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Field Trip to BRIC Biennial

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Fugue , 2016
Rachel Ostrow

Medium: oil on panel

This piece of artwork was the one that most stood out to me. It looks like an opening to another dimensions. I can relate this to a movie I recently watched, intrasteller. Towards the ends there was a part where the main actor entered into another dimension and the images looked just like this painting. I can also relate this to the recent project we did in class, with the saturation a in color.

Value-Added Portrait : Phase 4

Value-Added Portrait :Phase 3

Value-Added Portrait :Phase 2

Value-Added Portrait: Phase 1

When completing this project , it was bit challenging to work with  gouache. I was able to work my way around the gouache and complete the project. This project helped me have a better understanding of the terms : value, broad-range and narrow-range. For the future, I will be more open to different types of materials , and not be afraid to mess up on the first try.


Field Trip to BRIC Biennal


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“I knew You Before You Was Born” by Kambui Olujimi

Medium : Wood, Brass, glass walking stick, canes, foot stool, and faux pearls.

This piece grasped my attention primarily because the artist, Kambui Olujimi, creates his work to address his experience of commemoration and loss. In this piece, he evokes a pleasant memory and personal story about a neighbor activist who was his friend. Catherine Arline, the activist, died in 2014.  He incorporated the two original doors from her apartment to create a dedicated piece just for her along with the pearls Catherine had worn. When I first looked at the piece, I gained a sense of understanding prior to reading the history underneath the artwork. Numerous of emotions can be concluded from this, you gain a sense of loss and it instantly impacts you. I reflected on the loss of someone who was of importance to me. This piece persuaded me to do the same to commemorate my friend as well.

Field Trip to BRIC Biennial

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When I first saw these pieces I wasn’t as fascinated as when I found out these were made from just memory. This artist’s admiration for this activist is pretty genuine and it is quite incredible to pinpoint anything from your memory to the paper, I have tried making portraits of people without using any reference but memory and it was way too difficult and the results were no where near satisfying. So to see this being exhibited in the museum is pretty inspiring. All of the pieces are quite similar so I guess since practicing certain movements weren’t really affected by memory loss.

Trip to BRIC Biennial

While I was admiring the art from BRIC art gallery, I found many simple art yet with deep meaning and also arts that is visually stunning, however, this is one piece of art that caught my eye; it is a collage of various photo that is being projecting on a surface of a white sheet that is hang onto a rope, two different sheet is been hanged next to the white sheet, also a bucket of water with various fabric is been placed on the floor. I found this piece very relatable; the artist is demonstrating her heritage and how this heritage has changed from a cultural to a modern through her work. I found this piece of art relatable, because I am from family that have a unique culture; but I don’t think that the culture that I am inheriting will have its “original flavors” , I’m seeing “it” will have more of mix and modern cultures in it just like the artist hanged a white sheet between a two color sheet which represents culture.


TRANS port by Nkiruka J. Oparah


Saturation Studies : Phase 2

Work time: 4 hours

Saturation Studies: Phase 1


“Dragon in circle with clouds”

I used 4 colors from the color wheel, which are Red, Yellow, Green and Blue; each of the color represents a element, blue represents water, red represents fire, yellow represents metal and green represents earth. I choose dragon because dragons are tend to define by element that they represents.

Work time: 2 hours


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