Mike Rose’s piece

Some rules for writing may include having a good hook to captivate the audience and another is to have good grammar/punctuation.Another rule that I strive for is to know what the audience wants.Some things that make it hard to write is not knowing where to start  and not knowing how to end the story.

Mike Ross points out how students can be so caught up in what they’re supposed to write, but never actually get to writing because they have no idea where to start because of all the rules given from different teachers.I agree that writing strategies can sometimes hinder the writing process for students because I have also had prior experience with this. Even now, writing this blog, I am getting writer’s block. I’m more worried about what should go into my essay then actually writing it. Writer’s block is not the end of the world, students and myself need to just learn how to step out of our minds for a few seconds.

Mike Rose’s Piece

Some general rules that I keep in mind when it comes to writing is that I have to keep things flowing and in order so that my ideas are not all over the place. Another thing I tend to keep in mind is that I should write a minimum of 5 paragraphs (intro, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusive paragraph). Knowing how much I need to write exactly is something else I strive for because I really do not want to over write and would like to try my hardest to not write an essay that isn’t sufficient with the right amount of words. Following a prompt that I do not fully understand is a big problem because even if I don’t understand it I will start writing it as if I knew what I was talking about. Something else would be like how Laurel’s problem was in Rose’s article, I was taught and it was ingrained in me that I need to have three different points that will support my thesis and any less would make it not a strong essay.

Things that make it hard for me to write in general would be that my focus is strong whenever it really feels like being strong. Since my attention span is so short I focus on too many things, sometimes at once, and lose track of the main topic at hand. Lack of vocabulary and synonyms for words that are overly used are some more things that make it difficult to write. Worrying about using the correct punctuation when writing is also very annoying to me and prefer to only uses commas and periods.


The rules Rose speaks of are focusing on a good introduction to capture the reader and “planning strategies”. Both of these things will impede you as opposed too enhancing the writing process. I think that I am more like the student that has a strategy when he starts writing. Having one I feel like helps make the writing process flow faster for writing that is fact-based and not opinion based. If It is opinion based writing then planning ahead wouldn’t help me at all, it would be much easier to start going at it head first.

Mike Rose’s Piece

“Grab your audience” makes me harder to start to write an essay all the time. Even I have some reasonable ideas for body paragraphs. I could not begin the essay because I did no fill up the introduction. In my head, I had a lot of ideas, but it was hard to make a good hook. Another rule is perfect grammar and not repeating the same words. Those things make me just focus on details things rather than the context

Functional rules block some people to write freely because they are few. People easily experience conflicts from writing because the all the rules do not fit in all situations. The difference is the non-blockers focus on the picture. It means non-blockers follow and try to reach their goals. They also change and improve their plan via feedbacks. All the process is based on their initial goal whereas the blocker put the attention in details things more.

Ruth is most like me because I put the most of the time for writing a hook in an introduction. Some rules disrupt my process of writing as well. Even though I know myself, it is hard for me avoiding those rules depend on the situation. I also need a bunch of times to start an essay.

Mike Rose’s Piece

The rules for writing that I tend to notice before writing a piece is having to keep in mind that I need a 5 paragraph essay that includes the into, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. In addition for the introduction, I’ll need a hook that will catch the audience so they will engage with the writing. To end the introduction I have to state them. thesis what the writing piece will refer to. In the other hand what makes it hard for me when doing general writing is have to explain my evidence in my own words, I tend to get caught up in that part. As well as in the conclusion when I have to end the witing with a closing that relates to the topic and not wanting to repeat the same ideas.

Some rules that Rose says that keep people from writing is lack of order, not knowing where to state what in the writing which leads to frustration.  The rules that enable people from writing is grammar and past experience rules such as putting more importance in the introduction such as the hook, trying to find the best hook to catch the audience and not bore them.

I could relate myself to putting more effort into the intro because in High School I was thought that the hook was the big point in an essay when having to express your point of view. The hook is what catches the audience, its the first thing that people tend to read.




Mike Rose’s piece

Before reading :    The rules about writing that I think about whenever I write a piece of writing is that it has be clear for the reader. The work can not be too dull, so there must be a hook. Follow the grammar and punctuation rules. What makes writing hard for me is having to backup my idea with pieces of evidences that I sometimes can’t find.

The rules that Ross seem to keep people from using, “is taking about that stop people from writing are always grab the audience attention, outlining or planning.” This is because, writers who are trying to grab the readers attention tend to spend longer time in the introduction or first paragraph trying to make it interesting  or not making it to wordy for trying to avoid  imperfection. Non blocker tend to keep the audience in mind. Planning stop people from writing because when the writing doesn’t go as planned people tend to get stuck. NON blocker know how to adapt to something they planned, when it fails non blocker use “if don’t fit change it” people with writing block try finding a way to still add it in.

I am none of the writers that Ross mentions about. I tend to get writer block because I don’t know how to get my ideas on to paper.

Mike Rose’s piece

The rules is the first paragraph must engage the reader’s attention immediately. replacing rigid rules with flexible rules and plans, it can make people’s mind have more thought about writing rather than limit on one thing. It allows writers to freely use their imagination to create article or essay. In contrast, if limits writers on one way to create something, they wouldn’t elaborating their ideas, they always follow the rules of their writing teacher. Moreover, it also will decrease the interest for writing, because they might thought that writing is difficult and boring. the writer, Laurel most like me, because when I write some essay, I also use the ways  which my high school teacher taught me, such as a essay must have 5 paragraphs. It always confused me, it makes me feel that was only one way to write something, and others all are wrong. However, when I go to college, I knew there isn’t only one way, I can use my own thought to create something.

Your prompt

Before you read Mike Rose’s piece:

  • Jot down the rules about writing that you think about whenever you write something.
  • AND… note the things that make it hard for you to write in general.

Now read Mike Rose’s piece and finish these prompts (in about 150-250 words):

  • I hate it when the instructor assigns an essay because of these “rules” that are in my head about writing (jot down the “rules”).
  • What kind of rules does Rose say seem to keep people from writing, and what kinds of rules seem to enable people to write?
  • Which one of the writers that Rose talks about do you think is most like you, if there is one?

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