Field Trip to the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum


After visiting “The Senses” at the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum, we all will have encountered works in the exhibit. But we will have experienced them differently! Let’s crowdsource a tour of the exhibit, focusing on what stood out most and what might have been overlooked.

Post the following:

  1. the name and a  detailed description of the one work you found most compelling and why
  2. the name and a detailed description of one work you noticed that your classmates might have missed
  3. photos of each of the two works
  4. name of designer/company for each
  5. date for each
  6. medium (materials used to create the work) for each
  7. choose the category Field Trip and the tag “Our Senses” so we can showcase our tour (and to get credit for your work).

Don’t forget to comment on at least 1 other student’s post. These comments are your chance to add to the tour your impressions and observations of the works your classmates chose to write about.

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