HUS Discussion Questions: Chapter 2 and 3

Chapter 2

1. Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well-being of clients who were in distress.

The king was to protect their land and property and to provide them with their basic needs.

2. Describe the evolution of human well-being services, from the middle ages to present day by individuals, professionals and society.

In the middle ages individuals who had mental illnesses were believed to be possessed and were beat, starved and had their circular disk removed from their skull. Hippocrate was one of the only physicians that took the scientific approach to mental illnesses and trying to explain them. Society branded people as idiots, lunatics or believed they had demons in them. Compared to this day and age where individuals are given the proper care and services they require. Professionals are educated on all mental illnesses and how to deal with them and society has a better understanding as to what these people go through and what is wrong with them.

3. Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well-being of Americans.

Accessible healthcare would aid to the American’s well-being to protect them from potential sicknesses. America is one of the most expensive places to live in but has the lowest quality health care, with Obama care the peoples health becomes a priority.

4. Describe how social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients and society.

Social philosophies were promoted to aid in the well-being of clients and society by making them want to work harder in order to be well respected and instilled a form of independence in wanting to be the best at what they can. Doing it on their own.

5. Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The mental health movement promoted the well-being of clients/society because it brought about clinics where mental patients were able to get treatment that they needed and social services were available if needed.

6. Describe how the human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society.

The human service movement promoted the well-being of clients/society because they understood their clients and the troubles they were going through and gave them direct care giving, comforting them when they needed it.

7. Describe how entitlement benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare) promote the well-being of individuals/society.

Entitlement benefits promote the well-being of individuals/society because everyone can’t afford to purchase their medication that is necessary or to put food on the table. Some people need assistance, they are necessary for people throughout the world to main healthy and alive.

8. Describe how legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society.

Legislation promotes the well-being of individuals/society because it helps provide prescribed medication for sick patients on medicare.

Chapter 3

1. Describe how the trends of technology, in the field of human services, are attempting to aid a client’s well-being.

The trends of technology in the field of human services are attempting to aid a client’s well-being because it is a source of communication, information management, service delivery and professional development.

2. Describe how technology can promote well-being in professional development for human service workers and ultimately clients.

Technology can provide well-being in professional development for human service workers and clients because it allows them to do practices more effectively and efficiently, it allows them to provide better services for least expenses.

3. Describe what managed care is, and how it promotes client well-being.

Managed care is a set of tools or methods designed to manage resources and deliver human services, especially in the areas of health care and mental health. It promotes well-being because it has a great influence on the client and helper and how they work together to plan and provide services.

4. Describe some of the limitations of managed care and how it can impact on well-being.

Limitation on managed care can impact on well-being because they sometimes push for the lowest level of care that will meet the client’s needs. If the client’s needs are not being met as best as they can be then you aren’t servicing your client therefore hurting them more than helping.

5. Describe what service delivery means and how it promotes well-being.

Service delivery is the interaction between a worker and a client where the worker offers a service, whether that be information or a task. It promotes well-being because good service delivery provides clients with an increase in value.

6. Describe how human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific populations.

Human service professionals pay attention to various groups in order to promote well-being of specific population because they further their knowledge so that they can work with different people and more diverse groups. They respect other people’s beliefs as well as thoughts.

7. Describe what is happening internationally promotes or hinders the well-being of U.S. citizens.

The international dimension promotes well-being of the U.S. citizens because it keeps us flowing faster and stronger. It helps us transport ourselves and information at much faster pace making it accessible.

8. Describe how the concept of “teaching a man to fish” promotes well-being.

The concept of “teaching a man to fish” goes a long way in human services. If a helper constantly gives the client answers and does things for them they will never develop the skills to work through their problems on their own. If there is no growth the client will never learn how to make decisions on their own.

9. Describe how cultural competency can promote well-being.

Cultural competency can promote well-being because it transforms knowledge of individuals and groups of people into standards, policies and practices to increase the quality of services that eventually produce better outcomes.

Pre-Draft Thesis Paragraph

What is happiness? What brings happiness? Where does it come from? Many have done studies to figure out the answer to these questions. “How to Buy Happiness” Written by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton and “What Good is Money if it Cant Buy Happiness” written by Sonja Lyubomirsky argue that its what we do with money and when it is shared with someone is what brings happiness. “How Happy are you? A Census Wants to Know” written by John Tierney studied a town and asked them questions to figure out what made them happy. John Tierney came to find out that when changes are made to better people it brings happiness. Also you can not really find out how happy someone is by doing a census because people reply to the census depending on the mood they are in. Happiness cannot be judged, people cannot direct a specific way of life to bring happiness. The only thing we can assume is that happiness is the essence of what brings us joy.

Chapter 8 questions


1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being by developing the confidence in a client or someone in need that the power is in their hand and their voice should be heard. This model is used to support the client in developing their agenda, to support structure and plan for change. A human service professional would implement this model in a counseling session by asking clients questions then analyzing their responses and guiding them through the process but allowing them to figure it out on their own.

2. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients by clearly stating their purpose is helping the client and only have their well-being in mind.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An agency’s organization chart promotes well-being by clearly showing the flow of professionals, departments and individuals. As well stating what departments or individuals work closely together and provide certain services.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being.

The referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being because during this process a human service professional must pair a client with the proper facility. During this process a professional must make sure the agency they are referring their client to offers the service they need and they are eligible to receive their services. As well as within the clients reach.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid the referral when a professional’s agency might not have the adequate help a client needs but the professional themselves know someone who can aid the client. this informal network can be within the professional’s social circle or family.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the clients well-being in the case they the professional working with a client has to refer the client to a different agency or a different professional they are able to read the clients file and understand the need of that individual.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being?

Stress and “burnout” of a human service professional effects the clients well-being. The human service professional no longer has the ability to properly aid a client in need. They begin to lack basic values such as tolerance and acceptance. Once the client realizes the professional lacks these values they no longer see the professional in a positive light and no longer feel safe with them. therefor their well-being is at stake.



8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

When a professional is experiencing encapsulation, burnout and vicarious trauma developing activities aid the worker and the service delivery to the client. By developing new skills and knowledge about clients they worker not only aids themselves but the client as well. New information is always available in the human service field so the service delivery is more effective with new knowledge.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of client.

Utilizing empowerment as a tool aid the client by developing their confidence which in the long run sets them up for success. When they feel empowered they have the ability to figure out their lives and have skills to help other in their lives and their communities.



Ch.8 Hw Questions

1-Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status. Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status by giving the client a chance to be heard. To inform them that better is on its and their voice was heard. During the counseling sessions the worker gives room for the client to think on their own. Give them a chance to brainstorm on things they want to be done.

2-Describe how a community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients by them providing a set statement that gives the client proof of exactly what the agency is suppose to provide. So when a client reads the community based agency’s mission and goals they will get a sense of clarity on what to expect.

3-Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command .

The agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command by them having the proper people in the right positions. it makes it a lot easier when people are sectioned of into various offices and titles. They will then know exactly who is who and where they stand.

4-Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being.

The referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being by the agency using the proper steps to make sure that the client is sent to their rightful place. Using that process ensure the client that they will not be placed somewhere that won’t be useful to them, but they will be placed some where that will be most useful to them.

5-Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals by the professional or worker making sure that they find out everything that there is to know about an agency. Keeping files on other agency’s can also aid in the referral and well-being goals. Once you get a distinctive view on an agency this can make a referral even more affective for the professional and the client.

6-Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client by the professional being able to keep their clients information together. It is helpful for the client because it would be easy for then to get information transferred to another agency when they get referred.

7-Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being.

Stress and burnout of the worker can impact the clients well-being by the clients being left unattended and with no one to service them. When a worker suffers from stress and goes through a time of burnout they tend to quit and leaves the profession. This now leaves no assistance for clients and less staff in agencies.

8-Describe how professional development can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts the service delivery to the client.

Professional development can impact the well-being of the worker by them creating a more positive mindset on what they tend struggle with daily. Professional development is a commitment so therefore the worker should be able to develop new knowledge and skills. It impacts service delivery to the client because now the worker can have a better attitude and view of the client. They can now give the client their proper treatment and service.

9-Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of he client.

A human service worker can utilize the client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by them being able to use the clients voice a way to open doors for different organizations.



1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

Client’s empowerment model for change impacts a client’s well-being by supporting them, being there for them and giving them hope that a change will come and they will be a little more proud about themselves. The job of a professional in the counseling session is to help the client think on their own and make their own decisions like for example on what may be the right or wrong thing to do in a certain situation and how they can better their lives.

2. Describe how a community based agency’s mission and goals promote well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients by communicating the purpose of the agency and summarizing its guiding principles because in order to make the client feel comfortable, the workers has to follow the rules in order for the client to open up and plus he/she has to respect the guidelines that they are asked to do being assigned to help a community and knowing you’re helping a person and helping yourself understand them, it’s for your well-being.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An agency’s organizational chart promote well-being through the chain of command because it refers to the layers of authority in an agency, it helps agencies keep control of responsibilities and holds them accountable of what they have to do, in order to keep the environment safe workers and clients are in controlled not by people, but by credentials.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well-being.

The referral process is used in the relation to the client’s well being by first making sure the client is getting the best service they need in order for them to get better, also making use if one service doesn’t work for the client then the agency makes sure they receive a better one. Second if the service helps then it’s successful for them, and lastly if the service works its due to the fact of the success of the referral in multiple ways to the clients well-being.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals of a client by reaching out to organizations that are public and/or private agencies such as self-help groups, churches, businesses and schools. It’s a network of communication meaning informal or formal connections clients and agencies in the social service. It uses these types of communications to help the client engage in a two way communication to help them fully understand the participant in the system.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client because it is used to transfer any important information about the client to other professionals if they move on to different agencies and help them know what’s going on and how to help them go through whatever it may be that they are going through.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being.

Stress and burnout of the worker can impact the client’s well-being because if the worker is having negative changes in their attitude or behavior then it’s going to affect their day to day work. It also has affect o the environment and their profession as well as the helping process; if the worker isn’t having their best day then it’s affecting everyone. This happens because the workers could be disappointed, lower expectations of the client performance or could be having concerns within themselves. Therefore if they come to work with a negative vibe, then it’s not going to make the situation better only more difficult. They wouldn’t help the client, they would just have a negative affect towards the clients and not help them like they are suppose to. It will only make the situation more difficult.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker by making a commitment to their professional development and being engaged and well supportive to their clients. Also improving is a commitment and being more of a helper and being able to respond to each helping opportunity in a positive way, and how to move in a certain situation to give the their best work to their clients.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by everyone working as a team and building their skills to advocate themselves and learn something, and then make their own changes. Also letting them make their own decisions, supporting them in what they may want to do as an independent, and not having people thinking for them as they go on in life.

Chapter 8

1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status because it’s another approach to facilitating change, to place the empowerment in the hands and voices of the clients or those in need.

2. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients because the mission communicates the purpose of the agency by summarizing its guiding principles. If a client needs help from an outside source the organization will list it’s mission so the human service professional knows which services is best for their client.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An agnecy’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command by making it easy to see the boxes that represent offices, departments, and sometimes individuals with an illustration.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being.

The referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well-being because in seeking services for a client, the helper often relies on other professionals both within and outside the agency to locate the needed services, negotiate introductions and meeting times, and establish the groundwork for the client to visit another agency. This helps the professional know which agency to send their client to.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals shows who their client is and helps put them in the right agency.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client so the human service professional is aware of who this client and what they need so the helper can meet the needs of the clients as well as possible.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being?

Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being because burnout affects the day-to-day work of the professional and results in behavior that has negative effects on the work environment as well as the helping process. Loss of idealism and disappointment in client motivations may result in loss of commitment to both job and clients.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional developments activities can impact the well-being of the worker by keeping positively engaged and well supported while delivering services. The ultimate goal is to be a more effective helper and to be able to respond to each helping opportunity in a way the positively supports the client.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of client.

A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by using it as fuel to help their clients and giving them what they need.

Chapter 8 Working Within A System

Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

A professional helps the client’s well being by empowering them with a model for change. This is because the client is receiving the appropriate attention that he/she requires either from the professional or other agencies that they have been referred to. When clients receive adequate care they start developing self-sufficiency, and they can potentially solve their own problems. The professional will implement the model in counseling session by asking series of appropriate questions to the client in order to understand what his/her needs are. Then, the professional will analyze all of the client’s response and figure out what resources the client needs.

Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

The agency’s mission and goals allow the human service professional to have a clear understanding of how to help the client. When the human service professional knows the goals of the agency, he/she will have a set of policies and procedures to be guided by. Since the organizational climate is influenced by policies and procedures, the human service professional will perform its best in order to help the client. Therefore, the client will receive better established counseling, which will help his/her well-being.

Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An organizational chart helps to balance the authority within the chain of command. Therefore, if the authority is balanced between offices, departments and human services professionals then everyone is able to provide the clients with better assistance. It might be better when there is a flatter chain of command because the level of decision making is even among the agency. This balance of authority clearly promotes well-being.

Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

A human service professional uses the referral process when he/she  cannot give the needed service or think that other professional will be of better help for the client. However, the professional needs to think first about what are the problems the client has and what other professional or agency can help with these problems. This is so the client is being given the adequate care. Moreover, the services that are going to be provided for the client need to be geographically available for them so they can constantly be there when is needed. Also, the clients need to be well informed of why they are being referred so they are able to follow up with the other professional or agency. Furthermore, the other professional or agency need to know information about the client so they can plan how to help. After making the referral, the professional must follow up with the client in order for the client to trust that the professional truly cares and therefore they will have more confidence in the system.

Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

Formal and informal networks are essential for the human service professional. The formal network includes public or private human service agencies, schools, churches, local government agencies and so on. Informal networks are formed by the professional’s family, friends, professional colleagues, and so on. When a human service professional needs to make a referral about a client to other agency, an informal network would be of great help. The professional might have a good relationship with a professional from the other agency and due to this good relationship, the other professional might be willing to speed up the help for the client. Therefore with informal networks the human service professional can improve their service quality for the client.

Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done by a human service professional. The paperwork includes social history, intake interview, and medical, educational and mental health records. However, all the paperwork helps the professional to be organized with its clients. When a professional is going over the paperwork of the client, he/she is analyzing what the client needs and what resources are available for them. Therefore, when paperwork is done there is more careful thought of how to help the client: which is how the well- being of the client improves.

Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being.

A human service professional could experience stress and burnout when they have been working for constantly long shifts. When this happens, the professional looses interest for the job, is less psychological involved with the client, and is deep self-concerned. Also, some physical changes may occur such as frequent colds, stomach pain, back pain and so on. In the result of this change, the client is affected by not receiving enough care for their problems. The tolerance and acceptance that the client requires for his/her problems, is gone due to the burnout or stress from the professional. The client might start to have even more negative feelings than he/she already had because he/she is not receiving adequate therapy. The trust that the professional needed to gain from the client will be gone, because the client will lose hope in receiving care.

Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

As a human service professional it is essential to always keep learning. There is always change in the community or new methods of counseling that need to be learned. Therefore, professionals need to keep updating themselves with this new information by going to workshops, conferences or doing their masters and more. If professionals constantly participate in developmental activities, then they will become more competent and have more qualifications. Moreover, the service delivery to the client will be more effective due to the appropriate knowledge acquired by the professional.

Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

There are various ways for a human service worker to utilize client empowerment as a tool for their well being of the client.  The worker can support the client by helping them to develop their own agenda, support structure and plan for change. Also, reaching out to other professionals in order to help certain needs of the client that they can’t help with. The client will eventually feel better about themselves, will trust the system, and as time goes by they will be good off by themselves.

Chapter 8

1. The clients empowerment model of change effectively impacts a clients well being status because by the humans service worker showing the client that change is possible can help the client make that change. But also helping them along this path of change is a big part of making change happen. Clients need assurance!

2. A community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients. This is because community based agencies focus on their surroundings. In other words they are not just focusing on one thing but many; being diverse. They help anyone and everyone weather they are young children or homeless. Really no one is turned away.

3. An agency’s organizational chart promotes well being through the chain of command. Each person has a job in the chart. Each person is accountable for those under he or she’s supervision. There is less authority so decision making is more of a shared responsibility.

4. The referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well being because when a human service worker is making a referral they think of always the client. For example will the new agency be able to provide the services the client needs or is the client going to be able to travel to the new agency. Basically the client is thought of through the whole process.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals. The informal network includes informal workers such as family and friends who provide needed support for the client.

6. Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well being of the client. This provides a permanent record for the services received by the client. This lets it be known about the client and what are the services that the client requires.

7. Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being. This can cause for the human service worker to become the complete opposite of what they should be, for example insensitive and uncaring! This can result in poor performance at work.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well being of the clients. Most importantly is that you must stay being positively engaged and well supported while delivering services. Always support the clients in a positive way.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well being of a client. Letting the client learn how to be more independent meaning letting them do things on their own rather then you helping them all the time. This will help the client become more self sufficient.

Chapter 8 HUS 1101

The client empowerment model for change impacts a client’s well-being status because it allows the client to have a higher self esteem and change to better. The professional will determine a goal with the client and ways to achieve well being for him or her. The professional will help the client be more self sufficient in this process.

The community-based agency mission and goals promotes wellbeing and happiness for their clients. Community-based agency do this by following principles made that promote the wellbeing and happiness of the client. Professionals will help their clients realize the potential they have in better managing their lives and contribute to the community.

An agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command because it is organized and up to date with their clients. Departments work together and communicate often in order to show responsibility to their profession and the wellbeing of their clients.

The referral process is utilized in relation to the clients well being. If the professional believes he or she is not capable of giving the client his or hers best service, then the referral process will begin. The professional will refer the client to someone else who he or she believes will give them better service.

Informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals of a client. This is done so by the professional having a connection between individual and agency in order to have help in a referral. This provides the professional with connections to refer their clients for the clients wellbeing.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the the well-being of the client because it provides professionals with the clients background. This is important because with the documentations and paperwork the professional can have a better superficial understanding of the client and he or she can think about future services and/or referrals.

Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being because the professional is not giving their full service and/or attention to the client. This can cause trouble in the clients well being because the professional is not truly focused on their clients issues.

Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker because these activities help the professional develop new skills and thoughts. These activities can impact the service delivery to the client because since the professional is gaining new information, it can open their mind to better methods or services for the client.

Human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client. This is done so because the professional is supporting the client and showing them that they have what it takes to make their lives better. The client empowerment can be used as a tool for the well being of the client because it gives them self sufficiency.

Chp 8 HUS Questions

Describe how the clients empowerment model for change effectively impact’s a clients well being.

–  This method is used to prioritize a clients goal and what they want to see change when receiving treatment . Its a way of organizing a clients agenda to be able to network with government , political , and social process in the community.  In this case what the professional would do is work with the community and help builds skills for the clients to use for themselves and for their own change .

Describe how a community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well being and happiness for their clients.

– any agencies mission and goal is the safety and service that are dedicated to the client . Its important to know what an agencies policies are so that you know your giving all you possibly can to the client. Its also important for the professional to know right away what an agencies guidelines and even job description so that the professional is certain that he/she want to go forward with the job with the agency. This gives clients a breath of fresh air to know that their stepping into the right direction with an agency who thats well organized and goes to great lengths to give the clients the best .

Describe how an agencies organizational chart promotes well being through the chain of command.

–  The chain of command lets people know the different departments that are their to define who has higher power within the agency. It helps inform people on who they should talk to and know exactly where to go or who to go to to find the perfect service they need .

Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well being.

–  client can get a referral when the client themselves requests it or on the occasion that the helper cannot give the appropriate service to solve a clients problem.For example if a client is violent or suicidal and are in desperate need of intensive therapy and sadly the helper can not provide that kind of service the a referral would be the appropriate action to take. This helps the client get the service they need and the professional that has the right experience to help them. In other words it help guide the client to the right treatment they deserve.

Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well being goals.

– What an informal consist of is many organizations working together it also includes informal help by friends and family who work to provide needed support. In organizational networks  the individuals , colleagues, teachers,and supervisors , help reduce duplication services and also help eliminate service gaps which in fact aid the clients.

Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well being of the client.

–  Paper work and documentation help the professional know before hand about a client and what there are going to deal with in a particular case. It also serves as a permanent record for future use wether the client decides to go with a different professional. Finally , documentation help in aid of the client by benefiting the service of the client and also the community.

Describe how stress “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well being.

– I think it would not be helpful at all to the client because you wouldn’t be giving all your attention and devotion to the client so you would really wouldn’t be doing your job. If I were the client I would feel betrayed by the helper and probably would not want to see another professional again , I would think they are all like that . You would have to learn how to have control .