BP 13

The question I asked Professor Ulmer was: how can we resist the negative portions of electracy that impacts our everyday life in society? The answer I received was a bit confusing until I heard that we can’t avoid the negative side to electracy. For example, with attraction/repulsion we cannot resist just the bad side and have to work with both. I did not have any outstanding questions because I had a clear answer to my question. We should struggle side by side with the negatives of electracy because we cannot directly avoid them. Following up to Professor Ulmer’s response I would say our appetite has taken us down a rabbit hole of new obstacles that we have to face every day because of electracy. But what happens if we massively limit our electracy and only have the educational parts of it. Would we not see less negatives and produce more gains in the process of improving our individual identity.

My overall impression of the meeting was enlightening. Although I was trying to understand the majority of what was said in each sentence by piecing together words, I still learned a lot. My thoughts on electracy were that it is in society and not going anywhere but we need to figure out a way to use it and not be consumed like the majority has in various ways. One for example was when Professor Ulmer mentioned in Japan people who were so consumed by manga and anime that they lived it day in and day out, wasting all their money. This is important to know not just for our future but for ourselves, to be mindful of the outcome electracy can have on our will.

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