
Word: Perennial (Adjective)

Definition: present at all seasons of the year; regularly repeated or renewed


Encounter: I encountered this word while I was on the Merriam Webster website and I clicked the link “the word of the day” by accident.

Comprehension: I understand that this word has to do with repetitive things. That could be many things from seasons, birthdays, holidays, and even patterns.

Didactic one

Ii wanted to use both definitions of the word to help guide me with this visual. The first definition being diffusion. and the second being a gradual assimilation of ideas.

Using the yellow paper, i like to think of it as Osmosis’ origin. This is where the word began or idea, however in the middle of the page, this paper turns white, signifying a change in origin, somewhere different, for this idea to pass through, only to come back out into it’s original space.

acrylic and marker on paper 


Notion (noun)


  1. an individual’s conception or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined
  2. an inclusive general concept
  3. a theory or belief held by a person or group

Encountered from Wind Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Our notions of separation, absence, distance, return, are reflections of a new set of realities, though the words themselves remain unchanged.”

I understand this word now because their belief of separation, absence, etc are reflections of realities.


Expenditure (Noun)


  1. the act of expending something, especially funds; disbursement; consumption
  2. something that is expended; expense:

Encountered from Reading Lucy

“But that seemed a strange expenditure of time and energy, given that I was supposed to be researching the Brooklyn Navy Yard”

I understand this word now because the author was too into reading Lucy’s letters that she lost track of time.



Part of speech: Verb

Definition: “To make a hole through, especially: to make a line of holes in to facilitate separation.”


The tool: “what is it makes them think that the plowshare torn from the bowels of the earth by perforating machines,…”

I understand now that a plowshare is a part of the plow, and the plow itself is putting the holes in the ground. when the “plow” in “perforating” its putting holes in the ground that helps for farming and planting seeds.


Incremental (adj.)

relating to or denoting an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale

Merriam Webster definition, of, relating to, being, or occurring in especially small increments”.  I found this word in the text “Walk with me”, by David L. Ulin.

“…where is stood squat and compressed as i drove past, a facsimile in incremental scale.”

by the context of this sentence, instead of meaning increased in size, as this word normally does, instead it means shrunken, and in reference to the statue of liberty replica in Las Vegas.


facsimile (n.)

an exact copy, especially of written or printed material

Merriam Webster definition,  ‘an exact copy’.  I found this word in the text “Walk with me”, by David L. Ulin.

“…where is stood squat and compressed as i drove past, a facsimile in incremental scale.”

while this word did confuse me at first, because when searching this word up results of a fax machine showed up, this word means copy of, or to copy, hence the fax machine.


algorithms (n.)

a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

Merriam Webster definition, ‘a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end’, found in the text, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”by Lex Berko.

“…the researchers ranked locations according to their pleasantness and combined those ranks with pre-existing algorithms”,

this word, basically means equation to me, so it’s really just inputting information into pre-existing equations.


Consensus (n.)

general agreement.

Merriam Webster definition, general agreement or unanimity . I found this word in the passage “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”by Lex Berko.

“…which one is more beautiful or which one makes them happier, consensus usually emerges”.

so this sentence now becomes, “…which one is more beautiful or which one makes them happier, a general agreement usually emerges”.



Strewn (v.)

scatter or spread (things) untidily over a surface or area

On Merriam Webster, meaning ‘to spread by scattering’,I found this word in the passage “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”by Lex Berko,

“…but the route itself might make for a garbage-strewn, treeless journey.”

so what the author means is that the route you’re forced to take, using a mapping app, might get you a path littered with trash