project #2 first draft

what is your motivation (eg creative expression) in graphic design?

My motivation in graphic design is to learn more of what’s there to get out  and develop from it. I have created certain things like creating logos or learned the ways with photography or how to use the photoshop programs to develop new creations. I believe that what I’m learning right now is helping me improve with new experience on how there is many ways to present or demonstrate within my projects or homeworks, by following the guidelines, suggestions, and other opinions of other classmates. I use everything I have learned so far from the beginning of this semester and from high school. I want to improve with gaining so much skills that are or will be beyond what I had started with. I see other classmates determined to reach their own goals and I want to follow that path and believe truly that I can successfully make it happen if I work very hard to really be someone in the future.

what catches your eye when looking at other people’s work?

When I look at someone’s work I look at the creativity that was created or search for the differences between everyone else’s work and also mine. If it looks really cool or very detailed I’ll like to say “Hey, that’s very good work you did there.” Or “I like what you did to make it look very good.” or “It’s very presentable without making it seem like you ever did so many drafts to get this as a final result.” The final results are the overall of the hard work,developing and planning what to do by start to finish for that specific assignment or homework. But mainly I look to see if there was really effort being given especially if you see like prints on the work because that says a lot like they was poorly done or if it wasn’t put away somewhere save to protect the work without it ending up being all wrinkled up.

what is the schoolwork like in your coursework?

There is a lot to keep checking in case of there being a homework, a project being due at a certain day or of a week. Sometimes, it maybe a lot or not but,it is college it’s no longer like high school where you will told things to do. The class work can be easy yet, a bit troubling with drawing..but it just means that not everything is easy at first it takes time to be able to do this without struggling on measuring certain spaces on the paper of the work piece. There are a lot of standards that professors have on us to be able to do and be responsible for our own things and be well prepare with certain necessary items for the next class.

what job do you desire after this?

I want to be a graphic designer, although at first I thought about following into the advertisement path but then I thought I have done more of the graphic design things than trying to understand if I wanna do some advertisement for marketing communication or if I really understood what were to be the procedure to follow into the advertisement path.

Project #2 first draft

Q: What is your motivation in design/to be a design student?

Answer: My motivation is looking at all the good artwork online. All the artwork I see is because someone created it. I want to be able to create something as good as theirs. Also, the animation in cartoons I see. I like watching cartoons so seeing how smooth everything is and how creative people can be with their shows makes me want to do my best in design

Project #2 First draft

What is my dream job in the field of design?

My dream job in the field of design is photography because I love pictures and the art of taking the perfect picture. As well as filmography, which I would like to think of the next step of photography. Also the advertisement, marketing aspect of design so I can learn to entices people with my pictures and learn to sell my prints to the people that love and respect my craft. I would want to become a landscape and an portrait photography because I want to travel and meet new interesting people along the way. As for the filmography part I was thinking about starting with commercials for companies and then advance into visual effects for movies. Here’s where the marketing, advertisement side comes into play as I’m working with companies with larger projects. I have been thinking about sound design too but Im going to take it one step at a time.

What are some things you wish to accomplish as a designer?

As a designer I wish to accomplish a bunch of things, things as of right now and things as of in the future. Accomplishments I wish to make right now is to gain knowledge from different sources. Gaining knowledge from professors, classes, friends, people that have been working in the field for a while now. Also self knowledgement, going online and taking notes off the resources of the web. Going up to people that are doing what I want to in the future and asking for advice, that is probably my favorite way of getting information on my career and the field work involving that career. Then the other way which is just going to my classes that help me develop my skills in my design career.

How do you intend to use your skillset you learn, to influence your community?

My skillset that I will learn as a design major will help me to influence my community in a variety of ways. I can share my ideas to the community and help people expand their creativity. My skills will help by creating new pathways for people new into design and need a push for idea making processes. Also taking pictures and sharing my idea process can help people understand the thoughts that go through my mind when completing or starting a new project at work.

What is your motivation as a design student?

My motivation as a design student is everything and anything that makes me feel free and happy. Could be out with friends in the city, just relaxing and talking about life or I could just be out on a walk in the park by myself. Anything that puts me in my happy place or a sense of peace. This place is where my creativity comes in fruition and my idea are taken place.


Project 2-kami

Q: what catches your eye when looking at other people’s work?

A:Usually what catches my eye is the colors and style of the design. Like if they match, if the colors compliment each other, what is the message that said design is trying to get across.

Q: do you prefer working by yourself or in a group environment?

A: I prefer to work alone. More often than not, other people tend to slow me down and distract me.

Q: do you think your background affects your design?

A: Yes. I think background sets the mood of the entire picture. It can mean the difference between something being warm, bright, and kid-friendly or dark, violent, and meant for adults.

Q: what are some things you like to design?

A: It really depends on if your talking about a computer or a drawing. In my sketchbook, I draw cartoon characters like Sonic the Hedgehog and Spider-man. I also sketch things I find on Pinterest if they catch my eye. There are also some fantasized drawings of myself scattered around. On my computer I use photoshop to customize the Alien Head used for Dell’s Alienware franchise. I have a collection of them from over the years I spent making them.

4th question and answer

Can you see yourself doing anything else?

Well if I’m being honest yes doing graphic design and game designing/developing and one of the many studios/companies that brought me many games that I know and love today. But another dream I have that I’d love to pursue either equally or slightly more would be becoming a full time YouTuber/ Streamer. Yes, as silly as it may sound to some that’s something I would love to do and always have. On my stream could be me playing games solo, or w/ friends, the viewers or even drawing. And YouTube I would love to create content. Whether that be tutorials in games I’m really good at, just my best game plays, traveling around the world trying different things, vlogs w/ my friends etc… that’s one dream I’m still trying to pursue at the same time because it’s something I enjoy doing. And I’ve already have some start in this path as well.

3rd Question And answer

Do you prefer working by yourself or in a group environment?

This is a tough question to answer because while I do enjoy working with other people. At the same time I find it hard to rely on a group of people to actually do the work assigned as a group on time and be willing to function in 1 cohesive manner. Essentially what I’m saying is I prefer working in a group environment (kinda have to with the major we are in), but majority of the time things push me more towards working by myself.

Now this question can be very situational based cause different situations call for different responses/solutions. But working by yourself helps you to focus more and you hold yourself more accountable for your work and what you do. But can be detrimental in the fact that you would have anyone to really get help/advice from because it be only you doing the work. And you can say that, that’s a benefit for working in a group is that you have others to help you. Which at the same time can be a downside cause then since it’s a group one person may slack off and leave it to the group to do their work.

Project 2

What catches your eye when looking at other people’s work?

I would have to say just seeing different people’s perspective on their drawings. Everyone has their own unique style and just way that they perceive things and that’s always something that seemed fascinating to me. One of the most interesting parts of design I would have to say if not the most interesting. For example in foundation drawing we had to each draw our room and everything inside of it. And yes the physical items in everyone’s room will by default all be different because we all possess different things. But when we came to class the next week ( it’s a once a week class) almost everyone has a different perspective in which they drew their bedrooms. Although there is only so much different perspectives that you can have, some included: overhead view , 45° angle, perspective of if you were standing in the doorway/entrance to the room, or a side view (can’t remember if there was anymore). But yea essentially that is what I thought when I saw everyone’s work. And another thing was how much attention to detail and precision people put into their work. It was just so nice to see that some people besides me truly have a passion & drive for designing and creation.

project #2 first draft

Question: who is your role model in design

Answer: My role model in design is no other than Mr. Andy Warhol himself. I fell in love with his work when I was in 6th grade as a way to express myself without using my words. I always loved the way he made pop art and used it to express himself though things you would never imagine like a banana. I also love his sneaker collaboration with converse, which also happens to be my favorite sneaker brand because they allows you to create your own ideas on your sneakers. I believe that Andy will continue to inspire people just like me by allowing us to use unique items to express ourselves.

Homework following class on 9/17: Avatars

For homework, read the three articles/websites about avatars: “Professional protocol when choosing a Skype avatar“; Chad Renando, “An avatar analysis: Choosing your profile picture“; Michelle Venetucci Harvey. “Design avatars that make sense — and be more inclusive in the process.”

Choose an avatar that you want to use on the OpenLab, and add it to your profile. If you need help, you can refer to this page about adding an avatar from the OpenLab Help section.

Reflecting on that avatar, add as a comment to this post your answers to the questions below:

how does your avatar represent you as a design student with the interests, motivations, aspirations, etc you have written about?

If it doesn’t represent that version of you, you might change it.

Why is it important for it to represent you? Use examples from the readings to support your answer.

(Also, be sure to give credit to the creator of your avatar image, whether it was you or someone else! And be sure you have permission to do so!)

Project #2 First Draft

Question 1:where do you think the future of design will take you?

I hope design can take me to do and achieve many things that I want to do in my life.I want to branch out of my specific track of graphic design, learn and work on all types of different visual design. For example printing,photography,architecture,illustration, art..etc. I want to be able express my self with all types of visual expression. I also want to be very successful in what I do. That’s why networking and creating relationships is important to me because that is what will take where I want to go in design.

why did you choose this major (COMD)?

I chose  the major of COMD because I took graphic design classes throughout my four years of high school. I found the class super fun and interesting. It was very easy to learn so I picked it up pretty easy. I thought going to college I should probably go with a major I know. As well as something I know and like. I don’t regret it so far my classes have been really fun. I tend to be able to express myself better visually or physically then verbally or writing. Which I think is perfect for me because I prefer not to anyway.

what influenced you toward this major? (eg in your childhood)

The major influence towards my major is my teacher Mrs.Woods and my mother. She has become like a second mother to me over the years and without her guidance and genuine interest in my success I wouldn’t  be in COMD or in college. Her influence and my personal interest in certain subjects helped me develop into the designer I am now. My mothers advice and different perspectives to the world has built my creativity. Combine that with my childhood and you create a recipe for a great base and foundation to flourish.