Chapter 9 Ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics are instructions and rules a professional must follow in order to keep a stable and respectful relationship with the client. A professional must have autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity. If a professional has this, it is more likely that he/she can maintain a good relationship with the client because they will feel safe and helped. A professional’s and a client’s well being will be constant if these rules are followed.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

Part of the responsibilities of a human service professional is that he/she needs to gain the trust of the client and  protect them from physical or economic harms. Therefore, a client with this attention will be able to gain self-sufficiency and gain the skills they need in order to solve their living problems. This is how the client’s well-being will improve.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

As human service professionals, they have the responsibility to communicate to their superiors and authorities about a client who might be of danger to a third person or the community. Also, as professionals they are required to be accepting and more open minded of diverse cultures. Therefore, professionals help to keep away danger from communities and they provide help  for other people from different cultures. Well-being is being promoted through these various ways of help.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professionals are able to talk about the situations of their clients among themselves because of the relative confidentiality. This can be very helpful to the professionals since they are able to hear more suggestions regarding on how to help the client. Therefore, the client is going to be more benefited due to the various opinions shared from different colleagues of the professional who is helping him/her.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

A human service professional needs to make sure he/she is providing help to the client within their knowledge and continuously update themselves with new material regarding their profession. Therefore, a client can be assured that he/she will be provided with adequate help regarding their certain living problem.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

A human services professional is encharged of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the agency they are working for, and when a problem occurs it is their responsibility to know how to solve it properly. Therefore, the client is going to be assured with effective services that will improve their well-being.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

All the good qualities that a professional must posses are: accountability, own values, respect, empathy, cultural background, and genuineness. When a professional has these qualities, it is more likely that the client will be able to trust more easily and therefore feel more comfortable. Moreover, a human services professional commits to learn the rest of their lives about the new problems that society will face throughout time. Hence, professionals will have updated information and will be able to provide adequate help for their clients.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

A human services educator must allow their students to express their opinions, provide them with his/her own experiences, although the educators should not impose their own moral views on them. If an educator provides with the right material to their students, then the students will be likely to become good professionals. Therefore, the clients will receive the best possible assistance that they need.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The first stage to ethical decision making is to identify the problem, which may require to seek for extra information about the situation. The second stage is to consult with different experts or colleagues, this requires a professional to ask for different opinions regarding the situation which might help. The third stage is identify and explore options, which will require brainstorming on what the outcomes will be from each option. The last stage is to make a choice and act, in this last stage it is required to look at back at the process and revise if it is the right thing to do.  Without the stages of decision making, it would be almost impossible to make the best choice to help the client. The process of decision making helps the professionals to think through all of the options available for the client. Therefore, thanks to this process professionals are able to take their best decision and help improve the well-being of the clients.

chp 2 questions : Human Services

Describe the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were distressed

– Back then when people didn’t really understand what mental illnesses were, often times the techniques would be putting people into straight jackets and have them in that position for many hours at a time. Many wouldn’t even be able to move for several days because of it. Also another method that as used was to seclude them in a padded cell under lock key. But with more research and also the mental health movement , which included Phillipe Pinel , Benjamin Rush and Clifford Beers , caused for methods to change for the better. For example some solutions now in days are therapy exercises and even medication that help you live life.

Describe the evolution of well being services from the middle ages to present day by individuals , professionals and society

– Before the middle ages people thought that mental illnesses came from the devil . But Hippocrates , a physician in the 3rd century , used a scientific approach for mental illnesses . He believed that mental illnesses and disorders all were caused by natural causes for example brain disease. From then on Asylums were created to house the mentally ill. Then came the Elizabeth poor laws that became a revolution in mental health for many disabled people. This law was created to give aid to those who were out of work and children whose parents could not support them as well. Now present day many changes have occured in the human service. One major development happened during the Jimmy Carter Administration. For one the the department of Health and Human Services was founded.

Describe how Obama-Care’s mission is to aid the well being of americans

– For starters , its mission is to help people who aren’t able to get health insurance get health insurance. We all know that staying healthy is extremely important in a persons well being. Its a great help for those who can’t afford going to doctors and making sure there in good health. Especially for children that are chronically ill aren’t denied coverage. In simple terms no one gets turned away for not being able to pay.

Describe how the human service movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The movements helped address problems and concerns that weren’t even thought about before. For example addressing the shortage of mental health personnel in underserved areas. But this of course requires support from the government and federal money for financial support.

Describe how the mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society.

– The National Association for Mental Health helped improve hospitals for the mentally ill also promote public concern for those who were in need. Education on mental health was being improved which was helpful for clients ,that way others had a better understanding on diseases , diagnosis and create a more affective treatment. This all happened because of Clifford Beers , who was a mental illness victim himself, wrote a book where he wrote about his experience , collapse and his treatment. He also founded the Connecticut Society for mental hygiene.

Describe how entitlement benefits (medicaid,medicare,welfare)promote the well being of individuals/society.

– GIves individuals the aid they need and resources for living. sadly there are many people who cannot afford medication or even support there family members. So the entitlement benefits help give them hope and happiness because it gives them relief and less stressed with the struggle of trying to make it work and getting through each day.


Chapter 9 hw

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

Because it sets a safe environment for the client and the professional. There are boundaries and rules they both must follow. All this in the intent for a positive relationship between the professional and client to be made. It tells a professional how they can handle certain situations, gives them alternatives and holds them to a certain standard. This is so that the client or the professional never have to fear uncomfortable or feel in danger.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

The HUS professional has the responsibility to the client to be able to offer all services the client needs this is so that the client gets the treatment they need or deserve. A professional also needs to make the effort to keep up in things that are going on around their clients, they should try to go to workshops on current issues affecting people, this so that they can help a client by being up to date with things, it benefits the client that the professional be competent.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

The responsibility the professional is held to has a lot to do with safety , they are aware of laws and legislation’s that apply to their work settings. They know about any issues affecting the community. This is helpful to the well being of their client because they can make connections to what is going on in their lives to their community and in that way be able to understand their client and their issues better.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

A professional must always have good communication with their fellow colleagues. If ever there should be a conflict, the professional must always try to first address it with their colleague. By doing so a professional is creating a positive relationship with their colleagues. So that if they ever need help from them to help their client , they will gladly help and also creates a positive space for the client to be around.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

A professional has certain standards they are held to, they must always meet these. As a HUS worker, there are certain skills they should have and certain ways they need to act around a client. They need to have certain academic requirements, and also always be up to improvement. A professional must always keep track of what is around them what issues are being presented, take training and such to be able to handle such. This is so that they are ready to work with their client and know what they are doing.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

Professionals make deals or commitments with their employers. They are expected to follow these regulations. They must make an effort to always keep up with these rules and ask their employers of any questions they might have. This makes the agency they are working at more professional, and the client will feel more secure there.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self-promotes well-being for the client.

The professional must have good character this meaning be accountable, dependable, responsible etc. A professional must see the room for improvement . Always be up for change and feedback. By doing this they will be a better professional and more able to help their clients. They will know how to appropriately handle a situation.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

By demonstrating skills , no bias, staying up to date on current events. By doing so they are able to offer their clients important information, available programming , & giving their client what they need.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The four steps are to identify the dilemma, generate possible courses of action, determine consequences and select a course of action. these steps are all taken to help the client. To discuss the best possible solution to this outcome, it is to help the well being of the client.

Chapter 9

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.
The Code of Ethics is a statement of ethical standards of behavior. It’s a guide to the professional on their roles, rules, responsibilities to their client, and the profession. It is also setting rules and limitations to their client.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.
The responsibility of the human service professional promotes well-being to the client by acknowledging what is important, therefore being there for their client making sure that their client are doing what they suppose to do , so they’re not in danger , and not only recognizing situations but also making sure everything is alright. Human Services professionals are also responsible to have a well knowledge of their client’s culture in making treatment plans, and problem defining to promote the well-being of the client.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promotes well-being.
Human services professionals promotes responsibility to the community and society promotes well-being by if the worker see that the client isn’t following rules, or doing what they suppose to do. The worker is suppose to talk to the client and if talking to the client doesn’t work then the worker has to ask for help or report it.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.
Human Services profession promotes well-being to their client by since it’s their profession the worker should have useful ways to increase their professional’s strengths by knowing better ways to make their client more comfortable to promote the client’s well-being. Another responsibility to the profession is that the workers recognize what is wrong with their client and figure out what to help them to make them better.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the clients.
The human service professional’s promotes responsibility and well being to the clients by the workers makes a commitment to themselves and client by being there and supporting them. Another responsibility is by helping their clients grow it makes them grow as a person knowing that they can help someone else and having a personal growth of their attitudes and values towards their clients. Also providing care, help, and assisting them in a situation that they have difficulty in.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well being for the client.
The human services professional’s responsibilities to the employers promote Well-being to the clients, because the worker has to make sure they are doing everything they suppose to do for their client and having it done to the best of their abilities. Also promoting well being for clients the worker has to be trustworthy, committed to the task and the client and worker must work together to solve the issue that the client has going on help the client out.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the clients.
Human service responsibility promotes well-being for the clients because since the workers know what they are getting themselves into by meeting different people with different situations. They are responsible to help them and if the client tries to hurt themselves then they have to report it, but besides that the worker is a person for help and being there for someone for a person who didn’t have anyone there for them.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.
Human Services professional’s responsibilities to the educators is something that is important because it’s important that the worker is aware of the clients health, and making sure that they are being taken care of which is importance of their well-being. Also if giving someone or another upcoming worker an opportunity the worker can help them by promoting the well-being or importance for the client and having full commitment on teaching others on well-being.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.
The four stages of ethical decision making are that an ethical decision is when there isn’t a statement or code of ethics that can solve a problem or situation in the human service field. The stages are resolving a conflict that doesn’t promote the well-being to a client and or society. Therefore stage one is that a person can figure out a problem or situation. Stage two is asking others for help such as supervisors and co workers. Lastly once you seek helped and figure out the situation you can chose how to solve it.

chapter 9 questions

1. The human services code of ethics inititates guides and promotes a clinical arena for professionmal and client well being. Each human services code of ethics is somewhat of a guide line to help make everything better for the client. Rules are set to ensure the best surroundings for each client.

2.The human services professional responsibility to clients promotes well being. They help clients by not just trying to figuire out what each problem is but to provide the resources so that they client can have a better chance for the best possible outcome in the end.Giving them all the choices that they have.

3.The human servies professional responsibilities to the community and society help to promote well being. Human service workers should be able to help any type of client with issues not just one type of group.In other words all human service workers should be diverse in what they do to make sure that they can help each client to the best of their ability.

4.The human services professionals responsibilities to colleagues promote well being for the client by networking. Human service workers can better keep in contact throught networking getting things done at a faster pace. This means that the client is being helped at a faster pace and also the humans service worker can acess help easily through networking.

5.The human services professionals responsibilities to the profession promote Well being to the clients.This helps ensure that each and every client that a human service worker sees is given respect and being treated the way they should be treated, while still doing the job that the clinet is their for you to do.

6.The human services professionals responsibilities to the employers promote Well being to the clients. Humans services are what they are because they are capable of doing certain things that others can not do. But if not then why work as a human service worker if your not going to do your job, which is to help people to the best of your ability. Have the requirements are key to make it in this feild of work.

7.The human services professionals responsibility to self promote Well being to the clients. Human service workers help those in need; those who are not able to help themselves. You should give nothing less but your all into helping clients until you have nothing else to give.

8.The human services professionals responsibilities to educators promote Well being. Especially to the clients because they are the ones that are in the need of help.

Human Services and Ethical Practice

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

Human Services code of ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being because they set standards on how they should be with their clients. They set standards for how to protect the client and guide them but with this also comes some limitations to that.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being. 

Human Service professionals commit to helping clients develop to what they can do best and protecting them from any harm. They are obligated to give the clients high quality service. They are supposed to look for and develop resources for certain cases if they can’t find for the client. They are suppose to do everything to make the client feel satisfied and happy.

3.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

Human service professionals provide share social issues with clients if it might pertain to them. They don’t discriminate against each client due to race, ethnicity, gender, culture etc. They are aware of their clients background to know the impact they might have on others. They seek help themselves in order to better benefit their clients such as in training,  experience, education and etc.

4.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

When colleagues have an issue they try and talk things out to solve the problem. Each human service professional avoid copying the other so for that not to happen they speak to other professionals in order to assist the client in a different matter. If colleagues are getting out of hand and one can’t speak to the other one of the colleagues reports the behaviors to supervisory or administrative staff. Everything between colleagues is kept a secret unless it will do harm to the clients.

5.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professionals know their limits they only tell clients what they know from knowledge and offer services only from their own knowledge. They don’t go looking for something else. The professionals look for supervision and consultation when making a decision that involves legal, ethical or other stuff. These professionals are honest and act with integrity etc. They always seek for new and effective ways to enhance themselves in their work field.

6.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s always provide well performance to have high quality client services. They evaluate how well they do based on assessment measures. Also if conflict rises they find ways to manage it.

7.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professional’s see the growth or awareness of themselves which help them  to not have conflict with those of their clients. They also learn that they have more to learn and upgrade their knowledge and skills to better help the clients with their needs and wants.

8.  Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

Humans service professionals create a context where students can learn and achieve knowledge, skills, value, and attitudes. Human service professionals are enthusiastic and committed to teaching students.

9.  Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The first stage is to identify the problem this means gathering a lot of information that might have to be legal, ethical, moral and determine how this could help the client. The second stage is consult with colleagues or experts this gives you help to fix the dilemma if you listen to different opinions. The third stage is identify and explore options meaning you consult and brainstorm to learn of the disadvantages and advantages or maybe benefits. The last stage is choose a course of action and act meaning study the process and choice.

Todays Class Notes

Economy= money$$

-de blasio is the mayor of new york

-primary elections happen before officail electoion/when 2 o more candidates are chosen.

-the dominate 2 parties are..demoratic and republican

-de blasio won for the democratic party and lhota won for the republican party but in the end it was de blasio who won it all!

-when writing an analysis you have to think about argumentative, using claims and evidence.

-new on openlab(learning community happiness archive) idea from sara ahmed.

happiness is effected by society.


consituents-means supporters

summary-over review of what was said

analysis-developing your own idea/ making your own argument

argumentative-claim/prove something related to the topic(persuasive or thesis)

marginalze(verb)-to make something marginal(adj) they dont share in the same priveledges as other people

For Example





normativ(adj)-typical or acting inan exceptable manner

normal(adj) norms(noun)

abnormal-act in a way that is not normal

stigma-labled in a bad way

connotation-the association of a word

dennotation-dictionary defintion

statu quo-the way things are

attend-to pay attention

archive-delt with/save it

tangent-not directically


cohere-to bring together



Natalie’s News

Hey students,

It’s your peer mentor Natalie here again letting you know I will be meeting you all tomorrow for the first time in your HUS 1101 class. I am very excited to meet you all. Since I was not able to meet you all for the past few weeks I still have great news. We were suppose to have a welcome event, unfortunately it was cancelled.

Nonetheless, Student life and Development will be having a Hispanic event this Thursday to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month during club hours at the cafeteria. There will be food, a Mariachi band and some goodies which would be distributed to students. Secondly, the Placement Office is holding a Jobs & Internships Orientation for students searching for opportunities. It is also during club hours in room N700. I hope you enjoy these events. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Chapter 9 HUS 1101 HW: Chapter Discussion Questions On Well-Being2

1. The human services code of ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being by setting rules and limititations that are applicable to best assist the client.

2. The human services professional responsibility to clients promotes well-being because they don’t just recognize situations. They evaluate by assessing all views, generate possible decisions, weighing all possible consequences. with awareness and understanding skills.

3. The human services professional responsibilities to the community and society promote well-being by modifying interventions so that they are appropriate and effective with different diversities, whether it be through mediation or counseling etc…. help is provided.

4. The human services professionals responsibilities to colleagues promote well-being for the client through networking.Colleagues share information with each other that might be more suitable for the client that they are assisting at that present point and time.Delivering more resources and “man Power” to get the job done.

5. The human services professionals responsibilities to the profession promote Well-being to the clients, simply because it sets the grounds for commitment to respect the a clients rights, while providing care, help and assistance in the clients area of difficulty.

6. The human services professionals responsibilities to the employers promote Well-being to the clients, because they have to ensure that their job is done to the best of their abilities. Reason being why they were employed in the first place, that they meet the job requirements and have the knowledge and the skill to perform.

7.The human services professionals responsibility to self promote Well-being to the clients because they work with a sense of value and commitment.doing all that can be done to help those in need, doing somethings that might not even be ethical to the field but the best for their client. self gratifying!!!.

8. The human services professionals responsibilities to educators promote Well-being to the clients because they are guided by principle to either inform or become informed.

Visions of well-being NYC

In Bill De Blasio’s primary victory speech he discusses various points in making New York City a better living for its citizens. He addresses to current situations that needed to be solved. De Blasio mentions how New Yorkers should all stick together and support one another, he believed that as society they should stick together to make a better life and living for one another. He also discusses about the pro active policing became racial profiling, the wealthy are supported from the great recession while half of New York citizens are living in poverty and parents who are not able to support their children will not be able to obtain a college education (17:23) . His hopes is to make New York a better place to live and get it back to how it used to be where everyone was for another ,and stood up for each.

He believes there was a time when New Yorkers supported each other and helped each other throughout any circumstance, such as September 11, when it wasn’t about race, color, ethnicity, it was all about survival, and helping each other get through a horrifying tragic. In the year of 2000/2001 was when people helped one another without any questions asked or economic stability, race or anything else. De Blasio also believes that all children should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential because they don’t have many opportunities because of their parents. De blasio mentions how the wealthy who makes half a million dollars or more are being asked to pay a little more in taxes, to fund in after school programs and pre-k, but the wealthy think that is a bit too much to do. De Blasio disagrees and goes on to mention why it’s necessary and is important because he felt we should dedicate ourselves to each other and it’s a risk that they can’t afford to take. (16:02-17:00).

De Blasio states New York as a tale of two cities (10:46) the rich and the poor, but De Blasio is for the poor, he is trying to make a change in how society live and wants to have equal opportunities between the rich and poor. He believes New York can go back to being a city where everyone cares for one another and have each other’s shoulders to lean on. He wants the city where he is trying to re-create and re-establish, by tackling the current problems that burdens New Yorkers and solving them it will eventually equal to our well-being and happiness. He believes that New Yorkers have come too far to go behind.

In Joe Lhota’s primary victory speech he speaks on unifying the city and making the public and government go hand in hand. Lhota believes that everyone in the city has more in common rather than differences. When speaking about the common desires for more of the people he mentions safer streets, proper education for children for a better future, good paying jobs to secure food and shelter for their families and a better life. Lhota believes that New York is on the right path and wants it to continue. Something major Lhota talks about is Crimes. He discusses that crimes are at its lowest points, but noticed that the economy is expanding and large industries are providing good paying job which is what they are rooting for. Throughout his speech he not only makes his view point of things, but also made sure to hear another point of view that the audience is aware of the other parties of what he believes and others. He believes that stop and frisk should continue and that New Yorkers should support NYPD in order to have safer streets. Also he wants children have a good strong education, just as Bill De Blasio, but believes parents should be involved in the process with their child. Lhota states that he can bring the city together so that we can have a stronger foundation and get things done.