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Category: COMD1100 Project #1 (Page 4 of 7)

Urban Artifacts Phase #3: Develop




Rush Hour in NYC

I tried to make this as perfect as i could in my eyes. Honestly is was my first time using these markers and all these materials. It took me about two days to finish both pieces.I made a couple of mistakes at first, which drove me to restart over and over, but this was my final product.

Urban artifacts: phase 3




crossing street?

It was pretty easy when I finish getting the outline of all the parts. But when filling the inside,the marker mark show that there are still some tiny white space in between the black. I went over it the second time, some mark are just showing on top of the other. It doesn’t feel complete with the white spaces.

work time:1 hour

Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

I have learned a lot from this project. It has definitely helped me to better understand better figure/ground relationships in my art and helped me to get a better understanding of how obvious and abstract figure ground relationships look. If there are some things I could have done differently, it would have been to not forget my project the day it was due and plan ahead, like making thumbnails of what i wanted to draw, before nose-diving into making a full sketch of my piece in the drafting part of the project. One thing I would use from this project in my next one would be planning ahead better so I can make something more pleasing to the eye.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

What I learn throughout this project is the meaning of the word ambiguous. Ambiguous means having an unclear or inexact interpretation. What I would have done better is pick different artifacts, I think it would have been more interesting than the original image in phase 1.  In this project, I learn to take time processing a phase, such as phase 2 where I change one of my ambiguous photo and added on to it, which I did in phase 3, and take others advice.

Phase 1: Discover / Phase 2: Define / Phase 3: Develop


Urban Artifacts : Phase 4

While participating in this project, I feel as if i have gained a better understanding on the relationship between the figure and the background placed behind it. I also learned that the image relies on the background to portray an imagery and impact an individual due to constructing my own images. The downfall is that I believe I only gained the introduction of this concept. I feel that I can increase my practice in order to fulfill the goal of fully utilizing the figure/ground relationship. Furthermore, I feel that I need to become more familiar with the type of ink utensils I use to smoothly apply it to my images to show the smooth effect instead of the stroke marks. In other words, the presentation needs to become much better than how it is. What I will do in the future is ask for better feedback as I progress with my projects to complete it neatly.  This will allow me to get to the clean and presentable effect that I desire.



Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

While participating in this project, I feel that I have developed a deeper understanding between the relationship of the figure and the background highlighting it. I have also learned that they are also able to play off of each other and make each other more noticeable. However, I feel that I have only completely grasped the introduction to this concept. There is still much practice that I need to do before I am able to fully utilize the figure/ground relationship in the way that I desire. One of the ways is that I feel that I need to learn more on balancing the figure and ground to get the kind of effect that I want. I also need to work on not only how to use the subject of my art pieces, but also the space around them as well. What I will try to do in the future is to try and utilize the full potential that the space around me gives. This may allow me to get the kind of effect I want to viewers in the most efficient way.


Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

Urban Artifacts: Phase 3

Phase 3 can be related to Phase 2 by shows a before and after composition. For instance, adding on to an image, reposition, and editing the image. We look at our image if it is really ambiguous or stable. This took about two and a half hours.

ambigous compositionobvious composition

Urban Artifacts: Phase 2

Work Time : 1 hour

Urban Artifacts Phase 2

Work time: 2 hours

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