and picnic settings. Even when the season’s change the vibe of central park will never change for me, that happy feeling will never disappear.

Sitting in central park on a warm summer day reading a book while the winds blows is very relaxing. A huge factor for me in my happiness is being relaxed, satisfied and completely calm and content. Being able to be taken to a complete different place not having to worry about anything and just feeling free,it amazes me that one special place can do that for me. Nothing matters the moment I’m  there because the only feeling i have is happiness I’m not feeling sad, depressed, nor angry it takes me to a different world.

Although, central park is my happy place I’m not the only one I’ve noticed on days that I’ve been there that many people seemed very happy as well. From children running around playing enjoying the weather, Individuals training for a marathon, street performers dancing, and couples taking their first steps into marriage. Central park is such an amazing, beautiful, peaceful environment.

My Happy Place!

New York has a lot of wonders and even though I travel a lot, to some extend, this city has beautiful aspects. I’ve explored New York City a lot, and some places have really stood out to me. However if i was to choose one, it will be 14 ST – Union Square. Not only that specific spot but also the surroundings of it. I love diversity and Union Square is a place in which a lot of diversity can be found.

In most places I’ve visited, New York City has been the only one with so much diversity, and it is best shown in Union Square. Whenever I need to calm down or have a laugh, or just walk around, Union Square is where I find myself. Not only is it beautiful, but it is surrounded by things to explore. It is a place where a person can shop, go to restaurants for a new taste, explore beautiful parks, see different kind people, and learn about different cultures.

In Union Square, I’ve actually seen many things. It is my favorite place in New York City because it is the only place in the whole city where I don’t actually feel like a stranger. Its a place where I could hang out with my friends and have a blast. its a place where i see great fashion. It’s my favorite place to shop in. Its a place where I could read, take my mind off of unhealthy things and just be me.

I also love the history of it. I find it amazing that it used to be a burial ground just like most parks in New York City, but it still fascinating. It also has statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Mohandas Gandhi, and Marquis de Lafayette to show respect and I’m a person who loves their history.

Most of all, I love this square because it is just beautiful, the first place I visited when I arrived in the U.S. on 2009, and where I made a lot of memories.

Serinity & Peace


When asked what is you happiest place in NYC? When I am feeling stressed or down and want to be alone my happiest place is a place called the pod on 51 street. The pod is my happiest place because it may seem odd, but it’s a hotel that I go to and not to get a room, but they have a roof top where anyone is allowed to go to and I go there almost every other weekend especially in the summer time because it’s a place where you can sit, think, relax and chill with anyone. I considered it my happy place because it’s where I go when I am cruising on my skateboard and I go up to the roof listen to my music and think about my life in general. I sometimes even do my homework there because they have free wi-fi and it’s a place for me to sit down and be alone with no worries.

When I get to 51 street any feeling that I was feeling before automatically goes away because that’s a place where I am at ease and all my worries goes away. Not only do I love going to the pod, but someone who is special to me or important to me they get the privilege to go to the pod because I want to be memorable to people and I want to give them things to remember. The reason why I want to give them something to remember because someone who I told about the pod and they go there they can hit me up or walk past the pod one day and can say “nay I was by the pod and it made me think of you “which makes me feel good because no matter what they will always remember me.

Also the coolest thing about the pod it remind me of titanic because the way it is set up its small, but the rooms are so cool and huge and titanic is one of my favorite movies, therefore going there reminds me of it and they have so many pictures in the hallways which reminds me of being in an art museum, it makes me feel good and happy because it’s what I dream of having my own place looking like. Also it’s where all my thoughts come into one and I write everything down so I won’t forget.

Lastly the reason why I go to the pod and some may think “you go to a hotel to chill on a roof “it may seem weird to some, but the reason is because it’s a place not everyone will go and say that’s their favorite place. I go there so much the door man know my name and give me free snacks and sometimes I have the option to sit get a room for a couple of hours because my dad brother friend is the manager there, and I have the ability to actually get the chance to be on my own for once and have time for myself.

My Happy Place.

When I walk into this place my problems seem to disappear. I become happy and ready to explore. The place that makes me feel this way is Forever 21, specifically the one in Times Square. I love this specific Forever 21 out of all the other ones the most is because it has four floors. Other stores have one or two floors but this one has FOUR. The main reason this place brings me joy because since getting a job I am able to buy things on my own, I no longer need to ask anymore. This play always gave me joy because now knowing that I am able to buy what I want, makes this place my favorite place. I loved the store before my job, but going to a store without money is torture. Having to look at all the beauty and knowing you can’t buy it hurts. So now when I come here I have the option of buying something if I want to.

So the first floor is the kind of preppy clothing. I’ve noticed every time I go with someone they never want to look in the first floor, I’ve never understood that. I think it’s best to look on every floor, you’ll never what you might find despite which floor. I like to give every floor a chance. The thing about this store, it get’s better with each floor. So the second floor is split up in different sections based on the types of clothes. There’s the pajamas and comfortable clothing, the bags, the working clothes, the lingerie, jewelry and then one section for everyday wear. I love the fact that they do this because it’s allowing so much just on one floor and there’s so much different stuff to look at.

The third floor is also divided into section based on clothes. There’s the clothes for guys, the kids, jeans, plus size, and night out clothing. One would be surprised, there are some nice stuff in the boys section if you actually look. I really like just looking in the boys section because there stuff is more comfortable. I like to feel comfortable in my clothing and nowadays everything for girls is cut short, which I hate. Even sweaters, something meant to keep us warm is cut. I really hope that trend stops because it’s not cute, not even in the summer. I love the fact that there is a plus size section, I love getting my jeans from there because sometimes the regular jeans don’t fit me. This is the only Forever 21 I’ve been to with a plus size section. It’s good because not everyone fits the regular clothing and it’s good to have one there.

Finally the last floor, where I usually always find what I’m looking for or just find the best stuff. The last floor is more urban and cool. There’s also gym clothes and more bags and shoes done there. Also the clothing that is on sale is down there as well and if you look hard enough you will find something you like in that big section.

So there it is, my favorite place. From the feeling of independence this place gives me to the four floors of heaven, this place will forever bring me happiness. I could be in the worst mood on my way to this place but once I step foot in here I am a happy person.

What appeals to me

Happiness Apps? I had no idea that such a thing dared to exist, but alas, it does. These are mobile apps that kind of mind your business. Being open-minded, one just might give back to themselves. It’s not that “stars and explosions” phenomenon, but with open-mindedness, you can see yourself for better or for worse.

In-flow gives us a “day in the life”. It’s kind of general although they try to be as specific as possible. I must admit that when I pulled up to my nephew’s baby shower and checked my phone, In-flow seemed a tad imposing. The timing was just not good, however I felt compelled to respond to get it out the way. Upon my return home, mind you I’ve been driving all day on my day off, I just don’t do that, but I’ve vowed to myself to be present at all costs. I’ve covered every borough in the city yesterday as I wanted my nephew’s baby shower to be a success, and I was no good when I returned home. Overall I felt contentedly satisfied  with the outcome of my day.

I was tired, extremely tired when I got home. Lo and behold, here’s In-flow on my phone asking me how I felt. It felt like such an imposition and that feeling lasted all of thirty seconds, after about thirty seconds, I was afforded a great moment of introspection, however vague. This pleased me very much, to be able to reflect on the pleasantries and accomplishments in conjunction with “being present” for my family.

I then came upon another app in which I downloaded. This app is called Emotion-sense. Emotion-sense seemed quite realistic insofar as breaking down my profile into 8 categories: Demographics, Personality; This has five subsections consisting of Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, and Openness. There’s Gratitude, Health/Subjective Health, Sociability which consists of Relationships and Time with Others, there’s Job Satisfaction, Life Aspirations which subsections include Altruistic: (unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. It is the opposite of egoistic), Relationships, Economic, Political, Pleasure, Spiritual and Artistic. Mind you this Life Aspirations segment encompasses most of the things that life is in its totality. The final category but certainly not least in my opinion is Connectedness. I scored low on this but hey progress not perfection right?

These categories have allowed me, the individual, an opportunity to account for my life. Simply setting up my profile are what these attributes amount to. It’s made me look at myself and my life. A happiness tracker? Probably not. It felt more like a holistic accomplishment tracker thus determining ones life’s direction to date. I appreciated it.

Anything else outside of the Profile segment consists of a week of tracking and it is all technological. This requests locations, has graphs of ones moods at certain times of the day, etc. What I get from it all is that this monitoring of happiness and well-being is big business. Although most of the apps are free, the attention that they get out of sheer curiousity, will line pockets right nice.

I’m no hater. If I like what I’ve seen, I will engage it. These apps are an effective way to check my feelings and moods, however, these apps didn’t check my happy. I checked my happy. Perhaps I was expecting a different approach from the apps I’ve looked into. Nevertheless it had a calming effect on me, allowing me to reflect and introspect in that order. Reminding me to remember where I came from, what I’ve come through. This work has, I guess it did please me somewhat. The nostalgia, the surviving it all, what I’ve amounted to after the pains and pleasures. To sum it all up, the Emotion Sense app has renewed my level of gratitude.

Astoria Park: my one special place.

Although I haven’t been to many places, I love to always visit new ones, learn about them and get different experiences from each one. There are places that are not necessarily the best ones to be physically in but the emotions you experienced were wonderful and suddenly they become the favorite place you can think of. Other places you just fall in love with them because of their nice location or environment that make you feel a deep connection. For me, Astoria Park is definitely one of my favorite places in New York City and I think not only mine but to many others as well. According to the article “The Happiest and Saddest Places o New York City, According to Twitter” by Brian Merchant, the New England Complex Systems Institute reports that Astoria Park ranks between the top 10 happiest places of New York.

When I came to the United States 5 years ago I first lived in Ozone Park, Queens. I lived there for a year and then moved to Astoria when I was going into high school. I moved just a block away from the park, and I remember when I saw it for the first time in the summer. I was standing right in front of it, looking side to side, up and down. I visualized the big green trees and the blooming flowers around it. I thought to myself “This will be the place to be myself”. So, it became like that.

I have experienced so many things in this park that I don’t even know where to start from. In the summer it becomes the most magical place to be in every day. I go there to read, think, exercise, or just lie on the grass and stare at the blue sky thinking about nothing. I remember myself going in the spring to do homework or projects. There was also a period of time where I used to run in the track field every night, or go to practice in the day with my school’s soccer club.

Moreover, I used to go there occasionally with my family and friends to just spend an afternoon having a picnic and chatting about our lives. Not to forget that I also appreciate the fact that there are always events going on in the park when its summer. I can go watch movies for free on a big screen and lie on the grass and have a relaxed time. Or listen to bands performing in this opened space. There is also a public pool in the park, although I never go its good for my brother because he loves it. Another great thing about it is that there is always a fair in the summer where you can ride some big games and eat sweets until your stomach hurts. In fall and winter I mostly go to walk out some sorrows I may have and just sit on the pavement next to the river observing how it flows. Whether I am happy, stressed, or sad it’s always the one place that I can go to.

Here is a picture of it at day and night! By the way, I took  my profile picture in the park as well.


10736106_1509501702637665_129479855_n (different place in the park)