

nearness in place or time” – Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

This word was used in the article  “Here, Poverty And Privilege Are Neighbors; Income Gaps Are a source of Resentment and Guilt” by Janny Scott, in the sentence “It’s always an empirical question, to what extent propinquity matters to people.”

Upon reading the word it confused me along with another and causing a stop at the flowing thoughts on the reading and causing a confusion.  Now looking up the word I now know what it means and its purpose within the sentence and how it makes sense. The article itself was already talking about different characteristics within New York , but not limited to anything in specific, so it can range within the Propinquity, or a ‘near time or place’ and how important it can be to a person.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary-Propinquity

1 Reply to “Propinquity”

  1. You picked an excellent word! Words with multiple syllables always stand out. I appreciate that you explained where you were confused and then explained the context in which this word should be used. Great post!

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