My project #2

The avatar that I chose is an actual picture of me that I took on snapchat. The reason I picked this picture as my avatar is because I want to show others my real appearance as an actual person and also what there is to describe of me. I wear glasses you would probably believe that I’m smart in the avatar, I don’t smile like that either in pictures and also I always carry a necklace with my first name initial. I don’t like having my hair long so I keep it short around shoulder length. I like to add filter to pictures like the one on my avatar to look more creative with editing it.

Project #2: Avatars

My avatar is a picture of 2 characters from an anime called “The Seven Deadly Sins.” As you can see the picture has a split down the middle and on the left side of the split lies one character (Meliodas) and on the right side lies the other character (Zeldris). The picture has a pretty symmetrical alignment of the halves of the characters faces that were selected. And the reason why I chose it as my avatar is because I feel like it kind of shows who I am. I used the 2 faces as a way of representing the two moods/ personalities that “primarily” can be said is me and the symmetry can symbolize that when put together both personalities make up me.

Project 2 avatar

I took the picture of my avatar over the summer . I enjoy exploring and discovering new places. It was in an exhibit called “superreal” it was located near battery park in the city. It’s a picture of a pathway filled with clear plastic poles hanging down from the ceiling with purple/pink lights reflecting on the poles and I found it fascinating and fun . I chose it as my avatar Because it’s full of color and it was very vibrant . And I’d describe myself as a very fun and outgoing person . Also my favorite color is purple and it just amazed me .  Although the picture at first is very confusing it’s because I tilted it so it’s sideways and I find it cool because it kind of looked like water in a way and it’s just beautiful and I love sight seeing . It’s very peaceful for me and I personally like meditating and just thinking .

The picture itself is just amazing but what is used to build up the image is a whole lot of line and color . There are parallel line and intersecting ones as well . Having a black background helps the image itself stand out as well . It would’ve been different if it was a white background the whole image and it’s purpose would’ve been lost. This image inspires me in a way to stay positive and happy . Seeing like line strokes run down horizontally reminds me of “keep on going” and stay balanced .Which is a big motivator and can be useful in any situation .

Project #2

My avatar is actually a piece I created on adobe photoshop. One day I was just bored, scrolling through my Instagram feed, and saw three words that stood out to me, “Real eyes, Realize, Real lies”. Once I saw those words, an immediate thought was, how can I make those three words look visually appealing. First off I wanted to make those words stand out, and I wanted there to be more warm colors than cool. I wanted to create an illusion by trying to make the words appear through the paper, as if the colors of the words were blending in with the background. I believe I have a keen eye to detail, and it shows it in my avatar. My avatar correctly describes be as a designer, with a keen eye, and with a lot of creativity, wanting to turn nothing into something.

My project #2

My avatar is based on a lime green background that says “keep it SIMPLE”. The fonts used was Helvetica for “keep it” that is then colored white.Then “SIMPLE” is an outline in white and copied again in a dark toned green which are then layered on top  of each other. “keep it” is positioned on top of  the”SIMPLE”. All together the texts was placed in the center and “SIMPLE” was enlarged to give the image a very minimalist yet creative design. Which I think represents economy and unity as well as  stable figure-ground. Ultimately I think this avatar represents me because I tend to enjoy the simple things in life. I also try to live my life to the motto”keep it simple” I think the most memorable things in design and life are the simplest ones.

Project #2 introduction

My avatar is a baby picture of me.  This baby picture is after one of my birthday. I don’t remember which one it was either after my first or after my second.  In this picture I am wearing an old white dress  and an all white hat.  The hat I am wearing is so big that it is covering all of my hair. There is a red background behind me with white polkadots. This picture appears that I’m very happy smiling with only like six teeth in my mouth, four on top and two on the bottom. 

ENG 1101 Homework: Drafting avatar descriptions

In class we started drafting the paragraph or two that will answer the Project #2 question about avatars. Here’s what the assignment asks you to do:

Choose or create an avatar to represent you on the OpenLab. You might need to reconsider your avatar choice if you’ve already selected and uploaded one. Write one or two paragraphs in which you describe the image well enough that your readers need not look at it to know what it looks like, call attention to specific details in the image, and explain how the image represents you, specifically the you you’re representing in the interview.

More simply, draft an answer to the question What is your avatar and how does it represent you?

Aim to write 200 words for the answer!

Project #2 First Draft

Question: Can you see yourself doing anything else?

A: There is one other thing that I can possibly see myself doing but it would take a lot of effort and dedication put into it to actually receive an outcome from it. That one thing would be streaming or doing Youtube as a content creator. Being a content creator on those platforms can also expand my creativity while being myself as a person. I was unsure if I would be successful in that direction so I decided to become a graphic designer as a ComD major to have that firm ground to build myself on while learning something that I genuinely enjoy. Other than that, I do not really see myself doing anything else that I am interested in or would spend the rest of my life perusing and doing. As of now, I focus myself on being successful as a ComD student while enjoying Youtube and being a content creator for fun and a side hobby.

Question: What influenced you towards this major?

A: The thing that dragged me into this major was around 5 years ago. At the time, I went back to China for vacation and during that time, I signed up for a drawing and shading class because my cousin asked if I wanted to try it out. During the month and a half of being in the drawing class, I became really intrigued with how my artwork really stood out with the shading and making it 3D. It really made me think about how people look at things and the way they see it because during the classes, everyone was sitting in a different seat while looking at the same 3 to 4 wooden blocks under a light and it was casting a shadow in a different direction. After my vacation, that was when I bought my first drawing tablet and starting doing digital art and learning by watching Youtube videos and teaching myself. This was what influenced me towards this major in ComD.

Question: What are some things you like to design?

A: There are many things that I personally like to design. When I am at home, I would usually be drawing or sketching characters with my drawing tablet. That would range from anime to just random shape or words that kind of stands out to me. I would also occasionally go online to play around and create a custom shoes and colors but I do not buy them because I like to just experiment with it and see what results I get with my own style. Another thing that I like to design

Project #2 First Draft

Question: “What is your dream job in the field of design?”

My dream job would have to be, being an animator either for a big animation studio or an animation studio of my very own. From an early age, I’ve been interested in becoming an animator and how animators could make their ideas come to life. I grew up watching all kinds of animations and was always invested in how the characters were able to come to life. I strive to make my own characters and worlds with their own unique story, so that I may share it with others. I also hope to inspire people who were like me growing up so that they can follow their creative path.

Question: “What are you passionate about?”

I’ve asked myself this question a lot, while I was still deciding on my major for college. I was pretty smart throughout most of my high school maintaining an A average, but I didn’t really care about my grades. To me, they were just letters without actually meaning, it may have measured my academic level but I felt it didn’t really measure me. When I was given an art class for my sophomore year, I was amazed that it introduced me to a whole new way of expressing myself. I believed that being given the chance to create was when I really found my passion. After taking that one art class, the following years I spent trying to figure out how I could continue down this creative path. That’s when I came across City Tech’s COMD major and decided this is where I’ll spend the next four years following my passion.

Question: “Can you see yourself doing anything else?”

To be honest, I can’t see myself doing anything else besides designing and creating. I do however see myself also working with kids, either teaching them or looking after them. Other than that, creating is what I can picture myself doing for most of my life. Being able to create just feels right for me, like I’m supposed to use my creativity any way I can.

Question: “How is the community in your major?”

The community in COMD, for the most part, seems genuinely kind and helpful towards one another. In class, whenever someone doesn’t understand something someone else will come over to help them with their problem. I feel that everyone in this major wants to see each other succeed in their endeavors, so they’ll lend a helping hand when needed. The community is also fairly quiet and sometimes keeps to themselves, but I feel that is only the case since most of us just started and it takes some time to get used to this new environment. As the semester goes on, I hope to see more people in this community speak up and voice their opinion as well as listen to constructive criticism to see how they can grow even more as a COMD major.

Homework following class on 9/19

As you continue working on the drafts of your interviews, spend time working on the question about your avatar: What is your avatar, and how does it represent you as a first-year design student?

To answer this question, review the three readings about avatars, and our class notes about the readings. Make sure you have an avatar and that it  meets the criteria in the readings and from our discussion and really does represent you.

A few things to keep in mind as you work:

Your avatar does not need to include an image of you!

This is a small square of visual information that you’re sharing with everyone. What can you include that takes advantage of that opportunity?

When you answer the first part of the question, “what is your avatar,” answer it in great detail. Imagine you’re explaining it for someone who can’t see it. Be that specific and careful as you write about it.

You can use images throughout Project #2, like the readings we encountered from the AIGA Eye on Design site. But your avatar is the only image you’re required to include. Think about how it represents all the aspects of yourself you’re writing about in the interview–if it doesn’t, either justify it in your writing, or choose a better fitting avatar.

You can add your response as a comment here.

Be sure to review the Nancy Sommers reading about revision–we’ll make a plan for our revisions in class on Tuesday.

Feel free to ask any questions here! Also, please comment back to at least two classmates to give them feedback about their answers or their avatar.