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Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

Common – Book of Life

The song starts of with the hook of the song which is the beat scratching and the artist repeating a statement. For the beat scratching I imagine zig-zag lines in a medium thick black line. The beat and the verse start in the exact moment. The loudest part of the song are the vocals, the beat is lower and just in the background with some distinct sounds. When the hook starts again, the beat changes to the same from the very beginning with an added rhythm on top to connect it to the verse.

Just as the hook and verse have a different beat, when the artist either slows down the beat adds a different one to emphasize certain words he says. This causes the flow of the songs to be almost distorted, the sounds could go from smooth to sharp to smooth to rough all to help the lyrics stand out more. The entire instrumental of the song is used to help emphasize the vocals.

Time worked : 30 mins.

Visual-Added Portrait


My first picture is of small paper boat hanged to a clothes hanger which is also hanged to the ceiling of the classroom. This is my high key since most of the picture is predominantly light. The placement of the light creates a mood of relaxation since it’s very bright. When the paper boats are facing the opposite direction of the light source you can see shadows where the paper has been folded to create the boat shape. The expresiones quality is calmness it almost seems as if time stopped and the paper figures are not rotating from the movement of air in the room, they just seem stuck in time just like the human-statues in Pompeii.

My second picture is of just a classroom with a desk and the computers. This is my low key picture since it’s predominantly dark. This picture creates a feeling of mystery and anxiousness to the audience since it’s very dark and not much is showing. It creates questions to the viere suck as “what’s on the other side of the room?” It also creates confusion since the audience might not know what to look at.

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Value added portraits: phase 1


HIgh-key range:

My high key picture is the city tech art gallery. The way this picture was taken lets it represent a high key image. The mood of this composition expresses success and joy. The highlight of the sun coming in makes it look like an artists heaven.


Low-key range:

My low key picture is one of the elevators in City Tech. This image gives off a very dramatic, and mysterious expression. The contrast between very dark to low light, gives it a synical feeling.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

My low key end picture is the Women’s bathroom door. The high key end picture is the light in the hallways. The low key end picture has a sign saying Women. The High-key end picture has so much light going through the light bulbs that you cant even see the light bulbs. The High-Key end picture also has the light going to the wall that makes the wall have a different color due to the brightness. The Low-Key end picture has a sign in the door, but due to the darkness of the room it makes the sign look like it just vanished at the end, due to it not being visible anymore. I worked on this foe 2 hours.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

The first image is high key value, the light that came from both outside and inside created large portion of highlight. Due to the surface texture of the wall, the light are being reflected to the top and created repeated pattern of grey and dark grey.

The second image shows a low key value, light sources are only coming in in one way which left whole composition predominantly dark, and a obvious contrast is being created between light and dark; however, there is a lighter value of dark that is between the light and dark.

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1

1.  The key sets the mood of the composition because it adds details to the composition such as shadows making the photo more appealing to look at. This contribute quality to the photo because vending machines with snacks represent greatness so therefore such a machine would fit such a shadowy mood.



2.  The key sets the mood of the composition because the motorcycle is out in the lighting opening. A motorcycle is exciting in terms of you going here, and there in a cool looking but excellent vehicle. The shadows that are also in the composition makes the motorcycle stand out more due to the black shadows nature, it’s more cooler.



Hours worked: 23-25 minutes

Sound Visualization: Phase 4

Doing this project was pretty fun; learned more about photoshop, I didn’t know the program could also be used for animation. At first it was a bit time consuming, trying to make the mashup sync with the music was a bit of a challenge. The end result was pretty cool and the amount of work that was put into the animation payed off.

Phase 2

Phase 3

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1


My high key image is the light reflecting on the tile.  Since the tile is glossy, the light on top reflect on the tile, and creating a gradient like highlight on the floor.




My low key image was the room next door, it was a glass,see-through room. The room was dark because the curtains are down. But light from the outside escape through the gaps of the curtains of one window to the other. Since it is a see through room, the outer layer is glass, so it reflect what is on the outside of the hallway.

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