
  • adjective
  • fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse
  • Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt “To the west, Brighton Beach is packed with modest row houses, apartment buildings, dilapidated bungalows and frame houses, many of them subdivided, with an occasional sign: ”Se Renta Cuarto”


    • verb
    • To show sudden displeasure or anger at some provocation. (idioms.thefreedictionary.com/)
    • Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt  “Some oldtime P.S. 38 parents bristled at the influx at first”
    • it help me understand the senteced because now i know to bristled me a sundden displeasure. they parents were suddently angry.



  • noun
  • used to classify something, or suggest that it can be classified, in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme or opposite points. (dictionary.com)
  • Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a Source Of Resentment and Guilt “in which the average household income in the top fifth of the income spectrum is at least 24 times the average in the bottom fifth”
  • the income spectrum is the highest part of the income, so it means the top fifth who earned the most earned at least 24 times the average in the bottom fifth


Perilous (adjective)

Definition: Something that is dangerous or very risky can be described with the adjective perilous.

Encountered from A Literary Visitor Strolls in From the Airport by Charles Mcgrath.

“Upon arriving in New York, he walked from Kennedy Airport to the nearby Crowne Plaza Hotel, a journey more perilous than he expected, because it involved a nightmare traverse of expressways with no curbs.”

I understand this word now because usually by airports, its big highways and no sidewalks for people to walk so it would be dangerous to travel by foot.

Example:  School open during extreme weather is perilous for students.

Source: Vocabulary.com