Narrow Range High Key Composition on the Left
Broad Range Composition on the Right
Worked On: 1.5 hours
First Year Learning Community
This third project made my head hurt. I must admit painting with gouache and a brush is not easy at all. I did all i could to follow all the instructions i was given. In the end i did make a couple of mistakes but managed to fix them in my final product. I now have experience in using this particular type of paint and will try to do better in my next project. Showing narrow and broad range values was pretty hard when cutting out the original picture, but when it came to the painting it was just easier to blend the black and white and create shades of gray instead of looking for the shades in the pieces.
From this project I learned how to use paint which I never did before, and it helped me sharpened my drawing skills which I was suppose to do on my own, but the difference is that this project forced me out of my comfort zone (once again) leaving me to deal with my own struggles instead of just waiting around.
This project taught me numerous fundamental stuff about value; one thing I learned is the difference between broad and narrow value and also what is high-key and low-key. I’ve encounter few difficult situations with this project and that is the painting part; this is my first time working with gouache, thus, the result of the work did not reach my expectation, but I am confidence with gouache in future projects. Over all, I enjoyed this project.
Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1
Work Time: 3 hours
In this project I learned how to make abstract collages from a simple gray scale photo of my face and learned the importance of understanding the use of highlights and low lights. I had a few problems during the project such as figuring out abstract images to make, and using the gouache paints. I’m so used to watercolors and markers, gouache was a real step out of my comfort zone because of the way it dried so fast and we couldn’t work with it too wet or else our paper would warp. What I did find enjoyable was photo-shopping replicas of our collages.
There are many things that I have learned in Value-Added Portraits project. One thing I have learned is how to know what it means for a picture to be narrow and broad. It also helped to understand how a picture is with it being high-key or low-key. This project was kind of hard on how we had to paint without me having experience before. I think I didn’t do a very good job on it, but I got complemented a lot so it told me that I did a good job. I also got confused on the paintings that we had to do and I accidentally did 2 instead of one. I was told I would get extra credit so overall I was happy with this project.
Value-Added Portraits: Phase 1, Value-Added Portraits: Phase 2, Value-Added Portraits: Phase 3
From this project, I learn how to use the gouache paint. It was hard for me to use the paint because it is my first time painting with gouache paint. The color didn’t come out as I wanted when it dried. What I can do better next time is to spend more time testing the color when it is wet and when it is dry. However the digital one we use photoshop to make was fun, it come out pretty similar to the original one.
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