Is happiness computer friendly?

Throughout these different websites they share a little insight on how they believe people can benefit from their websites and ultimately end up happy. But can an app really contribute to your happiness? In my opinion I don’t see how complete strangers over a website can really make you happy. Of course there are little things such as talking to others and sharing, but true happiness comes from within. Another thing brought into play was measuring happiness. This time it wasn’t through surveys, it was through twitter. They use people’s tweets to determine whether they are happy or sad by the words that they use. This could either be a really good idea or just really ridiculous. It could be a good idea because it’s somewhere that some people do vent and say what they want how they want but it’s also ridiculous because it’s just a social network. People can lie about it and no one would know. Someone can post a heart wrenching tweet one day and be blissful the next, posts on social networks don’t determine current emotional states, they are just posts.

Although technology is undoubtedly upgraded and given to people for entertainment and happiness, does it really always do that for us? Every other month there’s a new phone that can do more, take better pictures and is faster than the last. It all seems so flashy and everyone of course wants it but would that make you happy? It seems like these phone companies believe so. As shown in the charts people are happier around the time of holidays and festivities, maybe it’s because they are times of togetherness and sharing. That is more beneficial towards happiness than a cellphone or laptop.

On one of the sites they give various ideas on how you can bring about your happiness. Like eating healthier, doing yoga, being active, getting a make over, meditating, changing your style, better sleeping habits and better “happy” habits. Although I don’t completely agree with finding happiness through a website, these are good ideas that you can try out on your own and see how they make you feel. I believe this because these are all things that would help someone build themselves up again. They can practice these different methods and if it works they can continue and it doesn’t cost a monthly fee. It makes more sense to do this then to register with some random site who promises happiness. They are also things that can boost your health and that means taking care of your basic needs which actually is proven to contribute to happiness.

Technology could help someone be happy but it could also hinder the process. When you think about it, people are so hooked to electronic devices that they sometimes don’t notice the world around them. Not saying that it’s unexpected, technology is extremely convenient but it could also hold people back from doing things that could possibly help them get happy. Such as missing a hiking trip to be chatting online or skipping a game night to be on webcam. Technology is helpful and can contribute to happiness but it shouldn’t be a major factor in it.