project #2 first draft

what is your motivation (eg creative expression) in graphic design?

My motivation in graphic design is to learn more of what’s there to get out  and develop from it. I have created certain things like creating logos or learned the ways with photography or how to use the photoshop programs to develop new creations. I believe that what I’m learning right now is helping me improve with new experience on how there is many ways to present or demonstrate within my projects or homeworks, by following the guidelines, suggestions, and other opinions of other classmates. I use everything I have learned so far from the beginning of this semester and from high school. I want to improve with gaining so much skills that are or will be beyond what I had started with. I see other classmates determined to reach their own goals and I want to follow that path and believe truly that I can successfully make it happen if I work very hard to really be someone in the future.

what catches your eye when looking at other people’s work?

When I look at someone’s work I look at the creativity that was created or search for the differences between everyone else’s work and also mine. If it looks really cool or very detailed I’ll like to say “Hey, that’s very good work you did there.” Or “I like what you did to make it look very good.” or “It’s very presentable without making it seem like you ever did so many drafts to get this as a final result.” The final results are the overall of the hard work,developing and planning what to do by start to finish for that specific assignment or homework. But mainly I look to see if there was really effort being given especially if you see like prints on the work because that says a lot like they was poorly done or if it wasn’t put away somewhere save to protect the work without it ending up being all wrinkled up.

what is the schoolwork like in your coursework?

There is a lot to keep checking in case of there being a homework, a project being due at a certain day or of a week. Sometimes, it maybe a lot or not but,it is college it’s no longer like high school where you will told things to do. The class work can be easy yet, a bit troubling with drawing..but it just means that not everything is easy at first it takes time to be able to do this without struggling on measuring certain spaces on the paper of the work piece. There are a lot of standards that professors have on us to be able to do and be responsible for our own things and be well prepare with certain necessary items for the next class.

what job do you desire after this?

I want to be a graphic designer, although at first I thought about following into the advertisement path but then I thought I have done more of the graphic design things than trying to understand if I wanna do some advertisement for marketing communication or if I really understood what were to be the procedure to follow into the advertisement path.

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