Does Money Measure Happiness?

In Sonja Lyubomirsky’s article, “How to buy happiness,”  she tells us it’s not about how much money we have, but how we spend it. In other words, she values the way the money was spent in “quality” more than the “quantity” in which the money was spent. Sonja tells us that we should be wise with our money and to not just go spend it on what will make us feel happy for the moment.  Sonja collected data from a survey filled out by college freshmen in the US to figure out what were their main goals in life. She received that 77 percent of the people said being financially well. She also spoke with an Ivy league educated plastic surgeon who says he had it all and was very wealthy. However, he told her at one point he started feeling dis motivated and though he had everything he desired, he also felt miserable. This showed that even with so much money you wouldn’t necessarily be happy. Spending our money wisely makes us much happier. Sonja states in her article that you are more likely to be happier spending for someone close to you than shopping for yourself. She also collected data from Cornell University and The University of Colorado Boulder saying “it’s the experience, not things, that make us happy.” On paragraph number four she states, “most possessions don’t tend to change after we’ve bought them, so we adapt to them a great deal faster. Once we open the box and put our new item on the shelf, or in the closet or garage, it won’t be long before we feel like it’s been there forever.” Every object/material we purchase will have its time where it’s valuable to us until eventually, it will lose its value to the point where it might not matter if we have it anymore. For example, buying a car just to impress your work buddies but in reality you hate the car. You’re pretty much stuck with it now unless of course you sell it. This then leads us to the experience we have after the purchase.

Let me give you an example, I am a Yankees Fan and this is Derek Jeter’s last season before his tenure is over, I would be satisfied if I spent my money on bleacher seats, manage to make my way through the stadium and get my Derek Jeter jersey signed by himself rather than buying seats behind home plate which are much more expensive and not get anything signed. What I’m trying to say is how you should improvise and work with what you have. It is about the effort you make that makes you happy and that ten years from now you would look back and say, ” wow, I did that!” I’ll use another example for those who couldn’t understand. After the Yankees game my friend and I went to the area where the players come out from to try and get at least one to sign our ball. The effort was running to the player’s car, waving and congratulating them on their game, asking them to sign our ball and be successful! I would have rather gone through that experience than to just make no effort and go to Modell’s and buy a duplicate signed ball. This experience would be very much remembered and it will be a memory worth having a smile for. I fully agree with Sonja on Quality over Quantity. 



Can Money Buy Happiness?

Sonja Lyubomirsky published an article titled “How To Buy Happiness: What Good Is Money If It Cant Buy Happiness?” on September 2, 2013. In the article there was a survey in 279 colleges where college freshmen were asked what was the most important goal in their life 77 percent of them answered “being very well off financially”. Sonja spoke to an Ivy League plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon had everything he could ask for with his wealth. With time he said that he didn’t feel motivated anymore, it was hard for him to get up from his bed. He also said he had everything he wanted but didn’t feel happy. Research shows that if someone has the basic needs to survive the amount of money one has doesn’t matter, what matters is the way the money is being spent. Wealthy people have much more opportunities because they are able to afford anything they want, but don’t seem to be happy. Wealthy people were asked how happy they were yesterday and they were didn’t report to feeling happy. Sonja found that people usually get used to positive changes. Cornell University and University of Colorado at Boulder shows that experiences makes people happy not material things. Material things don’t change over time and they get old. People will want to replace them with time to get something better. Experiences will never get old. People can always think make to the memories and feel happy about the time they enjoyed. While material things doesn’t give someone long lasting happiness experiences and memories do. People could increase their happiness by using their money for need satisfying pursuits. Need satisfying pursuits such as making someone grow as a person for example setting a goal and then achieving their goal. This will make them feel good and confident about themselves which will make them happy. Another way to boot up happiness is by treating others with your money. Studies have shown that when sharing with others has a great impact in you well-being and happiness. It is seen that in the United States people that are already wealthy seem to work long hours instead of cutting hours since they are already wealthy and going out to enjoy free time. The major aspect of happy money is in the way people spend it not how much the person has of it.

This article is very similar to the article “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Micheal Norton. Both articles said that people get more happiness from experiences than from material items. I agree because just like Sonja said material items get old and people will always want to buy something new, but memories last forever. Another point that both articles had in common was that giving to other increases ones happiness. Which is true because after you give you will feel like you did something that will make the other person feel happy, making yourself feel good and happy of what you have done. I found interesting that Sonja mentioned that wealthy people work long hours. It is true because they are money hunger and will not be satisfied with the amount they have.Thinking that the more money they have the more happy they will be which is false.

In the article, “How to Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky it talks about the relationship between money and happiness. It states it matters more how we spend our money then how much we possess. Money does provide us with certain opportunities, luxury, status, respect, a better job etc but this happiness does not always last for so long. It’s almost as if we are programmed to believe the more money we have the happier we are. But even the person with the most money can be the most miserable.

Rather than going out and buying a new pair of shoes, let’s go on out and buy an experience! Experiences with friends and family can last a lifetime. Material things are exciting for that one moment but soon the excitement starts to die out. But with an experience those memories will live on with you and will allow you to relive it with the people you experienced them with. These experiences will also allow us to not compare them to others because people tend to compare their lives to others.

Spending money on others and on need-satisfying goals can increase one’s happiness. Spending money on others allows someone to do something for someone other than themselves. Spending money on need-satisfying goals may be something they’ve been wanting to do for themselves that will benefit them greatly in the future or spending money in order to do something for someone else, such as charity. Also having time to do all these things would help in creating these experiences and having time to do all these things.

If only money could actually buy us happiness. It’s not about how much money we have but what we do with it matters so much more.


Back up evidence for “Money can’t buy happiness”

According to the article How Of Happiness, The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, how we spend our money and not how much we have of it has a deeper impact in a person’s happiness. The author gives an example of the statement above by talking about the results she obtained when she spoke to an Ivy League educated plastic surgeon. She mentions that the person worked long hours in order to obtain a significant amount of money, and he has expensive objects such as sport cars and yachts. However, as time passed by the surgeon lacked motivation for his job. Lyubomirsky states that according to research, the relationship between income and well-being is significant but not as strong as it is presumed to be.

Later on in the article, it is stated that to some extent people who are wealthier are happier since they are able to have better access to nutrition, health care, security and control. However, the author explains that when wealthy people were asked about their “moment-to moment happiness” they resulted to be less likely to have experienced a joyful moment in the past day. Followed by this, the author continues to explain that she has found that humans are more likely to adapt easier to positive changes than negative ones. Therefore, happiness is not in how much money a person has, but it matters how money is being spent. The author proceeds to talk about how experiences have a greater effect in our happiness than buying material things. This is due to the fact that people get used to positive changes faster, which means that by buying a material thing you will get used to is presence quickly therefore you lose the happy feeling at a faster pace. Rather than buying something material, is better to share an experience with someone because each time you remember the experience you will feel the joy you experienced at the moment.

Furthermore, the author continues to explain that spending money on others is also a way to make you happy. She gives an example where a University of British Colombia study gave a survey to a group of employees before and after they received a financial windfall. The results were that it didn’t matter what the size of the bonus was but, people who spent the bonus in charities or buying something for others were more happy. The author proceeds to explain that when people give to others they are more likely to forget about our own problems and the problems the world is facing. People feel like they are helping the world’s issues when they give to others. Flowingly, the author mentions that reports show that people who are about to die wish they could have done something as mentioned above so they could have been happier.  The author finally re- estates that it doesn’t matter how much money we have but how we are spending it throughout our lives.

I think that this article re-enforced the evidence from the last article “How to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton. I found it interesting what Sonja Lyubomirsky says about how we adapt faster to positive changes than negative ones and it’s why material things only makes us temporarily happy. I agree with this and I also think that it is true that we feel happier when we buy something for others. On Tuesday it was my mother’s birthday and I decided that I was going to go shopping with her and buy her clothes then have dinner with her and the rest of our family. The reaction of my mom towards my present to her made me very happy because she told me she was very grateful for everything. We also had a great time shopping and having dinner together, so I will definitely remember this experience forever and it will indeed cause me joy all the time I remember it.

An order of happiness please

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky’s article, how to buy happiness, demonstrates another side of being rich. She speaks of a wealthy plastic surgeon and his achievements mainly economical. For a person who owns vacation homes and yachts he actually appears to be miserable. With his wealth came a price to pay of the love of this profession. He even says how difficult it is to get out of the bed in the morning and emphasizes on his lack of motivation. She also explains that as long as our basic needs are met all the other things we decide to buy have no significance to our over all happiness. Lyubomirsky identifies that our happiness comes from the way we chose to spend our money on others and the satisfaction it bring rather than on material thing we store away to collect dust and replace as soon as we can.

Lyubomirsky asks a few wealthy individuals to list their feeling from the pervious day some couldn’t even recall being happy that day. With the wealth they have acquired through the years a lot of work had gone into it aswell. With the wealth they acquired they have probably sacrificed a few birthdays or little league games that in the long run create memories for a life time. At the price of missed memories the wealth isn’t as important to me.

Having memories is something that can’t be taken from you. It can’t be put in a nice gift bag but it’s something you can always cherish. With your memories and experiences not comparing them or being jealous of others , unlike material things, causes them to even be greater.

But when it comes to spending money, spending it on others is the way to go. Because our happiness is influenced by others. In the study conducted by the University of British Colombia they found that althought some workers bonuses we cut and given to charity it was more fufilling to them to know that it went towards a positive thing rather that worrying about the size they were given.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

In the article “How To Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky , talks about the different ways people try to buy happiness and how they use it, some wisely and some not very wise. It is stated in the article that a research was done and there was a man who was very wealthy and had everything that he wanted but he still wasn’t happy with himself. Something that was said in the article really stood out to me and i’m sure it did to all the readers was ” It’s how we spend our money-not how much we possess-that has the greater influence on our happiness”. Spending money on expensive things for yourself doesn’t make you happy but if you spend money on helping others you will most likely be guaranteed happiness because you know you used your money for a good cause not just thinking about yourself.

The research that Sonja Lyubomirsky did showed that people are not using their money wisely and this supports the point that was made earlier about spending money on others by helping them and sharing the same happy feeling. Experience on the other hand can make a person happy. Why ? Well if you are helping a person that needs things more than you do you are going to feel good about yourself and share the same mutual feeling with the other person. But if you’re just working all the time and spending long hours of the day to be wealthy and have everything you want won’t make you happy, you’re just going to be a miserable person trying to get things you don’t even need thinking that you are going to be happy. Personally, I agree with this article not only because there is research to prove it but because it’s very true that money can’t buy you happiness, having everything in the world won’t make you happy, being rich won’t do anything for you but gain you respect from others around you not bring you happiness. But if you know how to manage your money if you are a wealthy person and you give back to the community or help out in a charity you will definitely find happiness and be happy for yourself.

Does Money Buy Happiness (?)

In the article “How to Buy Happiness”, by Sonja Lyubomirsky, they surveyed over two hundred thousand college students about what makes them happy and the majority of the answers were ‘being very well off financially’. The author didn’t understand how money and happiness went hand in hand so she decided to speak with an ivy league graduate about it. At the end of that discussion, the graduate realized that he had it all, everything he can ask for but he still wasn’t happy. Studies say that it is not about how much we spend or what we possess but more of how we spend it. When looking at an updated study, the author realized that the more income an individual possessed the more happier they claimed to be, mostly because of the wealth they contained. Where other places, such as Cornell University and University of Colorado, believe that experiences is what makes us happy. When we get new things it is only a matter of time until it becomes old to us and needs to be replaced, but experiences we tend to remember them. Another reason why experiences are richer is because they cant be compared to by others, which is different from a possession where people can compare them to. They tend to say people who compare themselves to others or belongings to one another are those that tend to be unhappy within themselves. There was another study that said a way to gain happiness is by spending money on others. The act of buying something for someone whether they need it or not gives us a sense of gratitude and compassion. It gives us a sense of well-being and helps build social interactions and relationships with others, we are so distracted by our own problems that we forget the world.

In the world we live in today, many people believe that money buys happiness. In my opinion it is all an illusion. When you go out and spend money on luxurious things it feels good, however it is only a temporary happiness. But, when you go out with friends, family, or loved ones you create memories that will stay with you forever.

Say for example you are a parent with a full-time job, you have a stable income but you don’t get to spend as much time with your child as you wish. As far as home necessities and all the materialistic things in life, you have them because your able to afford it. So you spend all this time living and believing that you are happy, or at least content. Then the day comes where you are laying in your deathbed, you wont be thinking to yourself ‘i should have worked another hour’ but more like ‘i wish i could have spent more time with my child’.

Just because you make money, you don’t have to let it make you. Life is what you make of it and money is temporary, whereas memories are forever.

How to buy happiness what good is money if It can’t buy happiness ? By Sonja lyubomirsky

In the article How to buy happiness what good is money of it can’t buy happiness ? By Sonja lyubomirsky says that money isn’t about how much we posse money but how we spend Money in our daily lives .Money doesn’t only give us opportunities to have luxuries or conveniences . Money can afford me better respect and status . More time , more money either way , we can afford to access health care and nutrition even greater security and control . Just because money bring us happiness doesn’t mean that goes well for everyone .
so instead of people spending money on their selves . People should spent it more on others .I really don’t agree with this in a way I do but then again I don’t .Even having all that money couldn’t clearly make a person happy because yes you can buy yourself
a new house or a car but the fact that all that money is spend all on yourself make you feel lonely .I personally don’t think money is happiness I mean money get you the things you want but what guarantee you have that will bring you happiness (?) .Happiness come from having someone close to you to spend time with and make new memories and experiences. It is better to have a connection with someone one rather to stay alone .Happiness ; you just can’t buy it but it takes a lot of effort to make the best of things .
Happiness cannot be brought but given .Its is better to make people smile and make a experience rather than being alone .Happiness isn’t about money but the way how you use it depends on you .Money just come and go. Experiences bring out happiness because you make them while you doing the things you love.But money can have the ability to make you closer to love ones.Happiness comes in different forms.

money makes us happy

in Sonja Lumbrisky’s article “how to buy happiness” shows us what happiness is. in the article she gave a survey to 77 present of the students and all of them said that “being well off financially” will make them happier. But that is not true compared to the view of a plastic surgeon who has it all. he believes that happiness isn’t being a rich doctor ; nor owning the latest cars. she spoke to a rich ivy league plastic surgeon and seen first hand that he was not happy. he had many cars yachts and vacation homes. the article describes how people mistake happiness for material things; rather than having experiences.

many people describe there ideal happiness as being rich with nice cars and boats, but some of the happiest people in the world are the ones spending that extra hour with family, or taking that dollar to buy a bear with friends. you don’t need to have a million dollars to be happy; all you need is a roof over your head and someone to love and make memories with. what good is having a yacht if you have no one to share the experience with (?). the experience of spending precious time with family and friends is what will last till your death.

I’ve met many people who have literally nothing but the shirts on their backs and still manage to put a smile on their face and say “good morning have a wonderful day”. on the other hand you walk by a man with a sports car all lonesome all he will do is honk with a mean, stressed soggy wet head and say get the “bloop” out of the way. This article tells the reader that no matter what money is not happiness. if your working tens of thousands of non stop hours; how do you expect to spend all your earnings(?). its nearly impossible to be happy making millions with no time to spend with family or friends, not even having time to spend that money. everyone is human ; everyone has the savage greed in their eye when faced with large quantities of money but it its not about how much of it you have , rather it is about how much of it you spent to create an experience and draw you closer to others in life.

this article tells us that we all measure success falsely. .. for it is not the amount of bank we bring in; but the it is measured by the amount of experiences and memories you’ve created for you and someone else using that money. would a new sports car make me happy? of course but it would but that’s the greed in me speaking. honestly would I buy homes , sports cars , boats if I were rich? of course; even though I am clearly aware it will not bring me maximum happiness it is gratifying.

To conclude no matter what we will always have our greed in the back of our palms but what really matters in a life of making happy choices is how you used that to create an experience.


#3 Using Money the Right Way to Be Happy

In “How to Buy Happiness” by Sonja Lyubomirsky, She  discusses how others may use money as a reason to be “happy”. Many people have money and buy themselves luxuries that they want and then claim to be happy. But in this article an Ivy League educated plastic surgeon says that he ” had difficulty feeling motivated”. This shows that “he realized he had everything wanted, but was completely miserable”. With this being shown, one can see that having a lot of money and everything you want, is not necessarily being happy. Many wealthy people out there have so many luxuries and an abundance of money yet there wealthiness doesn’t compliment their happiness. As people say that money is power, both Sonja Lyubomirsky, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton, from the op-ed article “How to Buy Happiness” argue that money is better related to peoples happiness when they use the money for unselfish reasons other than material possessions. Both articles support the fact that “buying happiness is to spend money on others instead of ourselves”. Many studies show that experiences and memories make us happier than materialistic possessions. Luxurious things like the latest phone that came out may make you happy temporarily, it is only a matter of time until it gets scratched, dull, and broken. As in spending money on a family trip may be more meaningful because even months after you come back you can remember those good times and it can spark a smile any day. Sonja says in her article that some research has shown that “spending money on need-satisfying goals…can trigger  ‘upward spirals’ -that is, streams of happy moods etc.” Spending money to satisfy others can make people feel better and happier. So that is to say that spending your money on a movie for your little brother can bring you more happiness than buying yourself a new watch. Money supplies our well-being and helps us survive this is true, but using money to be happy is more complicated then that. We think we are happy because we have money but happiness is deeper than that. Studies show that we are more happy when we use our money to do “satisfying pursuits”. In other words we feel good about ourselves when we give to others. Using money to have more “free” times with those who we love, can increase our happiness level. like Sonja says in her article “Sharing with others also stimulates positive social interactions, spawns new friendships and relationships, and improves old ones… extending generosity is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to bolster and sustain well-being”. We buy happiness by choosing to spend money on meaningful things.