The road to your happiness (Thesis paragraph)

Measuring your happiness should not be about the amount of money you make but how you spend it according to Sonja Lyubomirsky in her article “How to buy happiness.” We worry too much about getting to the top of the status hierarchy that we forget about ourselves and even our loved ones according to David Brooks in his article “What suffering does.” Another way to measure happiness is by seeing how much you have overcome a suffering. When the weights are lifted off your shoulders the feeling is relieving because you are no longer suffering. Both articles display different perceptions of happiness.

Bringing Change to all of New York

Both Bill de Blasio, the and Joe Lhota have different perspectives for the well-being of New Yorkers. Both candidates are working on better living conditions in New York City. Both candidates have their own separate goals and ideas on how they will bring about the change New Yorkers need in order to have a satisfying life.
Bill de Blasio uses Logo by focusing more on targeting the lower class and the poor. He does not want the families in poverty to fear about their children going to school and having a great education. He wants them to know they will be taken care of. In his victory speech from (14:40-15:30) he is talking about financial stability and comfort for future generations. Bill de Blasio doesn’t want any New Yorker to feel as if they should limit their status hierarchy because of poverty. In 15:55 Bill mentions the people who are making a half a million in income would be taxed a little more to help fund pre-k schools and after school programs for middle schools. In 16:26 he speaks on behalf of the stop and frisk method. He feels the method has begun to target a specific group of races including more minorities of color. He says this method can be dangerous towards the people of New York and the NYPD. Bill de Blasio really gets in depth of what New Yorkers need. He knows moreover what New Yorkers are looking for and what their needs are because he is a New Yorker himself. He’s experienced the living of practically all classes.
Lhota focuses more on everyone as a whole. There should be an equal share for all parties. He and Bill de Blasio have similar targets but Lhota doesn’t really hit home with specifics. He keeps it traditional in saying he wants to improve the safety, educational levels, and
Financial resources. He also supports the NYPD system “stop and frisk.” In his eyes he’s maintaining safety but what happens of the method goes wrong(?)
Both men want the best for New Yorkers but Bill Blasio’s focus is more towards the people in poverty and Joe Lhota focuses on the ones who can already maintain for themselves.

Does Money Measure Happiness?

In Sonja Lyubomirsky’s article, “How to buy happiness,”  she tells us it’s not about how much money we have, but how we spend it. In other words, she values the way the money was spent in “quality” more than the “quantity” in which the money was spent. Sonja tells us that we should be wise with our money and to not just go spend it on what will make us feel happy for the moment.  Sonja collected data from a survey filled out by college freshmen in the US to figure out what were their main goals in life. She received that 77 percent of the people said being financially well. She also spoke with an Ivy league educated plastic surgeon who says he had it all and was very wealthy. However, he told her at one point he started feeling dis motivated and though he had everything he desired, he also felt miserable. This showed that even with so much money you wouldn’t necessarily be happy. Spending our money wisely makes us much happier. Sonja states in her article that you are more likely to be happier spending for someone close to you than shopping for yourself. She also collected data from Cornell University and The University of Colorado Boulder saying “it’s the experience, not things, that make us happy.” On paragraph number four she states, “most possessions don’t tend to change after we’ve bought them, so we adapt to them a great deal faster. Once we open the box and put our new item on the shelf, or in the closet or garage, it won’t be long before we feel like it’s been there forever.” Every object/material we purchase will have its time where it’s valuable to us until eventually, it will lose its value to the point where it might not matter if we have it anymore. For example, buying a car just to impress your work buddies but in reality you hate the car. You’re pretty much stuck with it now unless of course you sell it. This then leads us to the experience we have after the purchase.

Let me give you an example, I am a Yankees Fan and this is Derek Jeter’s last season before his tenure is over, I would be satisfied if I spent my money on bleacher seats, manage to make my way through the stadium and get my Derek Jeter jersey signed by himself rather than buying seats behind home plate which are much more expensive and not get anything signed. What I’m trying to say is how you should improvise and work with what you have. It is about the effort you make that makes you happy and that ten years from now you would look back and say, ” wow, I did that!” I’ll use another example for those who couldn’t understand. After the Yankees game my friend and I went to the area where the players come out from to try and get at least one to sign our ball. The effort was running to the player’s car, waving and congratulating them on their game, asking them to sign our ball and be successful! I would have rather gone through that experience than to just make no effort and go to Modell’s and buy a duplicate signed ball. This experience would be very much remembered and it will be a memory worth having a smile for. I fully agree with Sonja on Quality over Quantity.