Chapter 8: Working Within A System

  1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model is made for the clients could be able to determine their own problems and needs.  Professional will find a place to improve for example a city and they will improve the environment and the way the client lives.

  1. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

A community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their client because it helps people to start to talk about their problems to other people. It is important because it improves the client’s environment and it also gives the professional new links to different organizations.

  1. Describe how an agency’s organization chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An agency’s organization chart promotes well-being through the chain of command because it helps to keep different departments organized from top to bottom. The ones in the top control the resources and the actions that are made. It is also a way of sharing and dividing responsibilities.

  1. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

The referral process can happen for any reasons for example, the client may ask for it to speed up the process or because the client is suicidal. The referral process is to help the client with their problems and needs by linking them with other professionals that will be able to help them.  The referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being because it is a way that the client will get greater help.

  1. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid the referral and well-being goals because it could provide the client with needed support. Informal network is outside of agencies or organizations. Informal networks include personal friendships of professionals, family, and friends which provide support and help for the client.

  1. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork are very important and should be handled properly. Documentation and records are important information about the client that the professional might have to read later in the future. The more organized and detailed the record the more the professional will be able to help the client with their problem. Documentation and paperwork requirements aid the well-being of the client because it will help to know their background which will help professionals know their needs and problems.

  1. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being.

Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being in a negative way. When the professional is experiencing stress and burnout they are less likely to help the client the way they need to be helped. Symptoms of burnout are when the professional doesn’t want to go to work, has a negative attitude about work, lower the quality of their work, and doesn’t get involved with the client as they should. Therefore, the client will not be receiving the help they need.

  1. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker because it helps the worker become more engaged in helping the client. Professional development is for the professional to learn and develop new ways to help the client rather than the same way all the time. Professional development impacts the service delivery to the client because the worker will be more involved with the client’s needs. The professional will also know different and new ways that they can help the client.

  1. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

The human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being for the client because it is a way to build skills to show them how and what they could do to help change themselves. The client will learn to be more self-sufficient and fix their own problems with the skills they learned from human service workers that used the empowerment tool.

HUS , Chapter 8 Questions

1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status.

Client empowerment model for change impacts a clients well-being by giving them hope and so they can believe a change can and will be made. The job of a professional in the counseling session is to help the client think on their own and make their own decisions like for example on what may be the right or wrong thing to do in a certain situation and how they can better their lives.

2. Describe how a community based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for they clients.

A community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients because being assigned to help a community and knowing you’re helping a person and helping yourself understand them, it’s for your well-being.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

An agency’s organization chart promotes well-being through the chain of command because it shows us how the agencies work together and get a task done in an organized way.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in the relation to the client’s well-being.

The referral process is used in multiple ways to the clients well-bein. First, it’s used to assess the client problems and needs, second; to provide the connection between the client and the needed services. It helps the professional help the client and have a better understanding with what’s going on.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals of a client by reaching out to organizations that are public and/or private agencies like churches, businesses and schools. It uses these type of communications to help the client and figure out what may be the problem and how to help them.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client because it is used to transfer any important information about the client to other professionals if they move on to different agencies and help them know what’s going on and how to help them go through whatever it may be that they are going through.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being.

Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being because they wouldn’t help the client, they would just have a negative affect towards the clients and not help them like they are suppose to. It will only make the situation more difficult.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker by gaining skills and have more knowledge on how to go about in a certain situation and give their best help/work to their clients.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by letting them make their own decisions and supporting them in whatever they may do as an independent and not having people thinking for them as they go on in life.

HUS 1101 HW: Chapter 8 discussion questions on well-being

1. The client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a clients well-being status by identifying the needs of the individual, determining how to meet the needs,working with other networks for possible assistance, setting up goals and objectives to be reached and identifying any barriers that must be overcome. A professional can implement such things in counseling by giving the client the right, and the role to be in charge of his or her continuous success.

2. A community based agency’s missions and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients because it communicates the purpose or role of the agency that can be beneficial for the client.

3. The agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command because it is significant to know the people who work in the departments needed. It sets structure and layers of authority. Identifying the different services they may represent to provide the proper care and or treatment necessary for the client.

4. The referral process is utilized in relating directly to the interaction between other workers, making use of the network. When seeking services for the client the worker can rely on other professionals to locate the needed services. Resulting in the success of the delivery of services.

5. An informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals because it actually provides the link between the client and the service. The cooperation between the two would result in effective referral, such as family and friends to provide needed support.

6. Documentation and paper work requirements aid in the well-being of the client because it is used when transmitting information about the client to the new service because that will allow the agency to properly plan the correct services.

7. Stress and “burn out” of the worker can impact the clients well-being because the worker isn’t able to provide the best service. Resulting in a poor work performance that wouldn’t help better the client.

8. Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker and service delivery to the client because then their work performance and ideas continually modify. Its a positive approach to address the challenges of work. They get positive reinforcements and support.

9. A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client because its a team of professionals and others to work build skills to facilitate their own change.

Humans Servuces Hw Chapter 8

1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The goal of this model is to empower the client ensuring them that a change can be made. Having someone believe in them can result in them believing in them selves. Human service professionals jobs are to support the client as well as improving their lives.

2. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

Community based agencies or organization professional workers are very involved and hands on in the community in which they are assigned. The community they are assigned to influences the way they operate. Developing strategies such as Community Mapping, helps professionals connect to the lives of the citizen’s in the community. They promote overall well-being in the client as well as the community.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-
being through the chain of command.

The chain of command are the levels of authority in an agency which helps people understand the structure of an agency and how its works. This promotes well-being because departments or individual’s work closely together to provide the best quality work to the client.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

The referral process is a very crucial/ important part of a human services professional responsibility. The human service worker is seeking the best work for a client making sure the services needed is provided, putting the client’s well-being and best interest first.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

Human services professionals developed a system to build a file of informal network for referral purposes. A connection between individuals and agencies (social services help aid the client). Services are organized by the well-being of the client, The clients needs whether physical, social, or emotional (building a data base of information about the client).

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paper work are the recorded information of the client (the steps, the process, the issues, etc.) It Keeps track of the client as well as the professionals work. Permanent documentation is good for the clients well-being.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well being.

Human services professionals encounter with a lot of challenges throughout their work day. The decisions they make affect their work, clients ( types of services he client will receive), and agencies. Workers often stress over and are overwhelmed their case loads, allocation of their resources (time), not being able to spend enough time with each client. Clients need hands on professional work to aid them and if it’s not given it can be harmful towards the client progressing in life.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being !of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development activities impact well-being for the client as well as the professional helping them gain skills and knowledge of certain situations to provide the best quality work for the client.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

Human services workers can use client empowerment as a tool in the well-being because empowering the client allows them to take control of their own lives solving their own problems and struggles.

HUS Chapter 8

1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The goal of this model is to instill support and empowerment in the client so they can believe in themselves. A human service worker would do this by simply looking for causes that they want to support that would better the lives of their clients.

2. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

The mission and goals make the clients aim to achieve their goals and see the possibilities that are out there for them. It helps the client and helper better understand the client and for them to work out future issues on their own.

3.Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

Organizational charts and chains of command are both helpful notions to demonstrate a structure of an agency. The organizational chart shows information flow,services and staff while chain of command show lines of authority. This helps the client’s well-being because all of the information is neatly organized and easy to understand.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

Human service workers sole purpose is to help people and assist them in their needs. Sometimes a certain person isn’t the best suited for the job and believes that someone else would be better to aid them or the client believes someone else can assist them. Through referrals, the client is pointed to someone else or another agency that can better meet their needs.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

Informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals of a client by using personal networks which uses people who know the individual well can talk and also reach out to others who can assist in getting a referral, an example would be social clubs or even churches.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the the well-being of the client.

Paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of clients because it provides a permanent record which other professionals can view and see the client’s history whether they are currently working with them or for future references. It directs the helper on what exactly the client needs.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being.

Stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the clients well-being because the worker’s whole objective is to help client’s and support them, because of burnout there are negative affects on their work environment and helping process. If a helper is stressed or burned out their whole perspective is altered which cripples them on helping out the client.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker because it helps the worker develop new skills and gain new knowledge that is helpful in aiding their clients. If the worker is furthering their skills and knowledge they can be more beneficial for their clients and be more successful in their process.

9. Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

A human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client by supporting them and allowing them to make their decisions independently. Once they see that they are equipped to take control over their life they will begin to know how to deal with certain situations that occur in their life.

Human Service 1101:HW3: Chapter 8

1)Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

One important duty of the human service professional is to promote change to impact the client’s well-being status. The client empowerment model focuses on aiding clients to make their own plans, and their own changes. The professional might implement the model in the counseling session with a teenager by asking, “Had you thought of how you going improve in the relationship of your parents?” This way the teenager can make their own agenda to change the well-being of him/her.

2) Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

The community-based agency’s mission statement is a written document that indicates the purpose and principles of the agency. It is publicly viewable. It answers many questions an client might have or a community might have. For example; “What does this agency do?” The principles made to promotes the well-being and the happiness for their clients. One example of the principles would be that the agency would be well-informed and not make rapid decisions for the best to their clients.

3) Describe how an agency’s organization chart promotes well-being though the chain of command.

The organization chart of an agency gives us a look on not just who is in charge or the chain of command (offices, departments) but what groups work closely together. It tells us how the information get passes along, which department the professionals report to when likes if they need of funds.

4) Describe how the referral process is utilized in the relation to the client well-being.

The referral process is used because of many possible reasons. One reason is that the helper feels that another agency or another professional can impact the well-being of the client more. The first thing the helper would do in the process of referral is that the helper evacuates the client’s dilemmas and needs. The helper then provides the contact between the needed service and the client. Making referrals is difficult, especially for a rookie professional. A new professional might not have many contacts with professionals outside of his or her own work place. It is good to build that as you work for the client’s well-being.

5) Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

An informal network is when connections are made by the histories of the agency co-working and personal friendships between the helpers, etc. This aids in the referral to be more supportive from both side, there referrer and the referee even though it much more difficult. It takes more time and effort in building the connections at first.

6) Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the clients.

Paperwork and documentation requirements can aid in the well-being of clients. This helps the professional to have an knowledge about the clients in case a referral happened. It also provides information for the evaluation process for funding from the insurances companies or the state. Most workers today have an intensive amount of paperwork to do. It is also likely to fill out more than two paper work with the same information. Professionals are likely have to bring this paperwork home and work on them. Professionals usually have to choose between the time and effort going towards the clients or the desk work.

7) Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being.

The burnout and the stress of the worker have a negative effect on the client’s well-being. The burnouts arise when professionals has many pressures at work, lost interest of working, etc. It is a really challenge job sometimes. One way to not feel the loss of interest in work environment is professional development. Going back to school for a higher degree can open up more path in the human services field.

8) Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Like mentioned in my answer of question seven, professional development like going back to school for an higher degree can open more paths in the field. Another activities includes workshops provided by the organization can gives the helper more information of clients’ needs.

9) Describe how a human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

The client’s empowerment is used as a tool in the well-being of a client by giving the client strengths to solve their own problems and their struggles. Human service workers should use this tool in every single appointment or meeting with a client.

Chapter 8

1. Describe how the client empowerment model for change effectively impacts a client’s well-being status? Include what the professional would do to implement the model in the counseling session.

The client empowerment model effectively impacts a client’s well-being status because it gives them a chance for change. The professional gets involved to respond to the specific needs of the community. Another context is for the client’s to participate in community organizing which means to try and create or promote change. The last context is empowerment which means to give the clients skills to stand up for themselves and make their own change.

2. Describe how a community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being and happiness for their clients.

Community-based agency’s mission and goals promotes well-being by helping the client to understand the potential they have. To help the clients better themselves and understand how they can work to solve issues each client has.

3. Describe how an agency’s organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of command.

Organizational chart promotes well-being through the chain of commands because it helps work together showing the authority the agency has the information it gives and accountability. And some of these different departments work together to better fulfill a task.

4. Describe how the referral process is utilized in relation to the client’s well-being.

Human service professional need to find out the clients needs and problems. Also to find out what the other agency’s provide in services in order to know if it would match with the clients.

5. Describe how an informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals.

Informal network can aid in the referral and well-being goals because personal networks such as individuals in this context who know the client well can talk and also reach out to other people who can help in the referral, including those in churches, social clubs etc.

6. Describe how documentation and paperwork requirements aid in the well-being of the client.

Documentation and paperwork aid in the well-being of the client because it lets agency’s know the client’s history. Also includes information of interviews, social history, medical, educational, and mental health records. It also documents time spent by the agency on the client, referrals and case notes and etc.

7. Describe how stress and “burnout” of the worker can impact the client’s well-being.

Stress and “burnout” affect the impact on clients because they don’t get the full help from the professional that they might need. They might not get the professional’s full attention and than will be not respond positively or think well of the helpers.

8. Describe how professional development activities can impact the well-being of the worker. Describe how it also impacts service delivery to the client.

Professional development can impact the well-being of the worker because if they decide to develop and improve skills and to learn knew knowledge of the client than they serve an effective service to the clients. This impacts service delivery to the client because when they learn knew things about the clients because things change they can better assess the client than and have a greater impact.

9. Describe how the human service worker can utilize client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client.

Using client empowerment as a tool in the well-being of a client is good because you are giving the client the power and encouragement. Giving them the power to establish their agenda in life.

chp 9 questions – HUS


Describe how the human services code of ethics initiates , guides, and promotes a clinical arena for professional and clients well being.

– For starters the Code of Ethics helps make clear what the responsibility’s are from the professional to the client.The Code of Ethics include stating the goal and aims of the profession. For example helping and providing guidance to the client making the client feel safe and protected .

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well being.

– The responsibility a professional has is to help the client develop into there goal and keep them away from any potential harm. But not only is there responsibility but there’s also obligations . Their obligated to give high quality service , depending what the professional was trained to deliver. No client can be turned away and especially not thinking their a lost cause .

Describe how the human services professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well being.

– The code of ethics states that the professional must learn awareness, understanding and skill,being able to respect and accept and have appreciation for human beings . All members of society have the right to be given such services without being discriminated or preference. Each human services professional has the knowledge of the different cultures in the community in which they have there practice in. This Knowledge benefits both the clients within the community and the professional so that the well being of the client is more concentrated on then having to see things in the client that have no relevancy at all to what is trying to be achieved.

Describe how the human services professional responsibility to the profession promote well being for the clients.

– Knowing what the policies of the profession are helps not only give the client the quality of service the client deserves but also for keeping your practice going , in other words keeping your job 🙂 ! The profession has alot to do with keeping with the confidentiality agreement between you and the client , if the client chooses to keep it all confidential . This helps with the whole trust thing because if there’s no trust the client won’t really open up to you and it would make it more difficult for you as a professional to help give guidance in there treatment.

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to  colleagues promote well being for the client.

– From what is stated in the textbook there are organizations that have issued behavior codes that are expected of their memberships. These codes give guidance about helper’s responsibility to employer’s and colleagues in the profession. Also the code of ethics states the helpers first responsibility is to enhance and protect a clients welfare. For example informal discipline which has to do with communication of a professional and a colleague when discussing a clients referral . So this helps the clients well being because it gives them that reassurance that they know their being cared for in a professional matter.

Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promote well being to the client.

– First things first you cant get personal with a client. If anything that would affect the clients well being because it would intervene with the clients treatment. Its always important to keep your personal life away from your professional life  . Becoming to intimate with a client does not help because then they will not see you as a professional they would see you as like one of there own friends and not take your guidance seriously which would not help them at all .

HUS Chapter 9- Code of Ethics

The Human Services code of ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and clients well being. This code of ethics has rules that must be met by each professional and client. The code helps professional’s and clients be in a safe environment were neither of them feel threatened or uncomfortable. The code also helps keep a good professional relationship between the client and worker. It guides the professional on how to react and guide them through certain situations but with limitations. The code initiates the well being of both the professional and clients because it helps both feel in a comfortable environment.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to clients promotes well being because the proffesional is in charge of taking care of his/her client. With the good communication and relationship the proffesional and the client should have, the proffesional should be able to gain the clients trust. The proffessionals responsibility include keeping up with the client out of the office, providing high quality service and etc while also respecting the clients privacy. The proffesional should respect the clients privacy unless it is thought that the clients action may hurt themself and/or others. The proffesionals responsibility to the client promotes well being because the professional should do anything on their hands for the safety of the client; the clients satisfaction.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society also promotes well being. This is because the proffesional should be able to guide the client on how to act in the community. The proffesional should also be able to work with supririors to help the client get the help they need. Also the proffesional must keep an open mind about any culture or practices the client might have. The proffesional should now the clients background in order to help them be better in society.

The human service proffesionals responsibility to colleagues promotes well being for the client. This is done by checking that colleagues follow the code of ethics.  Also colleagues share information with each other that might be helpful for their clients. Collegues work together and contribute to finish the job and help the clients. This promotes well being for the client because they have more eyes on the situation.

The human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well being for the client because it shows dedication to the work. Human services proffesional should try to get papers on time to be able to have on check the client. They should have experience from training and gain experience from th office. They should be able to handle the situations that might come up so it promotes safety to the client.

The human services proffessionals responsibilites to employers promotes well being for the client. The professionals show this by working kind and proffesionaly yo show respect to other employees. They should also maintain a good communication between each other. This promotes well being to the client because they will feel good that they are receiving good care and services.

The human service proffessionals responsibilies to self promotes well being for the client because they show intrest and proffession in doing their work. This also promotes well being for the client because they gain trust in knowing the proffessional knows what they are doing.

The human service proffesionals responsibilities to educators  by showing proffessional intrest. They do this by keeping in mind the code of ethics. This includes not letting emotion come in between the client and his/her situation. Educators should always maintain a proffesional relationship with the client.

The 4 steps of ethical decision making strives to promote well being to the client and society are Identifying the problem, consulting with different colleagues, and choose a  identifying and exploring options and choosing a course of action. These steps promote well being to the client snd society because in order to treat the problem the proffessional has to be open to all posibilities, really understand and know the situation. Also because listening to other persepective and opinions on how to go with the situation can teach the proffesional other ways to deal with the situation.

HUS Workers HW#2

1. Describe how the Human Services Code Of Ethics initiates, guides, and promotes  clinical arena for professional and client well-being

Human Services workers are guided by a set of rules “The Code Of Ethics”,the code of ethics are rules that focus on the professionals work with the client and how the worker conducts behavior (responsibilities to the client) for the well-being of the client as well as their profession.Different fields in the profession has a different codes of ethics. They differ in various ways but all are beneficial to the client.

2.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being

The relationship between the professional and the client is very crucial toward meeting the needs of the client and eliminating the issue/issues. The responsibilities of the professional would be to apply the rules (code of ethics) using it as a guide/ tool to make sure the client receives good quality service.Human services workers responsibilities are to focus mainly on the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence,justice, fidelity, and veracity.Professionals must keep confidentiality (keeping their discussion private,  level of trust).

3.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being

Human services workers should have the ability to be more diverse to help all sorts of people from different cultures, different back rounds, different ways of life not just the same groups of people (Cultural competence). Human service workers working will a diverse group of people is beneficial towards society being able to assist them to the best of their ability.

4.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleague promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s have the responsibility to network and communicate with their co-workers to provide the best quality of work suitable for the client.Having the clients best interest in mind.Each professional stays in their lane of experience if they need assistance they network with colleague’s. There’s a complex group of workers ho can assist with help for the well-being of the client

5.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human services professional’s responsibility to their profession is the production of good quality work having their clients well-being in mind. They must be dedicated and committed to the client to provide the best care.

6.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client

The human services professionals responsibilities to the employers promotes well-being to their  clients by reassuring that their job is performed efficiently and meet the criteria and that they have the proper skills to perform their duties.

7.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client

Human service workers are professional’s there to assist and help a diverse group of individuals and are responsible for them. Human service workers promote well-being by making sure the clients safe and not harming themselves a well as other or it will be reported.

8.Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-bring for the client.

Human services professional’s responsibilities to educators promote happiness because these workers have the skills and credentials towards their work ethics.