Language and Technology Narrative

language and Technology Narrative – Copy – Copy

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3 Responses to Language and Technology Narrative

  1. Ahmad says:

    I loved how you shared your childhood memories and family background. especially your fathers passion for drawing comics, your concerns with social media and privacy falls in the with the rest of us and it really is a problem we should start tackling now. I respect your decision to stay away from social media too focus on your personal life. appreciated your unique perspectives on these topics.

  2. Nino says:

    Very interesting. I liked how you went into detail about your past. Good decision to stay off social media there is not much your missing lol. I wish I could delete all my social media but a lot of it is memories, pictures, etc. Cool essay!

  3.   Hello James,

    I loved your essay and loved how every point made was based on your experiences and thoughts. I also enjoyed reading your points and agreed with them such as camera phones invading one’s privacy and individuals running to record rather than helping in some instances. One thing you can add is how technology has shaped you as an individual overall. Great job!!

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