First Year Learning Community

Category: COMD1100 (Page 8 of 15)

Value Added Portraits: Phase 4

I’ll be 100% honest, this project was kind of difficult for me. For starters the painting for me was rough, because everything started to smudge. Even though I had a difficult time with the paint, I was able to get a composition that I actually liked out of it. I haven’t used any type of paint in years, so I wasn’t actually shocked that I ended up with those results.. This project was interesting for me, but I actually do want to work on my painting skills. I’m glad that I faced some hardships when it came to this project, I’ll be sure to learn from any mistakes that I’ve made.


Midterm Grade


Throughout this course, even up until now, I have learned a variety of things in regards to the principles of graphic design. I have learned about the figure-ground relationship, stable and unstable figures, high-key value range as well as the lowkey-value range and focal points. I was taught how to achieve compositional flows and movement within my projects. I began to realize that colors and shadows can influence a viewer to a specific mood depending on their portrayal of the project. I learned how to use Photoshop for animation mashups and more. What I could have done differently would be time management. I did not emphasize on my time management as much as I should have. I will push myself much harder to meet the deadlines on time rather than late. That is something I will continue to work on as we continue the next projects in this course.

Urban artifacts

sound visualization 

Value- added Portraits 

value-added portraits 2

Value- Added Portraits 3

Lab: midterm post

What I learned from our first project, was to create ambiguous and stable figure ground drawings  made up of pictures that we took from what ever we saw outside of city tech. It was interesting experience  because I realized that garbage could be more than just dirty useless junk, it could be art. Now thats ironic, because when we see garbage our eyes glance at it as we blink, but if you some how change its appearance, our eyes stop to look and admire. Same with the second project, making drawings that included shapes and patterns based on what we heard from the songs. Creating an animation in which the layers of the drawing moved around the frame based on the tempo of the songs. In general doing the two  projects I learned how to use photoshop during the process. It also gave me a chance to work on my creative and imaginative skills. The only thing I would do different, is next time try taking pictures of items that have a more easier shape to work with and with the sound visualization, I’d try to make the drawing more detailed, adding more patterns and shapes, so that when i do the animation, it looks more realistic .

Project 1                                                    Project 2 

Urban Artifacts Phase 4                      Sound Visualization Phase 4

Midterm Post

Before completing these projects, I didn’t have too much insight on the topics we’ve covered. Out of all 3 projects, my favorite one was the Sound Visualizations. Being able to combine music and art was amazing, I would surely want to do that again. Throughout the projects my vocabulary expanded as well, I now know the clear meanings of different terms. Some things I would’ve done differently would’ve been to ask more questions, and make sure I didn’t procrastinate too much. On upcoming projects I want to be more organized and neater, so that my future work shows a lot more progress.


Midterm Grade Post

I learned lots of things, from how to define obvious and ambiguous figure ground relationship to creating animation of sound visualization on photoshop; I also learned that each composition needs a focus point and should directing viewers’ eyes, make them see what you want them to see.  There are few things that I wish I’ve done differently; I feel even thought I understood my instruction, but I tends to forget to apply what I learned to my work, and I think thats something I have to work on. I am not a detail oriented person, thus, my works are often rough, and I wish I have paid more attention to details on my previous works.


Urban Artifacts: Phase 4

Sound visualization: Phase 4

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