BP 11 and Final Culture Jams

Cabaret Academy: How does our exploration into flesh relate with electracy?

Why: “by exploiting the little sensation” and “the feeling of being alive”, flesh is connected to electracy. When Ulmer talks about this, he mentions a story of a memory of someone eating a biscuit from their beloved grandmother. When we trigger these memories, it must have a significant connection and we place values on these sensations that come. With all these stories we were told growing up, does it hold more or less value than personal ones if we vividly remember one over the other. If so, then is certain parts of electracy placing burdens on our recollection? This is another question that I thought of during the thought process of why I chose the original question.


Theming Mystory: How is memory and recollection closely related to electracy and our life mood?

Why: The theme of the last section talks mostly about our memory and recollection of our childhood. The images and how we perceive it, is closely related to our exposure to objects in our childhood. For our society to receive help from electracy we will have to explore this together, to rid ourselves from social intrusion. Our creativity is the backbone of our life mood, but I do not understand much about how it links to electracy.



Image 1: The thinking behind my project is that most people do not need to buy the things they do, but we do anyway because of accessibility. Amazon shopping promotes frivolous shopping to make people into zombies. I hope to let people know the importance of refraining from desires and having control of your thoughts in purchasing. I used gimp at first but realized Canva is much easier to use, and I can get a lot more done. With the feedback I received from my peers and professor, I wanted a more simple but deeper approach to the logo as well as zombies shopping. I got rid of “into” to keep the message clearer. With zombies holding bags I feel like it does. With all the feedback obtained, I am pleased of the creation I made.


Image 2: My project is about battery waste and how it is not very well known or if it is, most people do not care about it. This has been taken for granted with the many new batteries and companies coming out for cheaper and/or reliable batteries which makes it worse for the environment. I used Canva again for this project because I felt like I could do a lot more with it. My experience in troubleshooting with it earlier saved me a bit of time. With feedback given I fixed my bunny cutout and made other changes. Though I did try to implement a bunny walking around in the background, I could not do so. I did show batteries rotting and the city destroyed to correlate what batteries could do to the earth. As such I improved the image with better manipulation from the feedback I received.

P.S. this is a screenshot from a video using snipping tool on my desktop. Most things moving in the image but not the bunny.

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