Visions of Well-being for NYC

As you may have seen in both videos of the Victory speeches by Democratic nominee Bill De Blasio and Republican nominee Joe Lhota ; they both want to make a change for New Yorkers and they have different ways in doing so.

Beginning with Bill De Blasio, he made his victory speech as one of the nominees in Brooklyn where he is from while the others did theirs in Manhattan where it is usually taken place. Bill De Blasio started of his speech by remembering and event that united all New Yorkers at one point which was for 9/11(10:15-11:00). He wants people from New York to help each other out in rough times and to stick together like how they once did. Another thing that Bill De Blasio stated in his speech was “The Tale of Two Cities” and how its divided between the wealthy people and the poor people(11:35-12:00). He explains that hospitals are being replaced for condos and how policing has turned into racial profiling and how mothers and fathers are being afraid that their children aren’t getting the education they need. He continuously repeats that New Yorkers cannot afford to take anymore risk.

Joe Lhota started off his victory speech telling the people of New York about his family and how his parents worked hard to get what they wanted. He supports the NYPD because of the history his family has in it. (3:00-3:20) He believes that issues,vision,principles and experience brought him to victory and that New York City is the city of opportunity. Joe Lhota wants everyone to have the same opportunity he had given the fact that his family struggled just as anyone else. He brought up what Bill De Blasio said in his speech about the tale of two cities and he believes thats just something that is being used to tear the city down and create bancrupcy and that he won’t let the city be divided rather unite the city (5:30-6:00). Joe Lhota jus wants the city to be untied and not be divided, and he thanks NYPD for helping bring down crime rates and supports Stop and Frisk which totally contradicts what Bill De Blasio believes about that.

Obviously these two men have two different opinions and have their own way to which they Ā believe can make a change to New York City. They both believe that families have a big take in this and helps them move forward but Bill De Blasio really keeps family in the change but Joe Lhota just focuses on change and moving forward not being held back and reinforcing education.

Victory Speeches And the Well-Being of a City

In Bill DeBlasio and Joe Lhota victory speech, they both seem to have the same vision on making New York City a better place, but each believe in a different technique on doing so. During Joe Lhotas speech, he used ethos in order to persuade his supporters by showing alot of his character. Joe Lhota says that “New York City is the city of opportunity”. With this being said he states that the other party is wrong about “tales of 2 cities”. Lhota believes that the city of opportunity will be divided because of “tales of 2 cities” (5:40) he states that it will (5:28) “Tear down the progress thats happend over the last twenty years”. Joe Lhota also believes in security and education for the well being of New York City. Lhota supports NYPD and he says “crime is at historic lows” (8:20). Lhota states that he supports the New York Police Department and a safe neigborhood and because of this he believes that “stop and frisk must continue” (9:00).

In Bill DeBlasio speech he uses pathos by remembering the tragic incident on september 11(9:35). He touches his supporters soft spots by using emotion in order for them to support him. In Deblasio speech he mentions that the well being of the city will include safety and authority, he believes in values and noone geting left behind no matter in what economic status they are in (10:30). Joe DeBlasio talks about “New York had become a tale of two cities.. were the wealthy couldnt be better.. and half of our citizens are living at or near the poverty line” (11:25). DeBlasio believes that they should help and support “poor Ā people”. He wants to change New York City inside and out by staying united. In DeBlasio speech he states that he is agsinst “stop and frisk”, he believes that it is dangerouse and it is “a risk the city cannot take” (16:51).

Both Joe Lhotas and Bill DeBlasio had taken their time to thank their families and ithers for their support during the campaign. Both Lhota and DeBlasio have a vision on making New York City a better place. Both candidates share the support of security/safety for the citys well being. This relates to my past discussions in English 1101 and Hus 1102 were we talked about well being. Starting to talk about this we used Maslow which brought up the topic of feeling safe. In class we discussed about everyday safety, for example police, firefighters, carring a weapon or not, hospital and etc. In this case, the safety that these two candidates are talking about is the New York Police Departments. Which comes up were Ā these candidates disagree. Joe Lhota believes that the stop and frisk is helpful and must continue for the safety in the streets of the city, while in other hand Bill DeBlasio disagrees with it. Another difference these two candidates have is there techniques in persuading others. Lhota uses more ethos in his speech while DeBlasio uses more pathos demonstrating his sympathy to those families who lost loved ones in 9|11.

Changing for the better

In both speeches by bill de blasio and joe lhota, they both portray that they care about New York City and want to make it a better and safer place to live. When de blasios speech began he started with how he loved Brooklyn, which was where his speech was said. He spoke about 9/11 which was smart because he showed his sympathy towards those who were lost that day and also brought everyone’s emotions to the surface. He explained how on that day many helped each other and that’s what he wants New York City to become again. A place when people help each other. He says that New York is a “tale of two cities”. We have the wealthy; those who’s life couldn’t get any better. Then we have nearly half the city who’s at or very close to the poverty line. De blasio explains how New Yorkers and made to think big and so great things so why settle for less. Wealthy people have problems paying a few extra dollars in taxes not knowing that’s those few dollars help fund school programs.

Joe lhota is a little different from de blasio in the way that he doesn’t care about New Yorkers as much and de blasio expressed he did. He wants New York to become better in all ways possible and to do that we have to come together or in others words become united at one! He says that they are 4 things that can bring us to victory, 1. Issues 2. Visions 3. Experiences and 4. Principles. Lhota believes in the term stop and frisk, but not knowing that people may think he supports racial profiling since most stop and frisk are done on African Americans. Lhota feels that this is the main way that safety can be assured. When really this is not the only way their are others. What stop and frisk is causing is for many people to resent Nypd.

Both candidates expressed the importance of family and how each hot their families mean a lot to them. But they were different in many ways. De blasio showed more compassion in what he was saying and trying to prove in his speech while lhota wasn’t as compassionate as de blasio was. They both cared about New York City and wanted the best for the people. But they focused on different aspects. De blasio wanted us to become able to help each other like many did on 9/11. Lhota didn’t focus in past experiences but rather what he wanted to happen.

Victory is Mine

After listening to both of the victory speeches by Democratic nominee, Bill De Blasio and Republic Nominee, Joe Lhota I noticed that theyĀ had many similarities and some differences. Starting with Bill De Blasio one main thing that stood out to me was that he is aĀ very family oriented person. He based most of achievements being successful because of his family. His family not only beingĀ his wife, daughter and son but the whole democratic team that stood with him along the way. Bill DeĀ BlasioĀ also based his speech on the sad day we will never forget,Ā 9/11. He said on that day the heroic figures ofĀ New York didn’t think twice aboutĀ laying down their lives for complete strangers. The main goal was to make sure no one was left behind and that is what he is going to accomplish. He wants to make sure everyone is serviced.Ā He was told that he was “Guilty of being to bold.” Guilty of being to bold because people found that asking for a little more tax from the wealthy was to much, the sights that were set for children were to high and the quality of his thinking was to strong. But heĀ believes that being bold is what beingĀ a true new Yorker consists.Ā Not settling for less as he said is a chance he can not afford to take. He wants to ensure that every child has the same opportunity to get a proper education. He wants to change the fact thatĀ half our country is living below standards and in poverty.Ā He disagrees with the way the police is portraying theĀ stop and frisk movement and feels like they are mainly tackling people of color.Ā Overall Bill De Blasios main factor to continue to strengthen his people in the best way possible.

Unlike Bill De Blasio, Joe Lhota had a different approach. He was mainly focused onĀ decreasing taxes and creating more well paying jobs.Ā He agreed with the way that the police were portraying the stop and frisk policy.Ā He states thatĀ he will unify cityĀ and create a new and different vision. everyone Wants safer streets and he believes that can happen if we support the NYPD. He is determined that he can bring crime rates down and what ever he says will be done. Having experience and being able to balance out difficult situations is who he believes should be the mayor.Ā Its not about being a democrat or a republican its about who can stand strong through everything. In comparison to Bill De he also believes that every child should have the same opportunity to attend college. opening more charter schools and making the economy for affordable is his mission. He stands as a honest man and states the truth about everything that he says and sees.

In connection to our views on happiness I feel thatĀ to theseĀ candidates happiness comes from seeing their city and people grow. knowing that what they said during their speechesĀ comes to play and doesn’t justĀ disappear after they are elected. It seems to meĀ Bill De BlasiosĀ happiness draws from the unity of the people of new York and Joe Lhotas happiness comes from provided effectual changeĀ in new York.Ā For them it does not seem to be all about money but more on what changes and improvementsĀ needs toĀ be made.


Visions Of Well-being for NYC

On primary night in 2013 both Bill De Blasio and Joe Lhota came out and gave their speech, both hoping for the win. Each candidate came out and told every one about who they are, their family and what are their plans as Mayor of NYC. Bill De Blasio is the man every one is able to relate to because he is a family man, he even had his daughter introduce him before he spoke and his son has helped throughout the whole campaign and thanked his wife for being his best friend and biggest supporter. As Bill De Blasio gave his speech he had a way of trying to make every one in NYC sound like one big happy family. He wants us all to work together and be there for one another as you would your own family. He hopes for change that will benefit every one. Bill De Blasio believes education is very important for the children so they can have a better future and actually have a chance at a good life. He is also not for the stop and frisk because it has become to a point of just racial profiling. Finally the wealthy should contribute more to society considering they have more than the others around them.

When Joe Lhota gave his speech on primary night it had some similarities to Bill De Blasio. Joe Lhota’s family is important to him as well introducing his wife and daughter as his foundation, his strength, his source of energy and how he would not be standing there without them. Both candidates take family very seriously and definitely want to make sure that everyone knows that. Joe Lhota spoke of keeping NYC safer, having a better education for children by improving schools which can lead to having good paying jobs in the future. Both candidates were in agreement with those points. They both spoke about stop and frisk as well. Joe Lhota is for it because he believes it will make NYC safer while Bill De Blasio is not for it because he says it leads to racial profiling. Overall both candidates want the people to have a good life and surprisingly they had more similarities than differences in the speeches.

In class we have been discussing the different types of happiness. No one really knows what consists of the true meaning of happiness for an individual but the government definitely plays a role in what they believe contributes to the happiness of the New Yorkers. In both of the speeches made by Bill De Blasio and John Lhota they both discuss education, safety and well paying jobs. Those seem to be the main ones that will increase in the happiness and well being of others. Education is definitely important so that their is a chance for people to learn and later on in the future use the skills they’ve learned to be able to have a well paying job. Making NYC a safer place will definitely increase in the happiness and well being of others. So much crime is committed daily and if it even went down a little can make a huge difference and will allows other to feel safer living in it. Having a well paying job is something that is a big part of someones happiness because this job is what allows them to pay their rent, their expenses, things they need etc.. Overall is for the people of NYC to work together and become stronger are believed by these two candidates will make our world a better place.

Do you feel divided or united?

Bill De Blasio’s victory speech mentioned the Tale of two cities in which he described the division between the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy indulge in their way of life as they easily get things because they have money their life is perfect enough. On the other hand the poor people where nearly half the citizens are living at or near the poverty line as De Blasio stated (11:25). He wants to make a difference where children can be given the opportunity to reach their god-given potential (12:41). Also where people help others such as the time of 9/11 he spoke how heroic people were to help. Risking their own lives to save others is part of being a New Yorker. De Blasio’s point in all of this is that we should be helping everybody that helping others could benefit in your well-being. Not just for the each individuals life but in making the life of others well and equal. The well-being of the New Yorkers is for everyone to be equal. Having equal opportunities for the people who live here for example having the good education or feeling safe living here in New York. Asking not too much of the wealthy but enough that maybe they could give a helping hand. Than everyone could be happy and not miserable about how their life is. Trying to better the community rather than having luxury condos replace community hospitals. Bill De Blasio is for the people as he wants to make people feel that they can get what they want with some support and more focus on the people. The government should play an equal role with the constituents because we all live in this one country where everyone should be equal in their way of living. No one should have more power than any other group of people or give more opportunities to those in need. For everyone to feel happy and satisfied this is the kind of role the government should play. Ā De Blasio spoke with pathos in his speech he wanted everyone to know how he would help New Yorkers in everyday life.

Joe Lhota’s victory speech mentioned the way that government work for the people and not against them. In order for everyone to feel safe and to have a stronger city the people need leaders. As Lhota stated “This isn’t leadership this is the abstinence of leadership, leaders make tough decisions choices that are necessary to protect, strengthen our city”. Lhota side is that we need to enforce more leaders and wealthy higher people like the government to make the decisions in each persons life. An example he gives is saying that stop and frisk should be administered more in order for the people to feel safe. But in doing that you are scaring more people into thinking because of how they look or act they might be stopped. This isn’t as much giving people the right thinking in that they will be safe. Lhota takes more the side of the government and how they run things. He takes more of the side to help the middle class and strengthen them. He will help them to get a better stability in life such as helping them economically. As he stated “New York City is the city of opportunities”. But with those opportunities you have to give people a chance to decide for themselves and not really impose on. The role the government would play in this is that they would have more a say in what the people should get rather than the people deciding. Joe Lhota spoke with pathos because he persuades people to think that he will try and protect us but more as in business wide and having to do more with how money is used. He wants the citizens to be unified with equal jobs, pay and education.

Both candidates had almost the same interest but said it very differently in their speeches. Bill De Blasio spoke to the people letting us know that he is for us and to show that he will do everything he can for people to feel safe and heard. Joe Lhota spoke more for the city in how to better it rather than how much the citizens could benefit and their well-being.

tale of two cities vs. Unity

Lhota began his speech using pathos. he talked about his family and his experience as a New Yorker. He spoke of his family, the struggles his family went through, his mom had to work so that he could go to school. He used pathos so that others could relate. at minute 4:11 he speaks of how New york is the city of dreams of hopes he praises New York, setting up the scene . Lhotaā€™s speech hits a few main points including education, Safety in New York and Jobs, this because he believes these are the most important to new yorkers well being. At minute 6 he talks of the unity of New york. He believes it is important that New york be unified in order for progress to be made. He believes that in order for the well being to be made, New york must work as a community. During minute 5:16 he speaks of education, how everyone should be able to have a education, in order for people to successful and happy, they must have the option of education. In minute 8:30 he speaks of his support for the NYPD. By doing this he is touching on safety , most likely because of the time of his speech, there was so much controversy around stop & frisk he wanted people Ā feel safe, to know that was one less thing they could worry about. here he uses logos, appealing to people who are skeptical about NYPD. towards the end of his speech on minute 10:16 he speaks of unions and workers, contracts, reassuring the public they shouldn’t worry about jobs. He will take care of this.

Deblasioā€™s speech has one main theme, this is 911. He uses this theme throughout his speech. A method of pathos, he knows that 911 is a sensitive subject , and he uses this to his advantage, capturing the audienceā€™s attention and keeping them interested. At minute 10:00 he speaks of the responsibility of higher power officials. They should be able to make New Yorkers feel safe, an important aspect to their lives. If an individual does not feel safe deblasio feels that the government has failed its people. He speaks of unity for New York during minute 10:50 explaining that no one should feel left behind , this is intended to target all audiences of diverse cultures and ethnicities. During minute 11:50 he uses logos, by conveying information about the poverty line , and how many new yorkers are living so close. He wants his lower class audience to feel they are also important and to know that he is aware of the situation and is prepared to deal with it. He proposes plans during minute 16:00 on raising taxes for the wealthy and using that tax money for everybody, to do things that will create progress for the city. Everyone should be helped he says. And lastly during minute 16:30 he speaks on stop and frisk method. He speaks on racials classes, how they shouldnā€™t be target , how police need to behave, and how the public should feel. He does this to demonstrate ethos, although his appearance is white , his family is diverse, he wants others to be able to relate, he wants to be able to relate to others. Ending his speech on a strong and, appealing to everybody.

I believe both candidates touched on the same subjects because they believed these are issues that most affect new yorkers well beings. I believe its governments job to make the public feel safe and secure. this aids to their well being and happiness. Without these two main principles everything else is more difficult. Its a good thing both candidates offered different solutions. Although Deblasio is now our mayor, i feel Lhota should have taken. Personally his plans helped and made me feel confident in our city, it made me believe we could change and progress. I am sure a lot more people felt this same way. Deblasio said things he knew the audience wanted to hear. He scripted everything. On the other hand Lhota made his speech more personal, more relatable. Speaking of his journey, and personal experiences. lhota seemed to really care about the well being and happiness of the public. throughout Lhotaā€™s speech he identified himself with the public , with the issues. On the other hand Deblasio used 911 as his main example, although many of us know what happened and were around, it was not so so personal, but everybody could identify with struggling in living in New York, with education and job placements. When it came to taxes, Deblasio was clear on raising taxes for the wealthy , creating a bias for lower economic class, while Lhota said everyone should be equal there shouldn’t be a need to raise taxes there are other ways. I believe Lhota had everyone in mind not only a specific audience or class, while Deblasio had a specific target. I believe that in order to create a well being , a good environment in New York everyone should be kept in mind.

The Victory Speeches of the Primary Election of 2013

Like any other victory speeches; Bill de Blasio and Joe Lhota both said their thank you’s to the public, their team, and their families. They both then went on talking about their beliefs and their goals once winning the election to be the mayor of New York City. In the Bill de Blasio speech, Blasio mentioned one of his beliefs of how New York City is the “tales of two cities.” (11:24) Blasio argued this point by mentioning half of the citizens of New York City are living at or near the poverty line, parents are scared that their children aren’t receiving the best education needed, and that the New York City Police Department had be somewhat racial profiling. In the Joe Lhota speech, Lhota argued one of his goals is Ā to help making New York City more affordableĀ (10:51) to the middle class families. To support his argument, Lhota mentions that he will support small businesses. Another main goal of Lhota is to improve the educational system for the New York City children. To support this goal he mention that he will Ā support and open up more charter schools, increase the standard of the teachers, and the standards on training.

Joe Lhota and Bill De Blasio both seems to have their own vision of happiness; well-being of New York City. As we all know, well-being is the state of comfortable, heathly, or happy. Bill de Blasio believes that the New York City Police Department’s Stop and frisk(16:28)Ā had been demoting the well-being of New yorkers. Especially to specific groups. However, Joe Lhota vision of the well-being of New Yorker City is by supporting the New York City Police Department’s stop and frisk.(8:25)Ā He mentioned that it will keep the street safe. One goal they both believe that can promote the well-being of New York City is education. Even though there plans are different, they both want the best education for the children of New York City.

From the speeches given from both candidates, they both somewhat represents different groups of New York City. Bill De Blasio seems to represent minor groups of New York City and Joe Lhota seems to represent more on the middle class of New York City. They seem to use ethos in their speeches because I see a lot of their character in it and their beliefs. They also seem to use pathos to capture New Yorkers.




In Bill De Blasio’s primary victory speech he discusses various points in making NYC a better place for it’s citizens. He refers to current dilemmas that need to be addressed and solved. De Blasio mentions how pro active policing became racial profiling, the wealthy rebounded from the great recession while half of New York citizens are living in poverty and parents fearing their children will not be able to obtain a college education. He wants to make New York a better place to live and get it back to where it used to be if not better. He believes there was a time when New Yorkers supported each other and helped each other through any circumstances. September 11, was a primary example. It was mentioned how people helped one another without any questions asked or economic stability, race or anything else being relevant as compared to now where luxury condos are replacing community hospitals. De Blasio also believes all children should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and that their chance is being taken away from them. It is also mentioned how the wealthy who make half a million dollars or more are being asked to pay a little more in taxes to fund after school programs and pre-k but that they believe too much is being asked of them but De Blasio disagrees and goes on to mention why it’s necessary and is in fact important. The last point made was stop and frisk. Young African american people or people of color in general being stopped without cause and how it is unsafe for the victims and unsafe for the police.

De Blasio uses pathos throughout his speech when referring to 911. During his speech he refers back to the tragedy and people’s loved ones. He sympathizes with them which makes his audience believe he understands their grief and is on their side. He uses logos when speaking about the wealthy and the poor. While the rich is living comfortably the poor is struggling to make a living and provide proper education and future for their children. Ethos is applied when he constantly mentions how he himself is a New Yorker and knows how we feel. He mentions how others believe we are asking for too much but we are aiming high because “we are New Yorkers” and are born thinking big. He strokes the audiences ego by saying we are proud citizens of the greatest city in the greatest county on earth, and we make it great.

De Blasio is for the poor, he is trying to make a change in how they live and have equal opportunities as the wealthy. He believes New York can go back to being a city where everyone cares for one another and have each other’s shoulders to lean on. That is the city he is trying to re-create and re-establish. With tackling the current problems that burdens New Yorkers and solving them it will eventually equal to our well-being and happiness. In Joe Lhota’s primary victory speech he speaks on unifying the city and making the public and government go hand in hand. He believes that everyone in the city has more in common than differences. When speaking about the common desires of the people he mentions safe streets, proper education for children for a better future, good paying jobs to secure food and shelter for their families and strong quality life. Lhota believes that New York is on a good route and wants to continue going that way. Crime is at historic lows, economy is expanding and large industries are providing good paying job which is everything everyone is rooting for. Throughout his speech he makes sure that the audience is aware of the other parties in what he believes are mistakes. He believes that stop and frisk should continue and that New Yorkers should be strongly supportive of the NYPD in order to have safer streets. He also goes for children having a good strong education but believes parents should be participating in the process. Lhota states that he can bring the city together so that we can have a stronger foundation and get things done.

Lhota uses pathos when referring to everyone having more in common than differences. By him saying this the people then start to feel as if they all want the same things and really are united. He uses logos when stop & frisk is brought up. He states that stop & frisk must continue and that the NYPD should be fully supported on it to keep our streets safe. The NYPD doesn’t have to stop and frisk in order for the streets to be safe, there are other ways. Lastly, ethos is applied when Lhota mentions that New Yorkers are unlike any other people in this world and have spirit, drive and are unstoppable. He appeals to their characters by telling them how great they are.

Lhota is for the middle class. He wants the city and government to be united and work together to make New York a better place to live and grow. Lhota wants the people to participate and feel like their voices are being heard by making monthly meetings where the public speaks on improvements needed to make New York a better place. So the public and government work together instead of against each other.Ā He also believes in strengthening the education system and the NYPD.

Visions Of Well Being Of NY

In the 2 victory speechesĀ that were presented on YouTube of both Bill De Blasio and & Joe Lhota, You see that they were both thankful for the fact that they have a chance against making a change for the city of New York. Each of these candidatesĀ for mayor had a different approach that had to do with specifically how they would change the living for people in NYC and the educational system in NYC. In the Bill De Blasio video in the time length of 15:35-16:40, He states that NYC is a huge city and that the city has gone through to much to go backwards as a city and should go forward and how different NYC is a different city & he knows that there is a long road of ahead of making a change in the city. But however he thinks that the city should think big as a city and that change is desired and should be simulated always into everything in NY. He doesn’t want to settle for anything. He was very vague in everything he said. He made sure to mention that to mention the police problems of “Stop And Frisk” not making it a safe place for both the new Yorkers and the NYPD. As you can see through the time of 17:00-17:45 he knows and realizes that NYC can change and move as a community and also knows that he cares about the happiness of everybody that lives in NY and wants to try and talk about more of the problems that people deal with in the city rather than the problems in political office. As for however Joe Lhota sounded more of the opposite. Ironically enough he is a republican. I think he spoke more about his office rather than the city itself. Yes he talks about how much value the city should have but I don’t think he went in depth more like the way Bill did on the happiness of the people in NYC. For example, 18:00-19:00 mark of the video with Joe Lhota. He states that we should all just try and support the NYPD because they are just trying to protect theĀ city but however they don’t make the people feel entirely safe according to Bill De Blassio because of things like the “Stop & Frisk” rule that is around.

So the differences that I see in-between both of these candidates is hat both of them have a different type of vision. They both have different types of leadership. However one believes in helping the people more than the other. Like I believed in the beginning that just because Joe is a republican he would talk more about himself and not the people’s desires and changes in the city and that Bill would talk more about changing the city for the better of the peoples happiness rather than him just building off this opportunity to gain his name more attention. In my Opinion it just seems like Bill was more of a mayor than Joe Lhota was as far as speech’s go. Being mayor means putting the city in order and in big city’s like NYC or LA it means a lot to be a leader for the people and not just for yourself because you have to support in making the city a place to be living in. Like making it affordable to live in the cities and making it a safe place by lowering the crime and also making jobs easier for people to have and find. So I just think that one has a more clear vision for the people living in the city while another has a clear vision of just the city itself.