Blog post 2

Part 1:

1. Did McLuhan not have a clear, thesis, viewpoint, or linear structure in his writing because it would defeat the point that he is trying to make? (what he is saying does not matter because the medium is the message)

2. Did McLuhan enjoy art? I felt that his thoughts were poetic in a way (the city being an “extension of our skin” p. 38) and he kind of brings a surrealist, meta quality to his writing.

3. In reference to his thoughts on Hitler, how would television had led to his disappearance? Would McLuhan think the same about the internet? (p.39)

4. Does McLuhan often borrow technical language? The author uses McLuhan’s idea of high and low definition to demonstrate this, but McLuhan also does this when speaking about monetary hardware vs monetary software (p.41) and the idea of probes (p.32). Did the author intentionally not organize this in a clear way to capture McLuhans “mosaic” method of writing?

5. Would LED light strips and hue lightbulbs change McLuhans opinion on lightbulbs being a message free medium?

6. Has McLuhans message become “easier” to understand with the creation of new technologies? (I don’t think I’d even begin to understand this without the internet)

7. Would McLuhan agree that the intended message gets lost the further down we go in the media chain?

8. Has this concept of media chains and media working in pairs changed since we’ve been introduced to new media (smartphones, laptops, TV, tablets)? Has it become more of a media web or cycle?

9. Are the images and illustrations in the reading intentionally “McLuhanian”?

10. What is a 3D fireplace? I’d like to read the Exploration magazine.

Part 2:

The linear thought produced “…economically… the assembly line and industrial society”

I chose this quote because it shows how technology can have a significant impact on culture and society. I think back to a professor I had who used to say that we sit in school we sit in rows to train us to be factory workers. He would say this is done so certain people are allowed to make connections while others are not.

Part 3:

I chose this image (p.21) because I felt like it captured the essence of McLuhan’s concept of hold and cold media before the author introduces it. The hands against the white background are very clear, whereas the part of the image on the black background takes more time to decipher.

Tech Lit Narrative Draft 1

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2 Responses to Blog post 2

  1. Hello Kaila,

    I enjoyed reading your narrative, and it seems you also enjoyed writing it as well. You did a good job showcasing how technology is able to change society, and how the world transitioned from one form of literacy to electracy. The only thing to add is perhaps develop how society became divided due to the digital revolution. Other than that great writing.

  2. Good evening Kailia,

    I enjoyed reading your tech lit essay I feel like you made it your own in a very unique way. You also influenced me to make mine more about my story with literature and technology and not more about the facts and what I thought about both. Great job. One thing I think you can add is more of your thoughts as technology has advanced and changed throughout the years.

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