Color Harmony




I enjoyed this project, even if I had less time to work on it than the other projects I’ve done this semester. I used a comic from an comedy artist I found named Shen Comix, for my color inventory. For my composition, the color inventory reminded somewhat of nature, so I decided to use the browns for a tree and the more colorful colors for a bird. The colors left over were grays so I gave the bird a tiny hat.… Read More...

Ways of Reflecting

My prior experience of writing was always analysis papers about novels that my high school English classes covered. I wasn’t interested in most of the novels that were part of the curriculum, so I didn’t feel like putting in an effort for my writing. It wasn’t until I started this semester that I was given more creative freedom in my writings. Having time to do some free writing helped me to visualize my ideas better. Most times I would get this random stroke of inspiration for an idea, but I wouldn’t knowhow to start bringing that idea to life. With … Read More...

Color Interaction Pairings












Experimenting with the paired color interaction studies was fun, seeing how only shifting either the value or hue affected the center color. When choosing our partners for the Paired Color Identities, I had Kami as my partner. We both shared an interest in anime so choosing icons that represented us was rather easy. I choose the anime Naruto for Kami and he chose The Seven Deadly Sins for me. For our colors, Kami decided my color should be purple since it’s my favorite color. I choose a muted red … Read More...

Project #4 Part 4

I choose to write an artist statement because it talks about the meaning and reasoning an artist came to when creating their work. Artist statements are made to be clear and concise, getting straight to the point without using too many fanciful words to confuse the intended audience. Most times Artist statements are short usually about 100 words or so, to keep the audience from losing interest and understanding the Artist’s process without them being there. The Artist Statement is considered as if not the most important part of an artist’s work since it helps the audience with the intended … Read More...

Artist Statement

An artist’s statement is an artist’s written description of their work. The brief verbal representation is for, and in support of, their own work to give the viewer understanding. It is a not-too-long series of sentences that describe what you make and why you make it. It’s a stand-in for you, the artist, talking to someone about your work in a way that adds to their experience of viewing that work. 

My artist statement is the use of images that my friends and I have taken of our adventures together. I also use a few images I have taken by … Read More...

Saturation Ranges





I enjoyed experimenting with saturation ranges and seeing how one color could transition into another. I had trouble with my Saturation scales making it look sloppy, since I didn’t taper my guide tape when I went to paint it would seep through. I think my atmospheric landscape turned out decent, seeing how the darkest purple showed the closer the object and the lightest purple showed the further the object.… Read More...

Value Protraits




Transformation Gif


While doing this project, I found it interesting how you can convey a certain mood using lightning and only black and white. Something I could have done better was testing the paint before putting it on bristol since it was my first time using this kind of paint. I enjoyed making and seeing the transformation of my portrait, I was already familiar with the process of Key Frames and Inbetweens. While creating the gif, I felt as I was in my element and helped some of my classmates with their transformations.… Read More...