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Urban Artifacts: Phase 2



Work time: 2 Hours


Urban Artifacts: Phase 2



Urban Artifacts: Phase 2


COMD Class 5 | Inked Sketches & Lab Time

September 14th, 2016


Lab 1


Protecting and submitting your work

When you submit your final class work, demonstrate a dedication to your design practice and show a sense of professionalism. Protect your work from smudges, wrinkles and bends by covering it with a piece of protective tracing paper.

  1. Cut a piece of tracing paper to the width of your work with about 1″ overhang on the top.
  2. Fold the 1″ overhang and tape it with a piece of drafting tape to the back of your work.
  3. Protect your work from spills, rips, and other accidents by carrying it to and from school in a protective portfolio.
  4. Write your full name and the project number (ie: COMD Project #1) on the BACK of the work in lower right corner.




Lab 2

  • Work independently (and silently). Feel free to listen to music using headphones!
  • By the end of class you should have completed at least one of the two compositions.
  • Individual meetings with Professor.


  1. Finish Inked Sketches (1 stable, 1 ambiguous) to present to class for critique.
    NOTE: Don’t forget to protect your work with tracing paper. Points will be deducted from your grade if your work is smudged, wrinkled or bent.
  2. Complete all Design Process Blog posts Phases 1-3 for Project #1.
    We will use the class blog to present finished work during the critique next class.

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Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Urban Aetifacts: Phase 2






Urban artifacts:phase 1


Yellow spear – found outside City Tech near/on Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY


Abandoned cigarette- found outside City Tech near/on Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY


Underground entrance- found outside City Tech near/on Jay Street, Brooklyn, NY

The first image looks like a spear, with a circular decoration on it. It’s more of a geometric. I think that gas lid object came from building a gas lid then it got painted over. The second image is a abandoned cigarette. It’s geometric, and organic. This object came from someone who finished their cigarette. The third image looks like a underground lid. Down below is the sewer or maybe possibly a secret underground construction site. I think it’s geometric.

A worker smoking his/her cigarette was working to create what was underneath the gas lid, and  the big rectangular yellow lid was probably some sort of entrance linked to what’s under the yellow gas lid. As time passed, these lid started to age, and they soon started to get involved with others that painted and decoration all over it as well as the nature of the world.

Working hours: 3pm-4pm


Our shared Google Map

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

All the objects left on the ground of our busy city are there for a reason. Each little object that people just walk over has much more to it than we think. That tipped over water bottle. Why was it there? Right next door to a school? Across the street from a park. Perhaps a student was at the park playing his or her favorite sport and once finished, sat in front of the building before going into class to get a drink of water. That unopened straw found on the corner of a store, could have multiple possibilities of what happened. Maybe someone was coming out of the store with a drink and before they could open the straw, they dropped it without noticing. Now lastly, the pen cap. Usually we keep our pens in our book bag or pocket. So how did this person lose a pen cap? Perhaps they were walking somewhere while writing? Maybe as a person was talking out a pen from their pocket, the cap caught onto the pants and just fell off. There are endless possibilities as how how a bottle, a straw and a pen cap could be left on the ground.

Shared Google Maps here

urban artifacts phase 2

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