Blog post 2

tech lit draft__sybilcodrington

Part 1 

  1. Who did these graphics? 
  2. Why did Newt Gingrich discount McLuhan and who is McGovernik? (pg. 10) 
  3. What does McLuhan mean by “retribalized man”? (pg. 33) 
  4. Who were his critics? (pg. 35) 
  5. I may have to rewatch Annie Hall to see the McLuhan scene. (pg. 36) 
  6. I found McLuhan’s thoughts on Hitler interesting. (pg. 39) 
  7. Can you explain McLuhan’s media classification of hot and cold? (pg. 52) 
  8. “…writing separated speech from the other physical senses.” (pg. 49) 
  9. “No fixed viewpoint.” (pg. 54)  
  10. “Transformed into writing, speech lost the quality it had in the age of acoustic space.” (pg. 48) 

 Part 2 

“He cautioned that we should step into his writings the way we step into a bath: the exact entry point is of no importance, because a moment later we will be in a new environment–” (pg. 13) 

 Part 3 

I chuckled when I saw this graphic of McLuhan because it resembles Jack Nicholson in sunglasses. 


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One Response to Blog post 2

  1. Hey Sybil,

    I really liked how you described your history in writing and bringing up your parents memories for inspiring you to writing. I also really enjoyed how you brought up how you wrote crusive just like your father to write fancy signatures. It was the professional and adult way of writing papers and signatures. My only feed back would be to add on to the essay that’s it.

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