

Definition: “To provide with something desired, needed, or suited.” (Merriam-Webster definition).


Founded: “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram.

Comprehend: According to the story, the author is consider disability because for the fact that she is blind, the museum will provide assisstance for her and she mentions that in every museum entrance have automatic door opener, she claims that for most of the other patients think it to be a pure acessibility accommodation, pointing out that the museum’s assisstance is fairly convenient for everyone, even those who are not disability.



Definition: “A result of perceiving; observation or a mental image : concept.” (Merriam-Webster defenition.)


Founded: “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram.

Comprehend: According to the story, the author points out that she has some light perception vison even though she is blind, she can mentally imagine what she is observing meaning that she can identify when she approaches to a light view.



Didactic one

Ii wanted to use both definitions of the word to help guide me with this visual. The first definition being diffusion. and the second being a gradual assimilation of ideas.

Using the yellow paper, i like to think of it as Osmosis’ origin. This is where the word began or idea, however in the middle of the page, this paper turns white, signifying a change in origin, somewhere different, for this idea to pass through, only to come back out into it’s original space.

acrylic and marker on paper 


Word: Flabbergasted (adjective)

Definition:  affected with sudden and great wonder or surprise


Encounter: I encountered this word on a music video I happened to have watched over the weekend.

Comprehension: I comprehend that this word means being surprised in various ways. for example coming home to a surprise birthday party would make someone flabbergasted.


Word: Cartographer (Noun)

Definition: A person engaged in the production of maps.


Encounter: I saw this word on an bus advertisement while I was going to the movies during the week.

Comprehension: This word is basically a simplified for a person that does or produces maps. That person can do different types of maps such as outlined maps, topographic maps, global maps, city maps, and even construction maps.




“to say or do again or again and again” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The word was used as Iterating in “The Inclusive Museum” by Sina Bahram, in the sentence ” Universal Design is the act of considering all audiences, or as many as we can, at the beginning of a project, and iterating upon this consideration until we arrive at a solution that is usable by far more people than if we had not taken such a design tact.”

The author uses this word in order to tell that there is always a repeating idea that keeps on going into their heads so that the projects they are working on can meet with the expectations of the idea that they constantly kept on thinking, also serving as a reminder of their original goal and how far they can accomplish by iterating that goal.



of or relating to the sense of smell (Merriam-Webster-Dictionary)

The word was encountered in “The Inclusive Museum” By Sina Bahram

The sentence that it was encountered in was “He found exhibits with audio, olfactory, or tactile components”

The author utilizes this word to say that the museum not only had audio, but smell and things that you could touch/feel. This is important to the paragraph in the article because its essentially saying the guide limited the experience of being in a museum because from a earlier lesson with the ways of seeing video, when looking at paintings or objects your interpretation of them can be shaped through the audio that is played along with it. Because this impacted the author so much she decided that museums aren’t doing enough for disabled people, simply acknowledging the disability is not enough.




Notion (noun)


  1. an individual’s conception or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined
  2. an inclusive general concept
  3. a theory or belief held by a person or group

Encountered from Wind Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“Our notions of separation, absence, distance, return, are reflections of a new set of realities, though the words themselves remain unchanged.”

I understand this word now because their belief of separation, absence, etc are reflections of realities.


Expenditure (Noun)


  1. the act of expending something, especially funds; disbursement; consumption
  2. something that is expended; expense:

Encountered from Reading Lucy

“But that seemed a strange expenditure of time and energy, given that I was supposed to be researching the Brooklyn Navy Yard”

I understand this word now because the author was too into reading Lucy’s letters that she lost track of time.
