Cover Letter

300 Jay St, Brooklyn, NY 11201





Hi, Recipients name:

I’m writing to you in regards to your gallery, and propose an art instillation based on my work centered around the theme of altered books, inspired by Tom Phillips work, ‘A Humument’. I am an art student, currently studying communication design at city tech. My personal work, and pieces created within my altered book, both relate to my interest in illustration and love for texture within a 2D space.

My inspiration includes pieces, such as significant words, I’ve discovered while reading through text, then followed by an illustration depicting said word, for example ‘Weal , Shunned, Afflatus, and Osmosis‘ which will all be linked.  For each piece I work on, my technique varies, for some I use slow careful line work, trying to capture the weight of each mark, while others are more quick and tightly drawn. My goal is to use this method of a glossument (finding a word, and providing its definition via blog post, then to later visually show the word) as a means to branch out as an artist.

Sincerely yours,


Project#6 Color Harmony:Phase 2







Time: 35 mins

The art work I used as a reference when creating my proportional color inventory was an artwork called ” Black Reaper” created by an artist named Elijah Myers. The artwork was based on an anime character from the anime Tokyo Ghoul. This image had a theme similar to mine and it contained colors used to convey a really dark theme. Color reference can be used in your future design work for when you are trying to convey a certain tone or theme. You could look at other references that convey a similar theme/tone to our work and see the types of color used t achieve this. You than apply the same colors to your as well so that you can achieve the tone or theme as well.










Project#5:Color interaction pairings: Phase 4


Project#5 taught me a lot about hue and value changes and how you can use them to create an illusion making it as though color can be seen as two different colors. I also learned how color can represent different sets of emotions and personality. Trying to figure out the color that could represent my partner for this project was challenging, but also quite fun, I was able to learn a lot about my fellow student.  I found this project to be very interesting and useful for when I create any future work of my own. It allowed me to learn a new way to communicate using color.




Project#5:Color interaction pairings: Phase 3

Time:3 hours

Step 1: Color Research Process

Sam’s favorite color:

Red, Yellow, and Blue

Fav food: Mac and Cheese

Likes space and collecting rocks

Likes to Draw

Likes alternative music

Most active during the night likes the night time.

He is very funny and is comfortable to be around.


Step 2: Color Mockup

Orange Yellow is the color I chose to represent Sam.

This color represents the warmness that surrounds Sam

Step 3: Icon research

Sam’s interest for space and the night sky gave me the idea of making his icon be a little happy alien.

Step 4: Icon Mockup

I chose an alien to represent Sam to show his love of space and the night time. I chose the colors orange-yellow to represent the warmth Sam’s presence and personality brings when you get to know his. At first, Her energy starts off as a yellow and then gradually becomes a strong hot orange. This is because at first, it might be a little awkward but, he still is inviting and over time you begin to become more comfortable.

Color Harmony: Phase 2

Proportional Color Inventory

What I learn about this Project how different color combinations work together to create a sercent  tone in a picture. The Dominate Color is a Sapphire Blue. The Sub-Dominate Color is Purple and Orange. The Accent Color is Black.

This took about an hour


Project 3:phase 1


Hours spent- 1 hour

The first image represents broad a broad range image. This is because there a similar amount or equal amount of light and darkness in the image, there’s a neutral clash between light and dark. The second image represents a high-key/light value range. This is because there is mostly light in this image and less darkness or shadows in the image. The last image represents low-key/light value range. This is because there is little to no light in the image, instead there is  mostly darkness and shadows.

Color Harmony: Phase 2

This image is an image taken by Victor Gladkov. My theme for my glossument is opposites and fabrication. So for that I chose the colors like brown, white, and different shades of blue. I feel like the color blue has many opposites and I also feel like brown Is an opposite of blue because light brown is a shade of orange. I also learned that colors can harmonize to create compatibility.

I spent about an hour an a half on this phase of the project.

Color Harmony: Phase 2

This image shows different kinds of analogous colors because the blues have different shades and so do the oranges. The colors also dragged me in because these are kind if opposite colors.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 4

The things i learned for this project is about color mostly in which i enjoy. Knowing about the hue and what color complements each others. I learned about how to make the illusion of one color that’s the focus look different because of the background color that cause an effect of the focus color to look either more warmer or cooler. In which they pair next to each other where some saw the illusion while others struggle. The thing i could have done better with this project is that making the phase 3 symbol different and its color to. I would apply this to my daily life in case i visit a museum and some of the art piece has the same effect. I would know the knowledge of why is that and the reason behind it.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 2

Since there is an illusion part of this, i had a hard time seeing this because of the background color that really effects what the square in the center looks like in which  the illusion is one supposed to look warmer while the other looks cooler. I spent at least 35 minutes on this.