BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy

“Sensation metaphysics, augmented in digital technology, builds out the human demand for self-stimulation, the appetites of sensory organs (the lamella) engaged through consumption of every kind, from drugs, coffee, spice, to body to body replication of behavior accomplished by watching sports, movies, pornography (accounted for by the discovery of mirror neurons). 


  • Does our brain function change by things we consume from electracy for example the good and bad? If yes what scientific study proves this? 

Theming Mystory

“If the human capability is the cause of Anthropocene, human creativity is the remedy. Students are introduced to electracy by composing a mystory, to discover and design their own theming of capabilities, the target of marketing but also a source of creativity, perhaps to play their wide image against disaster in Al game architecture”. 

  • Is the electracy era assisting students in reaching their full potential?
  • Are we becoming more creative due to electracy?

Creative project 

My thinking behind this creative project is to spread awareness regarding mental health services for youth. I am a human services student who hopes to someday work as a school psychologist. Over the past few semesters, I have taken various classes related to youth, mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice, etc. My passion for mental health has evolved deeper as time passes. Additionally, “According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in five children and adolescents experience a mental health problem during their school years. Examples include stress, anxiety, bullying, family problems, depression, learning disability, and alcohol and substance abuse. Serious mental health problems, such as self-injurious behaviors and suicide, are on the rise, particularly among youth”. And many types of research have demonstrated that students who receive social-emotional and mental and behavioral health support achieve better academically. So, my goal is to send out the message to youth that it is okay to seek mental health services during school years and aim for a promising future. I hope to do that by advocating for mental health classes in public schools and promoting mental awareness on social media. I used the app Canva for this image. I have also worked on a stronger image and message based on the suggestion I received from my peers and professor.

Culture Jam

I have created this image to articulate the struggles adults and teenagers face while working in the fast food industry. I specifically chose Burger King because I worked there for a year when I was 16 years old. I wasn’t treated there fairly. I believe others have also encountered similar concussions while working in the fast food industry. The environment of the fast food industry is horrific. My goal is to bring that to everyone’s attention so capitalists can work toward improving the environment for the youth and adults as well. I used the app Canva for this project. I have also chosen a new image for this culture jam. I changed the word “Whopper” to youth abuse. Because I have experienced disrespect, overwork, and poor management throughout my labor duration. I have met many individuals my age who have encountered similar situations throughout their fast food experience. Additionally, I would like to include that capitalism is damaging youth and we all should advocate for better conditions and management for fast food employees. 

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