December 2: Class notes

• Final Draft of research proposal and annotated bibliographies due in portfolio

• First Draft of research essay due

Speaking on the remainder of the semester: a lot of the work is bulked up and left for the ending of the course so that we have the opportunity to produce better work because of the progress we’ve made. There are also a lot of chances to bring up your grade. If feeling stressed/overwhelmed see Professor Belli.

• What’s left of our semester

– 12/4: Peer review comments (might get comments from prof. Belli)

– 12/9: Writing workshop (all comments from prof. Belli will be recieved)

-12/11: Writing workshop

-12/16: Final draft of research essay. Party. Review on finals & practice for the final exam.

Final 10%   Essay 20%   Proposal/Annotations 10%

You can use the rest of this time to go to prof. Belli during her office hours and check on updated work or visit learning center.

If you don’t turn in a first draft to the research essay, you will not be able to receive feedback from Prof. Belli nor your peers. You can still come in to ask about the project but no direct feedback.

• Getting into peer review groups

Group 1

Lily, Dominique and Indira

Group 2

Marie, Jocelyn and Tinika

Group 3

Kelsey, Jack and Arlene

Group 4

Mirna, Carina, Greys and Jacob

Group 5

Tanaye, Lucy, Dulce and Natasha

• Discussion on peer review

Peer review is very important. If you don’t do it completely and thoughtfully you will get a grade lower. If you come come late or don’t show up at all, you also get a grade lower. 

* Do not skip final comment! Most important part where you share what your thoughts were. Also make sure to have a works cited page.

Final grades are non-negotiable.

IF you truly believe there is an error, then email the professor.

Final exams are not returned, the school keeps them.

Final drafts are returned to you on thursday 12/18 with a letter grade, if you want to discuss the grade and how you got it, see professor Belli.

At the end of the course we will be writing a reflection of the course.

Prof. Belli: What were somethings you struggled with during this essay?

Class: Focused/narrowed down, defining terms, research, 3rd person, not all facts and citations.

Your research should continue even though the annotated bibliographies have been turned in.

* Experiences aren’t supposed to be incorporated but if you really wish to include one, speak to the professor.

Color coding: everything that sounds the same is highlighted so that they can be grouped together.

Often peoples ideas are jumbled together, so if it is color coded it can help the person put the same ideas together and regroup them. (could also do this on your own papers while doing peer review) Think about how to expand your own papers and ideas.

Research essay predraft: Misdiagnosis on mental illness

When faced with problems in their lives whether emotional or psychological, individuals turn to their doctors. That comes to no surprise because it’s always been the way things go, a problem regarding your health emerges and the doctor is called. What if doctors aren’t really assisting people into regaining their health? What many people don’t know is that physicians sometimes do more harm than help. Plenty would say how so; but they often misdiagnose individuals therefore pinning them with a mental illness that they do not have. This can cause a variety of issues that just spiral downhill from the moment they are labeled with a sickness that they do not really obtain. If a person who doesn’t have a certain mental illness is taking medication for it, that can be harmful to them just taking the medication itself and that’s not including how many doses a day or how strong the medication is. It can harm a person physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Doctors don’t take the time to sit and explore the mind of their patients, therefore, rushing the process. If they do not know what is really wrong with their client how can they seriously assist them in getting them back to being themselves? Doctors often don’t put their best ability into helping their patients receive the necessary care they need. In the article, “Lives destroyed by happy pills: As our use of antidepressants DOUBLES in a decade, experts say thousands are being given dangerous drugs they don’t need” by Jerome Burne it claims, “one of the reasons misdiagnosis happen is because the official test GP’s use to check if you’re depressed involves two very basic questions: During the past month, have you been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? During the past month, have you been bothered by having little interest or pleasure in doing things?” (Burne 1) The problem with this method is that people can easily lie or put up an act. Although these questions could help doctors get a sense of what is going on with their patients and their mental status, it shouldn’t be based around it and be the top technique to how to get inside their client’s head.

Besides not taking the time to really hear what their patient is saying, there is also the issue of underlying medical condition, this is a medical condition that is under wraps and less noticeable because it is outshined by a more obvious one, and they can also contribute to the individual’s disease and are considered co-diseases. The underlying medical condition is the cause of the illness and if misdiagnosed can produce a big problem. Since in different cases the issue can be assisted earlier and cured. According to the mental illness policy, it claims that because not many people have a medical issue disguised as a mental illness, doctors often skip the step and don’t look for them at all. Since these are the cause of mental illnesses it produces a huge problem. Although not everyone may have them, because of it’s impact on individuals health it should be looked into. A lot of people may not even notice that they may have an underlying medical condition. In the article, “Confusing medical ailments with mental illness” by Melinda Beck, some examples are shown to prove that anyone can have these and can go unnoticed or unexplained until further diagnosis. An example would be, “A new mother’s exhaustion and disinterest in her baby seem like postpartum depression—but actually signal a postpartum thyroid imbalance that medication can correct.” Any person would simply believe that the exhaustion of being a new mother would stress any individual out and that that’s all it is. If the person visits the doctor they may be told the same thing or that the stress is too much to bear therefore, leading them down a path to depression. This example could further prove the point as to why diagnosis should go more into depth of the person and what exactly they are going through to better service their needs.

               A lot of harm can happen from a person taking medications that they aren’t supposed to be taking. There are side effects such as nausea, headaches, diarrhea, grogginess etc. A person who is mentally healthy shouldn’t be taking the same medication as a person who’s mind is jumbled, racing and can’t deal with day to day situations. The medication is used to get the mentally ill person to relax and be level headed so when a person who isn’t suffering from depression or any illness that would require this medication, uses it they can feel like a zombie and sick. This due to the fact that the individual and the medicine aren’t compatible. Everyone is different which causes dissimilar situations. In “How Misdiagnosis Prevented Me from Moving on to Recovery” by Andy Behrman, he speaks on his experience with his misdiagnosis of depression and his rollercoaster ride of different unneeded medication. He was misdiagnosed by 8 different physicians leading him to believe that he really was undergoing depression when in reality he was battling bipolar disorder. Physicians went as far as putting him through electroconvulsive therapy and completed 19 electroshock sessions. “It was then that my doctor ordered me to continue “maintenance treatment.” I had a total of 19 electroshock treatments, until I realized I had become addicted to the premedication of the procedure and asked my doctor to bring the treatment to a halt” (Behrman 1) Not only did he have to undergo all of these shock treatments but he began to develop an addiction to the procedure further proving the harm that these medications can have on patients. When he was finally correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Behrman went through 37 different prescribed medications to control his illness. The effects all these medicines had on him was outrageous and he claims to have experienced every side effect there is. These treatments and their side effects prevented him from holding down a stable job, home etc. He was incapable of living his life freely.

            To sum it all up, doctors are believed to solve all problems when issues come up with one’s health. Individuals don’t always believe that their physicians can sometimes be producing more harm than assistance. If the time isn’t taken into find the root of the problem and how to solve it, a person may never live their life to its full extent. Misdiagnosis can happen on a number of different occasions because of different complications, but if the person is fully heard and the doctor puts it’s all into finding the solution for the persons mental issues, then a good outcome should come about.


                                                           Works Cited

Behrman, Andy. “How Misdiagnosis Prevented Me from Moving on to Recovery.”Http:// Random House. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Beck, Melinda. “NEWS: When Medical Ailments Mimic Mental Illness.”Http:// Wall Street Journal, 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.


Burne, Jerome. “Lives Destroyed by Happy Pills: As Our Use of Antidepressants DOUBLES in a Decade, Experts Say Thousands Are Being given Dangerous Drugs They Don’t Need.”Http:// Mailonline, 29 June 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2014.

Second draft of my research proposal: Positive Psychology

The main purpose of this research paper is going to be positive psychology and how people aren’t assisted in achieving their full potential of happiness. This topic seems intriguing because of it’s unique views, not many people have even heard of the concept. Positive psychology revolves around the idea that people are often aided to become basically neutral in life, when they should be guided on becoming happy. Often when individuals are diagnosed with depression they are given medication and therapy to get them to a place where they’re okay with life. Not jumping for joy but not in a dark place like they were, but when this concept is brought into play it makes people think, is that any better? If people are being helped to get out of that bad place and emotional state then why leave them half way? Wouldn’t it be more helpful in helping them achieve happiness? This is why this idea is so interesting. The fact that it is believed that these individuals are being helped by just making them feel OK isn’t a service. Feeling neutral isn’t happiness or content, it’s just getting by. People shouldn’t just get by in life, they should experience happiness and live their life to it’s full extent, actually enjoy it. When people seek medical help for their problems or are recommended to get help, their goal or mission isn’t to be mentally OK, it’s to achieve happiness. This idea of trying to make people happy and not just OK is fascinating especially if you’ve witnessed someone going through depression and also in therapy. It gives you more of an insight on how people are helped to only achieve the bare minimum of happiness. Throughout this research paper, the focus is be on how doctors aren’t putting their all into making their clients happy but more so into just getting them to a “normal” state.

Seligman, Martin, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. “Positive Psychology: An Introduction.”Http:// US: American Psychological Association, 1 Mar. 2000. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

The main focus in this article is to prove how building yourself on the in and outside could make you a better person. Whether it’s building knowledge or the way you’re living it makes your life in a whole more positive and how it leads to a better life. Individuals often don’t believe that the simplicities in life such as basic needs can aid someone into being happier. When doing these things can cause happier people and happier lives.



Cohrs, Christopher, Daniel Christie, Mathew White, and Chaitali Das. “Contributions of Positive Psychology to Peace: Toward Global Well-being and Resilience.” US: American Psychological Association, 14 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

A lot of people don’t know is that people’s current state of being and mind can disturb peace. Of course it alarms the question of how so, but it can actually cause stir ups in communities. In the article’s abstract it states, “we discuss positive emotions, engagement, meaning, personal well-being, and resilience may impact peace at different levels, ranging from the personal and interpersonal to community, national, and global peace” if people are happier it makes for a happier community. In the end or the bigger picture a happier community makes a happier place. There are also arguments on how experiences could tie into this and how it could eventually help to tackle bigger and more serious issues.


Burne, Jerome. “Lives Destroyed by Happy Pills: As Our Use of Antidepressants DOUBLES in a Decade, Experts Say Thousands Are Being given Dangerous Drugs They Don’t Need.”Http:// 29 June 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2014.

In this article a woman is misdiagnosed with anxiety and depression. It may seem like no big deal until later on in the passage they explain how she was given numerous medications to assuage her symptoms. Not only did they make her feel worst than how she originally felt but she began to have suicidal thoughts. She had tried to explain to her doctor from the start but because of the 2 basic questions she was asked, they just diagnosed her with depression/anxiety and doubled her dose every time she tried to explain that she was only getting worst. They also state, “a busy GP sees about 100 patients a week. Out of those, 20 will be suffering from depression, but he will spot only ten of them and treat five, usually with drugs. Not only are the depressed missing out on treatment, 16 of those 100 patients will be told they are suffering from depression when they aren’t.” Doctors seem to believe that medication will solve any and everything when it could’ve simply been solved another way.

Research Proposal: Positive psychology

The main topic of this research paper is going to be positive psychology. This topic seems intriguing because of it’s unique views, not many people have even heard of the concept. Positive psychology revolves around the idea that people are often aided to become basically neutral in life, when they should be assisted on becoming happy. It’s a branch in psychology that focuses on the idea of people and the mentally ill being assisted in becoming happy not just “normal”. Often when individuals are diagnosed with depression they are given medication and therapy to get them to a place where they’re okay with life. Not jumping for joy but not in a dark place like they were, but when this concept is brought into play it makes people think, is that any better? If people are being helped to get out of that bad place and emotional state then why leave them half way? Wouldn’t it be more helpful in helping them achieve happiness? This is why this idea is so interesting. The fact that it is believed that these individuals are being helped by just making them feel OK isn’t a service. Feeling neutral isn’t happiness or content, it’s just getting by. People shouldn’t just get by in life, they should experience happiness and live their life to it’s full extent, actually enjoy it. When people seek medical help for their problems or are recommended to get help, their goal or mission isn’t to be mentally OK, it’s to achieve happiness. This idea was often thought of but not too deeply. It could have crossed the minds of people that there is no point in seeking this assistance if it is not doing what it should be, but because it hasn’t been given much attention it became dismissed. This idea of trying to make people happy and not just OK is fascinating especially if you’ve witnessed someone going through depression and also in therapy. It gives you more of an insight on how people are helped to only achieve the bare minimum of happiness. Throughout this research paper, the focus is be on how doctors aren’t putting their all into making their clients happy but more so into just getting them to a “normal” state.

Proulx, Elise. “Three Insights from the Frontiers of Positive Psychology.”Http:// 7 Aug. 2013. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

This was one of the sites that I came across in which speaks on positive psychology and how it is becoming more commonly thought of. The concept is beginning to get more attention than ever and people are starting to explore it more. They also state where people are starting to give it more importance and how. There are also tips on how and why people should themselves explore positive psychology more and it’s benefits. The idea of dwelling is also brought up and how it can do people a lot of harm without even noticing. Since it is common to think back on negative ideas it isn’t thought about how that could hinder you on your future.

Finding happiness through apps

When hearing about apps for being happy I wasn’t quite sure what to expect honestly. After browsing the websites, I thought they just might provide information on happiness and doing things to make you feel more content but I didn’t really know what else I’d find. They generally took survey’s and asked questions that had to do with your emotional state and what you were doing or where you were. Which I thought was kind of weird because I didn’t think it mattered what I was doing or where I was, I thought the questions would be more about emotional things or personal things. Come to find out that they tell you how you feel when participating in certain activities.

Not only do you check in with these apps but these apps also check up on you! Besides the fact you can update it when you want or add any current emotions or locations etc but they can also ask you throughout the day if you’re okay and to check in when you want to. Which is useful when you think about it. Also on one of the apps you can choose whether to keep your profile private or public and basically if it’s private it’s obviously for your eyes only BUT if it is public other users can comment on what you write and give you advise or feedback. I found this helpful for the simple fact that some people wan’t help and don’t know who to reach out to. Although it would be strangers it is still encouragement, support and helpful advise. When dealing with online places such as these, people feel more open to say what is bothering them and how they’re feeling because it’s not like they know who exactly it is or would have to see them everyday. It’s like a comfort zone I would say for those who would share their thoughts openly on the web. That is if someone was to choose to put it public. For those who would prefer to keep their business private can rightfully do so and reach their happiness goal on their own. Which is okay as well. Everyone is different and uses different strategies which this app is open to doing. On one of the other apps you can also choose facial expressions to show your current feeling. They let you choose the eyes and mouth which can give you different outcomes and you update it through out the day and it shows you on a graph how your moods have changed and whether it’s getting happier or sadder. Another app actually had a picture of Sonja Lyubirmsky which I found interesting since we read a article by her. After trying out these apps I actually found them useful for those who would want to see how their emotional state is and whether it changes because of their surroundings and what they are doing. After discovering what activities it is that actually brings their mood up they can do more of those things and do less of what doesn’t make them happy.

My Happy Place

Although it may sound boring my happy place is definitely my room. I tried to think of different places I have visited recently and in my past and although I have been to some interesting places in New York City, my room is my happiest. It’s the only place I have my own space and I can do whatever I want. I like having my own space and a place to think or just relax and my room is the perfect place for me to do that. Of course sometimes I want to get out and do things but I never get tired of coming home to my room! I have everything I could ever need to survive in there! I can watch movies, blast my music, read, eat etc.

When I was younger I always had to share rooms with my sister. We had bunk beds then we both had our individual beds but we were still in the same room. We don’t have a big age difference but we still both needed our space. Especially since at the time we were sharing we were at that stage where we hated each other. We spent so much time together it was unbearable! (only kidding) But now that we each have our own space to do what we want and breathe, we are really close. How ironic. I think this is another thing that contributes to me loving my room so much.

What makes being in my room enjoyable besides what I already stated is when my friends or cousins come over. Although they touch all my stuff, we always have fun whether it’s watching movies or just talking about stuff that’s bothering us or currently going on with us. We always find something to do when they come over.

I get tired of things easily so I change my room around a lot. My dad has painted my room at least 3 times in the past like 2 years. I always move my bed and dressers around simply because since I spend so much of my time in here whether it’s doing work or hanging out, i’m gonna get tired of seeing it the same exact way. I actually enjoy changing my room around because I change everything from sheets to the stuff I have on my walls or around my room. Everything is up to me and how I decide I want it to look which is cool. The only thing I don’t change in my room is it’s scent. Whether it’s fall or not my favorite scent is apply cinnamon. Although it’s usually thought of as a fall aroma, I have it in my room year around whether it’s spray or candles.

My room is just me. Everything about it is me as a person and who I am. I think it describes me well. It may sound weird or dramatic but it is. As much time as I spend in here I would only imagine it should. Although there are some beautiful historical places in NYC, this is why my room is my favorite.

Is happiness computer friendly?

Throughout these different websites they share a little insight on how they believe people can benefit from their websites and ultimately end up happy. But can an app really contribute to your happiness? In my opinion I don’t see how complete strangers over a website can really make you happy. Of course there are little things such as talking to others and sharing, but true happiness comes from within. Another thing brought into play was measuring happiness. This time it wasn’t through surveys, it was through twitter. They use people’s tweets to determine whether they are happy or sad by the words that they use. This could either be a really good idea or just really ridiculous. It could be a good idea because it’s somewhere that some people do vent and say what they want how they want but it’s also ridiculous because it’s just a social network. People can lie about it and no one would know. Someone can post a heart wrenching tweet one day and be blissful the next, posts on social networks don’t determine current emotional states, they are just posts.

Although technology is undoubtedly upgraded and given to people for entertainment and happiness, does it really always do that for us? Every other month there’s a new phone that can do more, take better pictures and is faster than the last. It all seems so flashy and everyone of course wants it but would that make you happy? It seems like these phone companies believe so. As shown in the charts people are happier around the time of holidays and festivities, maybe it’s because they are times of togetherness and sharing. That is more beneficial towards happiness than a cellphone or laptop.

On one of the sites they give various ideas on how you can bring about your happiness. Like eating healthier, doing yoga, being active, getting a make over, meditating, changing your style, better sleeping habits and better “happy” habits. Although I don’t completely agree with finding happiness through a website, these are good ideas that you can try out on your own and see how they make you feel. I believe this because these are all things that would help someone build themselves up again. They can practice these different methods and if it works they can continue and it doesn’t cost a monthly fee. It makes more sense to do this then to register with some random site who promises happiness. They are also things that can boost your health and that means taking care of your basic needs which actually is proven to contribute to happiness.

Technology could help someone be happy but it could also hinder the process. When you think about it, people are so hooked to electronic devices that they sometimes don’t notice the world around them. Not saying that it’s unexpected, technology is extremely convenient but it could also hold people back from doing things that could possibly help them get happy. Such as missing a hiking trip to be chatting online or skipping a game night to be on webcam. Technology is helpful and can contribute to happiness but it shouldn’t be a major factor in it.

The Secret

In class we watched and discussed a documentary novel called, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. The whole concept of her novel is about how people hold their own happiness in their minds. Of course some people will agree while others beg to differ. Although there are different ways to take this new information in, I don’t believe it’s possible. In my opinion I don’t think it’s realistic to achieve happiness just from changing your thoughts. Happy thoughts won’t solve your troubles, although thinking about more positive things will lighten up your mood more than thinking about negative things that will obviously do the opposite. Thinking about rainbows and butterflies won’t pay your bills, put food on your table or get you out of debt. Byrne’s believes that through thinking positively you can control your destiny. I for one think that what’s meant to be will happen and find it’s way with or without our approval or thought on it. If that were the case I’m sure people wouldn’t be as sad as they are, people with depression have happy thoughts and are still depressed. In the documentary they also claim that people attract what happens to them. If a person goes through a traumatic experience such as losing a parent due to cancer, they attracted this tragedy? Should they have had a happier thought to prevent it? Not everything that goes on around you happens because of whats on in your mind. Monitoring them won’t determine whether you’re happy, mad, sad or whatever the case may be.

We also got to see two parodies of the documentary. Although they were both insinuating the same idea of how it was funny that people thought our minds control the universe, they also showed how the people that spoke throughout the documentary hid behind these fancy titles and job descriptions. They made really bold claims but didn’t support it in any way. They thought that their job titles would give them enough credibility to make those claims and assumptions but without supporting their selves they were just people declaring opinions. In the Saturday Night Live parody with Oprah Winfrey they show Oprah, Rhonda Byrne and a believer who uses this method. She goes on to explain how her and her husband had separated due to him being interested in a younger woman. She tells everyone how she starts to think positive thoughts how she’s going to get her husband back. The woman ended up with a restraining order and awaiting trial. Which brings back my idea on how just thinking positive thoughts can’t solve all of a person’s problems. If a person is currently feeling down thinking more positive thoughts can help bring up their mood but it will not bring them ultimate success and happiness. It’s more of a temporary mood lifter. In the second parody they shed more light on the speakers and how in the documentary they make them seem more educated or or entitled than they really are. They show how they are just ordinary people making speculations instead of showing proof of what they are saying.

HUS 1101 Ch.4 Discussion questions

1. Describe the three models of service delivery in terms of how each impact well-being to either individuals, families, and/or communities.

The three models of service delivery are the medical model, the public health model and the human service model. The medical model impacts the well-being of an individual because it helps a person who is ill and needs medicine to cure their disease or sickness. The public health model impacts communities because it’s goal is to prevent and protect people from plagues and promote healthiness. The human service model impacts individuals because it helps them identify their problems and how to solve them, it teaches them how to realize their strengths and how to use their own knowledge to make decisions for themselves.

2. Describe how Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness.

Philippe Pinel impacted the well-being of those with mental illness because he believed that those who were suffering with these sicknesses deserved to be treated equally to those with medicinal issues. He promoted the idea that they should be treated like humans and not animals with chains.

3. Describe how the psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession.

The psychodynamic model promoted the well-being of the human service profession because it addresses the foundation of psychological processes to improve people’s lives.

4. Describe how the medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses.

Medications promoted the well-being of those with mental illnesses because patients can’t handle it on their own and need assistance. Through these medications they can lead healthier lives.

5. Describe how electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression, catatonic states.

Electroshock treatment can promote the well-being of a person with severe depression because it made problem behaviors decrease after several weeks of treatment.

6. Describe how the “strengths based” model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society.

The strengths based model approach promotes the well-being of clients/society because it allows them to identify what their issues are, analyze them and then work through them to properly solve their troubles. If these steps are worked out accordingly the client will be able to successfully work through future dilemmas.

Essay 1 Revision

After going over my peer’s work at home and fully understanding the concept of the paper I knew I had some work to do once i received mine. I had too much of the text and not enough of me or my argument. I believed that by using pieces of the texts I agreed with, I was going in the right direction. But the text was supposed to support me not me support the text. I had to make my argument bolder and incorporate some experiences to bring my idea out in the open. I read my paper over and over to see if I catch any mistakes my partner may not have noticed and made side notes for myself to look back at. My thesis statement was kind of general and I made changes there as well. I found a way to make it less vague and more specific. I also spoke in second person throughout the paper instead of third so I had to adjust that. Thinking that by saying “you” I was engaging the readers or making them feel involved I was actually making it general and not engaging at all.

When thinking of an experience to add in it took me a while because I wasn’t thinking of my personal life, I was just planning on using the texts. I didn’t even think about how my life could relate but I found one that fit perfectly into my idea about how experiences hold a stronger place than material things. After making those revisions I feel more secure with my paper, not saying that it’s ready or i’m completely confident about it but I think it’s more focused than the first draft. I learned that by just making my argument stronger I wouldn’t need to support my claim so much. I plan on making my paper stronger all around, by making sure my points are clear and the paper flows. I want to make my point without coming across as biased or too opinionated because the paper is supposed to be approachable and argumentative. The readers are supposed to see your point without feeling forced to believe the same which is complicated to do. I hope that through the different revision sessions my paper improves and that my changes are successful. Now that I know how my peer feels about my paper I’m also interested in how the professor views it.

Although the process of it was tedious going through each paper paragraph by paragraph, it was very helpful for both me and my peers. Upon hearing the assignment I was thinking, how can I help someone when I’m not fully aware myself? But it helped me understand more actually, I saw different views and experiences. It made me see things in a different light because no two papers are exactly the same. It was also helpful because I got helpful feedback that made me want to really alter my paper. I hope I did the same for my partner.