First Year Learning Community

Category: COMD1100 Project #3 (Page 5 of 8)

Midterm Grade

All 3 projects over the course of this semester so far have taught me many things. I learned about figure ground relationships and how they are important in creating a piece to catch the eye of the viewer and give them an idea on what you want to express.  Along with this, when doing project 2, learning about legato and staccato in art helped me to convey smooth and calm or rough and more energetic in my art. Both projects helped me to refine my ideas better and helped me to see how i can better portray my feelings and message in my art. Project 3 helped me to better understand lighting. In making this abstract collage, I had to focus on making my narrow range values narrow enough to be considered so, and to make sure m broad ranged piece was broad enough on the spectrum. This third project helped to give me a better understanding of how to use highlights, low lights, and the rest of the spectrum of gray scale lighting to better express my messages in my art.

Sound Visualizations

Urban Artifacts

Project No. 3

Value Added Portraits: Phase 1

Value Added Portraits: Phase 2

Sound Visualizations: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

This project helped me learn that what you see in art can be interpreted many ways. I was able to use music to create art that would represent the beat and feeling of the song; this art would have to convey what I felt and heard to the viewer. This project was definitely difficult for me because i had problems expressing the staccato and legato music onto the page, but I did learn the importance of being able to convey my ideas and feelings properly in what I create in the future.

Value added portraits: Phase 2

Time spent: 2 hours

Midterm Grade Post

From these projects, I learned how to make better use of high key and low key portraits in photos. I think if I had something I could have improved on, it would probably be interacting with my peers more on the projects so I can learn from them. I also believe I could have taken better photos for the first part of the project to better emphasis the difference between high key and low key portraits.

Project 1


Project 2


Project 3

Midterm Grade Post

  • “What have you learned?”

What I have learned from the three projects that we have worked on so far is that it made me realized what my capabilities are in terms of both creativity, and skill. I don’t really believe that my work was really that good, but it seems to be speaking otherwise judging by the comments I have gotten so far from my fellow classmates. These three projects actually pushed me out of my comfort zone to paint as I never liked painting as oppose to other techniques of coloring. I also had the time to do what I wanted to do in order to improve, and that is inking.  I feel that I have improved my skills as I wanted from working on these three projects.

  • “How would you do things differently next time?”

The way I would do things differently next time is that I would upgrade the projects I have done with my improved creativity, and skills in order to make something better so that I could learn more.

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