Blog Post 4

Part 1

  • Paywalls: This technology limits access to content, those who can afford it are given access while others are not. Many credible news sites such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal require users to pay for a subscription. There is an opportunity here to discuss how limiting knowledge impacts society and journalism. Paywalls also support McLuhan’s idea that the medium is the message.
  • Visual effects (VFX): Technology is used in modern films more commonly now, with some films placing an emphasis on visual effects. Visual effects changed the way we tell stories, some films focus on visual effects more than the story whereas other films may use them to communicate something words cannot. I think there is an opportunity to talk about McLuhan’s concepts of amplification/amputation in users and overheating mediums in the audience. In my research, I delved into the production of Star Wars and how its successful use of visual effects through technology (Dykstraflex camera, Go Motion, CGI) showed the film industry that investing in technology can lead to profitable movies.
  • Multitrack Recorders: This technology allowed different aspects of a song to be recorded individually. This technology allows artists to produce music that they weren’t able to in a studio and record parts of music separately. I think there is an opportunity to discuss how this process is more “linear” and organized compared to how music is traditionally made. Also, how this technology changes the process of creating music and live performance for the audience. In my research I found this article that gave me an idea of how this process can amplify/amputate and create a “…separation between the performance and the writing”.
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Blog post 4

McLuhan inspired “art”


Part 2 

The 3 technologies I chose are the telephone, the digital camera, and the omny card.  

The telephone changed the concept of space between people. Its intended use was for business, but it was used mostly for socializing, by women. I’m also considering the cellphone because it connects you directly with its owner, closing the space between people even more.  

The digital camera changed photography. It allows you to see an instant image, but most users don’t print the photos. I think about how some things can be lost, like family history, without a catalog of these images.

The omny card, I’m still on the fence about. The card allows you to ride public transportation but unlike a token, the omny card tracks your whereabouts and other data. 


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Post 4

I would like to explore technology  from a primitive standpoint or an earlier prospective. Such as horses at one point being our main mode of transportation to automobiles to now self driving cars. Before the microwave, how was food re-heated. Do we have skyscrapers without the elevator. However, I am also intrigued be the smart watch. Which can track your steps, your heartbeat, and tons of other functions regarding your health.

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Blog post 4

Link to McLuhan art

Some of the technology I would like to do more research on would be the first iPhone which was released in 2007 (iPhone 2G), the first gaming console, the Magnavox Odyssey which was released in 1972, AI technology which has been a popular topic recently with how much and how quickly it has involved, the evolution of transportation either cars or trains and virtual reality. I would like to do more research because of how revolutionary some of the technology has become and how much it has impacted our society and our culture as a whole.

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Blog Post #4

McLuhan Drawing #2

The technology I would like to work on for this project is Bluetooth, laptops (or computers), printers, video game systems, cars, and/or scooters. I decided to go with a wide variety now and try to narrow them down later after gathering some information. These pieces of technology are seen all around us on such a daily basis, that we often don’t pay attention to how advanced our technology is compared to decades ago. Most of these would make sense to think about, but some people may be scratching their heads on printers and electric scooters. The earliest printer was made in 1436 by German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg. The first electric scooter, which was known as the Autoped, began to sell in 1915 in New York. To put it into perspective, just three years after the Titanic sank. The demand for them began again in the 1990s before becoming incredibly popular as a means of transportation in 2018. Bluetooth, in particular, is based on the analogy of Harlod Bluetooth, that the technology would unite devices the way the king united the tribes of Denmark into a single kingdom. In addition, Bluetooth pays tribute to the king by its logo, consisting of a Younger Futhark bind rune for his initials, H (ᚼ) and B (ᛒ), which combined makes the Bluetooth symbol we know today.

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Blog #4

I would love to explore/ show interest in Apple, Robots, and Bluetooth. I choose these because I always am wondering about our future and what life will be like. For example the Apple vision pro is coming out, how is it designed?, How does it function?. Same goes for bluetooth and especially robots.

Drawing: drawing #2

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Blog #4

When it came to jotting down my ideas about what technologies and media I wanted to research it was hard to decide on three technologies due to how intrigued I am with a few of them. The three that I decided to further research and present on my paper are Bluetooth, Laptops, and Headphones. I decided on these three technologies because they all play a significant role in my everyday life so learning about them on a deeper level inspired me. When it comes to research I’ve gotten three references on Bluetooth and Laptops but when it comes to Headphones I am still looking for an article that goes more in depth with it overall so I can be able to answer the last few questions.

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Blog post 4

Mcluhan drawing part 2


I would like to research the iPhone, windows laptop and PC, the television and gaming systems.The reason i want to do my projects on these is because I currently own all of these and want to see the history of these and technologies and how it got popular in the last 50 years.

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Post 3

language and Technology Narrative part 2 – Copy – Copy – Copy

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blog post 3/ tech lit narrative

tech_lit narrative

CamScanner 09-21-2023 14.14

The idea that I was getting at with the drawing is McLuhan’s ideas of hot and cool media. While watching TV McLuhan talks about the strange paradox of how the viewers high involvement with images on the screen minimized rather than heightening the need for viewers to respond to what they see on TV. In my drawing I drew a person watching the news about the Iraq war. The viewer, although seeing up close fighting in real time, does not feel any need to get more involved in it. There is a disconnect between the viewer, what’s happening on the screen, and what the overall situation is.

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Blog Post #3

Tech Lit Narrative

McLuhan Drawing

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Blog Post 3


Tech Lit Narrative

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Blog Post 3

blog post 3__scodrington

tech lit narrative__sybilcodrington

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Tech lit


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blog post 3

Link for the image

Link for the essay


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Blog Post #3

McLuhan Drawing

My Story with Language and Technology

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Blog 3

Blog 3 (1)

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Attached is both my Image and Tech-lit Essay


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blog post 3

ENG 1710 final narrative 1

McLuhan drawing

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Blog post 3

blog post #3

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Tech-lit Draft 1

tech lit draft

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Language and Technology Narrative

language and Technology Narrative – Copy – Copy

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Blog Post 2 Draft 1 Literary Technical Narrative

Attached is my incomplete draft,

In regards to the McLuhan reading, the formatting was a bit to comb through so I do have questions about that overall. Also, just a bit more clarification on him in general.

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Blog Post #2

Part 1:

It seems McLuhan was an eccentric man. I remember hearing that most smart people are eccentric, so it makes sense.

I am curious on his thought process and how he seems to be able to see ahead of his time.

McLuhan’s point of view, or lack of one, seems really interesting. When I think more about it, it makes sense. To be able to look at a subject through multiple perspectives would seem like the best way of understanding something.

This idea of having a book with no order to read it in seems crazy but also is smart for what he is trying to do.

I would understand why some of the older people would be resistant to this idea of a book, but I think there is something valuable in the way he creates books. I want to read one of his now.

McLuhan seems to get more eccentric the more I learn about him for refusing to use email.

McLuhan’s more thorough analysis of the effects of the printing press seems interesting with this idea of nationalism.

This idea of acoustic space and writing space and how they are described is interesting to think about. Is there really no limit for the acoustic space?

The summarization of eras is really fascinating.

I never thought how changing a sentence from a question to a statement could change the power behind it.

Part 2:

“In the film, McLuhan’s question is turned into a statement and is no longer a disabling tactic against an aggressive opponent. As a question, it forces an opponent to stop and think, because it is unexpected-a probe!” (P.36)

I chose this quote because it really shows me the power something can have when it is phrased a certain way. Just a difference in the way it is presented can make all the difference.

Part 3:

I chose this picture because it invokes this feeling of power linear thoughts have on the world.

My Journey with Technology and Language Draft

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Blog post 2

Part 1:

1. Did McLuhan not have a clear, thesis, viewpoint, or linear structure in his writing because it would defeat the point that he is trying to make? (what he is saying does not matter because the medium is the message)

2. Did McLuhan enjoy art? I felt that his thoughts were poetic in a way (the city being an “extension of our skin” p. 38) and he kind of brings a surrealist, meta quality to his writing.

3. In reference to his thoughts on Hitler, how would television had led to his disappearance? Would McLuhan think the same about the internet? (p.39)

4. Does McLuhan often borrow technical language? The author uses McLuhan’s idea of high and low definition to demonstrate this, but McLuhan also does this when speaking about monetary hardware vs monetary software (p.41) and the idea of probes (p.32). Did the author intentionally not organize this in a clear way to capture McLuhans “mosaic” method of writing?

5. Would LED light strips and hue lightbulbs change McLuhans opinion on lightbulbs being a message free medium?

6. Has McLuhans message become “easier” to understand with the creation of new technologies? (I don’t think I’d even begin to understand this without the internet)

7. Would McLuhan agree that the intended message gets lost the further down we go in the media chain?

8. Has this concept of media chains and media working in pairs changed since we’ve been introduced to new media (smartphones, laptops, TV, tablets)? Has it become more of a media web or cycle?

9. Are the images and illustrations in the reading intentionally “McLuhanian”?

10. What is a 3D fireplace? I’d like to read the Exploration magazine.

Part 2:

The linear thought produced “…economically… the assembly line and industrial society”

I chose this quote because it shows how technology can have a significant impact on culture and society. I think back to a professor I had who used to say that we sit in school we sit in rows to train us to be factory workers. He would say this is done so certain people are allowed to make connections while others are not.

Part 3:

I chose this image (p.21) because I felt like it captured the essence of McLuhan’s concept of hold and cold media before the author introduces it. The hands against the white background are very clear, whereas the part of the image on the black background takes more time to decipher.

Tech Lit Narrative Draft 1

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Blog post 2

This photo was on page 28.

This article was interesting and has a lot of great points throughout the storyline. The main point was him saying the medium is the message. McLuhan redefines the “message” of a medium at any change in scale, pace, or pattern that a medium causes in society or culture.

Moving on to the things I jotted down in pages 46-49 I noticed how he would say a word like “football” and put it into a fancier worded opionion basically. Why did he do that?

Why did some people not like his statements? Was he trying to make our world advanced at the time? A lot of people were comparing him to Einstein saying he was going to be the next version of him.

“All media are active metaphors in their power to translate experience into new forms. The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment to grasp it in a new way.” This quote had me thinking because I would’ve love to know how the world would be without technology. I got my first Ipod when I was 10 years old that was the first thing I ever had electronic wise and ever since then our electronics are super advanced.

McLuhan had a mind of his own and wanted to be advanced with technology but at the time it was to much.

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BP2 and Draft 1 Tech-Lit Narrative

1. Why haven’t heard anyone refer to him before?

2. I appreciate McLuhan multidimensional approach of looking at things from several view points.

3. his point about stepping back from the newspaper and seeing it as an a environment is intriguing. Can you elaborate Professor. Pg. 14

4. I.A Richard’s defines translation as interpreting and reinterpreting. I find this interesting. Changing words.

5. Even though the alphabet is a part of human evolution, I wonder what language would like without the alphabet.

6. On pg. 36, his reason for asking questions is something I practice today and teach my older children.

7. If language is technology and words are artifacts, do we create different languages to see language evolve?

8. I found McLuhan take on Hitler amusing and thought provoking. If Hitler had been on television he would of disappeared.

9. McLuhan pleads to his children to not have his grandchildren watch television is what I preach to my own children regarding my grandchildren.

10. McLuhan  perspective on the media us making as happy versus making us aware is the problem with media today.

QUOTE: Pg.34. “ Most of the in the media is like that of a safe cracker. In the beginning I don’t know what’s inside. I just set myself down in front of the problem and begin to work. I grope, I probe, I listen, I test-until the tumblers fall and I’m in”

This quote resonates with me because of the approach. I preach to my kids blindly, not knowing if they find value in what I say or the importance of my lesson. However, they are now college graduates and work in the field they studied. Safe cracked. Lol.


It makes me think of people inside a secret room telling what to think and what to follow, and we actually think our thought are our own but is very much still being controlled.

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Blog Post 2

  • If McLuhan is so widely praised, why is he so underrated?
  • How did the Wired Articles misinterpret McLuhan’s teachings?
  • What did McLuhan mean by “The medium is the message?”
  • What was the cause for McLuhan’s way of thinking? What was the trigger?
  • If McLuhan encouraged technology and its benefits, why would he refuse to have an email today? Isn’t that going back against his beliefs?
  •  “Richards argued that thought should bring words under its control by determining meaning from context.”
  • Why did McLuhan feel there was a “generation gap” between him and his students?
  • McLuhan claimed that the portable book” was like a hydrogen bomb,”
  • Why does McLuhan’s concept of probes remain an irritating aspect of his method?
  • Why did McLuhan refer to television as the “timid giant?”

“Unless a statement is startling, no one will pay attention; they will put it down as a point of view.” (Page 17)

This still holds true, especially today, as most of the time, the only time someone will receive attention to what they say is if what they say is controversial to a common belief or current problem.

(Page 9)

What I first thought of when I first heard of Marshal McLuhan. That also seems to be the case for many, according to “McLuhan for Beginners.”

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Blog Post 2

Part 1:

  1.  Each image is unique but hard to interpret its meaning.

2.  How did people misinterpret McLuhan’s teachings?

3. Why did they feel like there was nothing to gain from McLuhan’s reading?

4. Does the image on page 19 mean anything?

5. On page 20, it states McLuhan had no point of view but also states he had no fixed point of view which goes against his beliefs. What were his beliefs?

6. I would love to read McLuhan’s pieces, “The Mechanical Bride” and “The Gutenberg Galaxy”

7. Does anyone agree with McLuhan’s answer to the question on page 38, “What sort of changes did it bring?”

8. I agree, that words and technology are artifacts.

9.  Seeing MAD magazine was interesting, it is a form of parody on media. I personally never got into the show or magazine.

10. Why does McLuhan believe that if Hitler was on television he would have disappeared quickly?

Part 2:

“Nothing has its meaning alone. Every figure [consicously noted element of a structure or situation] must have its ground or environment [ the rest of the structure or situation which is not noticed]. A single word, divorced from its linguistics grounds would be useless. A note of isolation is not music. Consciousness is corporate action involving all the senses (Latin sensus communis or ‘common sense’ is the translation of all the senses into each other).  The ‘meaning of meaning’ is a relationship.” (Page 29)

This quote shows me the relationship between context and elements, understanding is much broader than its meaning while also having more to its context. “Figures” as stated in the quote has a connection with its meaning and doesn’t just solely have a meaning on its own.

Part 3:

(Page 28)

I selected this image because it could be interpreted in multiple ways. Is it how they process the context of the “real thing” or do they truly not understand what is a REAL thing?

EDIT: Would not let me share Word document, here is the link to the Google document:

Tech Lit Narrative

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Blog post 2

tech lit draft__sybilcodrington

Part 1 

  1. Who did these graphics? 
  2. Why did Newt Gingrich discount McLuhan and who is McGovernik? (pg. 10) 
  3. What does McLuhan mean by “retribalized man”? (pg. 33) 
  4. Who were his critics? (pg. 35) 
  5. I may have to rewatch Annie Hall to see the McLuhan scene. (pg. 36) 
  6. I found McLuhan’s thoughts on Hitler interesting. (pg. 39) 
  7. Can you explain McLuhan’s media classification of hot and cold? (pg. 52) 
  8. “…writing separated speech from the other physical senses.” (pg. 49) 
  9. “No fixed viewpoint.” (pg. 54)  
  10. “Transformed into writing, speech lost the quality it had in the age of acoustic space.” (pg. 48) 

 Part 2 

“He cautioned that we should step into his writings the way we step into a bath: the exact entry point is of no importance, because a moment later we will be in a new environment–” (pg. 13) 

 Part 3 

I chuckled when I saw this graphic of McLuhan because it resembles Jack Nicholson in sunglasses. 


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Blog Post Two/ tech lit narrative

ENG 1710 tech lit narrative

  1. McLuhan had an interesting approach to answering questions. He never had a fixed answer to questions and preferred to observe things in a multidimensional way. Things aren’t simple and there almost isn’t always a single way of looking at things.
  2. What did McLuhan mean when he wrote “The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way” ?
  3. I.A Richards was a mentor of McLuhan and had influenced McLuhan’s philosophies and how he would write and interpret the world.
  4. McLuhan believes with the invention of the alphabet previous human expressions were reduced to abstract visual code.
  5. McLuhan believed in the evolution of different ages, Preliterate, Gutenberg age, and electronic age.
  6. McLuhan’s investigating method called “probes”  was a way for McLuhan to gain insight into media and its effects. 
  7. Did critics hate McLuhan’s “probes” because of his method of not committing fully to certain topics, and not having enough material to properly criticize him? 
  8. What did McLuhan mean by “we become what we behold”?
  9. What does McLuhan mean when he said “Transformed into writing, speech lost the quality it had in the age of acoustic space”
  10. What are the differences between hot and cool media?


“Yet, while stepping into a newspaper is inevitable, McLuhan claimed that stepping back from it, to perceive it as an environment. Is indispensable to understanding its power and its effect”. 

(Pg. 14)

I believe this quote is one that really encompasses what McLuhan believed in and incorporated into his works. McLuhan believed in questioning all answers and methods and to not take things for what they are. McLuhan wanted the reader to really understand what it is they are reading and to not absorb information without thought. McLuhan describes “environment” as having power to shape people’s thinking and the way they see the world.


This image appears on page forty-three and what the image did was made me feel uneasy. Which is what I believe was the feeling the author was trying to invoke. Next to the image the quote states “the computer extends our central nervous system”. The image shows a human head with its nerves exposed and appears to replace the monitor with its head. The point of this image shows that the computer is an extension of our senses so in a way the computer is a medium that shapes our senses and the way we interact with the world around us. Whether good or bad the image gives me a sense of unease as to how digital technology is affecting us.


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The Postman gives his perspective on technology through 5 thoughtful points. The first point being there’s advantages and disadvantages to technology. The second point is this advantages and disadvantages are never distributed equally. The Postman goes on to state the prejudice of technology. Technology is ecological in that nothing is never the same once introduce to technology. An lastly, Technology is look at as a myth. Something people think has always been here.

I have to admit, I have not look at technology thru the lens of the Postman which got me thinking. When I drive through Brooklyn on a Saturday morning, I see no kids playing in the street. Even though out the day, you see more moms with strollers and baby carriages than teens playing stickball, football, or even tag. Where are these kids? On their devices or in front of a television I assume. I learned the same principle apply to technology “ for every action, there’s a reaction”, and in some cases a totally new problem. I believe if we look at technology through the lens evolution we will be prepared to adjust to some of the negative affects of technology. I do believe computer are still a choice. You can choose not to participate, however, you may find navigating through life not as easy as it was when computers did not exist.

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Blog 2: Tech-Lit Draft

Tech-Lit Draft #1

McLuhan’s reading presented various factors that aligned w

ith his past and beliefs. It gave a clear representation of the meaning behind a medium and a message. As I read these few pages I got an inside on his past life as a professor and his ideology towards media and what he believed played a significant role. All quotes and information played a role but a few stuck out to me. One quote mentioned was “To fully understand anything, he argued, you have to look at it from several viewpoints”. I agree with this quote due to the reasoning that everything is looked at from several standpoints so to understand them we need to acknowledge these perspectives. Another quote that was presented was “Step into writing how we step into baths” At this point the bath was a message and the medium was Mcluhan as a whole. To understand writing we need to fully present ourselves in a way where we understand or try to understand it. Another quote presented was “We shape our tools and our tools shape us”. We are a representation of what we go through and what shapes us as individuals. Lastly, the message of a medium is “any changes in scale, pace, a pattern that a medium causes in societies and cultures”. This quote demonstrates the belief he had when it came to the message and medium and the adjustments that are presented.
One question that I took when reading this text was to fully understand the meanings and concepts of what was said. One question was “How did McLuhan present this idea so others can see it from his standpoint?”. A second question was “What ideas and concepts influenced McLuhan to speak about the media and the message and mediums presented?”. A third question was “When he was teaching and suddenly saw there was a generation gap, what certain elements did these students and him have that was a gap between generations?”. A third question was “How did groping, probing, listening, and testing help Mcluhan work in where these were the methods that worked for him?”. The fourth question was “ Where in his career did he see that individuals should see things as a message and a medium?”. Lastly, “Do you think that Mcluhan’s belief on media fits into today’s life and individuals’ understanding of media change, and what made Mcluhan go into media? When was the first time he realized he had a connection and interest to the media?”.
I chose this image because it is a visual representation of what McLuhan believed when it came to media and the observations presented through both society and culture. This image shows sense ratios which are presented through 3 different men and looked out at stages and representations. Two questions are presented which are “To what extent do humans depend on one sense relative to another?. The other question is “What happens when that ratio is modified”. The introduction to new media was presented to Mcluhan as the correlation between the five physical senses. These senses can be classified by how complex they are due to the perceptions presented through these senses.



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Blog Post 2 and Draft 1 Tech-Lit Narrative.

ENG 1710 narrative 1

1. How did McLuhan still have such an influence even years after his passing?

2. Why did people dislike McLuhan so much?

3. Despite help tech evolve, why would be againist if he was still alive today?

4. What made McLuhan go into media?

5. Why was McLuhan also so invested in the gutenberg galaxy?

6. I like how he described the Guntenberg age as the king was printed word and the queen as a eye.

7. Why would McLuhan call his way thinking probing?

8. Why were many people irrated with his way of thinking?

9. A lot of his crtitics would often heckle him with questions and he would respond even when on the streets.

10. What does McLuhan mean by medium be the message?

One of McLuhan’s favorite retorts to hecklers was “You think my fallacy
is all wrong?” But in the film, McLuhan’s “probing” question was
changed into a statement: “You mean my fallacy is all wrong.”

I like how he answered the hecklers like he was wrong but was very sarcastic about it to the heckler. My question is that did he always respond like this to hecklers.

source 45

I choose this image from page 15 of how his influce in media was still very large even afteis passing.

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Blog post 1

Neil Postman speaks about how technological changes of one era do not make the previous ones irrelevant in “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change.” Postman’s first idea is that all technological changes have advantages and disadvantages. There is always a trade-off. Using automobiles as an example, society now has better mobility but also air pollution. The second idea is that every new technology benefits some segments of the population and harms others. The problem with this is who will be harmed. Usually, it is the larger portion of the population. Large corporations benefit from the use of computers, while the average citizen has their personal data tracked and sold. The third idea is that every technology has a prejudice. Postman’s fourth idea is that technology is ecological, not additive. He uses the analogy of how dropping red dye into a glass of water changes its nature. Standardized tests, for example, have changed education drastically. Curriculums have been reorganized to teach for the test. The fifth is that media is sometimes treated like an idol. This concept is dangerous because then it becomes hard to modify or control the technology. 

This was a fun read. Postman’s snarky point of view about technology highlights some important factors. I agree that some technology tends to be treated as Godlike or mythic, as he states. The cellphone is a great example of this idea. Recently we saw an uproar from the public when changes were made to a popular social media application.  I didn’t fully understand the examples he gave for his third idea, but I do agree that every technology has a prejudice. As our world changes, technology needs to change with it. 


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Blog Post #1

“Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change” by Neil Postman cautions the reader that the advance of technology can be dangerous and has been proven to be detrimental in some cases. Neil Postman states there are five ideas to keep in mind as more technology is developed. The first idea is technology will always have a price which shall be paid, such as automobiles creating pollution. The second idea is some people will benefit from technology while others will suffer from it.  The third idea is how there will be people who will have a bias towards the values of technology. The fourth idea is technological change is ecological, meaning it will change many different aspects of life, not just add another aspect to it. The fifth idea is technology may become mythic and people will be unable to think of a way to change it, letting it control us. Neil Postman says we need to make it so we use technology instead of being used by it.

I had various reactions to each of these ideas. For the first two ideas, I already knew that they were right. There is some worry of technology rendering various lines of work obsolete. The third idea was one I had to sit down for a while to think about. I think there is some truth in the third idea, but I don’t agree with some aspects of the third idea. For the fourth idea, I was somewhat surprised, yet I felt I should have known this would be the case. Technology does interact with other aspects of life and change them. Technology is not something that was just added and everything kept on going the way it was before. It changed the way things were done. The fifth idea was quite interesting to think about and there is some truth to how people can view technology as a part of nature and something which can not be changed. Overall, I think this article was an enlightening experience.

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Blog Post 1

In “Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change,” Niel Postman discusses his five ideas that expand on the changes technology and technical advances will bring about. Rather than explaining the advantages, Postman refers to the results and gives warnings that we should be aware of. The first idea is the trade-off of technological change, which discusses how, with every advantage technology offers, there will always be a disadvantage to go along with it. We often neglect to notice the liabilities or disadvantages when we should also think and even mention these concerns. As Postman states, ” culture always pays a price for technology.” The second idea is that new technologies are never distributed evenly among the population. In other words, in what ways would new technologies benefit, harm, or affect anyone? Some may receive large benefits, some may not receive the benefits new technology gives, while others may not benefit from it at all. As Postman states, “There are always winners and losers in technological change,” The third idea goes that every technology has a prejudice in that it makes us favor and value certain perspectives and accomplishments. The fourth idea is that technological change is ecological. To be specific, it’s rather easy for technology to integrate into most of society; it becomes a main part of a culture or society. It can have an impact on culture and can even be used irresponsibly. The fifth and last idea is that technology has become such a natural part of our lives that we often tend to let it control us and even shape our way of thinking into believing whatever is said from there.

The idea that resonated with me the most is the first idea, in that for every advantage technology has, there is always a corresponding disadvantage. This is true especially today, where we see more of AI being integrated and practiced with. For a large part of my life, I always considered the pros and cons of anything, whether it came to schoolwork or personal reasons. AI is no different. From the beginning, I would consider the pros of such technology. It would increase work rates, make it easier to access information, and, overall, improve daily life. However, I also considered the cons. Loss of jobs, the possibility of the spreading of false information (there is always room for errors), and health as well. The fourth and fifth ideas can also be connected to this. There may come a time when AI technology will be so globally used that it will become the norm to have it be part of our culture. In addition, if we become too trusting of it, information, no matter what it may retain, can be falsely given to anyone. And because we are so trusting in said AI technology, we may neglect the fact that there may have been an error. With all these concerns, I believe that it is imperative that we at least keep these five ideas in mind when we move forward with technology, lest it comes back to bite us.

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blog post one “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change”

In Postmans “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” he discusses technology and technological progress as a whole. Within his analysis he discusses five points about technology and how it affects humans and society. The first point postman brings up is that all technological change is a  “trade off” or a faustian bargain as postman puts it. For every positive effect there is a negative effect that helps humans, but has unintended consequences. An example to be made is the tomato harvester. Although it sped up the process of collecting tomatoes increasing the amount of tomatoes available to people, it also made people lose their jobs as tomato pickers. The second point Postman makes is that the  advantages and disadvantages of new technologies are never distributed evenly among the population. What he means by that is that technology can help people and improve their lives. However, said technology is not readily available to all peoples with only some being able to actually make use of it. The rich are usually the ones who have access to the latest technologies in comparison to the poor who can’t afford it. The third idea touches on how technology changes the way people think and view things and the world around them. The fourth idea is how  technological changes are always vast, often unpredictable and largely irreversible as Postman explains. Postman makes an analogy to color dye mixing in water, a piece of water changes color however at a molecular level every molecule changes due to the initial adding of the dye. Technological change in Postmans eyes is exactly the same and that each impending change must be viewed and approached with caution. The fifth idea is the danger of technology being “mythic”. Postman uses the word mythic to describe the danger of what happens when people take technology for granted or being a part of the “natural order” of life, as if technology wasn’t invented for specific purposes whether economic or political. Postman states that when technology becomes mythic it becomes a danger for humanity as it becomes idolatry or something to worship.

I found Postman’s work to be very engaging and fun to read. Throughout the reading he seemed quite pessimistic; although  not without reason. The language he uses describes his fears in a clear picture, but he didn’t necessarily offer solutions to said problems. Postman makes the reader have deep reflections of their lives and offers new ways of approaching technology and technological change instead of offering practical solutions to society’s problems with technology which is totally fair.

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Blog Post 1

One of the five major points of Postman’s article is that we always have to pay a price for technology for example when the iPhone first came out it was $499 now the newest model which is the iPhone 14 Pro Max goes for $1,199. Why the price increase may you ask… newer versions of electronics include newer features/ upgrades that weren’t a thing back then.

Postman’s article is mostly facts meaning he explains what happens with technology in real life/day. It resonates with everyone including me because he explains how we are all stuck in a world where everyone needs the best of the best including electronics. It’s true because every 2 years we all get new phones, we can choose if we want the nicest one or the newest one but not the best meaning if it only has 2 cameras instead of 3 etc. Obviously if you don’t have a contract you don’t have to worry but I’m sure you still would want the nicest phone. The point is it’s society making us always feel like we NEED to get it. Reading this article made me realize that we are in a trap and everything that shouldn’t be normalized is with electronics.

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“Five things we need to know about technological change”

“Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change” By Niel Postman reads like a philosophical duality article on five main changes technology and technical advances will bring about. Postman first argues that tech is an immense trade-off for a cultural society. They are minimizing religious sensibility to a “form of fanciful superstition.” or how the automobile industry contributed to smog formation, respiratory diseases, and climate change. With every advantage, there is a disadvantage. And the penalties may exceed the benefits. Postman’s second idea focuses on how technologies are never equally distributed among the population and don’t benefit a population equally. From his Anti-capitalistic idealogy, he references corporate greed and how massive corporations can and will use technology to manipulate. The third idea falls on the unlying power technology holds primarily from a political standpoint. Technology, can be used to disseminate information, shape public opinion, and influence political outcomes. Political leaders and organizations leverage these platforms to mobilize supporters and gain power. Fourthly, Postman states that technological change is not additive but ecological. An example that is brought up is dropping red dye into a bleaker of clear water. And now the water molecules are intertwined with the red dye. Throughout history, humanity has never been cautious about technical innovations, which tend to be exploited for personal benefits and monetary gain. Lastly, Postman references how technology tends to become a “mythic.” Technology, ironically, has become a natural way of life and is integrated with our society; therefore, we do not get the urge to question its motives. And our belief in it can be a “false Absolute.”

Postman’s overall view on technology stems from a pessimistic point of view and a paranoid one, too. He is too reluctant to appreciate the value technology has brought to the modern world and the connections it has allowed billions of people to experience daily. Maybe because I’m a “Gen Zer,” the first generation to grow up with technology, I don’t see technology as an impending doom but something that could make our struggling lives slightly more accessible.

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Blog Post 1

Neil Postman’s “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” talks about the results of technological advancements throughout the year. Postman mentions five key points which are always paying a price in exchange for technology, the accessibility, bias, and prejudice that technology places on society along with the ecological shift and how we adjusted naturally towards technology and how long it has been around us. As technology advances, it is like an exchange that we sacrifice something the more we upgrade. He uses examples like cars and their contribution to pollution. Postman describes this as a Faustian bargain. Postman also talks about the idea of technology not being accessible to everyone resulting in status placements in our society. This leads to bias within our society.

I believe that there are consequences to technological changes. We often have to catch up with technology as technology advances every day. As days pass, we learn something new every day but as technology continues to advance, not everyone has access to these resources. Some people are looked down upon because they do not have what is considered the latest which results in class. As a result, companies continue to increase the price and push out more products for us to consume.

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“Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” Kaila Santiago

The “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” by Neil Postman urges us to be critical of technological advancement and consider who and what these technologies serve and the greater effects they have on culture and society. Firstly, technology comes at a cost; with every new “beneficial” technology, there is a disadvantage. Multiple examples of how new technologies have negatively affected culture and society are provided by Postman, such as the environmental effects of the automobile, issues of accessibility in literature, and the diminishment of faith as well as the spread of political propaganda through printing. Secondly, the idea that new technologies do not benefit all- It is necessary to consider those harmed. While technological advancements are advertised to everyday people as a means of convenience and entertainment, it pales in comparison to the benefits afforded to those in power. The small benefits granted to a majority of the population allow large corporations to manipulate, control, and invade the privacy of the general public. Thirdly, technology promotes and rewards specific values. Technology is dangerous in that it has the power to influence how we think. Those with technical minds are more likely to reduce people to data and information and in turn, are rewarded for their innovation. Fourthly, new technologies do not exist in a vacuum, they have a significant impact on culture and have a history of being used irresponsibly. One example used by Postman is how capitalists who control television with little thought, have reduced politics to a form of entertainment to turn a profit, much to the detriment of political discourse. Lastly, Postman explains how technology becomes “mythic” meaning new technologies are accepted as natural and therefore are not questioned. Technology is thought of as a gift and we rarely think of how new technologies are developed and for what purpose.

I found this reading to be very interesting and relevant to today despite coming out 25 years ago. While reading Postman’s writing, I thought about how it’s easy to accept new technologies and not think about how they came to be. For instance, Postman’s ideas can be related back to the history and advancement of modern medicine. Women found agency over their bodies through the creation of the oral contraceptive, however, we do not think about the history of eugenics and unethical research done on unsuspecting women. The polio vaccine and massive medical breakthroughs in the research of AIDS and cancer could have never been achieved without HeLa cells, but these cells were obtained without consent or compensation to the patient’s family. Scientist’s use HeLa cells to advance research, win awards, and gain prestige and private companies use them to develop pharmaceuticals and skincare, all while people of color struggle to afford the very products developed based on their history of exploitation. There are always winners and losers. Technology favors certain values and accomplishments. Postman’s two final thoughts were the most challenging and interesting to me as they were something I had never considered. The biggest (and most threatening) technological advancement recently has been artificial intelligence (AI). The discourse I mainly see surrounding AI is how it will take our jobs and not how it has the power to shape culture and possibly change everything forever. Currently, a computer lacks the ability to generate original thoughts the way that we humans do. Developing an AI that has the ability to think independently is dangerous and such technology should be developed and used cautiously, however, we’ve welcomed ChatGPT with open arms because it can write emails and do homework. Postman’s final idea that media tends to be mythic was the most difficult. Our smartphones are always listening but we’ve accepted this. As students and employees we are expected to manage our schedule, respond to emails in a timely manner, and have access to the internet- That’s just how it is. Overall, this reading forced me to think critically about my relationship to technology and be skeptical of new technologies.

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Blog 1: Five Ideas by: Niel Postman

             The reading “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” goes in-depth with five ideas and examples that Niel Postman felt we needed to know when it comes to technological change throughout time. The first idea was that all technological change is more like a trade-off. He states that every advantage when it comes to technology comes with a corresponding disadvantage. He also goes in-depth with how people don’t see how computers are liabilities. The second idea is that the advantages and disadvantages of new technology are not distributed evenly among certain groups and populations. He states how television may bring an end to school teachers due to the advancement of printing presses in the future. The third idea was in every technology there is a powerful idea such as ideas being hidden from our points of view. He also states how technology has a philosophy in how it makes people think, act, and confide in what they do. The fourth idea is that technology is not additive to its environment, television gave a new association to political campaigns but also churches, schools, and industries. Lastly, the fifth idea was that the media tends to become unreal such as technology not being a part of god’s plan and what he thought should be presented and acted on. Technology is more of a result of human creativity which can be good vs bad.

              As I read this article and the points and ideas presented by Niel Postman it was interesting reading someone else’s point of view and the examples presented to back up what he was saying with a topic like technology where people have various opinions. I did see things from a whole different perspective. My thoughts towards technology before reading this and before reading the ideas definitely did change because as individuals in today’s society technology is something we are surrounded by and use in our everyday lives we don’t really see the negative impacts presented through it though. A point that was interesting to me was the fifth idea in where he explains how this wasn’t gods plan technology is more of a human creativity and technology is what we make it as humans ourselves.

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blog 1 neil postman

The first idea was that technological changes was that it was a trade off, meaning imbalance can occur while its happening. Postman is stating that they are pros and cons in technology. One examples was automobile, the pros is that it can move your around fast and get you places while you’re operating it, the cons are it pollutes the environment. Culture will always pay a price for new technology. The second idea was that new technological changes were never distributed evenly among the population, stating they advantages and disadvantages to this. It benefits some while harming others. The third idea, embedded in every technology there is a powerful idea. The new technology is a philosophy which is a expression in how the technology makes people use their mind and bodies. The fourth idea is technological change is not additive, but it is ecological. An example of water molecules changing colors is meant by ecological change. In politics people in suits changed America for the good not college students with karl marx books. In the final idea media tend to be mythic. they use this term to describe new technologies being god given. People would then have to set their time to watch TV and other daily habits.

What made sense in postman 5 ideas on new technology is that they were pros and cons on it, how it effects the environment in a negative. What also made sense was it was unevenly distributed among the population, how it makes people user their mind and body. What doesn’t make sense was it was ecological sense more then additive change, media is mythic. It doesn’t make sense for technology to be time set and superstiouus.

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Reflective Paper


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BP 12

What inspired you to delve into the study of heuristics, and how do you see its practical applications in everyday life?

I chose this question because I am curious about his thoughts on the importance of understanding heuristics in decision-making and problem-solving, and how individuals can apply this knowledge to improve their decision-making skills.

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BP 11

For Ulmer:

Cabaret Academy

How has the Academy of Electracy evolved and adapted to the increasing role of virtual reality, and how has this impacted the way that students are taught and engaged with new materials?

I asked this question because as virtual reality technology has advanced in recent years, it has opened up new possibilities for creating immersive learning experiences. Since the Academy of Electracy emphasizes the development of electracy through digital media and immersive experiences, it would be interesting to explore how this school of thought has adapted and evolved in response to this emerging technology.


Theming Mystory

What are the implications of theming and hyperreality in contemporary society, and how can they affect our understanding of electrate pedagogy?

I came up with this question because as society continues to evolve, it is interesting to consider how theming and hyperreality change the perception of society in regard to everyday life and what effects these concepts may have on educational theories and practices as a whole.

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BP 10

For Ulmer:

In your article, you briefly mentioned the importance of practicing self-compassion. Can you share some tips or strategies for people who struggle with self-criticism and find it difficult to be kind to themselves?

I came up with this question because the author touched upon the concept of self-compassion in the article but didn’t provide many details on how to practice it. I think that many people struggle with self-criticism and could benefit from learning practical strategies for developing self-compassion. Asking for tips or strategies from the author can provide helpful insights for readers who are looking to improve their self-compassion.


Madrigal’s “Culture Jamming”:

Summary: In “Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs,” author Johnathan Madrigal defines culture jamming as a form of social activism that uses parody, irony, and satire to undermine the dominant culture. Madrigal argues that culture jammers aim to “hijack” and “repurpose” mainstream media and advertising to expose the contradictions and absurdities of consumerism and corporate power. He cites examples of successful culture jamming campaigns, such as the Billboard Liberation Front, which altered corporate advertisements, and the Adbusters magazine, which launched the “Buy Nothing Day” campaign. While Madrigal acknowledges that culture jamming can be seen as a form of vandalism, he argues that it is a legitimate form of political resistance that empowers individuals and challenges the status quo.

Response: Madrigal’s “Culture Jamming” article presents a compelling argument for the subversive power of culture jamming. I agree that culture jammers are engaged in a form of social activism that seeks to challenge the dominant culture and expose its contradictions. By repurposing mainstream media and advertising, culture jammers can hijack the public’s attention and draw attention to important social issues. However, I also recognize that culture jamming can be seen as a form of vandalism, and there is a fine line between subversion and destruction. Nevertheless, I believe that culture jamming is a legitimate form of political resistance that has the potential to empower individuals and challenge the status quo. As Madrigal notes, culture jamming is a form of “guerrilla communication” that allows individuals to reclaim the public sphere from the forces of corporate power. Ultimately, I believe that culture jamming can be a powerful tool for social change, as long as it is done responsibly and with a clear political purpose.

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BP 9

For Ulmer:

What inspired you to delve into the study of heuristics, and how do you see its practical applications in everyday life?

I chose this question because I am curious about his thoughts on the importance of understanding heuristics in decision-making and problem-solving, and how individuals can apply this knowledge to improve their decision-making skills.


MacDonald’s “It’s Official”:

“The report says that the 30-year period from 1986 to 2015 was “likely” the warmest in 1,500 years, and that the global average temperature has increased by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1.0 degree Celsius) since the late 1800s.”

This quote jumped out at me because it highlights the alarming rate at which global temperatures are rising. The fact that the past 30 years were likely the warmest in 1,500 years is a clear indication that human activity is having a significant impact on the climate.

Wallace-Wells’ “Uninhabitable Earth”:

“We are on track for four degrees of warming, more than twice as much as most scientists believe is possible to endure without inflicting climate suffering on hundreds of millions or threatening at least parts of what we call, grandly, “civilization.”

This quote is particularly striking because it highlights the catastrophic consequences of not taking action to mitigate climate change. The idea that we are on track for four degrees of warming is incredibly concerning, and the fact that it could lead to the collapse of civilization is a sobering thought.

Luu’s “Language and Climate Change”:

“The need to act has never been more urgent, but with the issue often appearing complex, intangible or distant, it is essential that effective, accessible and inspiring communication is prioritised to engage individuals and communities across society.”

This quote resonated with me because it emphasizes the importance of effective communication when it comes to addressing climate change. Climate change can be a complex and daunting issue, and effective communication is crucial in engaging individuals and communities to take action. It is not enough to simply present the facts; communication must be inspiring and accessible to all.

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BP 8

For Ulmer:

In the third paragraph of your essay, you argue that technology has improved communication by “allowing us to easily connect with people from all around the world.” Could you provide some specific examples of how technology has fostered these connections, and how it has impacted our ability to communicate across cultural and geographic boundaries?

I chose this question because it asks for more specific information about Ulmer’s position while giving us insight about what technologies considered when writing this piece. This can help deepen our understanding of his perspective. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to explore the broader implications of technology on communication and global connectivity.


Silko’s “Border Patrol”

Leslie Marmon Silko’s “Border Patrol” is a powerful and thought-provoking short story that touches on themes of identity, cultural assimilation, and the impact of borders on people’s lives. One particular aspect of the story that stands out is the depiction of the border patrol agents and their treatment of the Native American people.

Throughout the story, the border patrol agents are shown to be aggressive and confrontational, treating the Native American people with suspicion and hostility. They are portrayed as representatives of a larger system of oppression that seeks to erase the cultural identity of Native American people and force them to assimilate into mainstream American culture. The agents are depicted as enforcing the arbitrary borders that divide up the land, disregarding the fact that the Native American people have lived in the region for generations and have a deep connection to the land.

What is particularly striking about Silko’s portrayal of the border patrol agents is the way in which she humanizes them, even as she condemns their actions. Rather than depicting them as one-dimensional villains, Silko acknowledges that the agents are themselves trapped within a larger system that perpetuates violence and oppression. For example, the main border patrol agent in the story is described as having a “worried and tired” expression, suggesting that he is not necessarily evil but rather exhausted by the demands of his job.

Overall, “Border Patrol” is a moving story that highlights the devastating impact of borders and border patrol on marginalized communities. Silko’s depiction of the border patrol agents is particularly noteworthy for its nuance and complexity, offering a reminder that even those who perpetuate oppression are often themselves trapped within oppressive systems.


deLeon’s “Technological Warfare”

Another quote from Jason deLeon’s “Technological Warfare” can be found on page 159, where he writes: “The proliferation of tactical infrastructure also creates a range of environmental side effects: increased soil erosion, flooding, and the destabilization of plant and animal communities.”

In this quote, deLeon highlights the environmental consequences of building infrastructure along the border. He argues that the physical barriers and technology used to enforce the border have a significant impact on the natural environment, leading to erosion, flooding, and disruption of ecosystems. By drawing attention to these environmental consequences, deLeon challenges the idea that border enforcement can be completely separate from its impact on the surrounding environment.

Moreover, deLeon’s quote suggests that the harm inflicted on the environment through border enforcement disproportionately affects vulnerable communities living in the border region. The destabilization of plant and animal communities can have significant consequences for the indigenous communities who rely on these resources for their livelihoods. Similarly, flooding caused by infrastructure along the border disproportionately affects low-income communities living downstream, who may lack the resources to protect their homes and property.

Overall, deLeon’s quote shines light on the complex and often overlooked consequences of border enforcement. It shows how environmental concerns are deeply entwined with questions of justice and equity, and how border enforcement strategies that ignore these consequences are likely to create more problems than they solve.

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BP 7

Elmer’s “Surveillance After Foucault”:

  • Elmer’s work explores the concept of surveillance in contemporary society, and how it has evolved beyond the models of power and discipline described by Foucault. In this way, his work can be related to my image, a surveillance camera posted above a traffic light at Jay St, as it illustrates how surveillance has become increasingly integrated into our daily lives and routines. The camera is a visible reminder of the presence of surveillance in public spaces, and how we are constantly being monitored and recorded. Elmer’s work suggests that this type of surveillance is not simply a tool for enforcing discipline or controlling behavior, but rather a means of shaping and constructing our identity and social norms.

Zuboff’s “Surveillance Capitalism”:

  • Zuboff’s work discusses how the use of surveillance technologies has transformed the nature of capitalism, creating new forms of economic and political power. My image can be related to Zuboff’s work in that it illustrates how surveillance is used not only to monitor and control individuals, but also to extract valuable data that can be used for economic gain. The camera in the image is not simply a tool for maintaining public safety or enforcing traffic laws, but also a means of collecting data on the movements and behaviors of individuals. This data can be used to inform targeted advertising or to gain insights into consumer behavior, contributing to the emergence of new forms of economic power that rely on surveillance technologies.

Nolan et al’s “Sousveillance”:

  • Nolan et al’s work examines the concept of “sousveillance,” or the use of technology to monitor and record those in positions of power. My image can be related to this work, as it illustrates that although those in power use this technology, it is also readily available to the public. We have the ability to purchase the equipment needed to document their movements, if a situation were to call for it. The camera in the image is a reminder that we are all subject to surveillance, and that the power dynamics of surveillance are not always straightforward. While the camera is positioned to monitor the movements of drivers and pedestrians, the public also knows where that camera is, which in turn affects decision making within society. This suggests that the relationships between surveillance and power are complex and multifaceted, and that the use of surveillance technologies can be both a tool for control and a means of resistance.
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BP 6

Turkle’s “Computers Change”:

  • Literally: In “Computers Change,” Turkle describes how the use of technology has transformed our relationship with information and how we communicate. She notes that technology has enabled us to access and process information in new ways but has also created a culture of constant distraction and shortened attention spans.
  • Intellectually: Turkle’s article raises important questions about the impact of technology on our cognitive processes and social interactions. The rise of digital media has brought new opportunities for information sharing and collaboration, but it has also altered the way we think and communicate. Our brains are now more accustomed to rapid-fire multitasking and short bursts of information, and this can affect our ability to focus, empathize, and form meaningful relationships.
  • Emotionally: Reading “Computers Change” can evoke feelings of nostalgia, as we remember a time before digital media when communication was slower and more intentional. It can also spark a sense of anxiety or even helplessness, as we confront the fast-paced, constantly connected world that we now live in.

Ulmer’s “Apparatus of Literacy”:

  • Literally: In “Apparatus of Literacy,” Ulmer discusses the historical development of writing and how it has shaped our understanding of language and culture. He argues that writing is an “apparatus” that structures our thoughts and beliefs, and that it has a powerful effect on how we perceive and interact with the world.
  • Intellectually: Ulmer’s work invites us to consider the ways in which language and communication are shaped by the technologies that we use. By examining the history of writing, he demonstrates how the tools we use to express ourselves can have a profound impact on our cultural identity and collective consciousness.
  • Emotionally: Reading “Apparatus of Literacy” can inspire feelings of curiosity and wonder as we learn about the evolution of writing and its role in shaping human culture. At the same time, it can also evoke a sense of unease or uncertainty, as we consider the ways in which the technologies, we use to communicate may be shaping our thoughts and beliefs in ways that we are not fully aware of.

Connection to McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message”:

  • McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message” explores how the form of a medium can shape the content and meaning of a message. In this way, he suggests that our communication technologies are not neutral tools, but rather have an active role in shaping the way we think and interact with the world. This idea resonates with both Turkle and Ulmer’s work, as they also examine the impact of communication technologies on our cognitive and cultural practices. Together, these three works suggest that our use of technology is not simply a matter of choice, but rather an integral part of our collective identity and consciousness.
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BP 4 and 5

  1. Thompson: “Sound, Modernity, History”
    • Quote: “The possibility of the recording of sound was to prove one of the decisive technologies of modernity.”
    • Relation: Thompson’s quote highlights the significance of sound recording technology as a transformative technology in modern society. Prior to the invention of sound recording, sounds were ephemeral and difficult to preserve, leading to a significant gap in our ability to capture the past. With the ability to record sound, music, speech, and other forms of audio can be preserved and disseminated, enabling new forms of media and creative expression. Moreover, the development of sound technology has revolutionized a wide range of fields, from music and entertainment to science and technology. In terms of language, sound recording technology has enabled the preservation of endangered languages and the spread of language learning resources.
  2. Lethem: “The Ecstasy of Influence”
    • Quote: “We are a culture of people who’ve bought into the idea that if we stick our earbuds in and tune out the world, it will get better. But what really makes the world better is to engage in it, to meet people, and to listen.”
    • Relation: Lethem’s quote emphasizes the danger of technology, particularly personal music devices, isolating individuals from their surroundings and creating a barrier between people and their environment. This isolation can have a detrimental effect on language and communication, as we rely on social interaction and listening in order to learn and develop language skills. Furthermore, our ability to engage with others is essential to the development of empathy and cultural awareness, which are critical components of effective communication. In this way, Lethem’s quote reminds us that while technology can be a powerful tool for language learning and cultural exchange, it is important to balance our use of technology with meaningful interaction and engagement with the world around us.
  3. Williams: “Future of Language”
    • Quote: “Language is not only a means of communication, it is also a means of expressing ourselves, our culture, our values, and our identities.”
    • Relation: Williams’ quote emphasizes the multifaceted nature of language and its role in expressing not only objective information but also subjective experiences and cultural values. Through language, we are able to communicate not only what we think, but also who we are, what we value, and where we come from. Technology has had a significant impact on the preservation and dissemination of language and culture, with the development of tools such as online dictionaries, language learning software, and automatic translation services. However, the use of technology to disseminate language can also lead to a loss of linguistic and cultural diversity, as dominant languages and cultures tend to be prioritized over minority ones. Additionally, language technologies such as machine translation may not always capture the nuance and context of a particular language, leading to misunderstandings or inaccuracies. In this way, while technology can facilitate language learning and cross-cultural communication, it is important to approach its use with sensitivity to the diverse ways in which language expresses our humanity.
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Exploratory Project

For my exploratory project, I thought about what different technologies are a part of, and influence, my everyday life. So, I decided on the television, GPS, and AI. These technologies have played, and will play, major roles in my life. During the completion of this project, I learned new things about technologies that have been entrenched in my life for decades. I also learned about the grasp AI could potentially have on society as a whole, not just myself. It was an enjoyable experience to be able to shine new light on things that are old to me, and to gain knowledge on something that will influence my future.


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Final Reflection

Dear Professor Leston,

Attached to this blog post is my final reflection of the semester. Thank you for this insight and interesting semester. I hope to encounter you once again before my anticipated graduation. Thank you for your teachings and learnings as they have been helpful throughout this semester. Happy Holidays to you and your family. ENG1710 Final Reflection


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Final Reflection

Thank you for a great semester! Happy Holidays!

Final Reflection

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Final Reflection

Final Reflection

Happy Holidays everyone!

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Final Reflection


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BP 14 | Final Reflection

Thank you for all the knowledge you gave me throughout this semester. This class was difficult, but it wasn’t impossible to get through. It was clear as to what you wanted for any assignments. You were open and honest when it came to grading papers and assignments, which was very helpful. I am forever thankful for this class because it helped me better myself as a reader, a writer, a student, and a citizen. I wish nothing but the best for everyone in this class. Have a happy holiday!

Final Reflection. Diana Rivera


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Final reflection

Final letter for English

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BP 13

My Question was ‘Although you think that electracy is the future, do you think it is the demise of our motivation?’

He began by expressing that we are already an electorate. That we have been exposed in many ways to these four channels of electracy. And the future of the world depends on us becoming electorate. That we need to separate powers from our entertainment to be able to take serious of this entertainment. That we need to be able to be prepared for the major shift from a nation-state right into a gemotic entertainment dimension. He also mentions that schools end up neglecting the fact that many of our educational systems need to depend on subjects like arts to enhance our knowledge of electracy.

I felt like I got my answer just by him beginning his response. And being someone new to this topic and having knowledge of electracy, I was able to finally see that electracy is something that has been a part of my educational system and my way of thinking since I began to learn. This meeting we had with Professor Ulmer helped me understand because as mentioned by everyone else, his writings can sometimes be confusing because of so much he mentions. But hearing him express the answers to my and my peers’ questions, really enhanced my knowledge of electracy.

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BP #13

My question to Professor Ulmer was, “How can we use electracy and its elements, attraction and repulsion, as a tool to address the Anthropocene?”

He answered the question starting with describing the Anthropocene being a combination of all disasters rolled into one and mentions Tim Morton’s Hyper object, that it is the power and reach we have in resources but how the disaster exceeds them. The Hyper object existing within the apparatus’ such as in science and engineering, and in religion and morality, in addition to the values of the individual and their families. He then told the story of Plato when he found the academy, introducing pedagogy and the dialogue of Socrates to guide oral people into literacy. He talks about consult or just listening/following a conversation as how we mostly learn in schools and that the genre of electracy is consulting. He explains that in order to address the Anthropocene we would have to consult with the Anthropocene itself.

He provides examples such as climate change and the migration happening at the U.S-Mexico border and that we have experienced failure by consulting among ourselves and resources instead of really listening to the world. He explains how electracy is innovative, it has a chance because through electracy we can find solutions, and that the disaster is going to tell us how the world works. He talks more about how the issue is the human appetite and by realizing this we can use this to our advantage. He explains how attraction and repulsion in electracy guides us, however, only individually and if we can find away to utilize attraction and repulsion in a societal form, we can make change. That electracy is a part of the human power of creativity and if we were to teach electracy in schools then we would be able to come up with new ideas in addressing the Anthropocene.

This answer, at first, confused me but as he continued to explain I understood the concept a lot better. I understood the answer to be that with electracy we can use this apparatus to focus our attraction and repulsion to better understand the Anthropocene. Instead of using all our resources that doesn’t work to continuously try to make change, we can instead highlight and teach electracy in schools to use our human creativity to better understand the world, therefore, we can make a difference. I enjoyed this zoom call with Professor Ulmer, I felt he explained electracy thoroughly and as he answered the other questions, I felt I understood the overall concept of electracy a lot more. The takeaway from this would be that we must consider adding electracy to the curriculum in grade schools so that we can truly explore the capabilities of human ingenuity.

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BP 13

My question to Professor Ulmer was: Does electracy emerge from adding emotional value (sentiment and nostalgia) to the metaphysical world?

I was happy to hear Professor Ulmer’s response to this question as it cleared up some of the ideas I had shifting through my mind. I found myself stuck on his thoughts around Kant, and he went more in-depth into his reasoning behind mentioning Kant in his writing. It helped me better understand the emotional value in the world of electracy. I also found that Professor Ulmer says aesthetics and the sensory dimension, where aesthetics can mediate between science and religion. He mentioned that “people recognized beauty intuitively in which we develop an apparatus.” With these statements,  I started viewing electracy in a whole different way after hearing his response. Electracy is not designed for reason, religion, math, or science but for desire.

Overall, I was enlightened after the meeting with Professor Ulmer and wanted to ask follow-up questions. I would have liked to hear more about when he mentions somatic memories. I did a bit of a google search on this, and I wondered how our physical senses related to electracy and how somatic memories shape the electorate world.

Reading and deconstructing Ulmer’s work was eye-opening, but having the opportunity to speak to him directly was an incredible experience. I remember in one of our readings (I believe it was Postman, but not sure), there was the idea that writing can not defend itself, but we had the opportunity to read something and get clarification!


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Bp 13

My question to Greg Ulmer was “Is the Era of electracy affecting our mental health negatively? If yes, what steps can we take to prevent future damage?

Professor Ulmer answered the question comprehensively. For example, he began answering the question by giving examples of a few useful books that speak of Electracy and its effect on society and mental. He also used the term innervation while answering the question. He stated that “at some point, you know the tipping point you pass from an oral to literate civilization or from a literate to Electracy. There’s a shock and you have to be innervated in order to survive and thrive in that”. In addition to that, he mentioned mutation and sensorium function while answering the question and how our brain changes from “too much screen time”. Professor Ulmer’s response somehow answered my question and I believe I can have an outstanding answer by reading the books he has mentioned while answering the question. I assume those books speak further concerning Electracy and its effect on mental health. 

The video was very enlightening. I was extremely grateful to see professor Ulmer OnLive and actually have the chance to ask him a question. I definitely have a better understanding of Electracy. However, I wouldn’t consider myself a proficient student of Electracy. Therefore, I hope to continue reading his piece and unpacking the Electracy.

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BP 13

The question I asked Professor Ulmer was: how can we resist the negative portions of electracy that impacts our everyday life in society? The answer I received was a bit confusing until I heard that we can’t avoid the negative side to electracy. For example, with attraction/repulsion we cannot resist just the bad side and have to work with both. I did not have any outstanding questions because I had a clear answer to my question. We should struggle side by side with the negatives of electracy because we cannot directly avoid them. Following up to Professor Ulmer’s response I would say our appetite has taken us down a rabbit hole of new obstacles that we have to face every day because of electracy. But what happens if we massively limit our electracy and only have the educational parts of it. Would we not see less negatives and produce more gains in the process of improving our individual identity.

My overall impression of the meeting was enlightening. Although I was trying to understand the majority of what was said in each sentence by piecing together words, I still learned a lot. My thoughts on electracy were that it is in society and not going anywhere but we need to figure out a way to use it and not be consumed like the majority has in various ways. One for example was when Professor Ulmer mentioned in Japan people who were so consumed by manga and anime that they lived it day in and day out, wasting all their money. This is important to know not just for our future but for ourselves, to be mindful of the outcome electracy can have on our will.

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BP 13: Ulmer Meeting

My question to Ulmer was Will digital education continue to corrupt the minds of students  and deter them away from traditional learning establishments?

When asking this question to Ulmer, his response was that there would be a change of curriculum inside of education especially with electracy so popularized with the evolution of technology. Because there is a shift in the way students are learning, electracy must be taught in forms of entertainment that way it keeps students engaged. I thought that this would become an overall good idea because not a lot of students know or understand what electracy is until being told or taught in college. Electracy should be taught to students when they are entering the school where they are introduced into computers and other forms of technology. As time moves on, who knows where electracy will take us because technology is constantly being evolved and humanity are the ones producing and controlling it.

My impressions of this meeting was informative. We had been reading Ulmer’s piece for several weeks and to hear his explanations and processes was enlightening. It made what we read much clearer and understandable because reading his piece just created more questions than answers. So just hearing his answers and explanations put his piece into perspective while providing insight and knowledge about electracy.

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BP#12 Melody

Do you think there will be another tier (ex:religion) that changes electracy? And will one of the tiers fade out?

  •  I asked this question because I think things are changing everyday and I wonder what will pop up in the future if something may
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Question | Although you think that electracy is the future, do you think it is the demise of our motivation?

When it comes to how Ulmer wrote about electracy, he wrote it in a way that would be the way of the future. But I also asked because of the way that we have asked and discussed in class already about electracy being the way of the future for early childhood education. And because of the way that we have begun to rely on electracy for so many things, do you think that because of that reliance we would start to disregard the good that literacy gave us? Meaning the ability to search and ask questions face to face


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BP 12, Ulmer Question

Question: How can we resist the manifestation of negative portions of electracy that impacts our everyday life in society?

What is acceptable is society over the last few decades has caused individuals to overuse technology and other habits. We do not know what is healthy or unhealthy for our minds because of the propaganda that surrounds us. What I hope to find is a new outlook on electracy that can help society achieve an intellectual healthy lifestyle. The wants and needs in our society has blurred to an all-time high. Individuals in our society cannot differentiate between what is truly healthy for the mind or body.

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BP 12: Ulmer Question

Will electracy in digital education continue to corrupt the minds of students and deter them away from traditional learning establishments?

I ask this question because I know that technology came to the rescue during the pandemic lockdowns. Some students continued their education, others started their education, and some graduated using Zoom, Skype, and other video conferencing platforms. Students couldn’t have the school/campus experience within those two years making it hard for them to believe that school is home and vice versa. They won’t believe or accept that being in a school and classroom is essential. Being in school creates positive outlooks, relationships, and opportunities that being at home doesn’t provide.

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Bp. 12

Is electracy affecting our mental health negatively?

I tend to ask myself this question a lot since we are exposed to many visions and things on the internet. So, often I wonder if being exposed to this much information is damaging my future and life. What can we learn about the era of electracy to take proper steps to prevent future damage?

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BP 12, Ulmer Question

Q: Does electracy emerge from adding emotional value (sentiment and nostalgia) to the metaphysical world?

 I find myself thinking whether electracy is bound to happen or whether we steer the wheel and add emotional value to the metaphysical world, thus making it electorate. Ulmer says, “Electracy emerges within the gathering of modernist arts, cinema, and psychoanalysis around the involuntary operations of perception.” For example, Surrealism was a response to Dadaism; Rock had been influenced by Jazz. These movements are paradigm shifts that manifest “aesthetic qualities: intensity, vividness, participation, at the level of the primary being, the feeling of being alive.” 

This question would be interesting to ask to understand humanity’s effect on electracy. The emotional aspect shown through different mediums that have revolutionized our history and created paradigms is an interesting thought. I wonder if electracy is directly linked to human’s natural tendency to find ways to express sentimental values of their way of understanding the world.

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BP# 12 Ulmer Question

How will electracy shape society?

I ask this question because the foundation of electracy seems to be based on human desire and the advancement of technology to fulfill these desires. If society becomes shaped less on what’s needed for our advancement as a whole and more on individual desire how will this shape society. I even thought about how today there are people that do things solely to satisfy their own desires, however, on a larger scale what would that look like for everyone. If each individual in a society were to focus only on seeing themselves as a brand or reacting only based on their desires, and less for the greater good of the environment and communities around us how can this impact us in the future.


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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy

“Sensation metaphysics, augmented in digital technology, builds out the human demand for self-stimulation, the appetites of sensory organs (the lamella) engaged through consumption of every kind, from drugs, coffee, spice, to body to body replication of behavior accomplished by watching sports, movies, pornography (accounted for by the discovery of mirror neurons). 


  • Does our brain function change by things we consume from electracy for example the good and bad? If yes what scientific study proves this? 

Theming Mystory

“If the human capability is the cause of Anthropocene, human creativity is the remedy. Students are introduced to electracy by composing a mystory, to discover and design their own theming of capabilities, the target of marketing but also a source of creativity, perhaps to play their wide image against disaster in Al game architecture”. 

  • Is the electracy era assisting students in reaching their full potential?
  • Are we becoming more creative due to electracy?

Creative project 

My thinking behind this creative project is to spread awareness regarding mental health services for youth. I am a human services student who hopes to someday work as a school psychologist. Over the past few semesters, I have taken various classes related to youth, mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice, etc. My passion for mental health has evolved deeper as time passes. Additionally, “According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in five children and adolescents experience a mental health problem during their school years. Examples include stress, anxiety, bullying, family problems, depression, learning disability, and alcohol and substance abuse. Serious mental health problems, such as self-injurious behaviors and suicide, are on the rise, particularly among youth”. And many types of research have demonstrated that students who receive social-emotional and mental and behavioral health support achieve better academically. So, my goal is to send out the message to youth that it is okay to seek mental health services during school years and aim for a promising future. I hope to do that by advocating for mental health classes in public schools and promoting mental awareness on social media. I used the app Canva for this image. I have also worked on a stronger image and message based on the suggestion I received from my peers and professor.

Culture Jam

I have created this image to articulate the struggles adults and teenagers face while working in the fast food industry. I specifically chose Burger King because I worked there for a year when I was 16 years old. I wasn’t treated there fairly. I believe others have also encountered similar concussions while working in the fast food industry. The environment of the fast food industry is horrific. My goal is to bring that to everyone’s attention so capitalists can work toward improving the environment for the youth and adults as well. I used the app Canva for this project. I have also chosen a new image for this culture jam. I changed the word “Whopper” to youth abuse. Because I have experienced disrespect, overwork, and poor management throughout my labor duration. I have met many individuals my age who have encountered similar situations throughout their fast food experience. Additionally, I would like to include that capitalism is damaging youth and we all should advocate for better conditions and management for fast food employees. 

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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams


  1. What purpose does the cabaret serve in electric and how does it further the explanation of electric? (Cabaret Academy)
  2. Does the concept/genre of mystory still exist in electracy of education and other interpersonal experiences within a student’s life? (Theming Mystory)

These last two sections of Elmer’s paper were a little jumbled but my take on what he was saying if he is still discussing electracy and education these two questions I proposed are more along the lines of the psychological perspective of how a student and anyone is still affected through the continued use of electric in education and other aspects of their lives.

Final Culture Jams

I created this culture jam to replace the one involving Instagram. I think this one was more appealing to me as TikTok is a new social media that went viral during the pandemic. But like all social medias there are pros and cons. TikTok has become a fast growing medium where people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds have come together to present their different morals, values, and expressed ideas. But once you’ve become what is known as “TikTok famous,” your popularity can become a problem as now you’ve become a content creator who is now reliant of other’s perspectives and opinions. TikTok similar to Instagram has made people change the way they want to look and act because of other’s opinions. But when you sell yourself to a brand or idea, that becomes you and it can be difficult to change it unless the image you’ve created become tarnished in any way.

My project

I created this and took the suggestions from the comments and adjusted the the pictures and words along with the colors and created this image. I wanted to bring more attention to the wording to get my message. Like from my pervious post, I wanted to get my message across about child immigration and how imprisoning these children are harmful to them and others as well. If children are the future, why are we caging them and keeping them from the better opportunities America is suppose to offer them?

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BP #11 and Final Culture Jams

Questions for Ulmer:

Cabaret Academy

If electracy stands as the apparatus for “accidents of the flesh,” can it be said that literacy was the first apparatus creating it?

I ask this question because I believe as humans when we do something we can be driven by many things. One of the main drivers would be desire; a desire to be intelligent, beautiful, wealthy, etc. Literacy seems to exist out of the desire to explore one’s individuality along with education and investigating. So, in a way can it be said that the emergence of literacy is the precedent to “accidents of the flesh, therefore, electracy is simply a result of that.


Theming Mystory

How can Mystory and creativity through electracy be a remedy to the current era of Anthropocene?

I ask this question because in the book Ulmer says, “If human capability is the cause of Anthropocene, human creativity is the remedy,” meaning that human activity, spearheaded by our constant exploration of what we are capable of, is the cause of the Earths current condition. That to fix this issue individual creativity is the way to come up with design thinking solutions for these problems. However, how can electracy be an effective tool in doing so when Mystory can also be used in away that removes us from community and the issues that hurts all of us. To clarify, electracy has brought about a generation of people who seem to care only about themselves and how they can profit off branding themselves. How can we use that to make people change their behavior to remedy societal and geological issues that effects everyone.

Final Culture Jams:

In this Culture Jam, I decided to continue to use Instagram, but I changed the message from “Instant Addiction” to “Instadepression.” I used Adobe Express where I found a melting brain and the Instagram likes logo in the pictures tab. I chose the melting brain to show how Instagram and social media overall has a physical effect on our brains, which would be the chemical reactions of dopamine when we receive validation from others. I then added the Instagram likes logo around the brain followed by using different icons, the icons I placed in the likes to convey the message that Instagram likes can cloud our minds through its validation system causing people to become depressed and have self-esteem issues. The icons I chose where depression, body dysmorphia, plastic surgery, under pressure, and alcohol and drugs. I then added the Instagram logo at the bottom left corner followed by a play on Instagram and depression creating “Instadepression.”

I chose this topic because as an Instagrammer I feel that sometimes I can become overwhelmed or sad about my own circumstances because of what I see on Instagram. As people are recording the best moments in their lives it can make you think that their lives are always filled with joy and happiness, that something is wrong if you’re not experiencing the same things. From that constant exposure to other people’s success, it then makes you compare yourself to others in fear that you may not measuring up to that. The Instagram likes then exacerbate this by creating a validation system to always want to be your best to receive likes. This time around I wanted to use more color and be a lot more creative in this message, I would also hope that my audience will be able to put together how in the long run social media such as Instagram has an impact on our brains and how we see ourselves along with the world around us.

In this Culture Jam, I revised the H&M advertisement that I used prior this time using the comments and critique from my peers and professor I made changes. I used Canva, as this time I was able to navigate it better, I added the sweatshop image to expand on the message of H&M using sweatshops to create their fast fashion clothing. I then added moving red lines to cross out “Bold” and “Beautiful” instead of covering it with glitter, so that it is a clear message for the audience when I replaced it with “Underpaid” and “In a Sweatshop.” I then used red to create an “X” on the model wearing the H&M clothes to basically show a stance against fast fashion and the abuse that is happening in these sweatshops to make these clothes. Finally, I used a pink Glow typeface to play on letters H&M with “Human Mistreatment,” followed by placing a tag on the upper right corner showing how H&M clothes are made outside of the U.S, one of those places being Bangladesh where they have the sweatshops.

I chose this topic because I still wear some of H&M clothing and didn’t know that they had sweatshops to make their clothes, doing this project it informed me that a lot of fast fashion is coming out of sweatshops and the more we wear these types of clothing the more sweatshops would be used to meet demand. I wanted to make my audience aware of how these clothes are being made and hopefully inspire my audience to look into the companies that they are purchasing from.







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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy Question | Do you think that electorate metaphysics can be affected when it comes to the idea of flesh and emotions as you kind of suggested when it comes to electracy?

“The key for electorate metaphysics is that this line, originating as the line of depiction in the caves all mimesis to articulate an imagined fictional dimension in which. shape may be distorted and reassembled according to its own formal potential guided by imagination.”

Ulmer speaks on how electracy can be taken under all values, specifically family-friendly values when it comes to casinos in Las Vegas and Disneyland with Mickey Mouse. And he speaks about how the creation of Mickey Mouse is a symbol of life and that is shown by the curvature of his features. So if our imagination can be associated with electorate metaphysics and how we are able to associate symbols, can that also happen when it comes to flesh and emotions when we look at things like Mickey Mouse?

Theming Mystory Question | Can we grow and emote sort of in a similar matter by incorporating those memories that we remember from childhood into the future of electracy?

“The paradox is that a caricature of a famous person is more recognizable than a photograph, having to do with the nature of perception and memory.”

Ulmer speaks on how memories of our children were impacted by exposing children to certain items. In the paragraph I took the quote from, he speaks on how Disney did this with the prototype of hyperreality and how Elvis impersonators do the same thing by being able to portray the three important factors that many remember Elvis for. So that kind of reminded me of the Mandela effect. That is when someone thinks that something happened but it never did. Can the ability to connect memory to electracy allow us to be able to unite and change the way of life?

Image 1 | As mentioned prior, I automatically knew what I wanted to do. And I really enjoyed the idea of putting a background to share the message more straightforwardly. So what I did was keep the image of Elon Musk riding the Twitter bird, but made the “Free Speech” gag bigger to read it more. But I also added tweets from Elon Musk himself contradicting the idea he had for “comedy being legal’ on his version of Twitter. I also included his take on free speech from tweets he tweeted earlier this year prior to him buying Twitter. I was interested in it because I have always been a fan of comedy but some comedy has become extremely sensitive because of how cancel culture has become nowadays. And I do agree that comedy should be more openly accepted, but it is so easy to fall victim of cancel culture because of people like Elon Musk taking advantage of their platforms.

Image 2 | For the second image I choose to keep the idea of Maybelline not being a cruelty-free company. I changed the image, a little,  and decided to include a more edited badly impacted bunny who has a missing eye from the eyeshadow testing and a chunky of their side missing because of the effect of the beauty powders they test on them. I really wanted to show this image because I have found myself looking more into brands on whether or not they are cruelty-free, even if the brand isn’t makeup related. I have just found myself wanting to make a change in how things are and what brands I support financially moving forward.




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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy

Q: Does an idea become electorate once the perception of the preceding paradigm is altered, reimagined, or transformed in the eyes of another?

Q: Does electracy emerge from the addition of emotional value (sentiment and nostalgia) to the metaphysical world?

 I find myself thinking whether electracy is bound to happen or whether we steer the wheel and add emotional value to the metaphysical world, thus making it electorate. Ulmer says, “Electracy emerges within the gathering of modernist arts, cinema, and psychoanalysis around the involuntary operations of perception.” For example, Surrealism was a response to Dadaism; Rock had been influenced by Jazz. These movements are paradigm shifts that manifest “aesthetic qualities: intensity, vividness, participation, at the level of the primary being, the feeling of being alive.” 


Theming Mystory

Q: Is electracy an apparatus that bridges humanity to self-actualization?

When Ulmer talks about Gauguin’s Tiki Room, he mentions a psychologist’s description, “It was like a moment from dimly remembered, complicated dreams (Skylar, 1967, p.111). The psychologist reported feeling himself and observing in those around him a reverence that he identified as satori.” The sudden enlightenment emerged from Gaugin’s artwork, where he created a new dimension that allowed his fantasy to be conveyed to another. We make sense of the world and our purpose through the collective experiences gained through our childhood. Therefore, does electracy enables us to share our interpretations and compose a mystory that is a path to self-actualization—the rise of enlightenment?


*I was unable to make the image bigger on my post. Please click on the image to see the full size.

Although Nike has been targeted many times before, I was inspired to do work with this idea because of the exploitation of the Uyghur Chinese population, the largest minority ethnic group in China, which is being detained against their will and forced into “re-education camps” where they are also subjected to forced labor. With that being said, Nike has been linked to said forced labor, using the Uyghurs as their suppliers. The top right and bottom left images present this minority group working for Nike. I thought about attacking Nike because it was appalling to think that history is repeating itself and another genocide is going unseen, and large companies like Nike are enabling these kinds of inhumane acts.

I revised this project by putting the color back into the images, as most thought the black-and-white image was not working. I changed both the color and the font to make it more visible and less harsh on the eyes, as both my peers and Prof. Leston suggested. I also decided to animate the image.

I created this detournement to display the corruption of the American healthcare system. The image depicts a cycle where we are trapped in a healthcare system made for profit and fails to educate the public on the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Instead, they market medications that have side effects that sometimes require even more medication to fix. I found it ironic how the man spraying the pesticides on the apples is wearing a hazmat suit. It goes to show how harmful pesticides truly are, yet our produce is being drenched by said substance.

The cycle begins with a farmer spraying pesticides on our produce, in this case, apples. Most of our produce is treated with pesticides that cause long-lasting health issues such as endocrine disruption, gut imbalances, and even cancer. Not only is the product being sprayed with these toxins, but livestock is being injected with antibiotics, impacting our health and creating antibiotic resistance. The image then shows a cancer patient facing an absurd hospital bill that also succumbed to the big pharma industry represented by the prescription pills in the detournement. Instead of western medicine encouraging a healthy lifestyle with an improved diet and exercise to prevent illness, their first response is to prescribe medications, thus funding the cycle.  Thus, “A system that fails us.”

Prof. Leston said I should make it more clear in the image of the message I’m trying to send. I edited this image by trying to make the idea clear by adding the arrow cycle. I also animated the farmer to show the produce being sprayed with pesticide. Previously, I had used magazine letters to write “A system that fails us,” but I decided to go with a more basic font to make this image less busy since my peers found it to be confusing. Fixing the font allowed me to space out the ideas and make them more organized. I also made the hospital bill more visible.

I created a GIF to bring attention to the recent protests for the death of Mahsa Amini, who died after being detained for “improperly” wearing her hijab, as per the corrupted Iranian government laws. I chose to speak about this ongoing issue because it is appalling that women worldwide are still fighting for fundamental rights. The hijab is a religious head covering for women, which is meant to be a choice in Islam. However, the Iranian government placed these oppressive restrictions on women after the revolution.

In my detournement,  Mahsa Amini joins the protests, where I also gave her a sign stating, “Did you know that letting your hair blow in the wind is a crime in Iran?” The shackles represent oppression, and the blood represents the bloodshed for the many peaceful protesters who are risking their lives for this cause worldwide. Another protestor holds a sign that states, “IRAN: THE INTERNET IS DOWN AND THEY ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE.” This sign shows the government has shut down the internet in an attempt to silence the people and prevent the spread of information on this issue.

I wanted to work on this detournement because I think it is important that we stay informed about these topics even if it does not directly affect us. Mahsa Amini’s death exposes us to an ongoing fight for women’s rights. The simple act of staying informed contributes to a better future for women worldwide.

I had a bit of a hard time trying to edit this image because there was a 10 MB upload restriction for each image. I saw that Prof. Leston thought it would be a good idea to let the blood run down to the end of the image, but when I edited it, I wasn’t able to upload it to my blog post due to the larger file size. Instead, I moved the blood a bit so that you could see the sign Mahsa Amini was holding a little more clearly, and I tried to make the blood more prominent.



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BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy: How does our exploration into flesh relate with electracy?

Why: “by exploiting the little sensation” and “the feeling of being alive”, flesh is connected to electracy. When Ulmer talks about this, he mentions a story of a memory of someone eating a biscuit from their beloved grandmother. When we trigger these memories, it must have a significant connection and we place values on these sensations that come. With all these stories we were told growing up, does it hold more or less value than personal ones if we vividly remember one over the other. If so, then is certain parts of electracy placing burdens on our recollection? This is another question that I thought of during the thought process of why I chose the original question.


Theming Mystory: How is memory and recollection closely related to electracy and our life mood?

Why: The theme of the last section talks mostly about our memory and recollection of our childhood. The images and how we perceive it, is closely related to our exposure to objects in our childhood. For our society to receive help from electracy we will have to explore this together, to rid ourselves from social intrusion. Our creativity is the backbone of our life mood, but I do not understand much about how it links to electracy.



Image 1: The thinking behind my project is that most people do not need to buy the things they do, but we do anyway because of accessibility. Amazon shopping promotes frivolous shopping to make people into zombies. I hope to let people know the importance of refraining from desires and having control of your thoughts in purchasing. I used gimp at first but realized Canva is much easier to use, and I can get a lot more done. With the feedback I received from my peers and professor, I wanted a more simple but deeper approach to the logo as well as zombies shopping. I got rid of “into” to keep the message clearer. With zombies holding bags I feel like it does. With all the feedback obtained, I am pleased of the creation I made.


Image 2: My project is about battery waste and how it is not very well known or if it is, most people do not care about it. This has been taken for granted with the many new batteries and companies coming out for cheaper and/or reliable batteries which makes it worse for the environment. I used Canva again for this project because I felt like I could do a lot more with it. My experience in troubleshooting with it earlier saved me a bit of time. With feedback given I fixed my bunny cutout and made other changes. Though I did try to implement a bunny walking around in the background, I could not do so. I did show batteries rotting and the city destroyed to correlate what batteries could do to the earth. As such I improved the image with better manipulation from the feedback I received.

P.S. this is a screenshot from a video using snipping tool on my desktop. Most things moving in the image but not the bunny.

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Culture Jamming

I chose this Adderall ad because I feel like medication is given so easily to people without question and in the end it can really affect and ruin so many lives. I do believe in the use of drugs but I have seen its negative affect on people and the way it can really ruin peoples lives without the right care and attention to its use.

I think body positivity has been a very popular issue in society for a while and I wanted to take a Victoria’s Secret ad that had been quite controversial. I think there are many ads for men and women that can be very hard to live up to and that are also very difficult standards to live up to. These ads can cause eating disorders and do not promote a healthy self esteem.

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Ulmer Short List #1

BP#8 by Naila: “Would you think of electracy as a paradigm shift?”

This question helps in my understanding of electracy because I’ve thought of electracy as being a reset tool. I feel that electracy, unlike orality and literacy, is meant to create a new way of seeing the world entirely from a “identity scope.” As speech was the important aspect of orality and writing for literacy, I believe that with human desire and the advancement of technology the method of teaching and learning would be completely tailored, based on individual needs in a way that may become isolating. Community would slowly diminish, as we will have the ability to have learning and teaching become a personalized event therefore, we learn what we want, how we want, when we want and control how we retain it. Which can be possible with behavioral data and a larger algorithm. This reset where we no longer rely on our communities or what is true or false but only ourselves and our desires, which was tested during the Covid-19 pandemic.


BP#9 by Tiana: “Has the concept of reflective judgement changed through the ideas of orality, literacy, Paleolithic, and electracy relating to culture, virtues, and morals?”

This question helps in my understanding of electracy because through orality, literacy, and paleo the ways in learning has changed, so has perspective.  Paleo allowed us the ability to understand the world and nature with use of our bodies. With orality we learned in a community environment through speech, we listened to what was being taught, and with the introduction of literacy we were able to question what was being taught, with being able to read and write. Literacy facilitating the start of individuality and separate identity. Each challenging the laws of nature and is a part of human evolution, by helping us understand ourselves, each other and our place in the world. Reflective judgment, to me, would be understanding that the elements of each method of learning is in the creation of electracy but then realizing that it is very different because it focuses solely on human desire with use of technology. As human desire will always be a precedent to change because we are always looking to advance and so will perspective.


BP# 10 by Khaled: Visceral question- “How can we shift away from a negative dimension of electracy and into a better society?”

This question helps in my understanding of electracy because it shows that in todays society, electracy is being used and as a result has already changed how we interact with each other and view the world. It has brought about institutional corporation and a chase for the next commodity, which is made easier with the advancement of technology. Therefore, we have corporations using ads to influence people. This question makes me think that as electracy continues to develop within society we will see more consequences of what comes out of human desire and technology as the tools provided. I wonder too if we will see more of the benefits of electracy.


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Ulmer’s Short list #1

Would you think of electracy as a paradigm shift? By Naila

Naila’s explanation 

Ulmer states, “Socrates is a syncretic figure, partly oral, partly literate, the first person to experience Self.” I am a firm believer in Kuhn’s concept of paradigm shifts. Do you think that electracy is just another shift in our history? Instead of Socrates’ self-realization with the use of orality and literacy, now, with the aftermath of COVID-19 and the change of world order in the same sense that Socrates changed the course of thought with the Socratic method. Does the COVID-19 pandemic mark the turning point in history for electracy? “The quarantine serves as a collective existential epiphany.” Is the pandemic another awakening in history where we evolve through electracy?

I think this is a significant question to understand electracy further. Sometimes I wonder the same “is electracy a significant change”?. Because let’s think about it. We are basically doing everything nowadays digitally from seeing doctors to dating. We are also building connections with each other based on our Instagram aesthetic and Instagram “self”.  Some days I wonder if we are losing touch with reality. I also wonder if electracy is affecting us positively or negatively. 

Another question that was drawn to me is  By Sandy “Is electracy an apparatus meant to challenge self-actualization and return society to a collective community form, similar to when orality was the main form of communication? 

This was a very helpful question to think about electracy and its future. For example, nowadays we are all on our own paths and building our life electronically and also in person. We are educating ourselves, building careers through online recourses, and getting information from sites with no human interactions. So my primary concern here is that “is electracy creating barriers between us humans? “ Are we all working toward self-actualization and not building genuine connections? When we become self-actualized, will we return to a collective community? 

Do you think that electracy is the way to future education? By Diana Rivera 

I think electracy is the future of our education system. During the literacy era, we obtained information from books, magazines, personal diaries and etc. Nowadays we are self-educating ourselves through particular academic sites. So I think electracy is the future of our education. We are also taking classes remotely and pursuing many degrees online. I have a question related to that “is it bettering us”? Or is it actually taking a lot of us and getting us to hook to rely on electronic support to function?

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Ulmer Short List #1

“Is corporate capitalism in the emerging era of electracy steering us towards a “paradigmatic abjection,” preventing us from shifting to a change of world order through the entire shift of electracy?” Naila

Electracy seems to have a lot of negativity involved inside its apparatus. With capitalism being what it is and using that to feed themselves our society is steered the wrong way. The shift that we see in electracy should help in understanding it so we can change some aspects of it. This question will help with understanding the shift we are in by making electracy clearer.


“What comes after electracy?” Elija

I am not sure if this can be answered or not by Ulmer but if we know more about the future, we can have a clearer understanding of the present. With the apparatus of orality being so distant in the past but literacy closer to us in years we might have glimpses of the next apparatus soon if not already. We are directly in the presence of electracy, and each apparatus moves and connects to the other. Knowing what comes after will help establish electracy.


“Do you think that electracy is the way for future education?” Diana

Electracy has many facets that we interact with. Many of these aspects effect individuals mind negatively. Early childhood education seems to have a curriculum that has not drastically changed over the years. Some even have regressed in teachings to children is some form. With electracy being so widely influencing, it should have some reason to be institutionalized in a program or course. This will be helpful for us to get a better understanding of electracy as early as possible.

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Ulmer’s Short List #1

1. Is electracy an apparatus meant to challenge self-actualization and return society to a collective/community form, similar to when orality was the main form of communication? (Sandy Fougeres)

I think this question is significant because Ulmer’s idea is about pushing forward to this new paradigm of electracy. However, what happens after we shift into this new paradigm? I think this is an excellent question because, in this article, Ulmer mentions a lot about electracy and how this shift is needed. However, the idea of where literacy and orality stand after electracy is still unclear.

This question brings forward a critical question of returning to society as a collective in the same way that orality did. It is unclear if electracy will bring us together or separate us, even if it means we evolve with wisdom. Are we growing separately through electracy or collectively, as Sandy states

This question is important to help understand electracy because electracy has emerged from orality and literacy. We need to understand the relationship and how it will affect our society rhetorically.

2. How can we shift away from a negative dimension of electracy and into a better society (Khaled Akam)

I like the idea of a “negative dimension.” I think Ulmer shows us the dark side of electracy through his examples of corporate capitalism, which makes this question helpful to understanding how electracy works. Postman states that with every advantage a new technology brings, a disadvantage follows. For electracy, it’s corporate capitalism, so it would be interesting to understand further how we can shift away from this form of electracy.

This question will help clarify the idea of electracy because we need to understand the consequences of electracy and how we can shift towards electracy’s true intended form that expands the consciousness and the way knowledge is taught in our society.

3. Do you think that if we begin to learn in a way that is heavily influenced by the creative figures in our current day and age? And through this, how do you think it would be? (Diana Rivera)

This question can be helpful to ask Ulmer to bring clarity to his ideas of ‘creative figures’ and how they influence society as a whole. We live in a world where the mass follows the waves of media, and I think this question can bring clarity to electracy and help us understand how creative figures impact the function of electracy.

I liked Diana’s question and saw that it related to one of my questions: “Who do you think are the ‘creative figures’ of our present time, and are they contributing to the paradigm shifts in the same manner as preceding creative figures?”

In history, there are periods of transition where knowledge and idea blooms. The Renaissance, the age of discovery, cultivated the rebirth of arts and sciences and the most influential figures that still shape our thought. In another example, the Industrial revolution was a massive shift to mass production of consumer goods influenced by Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Carnegie, and Ford. (Recycling this thought from my previous BP)

I find that these questions will be helpful to understand further how society and people directly affect electracy in the way that previous creative figures shaped our thought and how we begin to learn with the heavy influence of our creative figures and who exactly is our ‘creative figures.’



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Culture Jamming- BP 10

“Literacy put true/false into a machine and gifted it to electracy, to be applied in emergent ways, just as orality put speech into writing and gifted it to literacy. The object of electracy is das Dings, to use Freud’s term, naming object relations (it is a relation, not a substance)”. 


  • In this era of electracy, is it possible to create real genuine connections? 
  • Are we liking each other based on aesthetics? 
  • The information we are obtaining from electracy, how accurate is it? 
  • Is electracy the new of living life? Is it damaging us in the long term or does innovation bring greatness to our lives? 
  • What comes after electracy? 
  • How long electracy era going to last?
  • Is the era of electracy destroying our self-esteem?  


Lately, I have been self-reflecting and trying to uncover the consequences of electracy on us. Everything has become digital nowadays from education to dating. Sometimes, I wonder if we are creating authentic connections with each other nowadays or if everything is just an illusion of the knowledge we get from the internet. I also think those questions come to me because I have just entered my early 20s and know little about the world and its functioning. I am slowly learning and gaining knowledge. 


Throughout the article, the author Alexis C. Madrigal explains culture jamming and the primary purpose of culture jammers. So culture jamming aims to disrupt consumers’ culture by altering corporate advertising with provocative messages. For example, culture jammers take certain ads and transform them into something new and creative such as sweatshops for Nike’s logo. Culture jammers also use the power of brands against themselves. Additionally, “culture jammers capitalized on the widespread feeling of many Americans and left that companies had too much power and that one very powerful expression of that power was advertising”. Cooperation uses the method of advertising to target people regularly. Besides that, the advertiser makes tons of dollars of advisement. They are not only charged by how many people see the ad, but by how many people click on the ads. Which is an enormous amount of money. 

I approve of the message Madrigal is trying to send out. I believe we are regularly being targeted by advertisements and pursuing things that may not make any difference in our lives but lead to the deterioration of our capital. Also, advertisements and images take a huge toll on our self-esteem. Our brain functions to see certain types of bodies as ideal body types and if we don’t go after that type of body, we are not considered “good-looking” in society. Which can be very dangerous for teenagers who are unaware of Photoshop or other circumstances that come with a certain look. Often, advertising related to the body and looks can lead to body shaming, insecurities, and eating disorders. Therefore, I stand with the culture jammers and the work they are doing to bring changes to society. 

The title “It’s okay to not be okay” was drawn to me because I watched a show called it’s okay not be okay a while ago which was associated with mental health awareness. I am also a human services student who continuously advocates for mental health. I come from a background where the topic of mental health seems to be taboo or people who struggle with mental health are seen as “crazy” or less than others. So as a human service professional, I hope to bring changes to my community and spread awareness of mental health services. 

This image is very personal. I also think others may relate to the topic that I will discuss throughout the paragraph. So, I am trying to articulate the trauma that comes with fast food experience. When I was 16 years old, I worked at Burger King for a year. I experienced many traumatic events there which I believe have shaped my personality for the better. Now I am being able to reflect on the experience and differentiate how capitalism had taken advantage of my 16-year-old self. I am also aware of other teenagers who are also being taken advantage of by capitalism. So, my primary goal is to advocate for teenagers who are victims of toxic work environments. 


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Culture Jamming – BP 10

Ulmer’s Question:

Do you think that our intake of social media is the reason why electracy is the way that it is? Like does he think that electracy would be at a much greater level of power if social media wasn’t marketed the way that it is and made an impact against our youth?

In the section The Visceral Turn, he speaks on the way that consumerism has increased thanks to the help of social media. As well as the way that many thrive to reach a certain level of influence to get that consumerism. And Ulmer speaks on this with the tone of showing that this behavior when it comes to electracy isn’t the best way of going around for moving forward with electracy.


I found this reading extremely informative. Madrigal speaks on the popularity of culture jamming but also speaks on how there are many people who are not using it to their best use. How yes, it maybe cause people to stop and think about where and what they are buying, but it’s not pushing them to actually make these companies step back and rethink their consumerism. There is also the part where Madrigal mentions that how to use culture jamming to affect the purpose of these companies. Their money. Which I found interesting. I have heard of culture jamming prior to this class and had thought because it made an impact on me, it might have made an impact on these companies. But all because they lose one person’s money, does not mean it got the rest of the world to stop buying from these brands. This is why learning how to get these companies to actually see what they are doing wrong, was extremely interesting.

Continue reading

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Culture Jamming-BP 10


Q: What characteristics define the human visceral appetite? 

Ulmer explains that the human visceral appetite is define by the human concept of attraction and repulsion. But I am really unclear and unsure what the message he’s trying to convey in saying this. I just needed more clarity on what he’s trying to say while also trying to understand the psychology of what can be defined at the human visceral appetite.


Culture jamming has become a not so popularized concept as it’s being used for different forms of activism. But through the use of culture jamming, there comes advertisements that surprisingly getting more clicks and likes based on the ads that individuals gravitate towards. Not just to advertise your ad, you have to pay and this becomes a business through commercialism. To try and get your point or perspective across through the use of culture jamming, advertisers are charging the creators of the advertisements. By purchasing and distributing these ads, anyone who disagree, agree, or are neutral view the ads and the views and likes either increase of decrease. These ads hold no power over large corporations as they profit from the culture jamming bring about consumerism.

I chose this culture jamming image as an insult to social media specifically instagram. Instagram has become one of the most popular social medias apps around the world. It’s used to post photos and videos of what seems like the behind the scenes of a person’s life. When someone takes a picture or record a video to post on their story or feed, they are not actually posting in real time. Instagram has become a popular and pretentious app as the increased desire and need to be liked has caused for most posters to do, say, and act in ways that is not ideal to their personality. Posters and creators are only posting what they want their followers and viewers to see.

It’s a little blurry but I created this image as a mockery for the No Child Left Behind Act that was created when Obama was president involving primary and secondary school education. Because immigrants are being denied entering this country, it becomes especially had for their children to built lives for themselves. They say that children are the future, but if children are being mistreated and are seen as nothing but weaklings and even laborers, what are the chances that these immigrants children can become the future if the world sees them as less than what they are. Immigrants children are being locked away in detention centers and are used as laborers in sweatshops for even some of the biggest clothing companies. There is no future without these children and without them the world can’t continue to evolve onto bigger and better things.

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BP#10-Culture Jamming

Ulmer Question:

Considering corporation and commodity is the institution and the make up of electracy, would you say that electracy has been fully integrated within society? If not, what would that look like?

I ask this because in society now we have come to a point where everywhere there is something to be advertised. There is always something new to be desired and corporations take advantage of this by putting up ads, whether outside or inside your home (watching T.V or browsing the internet). These ads organize us in a way, where we go out and buy things to satisfy ourselves and fulfill instant gratification. I believe that we have already entered the era of electracy as identity has become a way of branding however, if we have not, what would this be like since it seems we already practice electracy.


Madrigal Response:

In the article Madrigal talks about what culture jamming is and how it is done. He talks about how activist positioned themselves against corporations and was able to do so by either getting people to ignore the ads or deface them so that they lost money. He describes the challenges activist face now that a lot of advertising happens online, considering the advancement of technology, and that most ad viewership happens privately. How now, Google and Facebook ads are cost-per-click, which means that a consumer would have to click on the ad to view it and that doesn’t cost the corporation much. That when someone doesn’t click on the ad corporations aren’t losing out on anything. He talks about activist needing to shift their way of protesting, by having as many people as possible click on those ads where these corporations would lose a considerable amount of money. He talks of using data as a way of protesting both the algorithm in place and overall, the corporations.

Reading this article, I realized that a lot of protesting does happen physically, and that activist haven’t tried using data against corporations. With behavioral data and advertising, protesting can be effective if activist focused on using it as a tool, disrupting the information that is gathered and used to curate “personalized” content made for us. I found it interesting that corporations have ads that are cost-per-click, meaning that they thought of the fact that often the people who click on the ads will most likely make a purchase and those who don’t aren’t changing anything. I find culture jamming to be useful in connecting with different audiences as it can be relatable or even the “quiet part said out loud.” I agree with Madrigal that to combat these ads there needs to be adjustments in how it’s to be done.

Culture Jam:

In this culture jam I used the Instagram logo and changed the name from Instagram to Instant Addiction. Around the logo, I put the things that people can become addicted to while using the app which is money, plastic surgery (Brazilian Butt Lifts and lip fillers), fast foods, drugs, our phones, and the likes we get off Instagram. I also included the like system and the dopamine chemical structure. I chose Instagram because it is one of the social networking platforms that most people use, including myself, where people show the “best versions” of themselves. We are constantly exposed to the lives of others and through their like system, seeking validation can become addictive. People will then post themselves overindulging in unhealthy foods, post anything for financial gain, get plastic surgery to keep up with others, and do any and everything to get a like. It is addictive like getting a high from drugs and can be a removal from reality, which in the long run is dangerous.


In this second culture jam, I used an H&M ad that says “Be bold. Be beautiful,” I then covered the bold and beautiful and replaced it with “underpaid” and “in a sweatshop.” I chose H&M because they use cheap labor to create their fast fashion clothing. Though they have tried to make progress, they still get their products made in sweatshops and exploit the workers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. They are severely underpaid, working under poor conditions, and risking their safety. I wanted to highlight this exploitation by using one of their ads and to create my culture jam.



Hitchings-Hales, J. (2018, June 5). Hundreds of H&M and Gap Factory Workers Abused Daily: Report. Global Citizen Organization,

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Culture Jamming– BP 10

The Visceral Turn

Q: Is corporate capitalism in the emerging era of electracy steering us towards a “paradigmatic abjection,” preventing us from shifting to a change of world order through the entire shift of electracy?

Q: Also, is mass entertainment preventing electracy from emerging to its highest form as we become complacent and content with the surplus of entertainment we indulge in our daily lives?

“The new behavior emergent in electracy is consumerism: brand supplementing soul and self, modeled in celebrity stardom the experience of oneself as an image” (Ulmer, 2022).

Social media is monetized, and influencers receive paid sponsors to send a message or advertise a product, often leading to information misuse. As a result, people are branding themselves on media and spreading information in the form of entertainment that brings them fame or money from sponsors. Will this type of consumerism with an “exchange value” prevent us from shifting into the paradigm of electracy? Do we get lost in the material world where consumerism wipes out wisdom and knowledge?


Alexis C. Madrigal presents “culture jamming” in his article “The New Culture Jamming: How Activists Will Respond to Online Advertising.” Madrigal expresses that culture jammers wanted to use their activism against the commercial world on the internet, but the system embedded in advertisements makes it counterintuitive for them to do so.

Madrigal says, “Advertisements seemed to have mythic influence that could get people to do all kinds of things from buying Hummers and McMansions to starving themselves to attain fashion-model thinness.”Mythic” influence, where media becomes emulsified as a part of the natural order as if the technology itself was “god-given.” (Postman, 1998). The material world is regressing humanity to its lowest form as people get lost in the world of consumerism and the idea of merely displaying themselves as “wealthy” through the material items which are promoted by the marketing strategies of the commercial web. Culture jamming brings light to this corruption, but it is hard to send this message to the public eye when the web itself is formatted to support capitalistic efforts.

After writing my question for Ulmer, I read this article and found that it connected to my question and, in a way, gave me more clarity in my thought process.

Culture Jam Project

Nike has been linked to the use of sweatshops in foreign countries to produce apparel and shoes. I restructured the Nike “Just Do It” slogan by replacing it with “Just Don’t Wear It.” The images behind the logo display multiple examples of immoral and cheap labor in third-world countries. For example, the first image is two Syrian refugee children working in a Nike sweatshop to produce sneakers. In another example, the top right and bottom left images show Chinese Uyghurs, a religious minority in China, who are coerced into China’s “reeducation camps.”; they are also subject to forced labor that is linked to Nike. This culture jam reveals that we should not support Nike as the suppliers endure harsh working conditions to produce their products.

I created this detournement to display the corruption of the American healthcare system. The image depicts a farmer spraying pesticides on our produce, in this case, an apple. Most of our produce is treated with pesticides that cause long-lasting health issues such as endocrine disruption, gut imbalances, and even cancer. Not only is the produce being sprayed with these toxins, but livestock is being injected with antibiotics, impacting our health and creating antibiotic resistance. The image shows a cancer patient facing an absurd hospital bill that also succumbed to the big pharma industry represented by the prescription pills in the detournement. Instead of western medicine encouraging a healthy lifestyle with an improved diet and exercise to prevent illness, their first response is to prescribe medications, thus funding the big pharma industry. The image illustrates that the healthcare industry in America is a moneymaking scheme and cycle, “A system that fails us.”

I created a GIF to bring attention to the recent protests for the death of Mahsa Amini, who died after being detained for “improperly” wearing her hijab, as per the corrupted Iranian government laws. I chose to speak about this ongoing issue because it is appalling that women worldwide are still fighting for fundamental rights. The hijab is a religious head covering for women, which is meant to be a choice in Islam. However, the Iranian government placed these oppressive restrictions on women after the revolution.

The police have denied she suffered any harm by their doing and stated she suffered a heart attack. However, the reports say otherwise. The medical report states she died due to multiple organ failures caused by cerebral hypoxia, indicating that she may have been beaten or strangled to her death.

In my detournement,  Mahsa Amini joins the protests, where I also gave her a sign stating, “Did you know that letting your hair blow in the wind is a crime in Iran?” The shackles represent oppression, and the blood represents the bloodshed for the many peaceful protesters who are risking their lives for this cause worldwide.

We must be informed about these topics even if it does not directly affect us. Let’s unify and support women’s rights to fight against injustice and inequality globally. Mahsa Amini’s death exposes us to an ongoing fight for women’s rights. The simple act of staying informed contributes to a better future for women worldwide.



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Culture Jamming-BP 10

Elija’s Culture Jam and BP 10

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BP 4 and 5

“Language usage is a reflection of consciousness. Thus the future of language is connected to the ever-evolving state of human awareness.” – The Future of Language

“Thinking clearly sometimes requires unbraiding our language.” -The Ecstasy of Language

“Little of beauty has America given the world save the rude grandeur God himself stamped on her bosom; the human spirit in this new world has expressed used in vigor and ingenuity rather than in beauty.” – Sorrow Songs

The relationship between sound, technology, and language all come from the evolution of human awareness. Before language could be invented, sound were made and used to communicate before words became a popular thing. In ancient tribes, the usage of sounds were used to communicate especially through hunting and when there was an enemy nearby. Language came into play later on when those created sounds are used to sound out or spell out words that paired well with those sounds. Though language is still developing there’s no telling what sounds and words could come out of it thus adding on to what is the human dictionary.

As language continues to develop, the revolutionized concept of technology comes into play making language and sound easier to understand and communicate. Technology plays a role with sounds as new technologies are invented like GarageBand, musical instruments, and white noise machines. Technology plays a role with language with the invention of translating different languages (Google Translate), learning new languages (Rosetta Stone), and other mediums that are able to allow individuals to learn, develop, and refresh their language skills.

The three quotes that I’ve attached above all relate to the relationship between sound, technology, and language because each all have a relationship with the development of human awareness, consciousness, and desire.

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Culture Jamming–BP 10


Visceral question- How can we shift away from a negative dimension of electracy and into a better society?

Why- because Ulmer writes about identity dimension of electracy and later talks about the manipulation of media. All of these derives from electracy in human interactions. I wonder if we can move away from this.


Madrigal Article:

Culture jamming is using the brands against themselves by altering it. The concept is to make brands fight against themselves by changing the influences that individuals see. The advancement of advertisers has become more efficient at targeting people. Advertisers are now charged by an individual clicking an ad for them to earn money. Clicks have become the best way to disrupt and protest companies by taking away their money. While the idea of ignoring corporate greed is an agreement, we all try to live with, we are forced to fight the nature of our minds. With society aimed at closely monitoring us with the sole purpose of making us consumers, a form of creativity is born to fight back called culture jamming. The solution to combat these advertisements is to muddy the water by distorting the effects these corporations try to bring.



Amazon logo:

In this culture jam I chose the amazon logo and focused on altering the image to make people feel like they have become zombies. I was interested in this because of how big the company was. With so many people buying things for a higher price just because of popularity or because people do not change often. I wanted to show society that we can choose to make decisions that go away from the norm. I used Gimp to alter the amazon logo. I was learning for a while just on how to use it and made many mistakes. I finally was comfortable to at least produce a decent outlook of what I wanted to express and that is what you see.


Energizer Bunny:

The image I altered is the energizer bunny, wreaking havoc on the earth and causing black ooze to come out. People should be made aware that batteries are damaging the earth. As batteries corrode through time after they are manufactured, they contaminate the earth. I got interested in this topic because in the military I was the hazmat coordinator and one of my jobs was taking all the batteries and keeping them in a safe place for disposal. Even with new batteries after a while they corrode and are useless. I hope we can move away from these types of batteries so the earth can recharge itself from the pollution of chemicals. I made this image by using Canva after trial and errors.

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Blog post 9

Its official 

“Our tenure on earth is short,but we are definitely a successful species,so successful that we are nwo regrettably driving everything else extinct.if radiation follow an extinction event is tied to the event itself,then species that are resistant to human action should be the big winners this time around .we should look forward to thailand of new species of cockroaches and pigeons,but we might not be there to see them”


Though it’s true that the world is suffering from global warming ,most people are not really concerned because they believe that we won’t suffer or be affected ,and that only animals feel it.But that’s not true at all humans will also be affected by this.those animals anm insect that are meant to survive and that can adapt so while some animals might be there years from noe we will not live to see it 

“It is, I promise,worse  than you think . if your anxiety about global warming is dominated ny fears of sea level rise you are barkley scratching the surface of what terrors are possible even with in the lifetime of a teenager today 


In the world we live in,with all the technology that is around,most of those do not show how bad global warming really is. Most people don’t take is serious because they just don’t know how bad it can actually get  not just a few ice melting and the rising of the ocean level or the rising temperature on most i thought that was the worst ,but the worst is yet to come 

What most researchers have found is that in most languages,including English,there is a high correlation between folk and scientific classification .indigenous communities actually cltheir language in an organized fashion just like scientists do and what’s more they’ve been doing it for years.


Language is a big part of your means so much,culture,how you act,how to dress and so on. Its suppose to keep us connected to nature and  our true self.But it seems that with every generation the farther away it go from our true authentic language,which of coarse drives us away from nature.We all need to embrace our language more inorder for people to be truly impacted by global warming and change may happen.

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Questions for Ulmer


When will the ISA fully adopt electracy?

I ask this because society has been operating between orality and literacy, with the merging of technology over the years. However, the ISA being family, church, school and media, hasn’t changed much to reflect the electracy pedagogy.  I would like to know if one day it will be the primary way of interacting or communicating, as the others become secondary.


How will electracy’s defining axis (attraction and repulsion) be a method of learning?

I ask this question because with orality we learned what was right/wrong and with literacy what is true/false. However, with electracy being attraction/repulsion how can that be implemented as a teaching method when those things (attraction and repulsion) seem to be personal.


Wallace-Wells Response:

“There are now, trapped in Arctic ice, diseases that have not circulated in the air for millions of years—in some cases, since before humans were around to encounter them. Which means our immune systems would have no idea how to fight back when those prehistoric plagues emerge from the ice” (p. 5).

This quote was interesting in that it highlighted that there are viruses and disease hidden in the ice, and that if global warming is not addressed the ice would melt exposing us to disease we have never encountered before. I thought about Covid-19 and how the pandemic impacted us because it was a mutated virus that we were not prepared for. Even though we have found a way to vaccinate people to decrease the chances of death, there is still the fact that our immunity weakens overtime after catching it leaving us susceptible to other illnesses. This article, to me, was like sounding an alarm to what is happening in our environment currently and how imminent the disasters are. This quote was a reminder of how the last few years have been in a pandemic and that we need to make changes quickly.


Luu Response:

“Linguist Michael Halliday argues that inherent in the very anthropocentric grammar of our languages is the ideology that humans are special beings quite apart from the rest of the natural world, and that unlimited growth and human exploitation of natural resources are normal and remarkable.”

This quote made me think about the Hawaiian culture, where the Hawaiians had respect for the land, building a relationship through that respect as not to destroy it. I also understand this quote to mean that we as humans see ourselves as separate from nature, nature being something we can explore when we desire for entertainment but not as us living on Earth, among nature and respecting it. I think it brings awareness to the fact that humans can be self-absorbed sometimes, unless there is a natural disaster some of us aren’t thinking about what’s happening to our environment/ planet. That we should consider taking care of our environment instead of relying on our environment to always produce for us. I found this quote to be very reflective of the problems occurring in our environment/ planet and the reasons behind it.


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Culture Jam and post #9

culture jam and post #9

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BP 9

Ulmer Paper Questions:

Will there ever be achieved human essence through the constant changing of choice, productivity, and virtues through the eyes of the laws of nature? 

I’m asking this because Ulmer says that “Human essence is happiness, but may be achieved only collectively in a polis (Republic), through human choice and productivity.” But if the aparatus changes because it’s not the laws of nature but human capabilities, I only asked where does the law of nature exist? Because human evolution’s is inevitable, nature plays a small role whereas electric plays a. major role because of the combination of human desire and technology. Is there no laws of nature in that?

Has the concept of reflective judgement changed through the ideas of orality, literacy, Paleolithic, and electracy relating to culture, virtues, and morals?

Change and judgement is about perception. But because perception and perspective have changed through the centuries, I was curious to want to understand how reflective judgment has changed through the different areas of importance in human society.



The Uninhabitable Earth: 

“Over the past decades, our culture has gone apocalyptic with zombie movies and Mad Max dystopias, perhaps the collective result of displaced climate anxiety, and yet when it comes to contemplating real-world warming dangers, we suffer from an incredible failure of imagination.” 

Because of the media that portrays climate or different outcomes of what the world will look like in the future, there aren’t guaranteed confirmations until the time comes, Because we are so reliant to believe what the media says is true, there is no room for real facts and it will become difficult for the truth to accept fact for what is and what will be.

How Language and Climate Connect: 

“We prize the sober language of science, but too often it’s incomprehensible jargon. In the media, so-called “neutral” language that hedges its bets and avoids alarming with any comfortable emotions abounds.” 

The language and the facts that are used to describe the climate changing can only be understood by scientists and other professionals in those professions. Outsiders will not understand what this means unless explained in simple terms, But even if it’s explained in implies terms, we can’t truly and fully understand what it means because it’s not provoking or causing a reaction in use to want to put a plan in motion.

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Culture Jam Initial Research

Creative Detournement: An artistic practice conceived by the Situationists for transforming artworks by creatively disfiguring them. (

 This is an example of creative detournement as this images represents the the unhealthy effects people are experiencing by eating McDonalds.

Culture Jamming: A form of political and social activism which by means of fake adverts, hoax news stories, pastiches company logos, and product labels, computer hacking etc. draws attention to and at the same time subverts the power of the media, governments, and large corporations to control and distort the information that they give to the public in order to promote consumerism, militarism, etc. (

 This image provides an example of culture jamming because Apple products have been the top selling technology in the world through their phones, laptops, tablets, computers, and other accessories. There are many different versions of every product Apple produces and releases; but the price of these products are extremely high. But because Apple knows that individuals will buy their products because of through their use of advertisements and updates features on their products, people are not only paying for the product, but for the logo too.

Difference: Creative détournement and culture jamming are different because culture jamming is used to promote other issues like consumerism while creative detournement is used to make fun of something that can relate to a public or private issue.

Creating My Own: If I were to come up with a creative detournement or culture jamming, I would have to find issues that people are most passionate about, what’s trending in the news in any field, and find what would cause for the most entertainment in terms of visuals; what will be most appealing and eye-catching for audiences. I would have to make sure that these things will become statements and provoke emotion to audiences.

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Streaming Services

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