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Category: COMD1100 Project #2 (Page 6 of 8)

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

The sounds I hear I can really visualize and feel them ,just imagine movement and place it in picture of how it feels and represent. The sound I choose was a song that starts off with a soft melody, then a hard beat with soft rhythm, which starts off with a loud base and instrumental along with the melody and vocals of the singer . Each sound is different and appears at different sequences and then begin to synchronize in middle parts of the song .

The sound I picked was Justin Bieber’s ” ill show you”, the visualization I feel from the sounds  reminds me of falling from the sky and hearing the smooth cold wind gripping your skin,  at the same time your falling slow but very fast. Here is the link below to the song .

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

The Song I used is Disclosures, Omen, featuring Sam Smith. At the beginning of the song there are 5 present sounds that make up the beat. A banging a sound, a sound resembling a tambourine, a sound that reminds me of a rain drop hitting a puddle ever so lightly, a techno-sounding piano key and a series of clapping. The banging sound fades into this tranquil, relaxing sound, with a smooth flow. The techno sound becomes much softer and slightly less periodic. The clapping fades out all together. At the climax of the song, all the previously mentioned sounds that make up the beat begin again but noticeably stronger. This sequence of events repeats 3 times throughout the whole in the same pattern.

As I continue to listen to this song I begin to visualize the flow as something that isn’t consistent. The flow of the song constantly changes and it can be hard to explain exactly what it is you are listening to.  With regards to the art project we did, I see the line going in a motion that is constantly going up and down, hardly every straightening itself out. It reminds of a persons brain hard at work, trying to think about their next move or reminiscing on the past and all these events just happening at one time. It feels somewhat out of order but in the end it all makes sense to you but no one else. I definitely see the song in a different way now that I’ve put a lot of thought into the sounds and the flow of the song. It just portrays this feeling of confusion but at the same time, understanding of the situation. The amount of sounds were acting as a distraction from the truth which very closely relates to the meaning of the song. There is so much that you have to pay attention to and even when you feel like you’ve pinpointed every aspect, something smaller than what you had noticed just suddenly emerges and makes a rather large difference in the end.

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

The song I used for this project is from one of my favorite band, Panic! at the disco’s “This Is Gospel” It was released as the second single from their fourth studio album.  The reason I choose this song is because of the drum sound during the verse 1 and also the singer’s wide vocal range. The song has a very moderate yet rhythmic beat witch makes people visualize the song in a picture form.

During the verse 1, lots of drum is been used to create impression of heart beat. This beat is been used in the begging of the song and also at the end of the song, and it sort of created a parallel structure. The drum its been used heavily n the song which made base and guitar seems merely a support that is highlighting the drum.  During the Pre-Chorus, lots of harmonies is been used, and kept repeating at every end of the sentence, this made me visualized a circle with dash line. Also the frequent use of drum beat remains me of the ECG when the line goes up and down, and at the end of the song, the drum slowly starts to fade away, and it almost made it looks like a zig-zag line is slowly turning into a straight line. This song really gives me deep emotion and I love the parallel structure that is been created in this song.


Panic! At The Disco: This Is Gospel 

Sound Visualizations: Phase 1

The song I used is CF0$’ song titled “The Rising Sun” (feat. Lee England Jr.)”, an entrance theme used by professional wrestler, Shinsuke Nakamura. It is a remixed version of their original version released of April this year, with this one having a live violinist performing. When listening to it, a  well done violin piece plays in the beginning. It starts off slow at first, but picks up shortly after. Then the main part of the song starts, with the violin’s beat still playing in the background.

The beginning gives off a calming and relaxing state of mind for the audience listening, as well as the person performing it. As it goes on, the speed of the sound accelerates, the tone changes slightly to a more erratic pattern, but still gives the feeling that something big is going to happen. Then once the other instruments come in, so many emotions begin to rush, as the new energetic beat begins to blend in with the soothing, calm sounds of the violin. Because of the intense feeling, it’s almost if it wants to continue on forever.

Song link



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